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文献综述文献综述一、绪论20世纪70年代末起,中国开始改革开放,税制建设进入一个新时期,税收逐步成为政府收入的主要来源,税收也成为国家宏观调控的重要手段。为更多吸引外资,促进经济发展,企业所得税法两税并行制度开始实施,为促进经济社会发展发挥了重要作用。经过30年的改革开放,我国市场经济体制已逐渐完善,如果继续实施内、外资企业两种税制并行的制度就难以实现各企业间公平税负、平等竞争的要求。为进一步完善社会主义市场经济体制,适应经济社会发展新形势的要求,2007年3月16日,第十届全国人民代表大会第五次会议审议通过了中华人民共和国企业所得税法,自2008年1月1日起施行。二、主体姜东卫在新旧企业所得税法差异及其影响研究一文中指出:旧法内资企业所得税规定以经济核算的企业或组织为纳税人,即对实行独立核算的总分公司要分别纳税,而不能统一纳税;外资企业所得税规定构成法人企业为纳税人,即对不具备法人资格的分公司由总公司统一汇总缴纳。新法取消了内资税法中有关以“独立经济核算”为标准确定纳税人的规定,将纳税人范围确定为企业和其他取得收入的组织。白桦在他的新旧企业所得税法比较分析一文中指出:旧法的税率为33%,新法税率为25%。非居民企业所得税法第三条第三款规定新法所得适用税率为20%,符合条件的小型微利企业减按20%的税率征收,国家需扶持的高薪技术企业税率为15%。应税收入方面,郭秀静在我国新旧企业所得税法主要差异辨析中提到,新法较旧法条例较广和具体体现了宽税基原则,此外明确了接收捐赠收入为应税收入。在准予扣除支出方面,旧法规定准予扣除的项目指与纳税人取得收入有关的成本、费用和损失。新税法:企业实际发生的与取得收入有关的、合理的支出,包括成本、费用、税金、损失和其他支出。强调了支出是与取得收入有关且为合理的支出。原企业所得税法税收优惠侧重地区优惠,进一步拉大了地区发展差距,产业优惠导向不足,加剧了国内产业结构的失衡。新企业所得税法统一了税收优惠政策,实行“产业优惠为主、区域优惠为辅”的新税收优惠体系。杨哲在浅析新旧企业所得税法的税收优惠政策比较一文中指出,旧法对内外资企业的税收有不同征收水平。在税收优惠及政策上存在一定疏漏和不公平的现象。新法针对旧法中的不足,借鉴国际企业所得税的优惠政策标准进行适当调整,重点突出促进企业技术创新、科技进步、鼓励国家农业发展、鼓励环境保护、节约能源、照顾弱势群体等原则。自上世纪80年代以来,为引进外资,适应改革开放发展的需要,我国按不同的资金来源和企业性质分别立法,实行不同的企业所得税制度。经过十多年的运行和完善,我国现行税制基本适应社会主义市场经济体制的需要,在保证财政收入、加强宏观调控、深化改革、扩大开放、促进经济和社会发展等方面发挥了重要作用。韩敏安在新旧企业所得税会计准则的比较研究中指出,我国所得税制度是伴随我国经济体制改革的不断进行确立和发展起来的。随着经济体制改革的进行,我国原有的税制已经不适应市场经济的需求,影响税收作用的发挥。因此,我国的税制锦兴路改革和调整。改革开放以来,企业所得税按企业性质分别立法对于维护国家权益,吸引外资,促进企业制度改革和经济发展,都起到了积极作用。但是,随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立和完善,特别是我国加入世界贸易组织后,内外资企业两套所得税制度并存的税制模式,无法适应社会主义市场经济发展的要求,矛盾日益突出,统一内外资企业所得税势在必行。章维在其新旧企业所得税比较及其对企业影响一文中指出,新法的实施有利于为企业创造公平竞争的税收环境,即有利于减轻内资企业的负担。为提升企业的发展能力和国际竞争力提供了更有利的条件;同时有利于规范市场经济秩序,减少“假外资”的政策性套利行为。三、小结与原外商投资企业和国外企业所得税得税法及其实施细则、企业所得税暂行条例及其实施细则相比,新企业所得税法及其实施条例的重大变化表现在:一是法律层次得到提升,改变了过去内资企业所得税以暂行条例形式立法的做法;二是制度体系更加完善,在完善所得税制基本要素的基础上充实了反避税等内容;三是制度规定更加科学,借鉴国际通行的所得税处理办法和国际税制改革新经验,在纳税人分类及义务的判定、税率的设置、税前扣除的规范、优惠政策的调整、反避税规则的引入等方面,体现了国际惯例的前瞻性;四是更符合我国经济发展状况,根据我国社会经济发展的新要求,建立税收优惠政策新体系,实施务实的过渡优惠措施,服务我国社会经济发展。新的企业所得税法施行鼓励节约资源能源、保护环境、发展高新技术,以促进公益事业和照顾弱势群体等税收优惠为原则,进一步发挥了税收的调控作用。总的来说,新企业所得税法不仅促进了经济结构的调整,实现了经济增长方式的转变;而且有利于企业公平竞争,内资企业的所得税负担将低于改革前的水平,增强我国企业的国际竞争力。参考文献1徐沛洁.浅谈新旧企业所得税税收优惠政策之差异j.科技向导,2011(27):96.2陈晓丹.新旧企业所得税税前准予扣除项目的差异分析j.中国乡镇企业会计,34-35.3靳秀珍.新旧企业所得税法差异比较j.时代经贸,2011(196):195-196.4周奇颖.新旧企业所得税制度差异及影响j.吉林工程技术师范学院学报,2009(5):25.5郭秀静.我国新旧企业所得税法主要差异辨析j.财经纵横,2010:05-007-01.6邓兵.新旧企业所得税实施条例的变化j.时代经贸,2008(6):124.7杨哲.浅析新旧企业所得税法的税收优惠政策比较j,财会天地,2011(5):066.8梁瑞红.新旧企业所得税纳税申报表之差异分析j.财会月刊,2007:32-33.9章维.新旧企业所得税比较及其对企业的影响j.企业文化:31.10吴高盛.中华人民共和国企业所得税法释义.北京:中国税务出版社.2007.4.11刘剑文.新企业所得税法构建和谐税收关系.新浪. 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日开题报告主要内容一、写作目的与意义二、研究现状三、写作内容及写作方法四、写作提纲五、进度安排六、参考文献指导老师意见所选课题具有一定的理论意义及实践意义,围绕该课题已充分阅读大量近期相关中英文文献,对研究现状的把握基本到位,写作提纲的构思科学合理,写作进度的安排疏密有序。现已按要求完成3.5千字以上的外文翻译,3千多字的文献综述和2千多字的开题报告。鉴于该同学论文写作工作准备充分,同意开题。望该同学能依据工作进度,完成1万字以上较高质量的本科毕业论文。指导老师签字: 2013年 3 月 15日教研室意见同意指导教师意见。该选题具有一定的理论意义及实践意义,望能依照论文工作进度认真按质按量完成全部论文工作。同意开题。 教研室主任签字: 2013年 3 月 15日部(系)意见综合指导教师和教研室意见,同意开题。 主管领导签字: 2013年 3月 15日开题报告一、研究背景及研究目的(一)研究背景改革开放以来,企业所得税按性质分别立法对于维护国家权益、吸引外资、促进企业制度改革和经济发展,都起到了积极作用。但是随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立和完善,特别是我国加入世贸组织后,内外资企业两套所得税法制度并存的税制模式,无法适应社会主义市场经济需求,矛盾日益激烈。因此,统一内外资企业所得税势在必行。2007年3月6日,第十届全国人大第五次会议通过了中华人民共和国企业所得税法,2007年11月28日国务院第197次常务会议通过了中华人民共和国所得税法实施条例,自2008年1月1日起施行。标志着长期以来中国内、外资企业所得税两税并行制度的终结。内、外资企业所得税实现了“两法合并”。(二)研究的问题及目的1.研究的问题制定健全、规范的企业所得税法对于完善社会主义市场经济体制,对促进各类企业公平竞争、促进经济结构调整、协调区域发展、优化外资利用结构具有重大意义和深远影响。本文研究的主要问题是新旧企业所得税法之间的差异和实施的必要性及各自的影响。2.研究的目的自80年代改革开放以来,为吸引外资以促进经济发展,对外资企业采取有别于内资企业的税收政策,实践证明是有必要的。然而,随着我国经济社会的飞速发展,我国两税并行的弊端日益突出,严重影响了统一、规范、公平竞争的市场环境的建立。因此,实行两税统一的新企业所得税法对于创建公平的市场竞争环境,促进经济的持续平稳、较快增长具有重要意义。二、新旧所得税法研究状况(一)旧企业所得税法研究状况在两税合并以前,我国企业所得税实行区分内、外资企业分别立法、分别征收的税制。主要是为了通过这种对外优惠政策吸引外资以及发达国家先进技术,这是当时中国社会发展的需求,是中国作为礼仪之邦的姿态,也是国家发展的规律。改革开放以来,企业所得税按企业性质分别立法,对于维护国家权益、吸引外资、促进企业制度改革和经济发展,都起到了积极的作用。但是,随着社会经济的发展,两税并行的模式并不能适应社会主义市场经济的发展需求,因此,统一内、外资企业所得税势在必行。(二)新企业所得税法研究状况新法是完善市场经济的需求,是由所得税的地位和作用所决定的。在市场经济条件下,企业经营要求利润最大化,但不是税前利润最大化,而是税后利润最大化,因此企业所得税是影响企业税后利润重大因素。市场经济法制是公平竞争,但两税并行造成内、外资企业间税负不公平,于是经常出现假合资和“翻牌”注册新公司等现象。因此,新企业所得税对于税法统一、规范、公平竞争、使我国市场经济更加成熟和完善具有重大益处。现阶段我国具有良好的投资环境,新法中税收优惠政策部分的调整对吸引外资的影响并不大。新法调整了税负结构,但总体税负并无大的改变,主要是针对内资企业税制的调整。同时新法还优化了外资的投资结构,有利于提高外资企业市场竞争力,最终增加外资企业收入。新法统一了两税,消除了内外资企业税负之间的巨大差异。平衡了内外资企业的税收负担,有利于增强内资企业的竞争力。整合和规范了税收优惠政策,也给内资企业带来实惠。新法的实施不仅有利于规范税收优惠制度、公平税负、更有利于促进内资企业提高自主创新能力,推动技术进步,促进企业发展。三、论文涉及的理论范畴论文会涉及到税制改革理论、税收理论与实践、税收优惠设计理论等。具体涉及了税制改革理论中内、外资企业所得税的统一问题;税收理论与实践中税率的标准、税前扣除办法和标准等;税收优惠设计理论中的税收优惠政策。四、本人掌握的程度本人通过大学四年关于会计专业课程的学习对企业所得税理论的发展有了一定的认识。新企业所得税的实施对中国经济的发展起到积极作用这一现象引起了我对新旧企业所得税的思考,然后开始关注相关理论书籍和学者著作,并且收集这方面的素材,有了更多的了解。由于没有经过系统地学习,掌握得知识信息还不够全面,对有些问题的理解还不够深刻,所以只能做浅显的分析和探讨,不足的地方将会在以后的学习和研究中进行改进。五、研究方法与设计(一)研究方法本文主要运用比较分析、逻辑分析、实证分析、案例分析等方法进行研究。(二)研究程式 本文的研究程式是:课程学习收集资料实践分析选题构思总结行文1、课程学习在课堂上通过学习基本的理论,积累必要的企业所得税的理论知识,掌握企业所得税中基本的分析模型,为进一步资料的有效收集和案例的合理筛选做好充足的准备。2、收集资料在论文指导老师的指导下,首先要明确所要解决问题的基本方向,带着问题广泛搜集相关资料,结合已学的理论知识和自己的工作实践进行详细的分析和整理,理清自己研究的思路,确定分析研究的方法。 3、案例分析在理论积累的基础上,通过平时收集的现实中的案例,将理论联系实际,客观的市场现象来检验理论的科学性,并对理论进行必要的整合扩充,为进一步的分析研究打下基础。4、选题构思总结已经分析的理论成果和实践成果,找出其中普遍存在且相对突出的问题,就其所具备的理论和实践意义、发展方向以及其它相关问题接受导师的指导,并正式确定论文选题。然后集中研究相关的理论知识,建立起对这一问题的分析思路和框架。5、总结行文在已经确定的基本思路和框架的基础上,进一步撰写开题报告和论文结构,提炼论点、论据,明确核心内容,开始论文写作。(三)论文结构一、所得税概念与特征二、比较分析(一)新旧企业所得税变化对比(二)新旧企业所得税会计处理比较(三)新旧税法实施背景的比较三、企业应纳所得额的计算(一)企业所得税年度应纳税额计算(二)企业所得税预缴应纳税额计算四、存在的问题与建议(一)存在的问题(二)建议六、研究进程安排2013年1月10日-2013年1月15日 下达任务书2013年1月15日-2013年2月28日 阅读中英文文献2013年3月 1 日-2013年3月15日 完成文献综述,开题报 告和外文翻译2013年3月16日-2013年4月13日 完成论文初稿2013年4月14日-2013年4月20日 修订初稿,完成二稿2013年4月21日-2013年4月28日 论文定稿,装订论文2013年4月29日-2013年5月 5 日 准备答辩2013年5月 9 日-2013年5月10日 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corporate tax in a global economy?”national tax journal.2013 .66 (1):151184. 6 江 汉 大 学 文 理 学 院 college of arts & science of jianghan university 毕业论文外文翻译外文来源 cato handbook for policymakers author :david boaz 中文译文 卡托政策制定者手册:戴维波阿斯 部 (系) 商 学 部 专 业 财 务 管 理 姓 名 学 号 200901200146 指导老师 2013年 3 月 15 日英文原文cato handbook for policymakers author: david boazcorporate tax reformsdavid boazcato institute7thedition2009corporate tax reformsa key issue for tax policy in the global economy is how to deal with multinational corporations. corporate taxation is important to investors, but also to the living standards of average americans. in a globalized economy, the burden of the corporate income tax falls mainly on workers in the form of lower wages. if corporations are not investing in the unitedstates due to high taxes, labor productivity will fall, and that will drag down american wages. compared with foreign-based corporations, u.s. multinational corporations are subject to particularly high tax rates and complicated tax rules. the united states taxes corporations on their worldwide income, even though that income may also be subject to taxes in the foreign nations where it is earned. the u.s. tax code provides credits to minimize double taxation, but this is a complex and uncompetitive method of business taxation. the worldwide system discourages the repatriation of foreign earnings, and it puts u.s. businesses at a disadvantage in foreign markets. by contrast, two-thirds of major nations tax corporations on a territorial basis, which means that they generally do not tax business income earned outside their national borders.there would be two key advantages of the united states switching from a worldwide to a territorial system of business taxation. first, it would end the current tax barrier to the repatriation of foreign earnings. currently, repatriated foreign earnings are subject to the 35 percent federal corporate tax, which suppresses profit repatriation and thus investment in the united states. under a territorial system, business profits earned abroad would be repatriated free of a u.s. tax burden. second, it would help make the united states a good home for the headquarters of multinational corporations. currently, a high tax rate and the worldwide tax system make the united states a poor choice for locating corporate headquarters. if the united states switched to a territorial system, companies could earn profits abroad without a u.s. tax burden placed on top of the foreign taxes paid. that would make it easier for firms to expand their foreign sales, which in turn would lead to expansion in firms u.s. headquarters activities, such as management, finance, and research. reducing the u.s. corporate tax rate is also a crucial reform because of the mobile nature of the corporate tax base in the globalized economy. because of the high u.s. tax rate, companies put large efforts into moving their investments and reported profits abroad to low-tax nations, such as ireland. americas high corporate tax rate is a loser for the u.s. economy, and it is also a loser for the government because it causes the tax base to shrink dramatically. recent experience shows that governments lose little, if any, revenue when they cut their corporate tax rates. corporate tax cuts create strong dynamic responses that offset reductions in revenues. in our book global tax revolution, we calculated the average corporate tax rate and average corporate tax revenues as a share of gross domestic product for 19 industrial nations. the average corporate tax rate across countries was 40 percent or more until the mid-1980s. but then tax rates plunged, with the average rate falling from 45 percent in 1985 to 29 percent by 2005. interestingly, corporate tax revenues did not decline as rates fell. in fact, tax revenues soared from 2.6 percent of gdp in 1985 to 3.7 percent in 2005, which is a 42 percent increase. corporate tax revenues have surged in most countries that have cut tax rates. lower rates generate more real investment and higher incomes in subsequent years. in addition, tax rate cuts result in increases in reported profits as companies reduce their tax avoidance and tax evasion activities. the bottom line is that a corporate tax rate cut is a winner for the economy, for workers, and potentially for the government as well as the tax base expands over time.backlash against tax competition the global tax revolution is a supply-side revolution. supply-side tax cuts are those that reduce the costs of productive activities, such as working, investing, and starting businesses. if the costs of production are reduced, output will increase and incomes will rise. tax competition creates pressure to cut precisely those taxes that are the most damaging to the economy. more tax competition means more productive economies and higher living standards. alas, many politicians and pundits do not see it that way. they claim that tax competition causes distortions in the private sector. the idea is that if investment flows are driven in any way by taxation, it is inefficient for the world economy. ireland is receiving too much investment because of its low business taxes, for example. others argue that tax competition creates distortions in the public sector. any reduction in government revenue that results from capital and labor emigrating to lower-tax nations is supposed to be an inefficient fiscal externality. government revenues will fall below the supposed optimal size as a race to the bottom in tax levels ensues. there are many theoretical flaws in those arguments. for one thing, they are premised on the public interest theory of government, the idea that government officials always act for the general welfare of citizens. but it is naive to assume that if policymakers had monopoly fiscal power without tax competition, they would set tax rates at the optimal level for the good of the people. another mistake of tax competition opponents is to think of tax competition as a zero-sum game. in fact, tax competition drives down tax rates on the most inefficient types of taxes, and thus helps to expand the global economic pie. all nations that enact supply-side tax reforms can generate greater economic growth. countries are not competing to divide a fixed pie, but to create the least burdensome government and the most prosperity for citizens. on a practical level, there has not been a race to the bottom in tax revenues around the world, as the critics fear. fiscal conservatives might wish that there had been, but tax competition has not yet starved the beast of bloated government. but looking ahead, tax competition will impose a valuable barrier against government growth. in coming decades, the rising costs of retirement and health programs for the elderly in the united states and elsewhere will generate large pressures to increase taxes.vigorous tax competition will be a crucial tool to preserve limited government in the 21st century. supporters of big government know that expansive welfare states are in jeopardy from tax competition, which is why they are trying to limit it. their strategy is for governments to impose international agreements to equalize taxes and to share information about each others taxpayers. efforts are under way through the european commission, the united nations, and the oecd to control tax competition and eliminate downward pressures on tax rates. there are also proposals to create a permanent world tax organization, which would help enforce limits to competition. such efforts to restrict tax competition are bad economics, and they also raise privacy and human rights concerns. a goal of tax competition opponents is the adoption of extensive sharing of personal financial information between countries. but governments have a very poor record on keeping personal data private. in one recent british scandal, for example, a low-level tax official lost two computer disks containing the detailed tax, financial, and banking records of 25 million individuals. when less savory governments are involved, the issues can be even more serious. the security of many people will be at risk if governments create a global network of tax police to collect and swap personal financial information. tax haven jurisdictions, which have strong privacy laws, are being pressured by groups such as the oecd to make sweeping policy changes to dilute their high standards. but privacy rights are a crucial freedom in the digital age. tax havens are specialists in privacy; they generally have very high governance standards, and most are economic success stories. it makes no sense for the oecd and other international organizations to run roughshod over their ability to set their own pro-market economic policies.to defend tax competition, u.s. policymakers should do the following: use american influence to stop the oecds anti-tax competition project; reject european union invitations to participate in cartel-like tax initiatives, such as the savings tax directive; block possible schemes of the united nations to create global taxes, global tax standards, or a global tax organization; oppose efforts to change u.s. policies to reduce tax competition, such as imposing new requirements for the reporting of interest paid to nonresi


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