【英语论文】《呼啸山庄》的爱与恨Love and Hate in Wuthering Heights.doc_第1页
【英语论文】《呼啸山庄》的爱与恨Love and Hate in Wuthering Heights.doc_第2页
【英语论文】《呼啸山庄》的爱与恨Love and Hate in Wuthering Heights.doc_第3页
【英语论文】《呼啸山庄》的爱与恨Love and Hate in Wuthering Heights.doc_第4页
【英语论文】《呼啸山庄》的爱与恨Love and Hate in Wuthering Heights.doc_第5页
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呼啸山庄的爱与恨love and hate in wuthering heights姓名 导师 班级 09成本英语教育摘要:19世纪英国小说家艾米莉勃朗特在短暂的生命历程中创作了唯一一部小说呼啸山庄,它延续了传统的以复仇为核心的小说模式,并揉以现代手法,造就了一座艺术丰碑。该小说主要通过男主人希斯克利夫的爱恨复仇人性复苏,这一贯穿小说的主旨来揭示来揭示了人性的复杂与深刻,爱与恨的纠缠,报复与折磨的并存,并且生动地将现实中的生死不渝的真挚的爱与残酷里永存的令人窒息的恨相结合,这种爱与恨总是相互冲突着,特别是凯瑟琳、希斯克利夫、凯茜和哈林顿之间淋漓尽致地展现了最深的爱恋,最深的执着和最痛的挣扎。呼啸山庄的情节最终是以希斯克利夫的人性的复苏而结束的,“爱”最终战胜了“恨”,受压抑的被扭曲的人性终于得到了解放。人类是永远有希望的!关键字:爱情 复仇 任性 扭曲abstract : wuthering heights was the only novel created by emily bronte, the 19th english novelist, in her short span. as a monumental work in the british literature history, it not only continues the traditional novel model which regards revenge as the crux, but it employs some modern techniques. love-hate-revenge-recovery of humanity, which is permeated in the whole passage, this article reveals the complicated and profound humanity though the entanglement of love and hate, and co-existence of revenge and torment by the development of heathcliffs character. its actively combines the sincere and immortal love with the cruel and suffocated hate. thus, the deepest love, the strongest persistence and the most painful struggle, find their best expression in such kind of love which always contradicted each other, especially in that between catherine and heathcliff, cathy and hareton. the story of wuthering heights ends up with the recovery of heathcliffs humanity“love” takes the upper hand of “hate” eventually. therefore, the oppressed and distorted humanity is released at last. the human beings are hopeful forever!key words: love hate revenge humanity distortioncontent摘要abstractchapter 1 introduction1.1 social background of wuthering heights1.2 the mainstream of wuthering heightschapter 2 the development of the original love2.1 the sprouting of the original love2.2 catherines change in love2.3 love and hated between catherine and heathcliffchapter 3 the cruel and frenzied revenge by heathcliff3.1 heathcliffs revenge against contemporary generation 3.2 heathcliffs revenge against younger generation3.3 the outcome of heathcliffs revenge chapter 4 change of heathcliff from wickedness to temperance4.1 the cause of heathcliffs change4.2 the ending of heathcliffchapter 5 mutual love between cathy and hareton5.1 the misunderstanding between cathy and hareton5.2 mutual love between cathy and haretonchapter 6 conclusion chapter 1 introduction of wuthering heights1.1 the social background of wuthering heightsthe issue of the astonishing workwuthering heights was full of legendary color, just like the article itself. the author emily bronte was born in the upheavals in england in 1930s, when there unavoidably emerged a lot of intrinsic and unsolved contradictions during the development of capitalism .as the social conflict grew sharper, the high-rate unemployment, the social revolution, and the labor movement sprang up like mushrooms, and the clashes between the exploiting class an de exploited class developed into a new stage. so he britain bourgeois government had to take the high-handed policy to repress the radical social movement. in her opinion, the reality was the abyss of the cruelty, degeneration and misery. and all these were the social root of the cruelty and revenge in wuthering heights.1.2 the mainstream of wuthering heightswuthering heights was the only novel in emilys short life span. the article expresses an oppressed, tense and contradictory conflict of the human spirit in the capitalist society of 19th century with the art form. although the novel continued the traditional novel mode which regarded revenge as the crux, this unusual novel was not admitted by the readers at the beginning of its publication, even her sister charlotte could not understand her. the audience couldnt believe and dare not believe the weird story, the cruel humanity and the monstrous hatred and frenzied revenge completely, but also expresses the unique understanding of love and hate and the distorted humanity behind the revenge, and it was just the love, hate, revenge and humanity which consisted the main key of this work. yet gradually, people began to find the glitter of wuthering heights. in a word, one reason why wuthering heights was weird was that, besides revealing the harsh reality boldly, the writer sketched another thread for us, that was the eternal love and hate in the suffocated society.chapter 2 the development of the original love2.1 the sprouting of the original love heathcliff was a founding in the street of liverpool. ,mr. earnshaw saw that he is “staring, and houseless, and as good as numb,” sympathized with him, and tool him back home. but his son hindley hated him because he regarded his farther as an oppressor rather than a friend, and heathclidd as a usurper of his favorite of his fathers, but this fear gradually became a great hatred for heathecliff, thrashing the poor orphan repeatedly. after mr. earnshaws death, hindley became the young maser of wuthering heights. he was further intensified to enslave heathcliff in every he could, he drove from their company, to the servants, deprived him of the curate, and insisted that he could labor out of the doors indeed: compelling him to do so as hard as any other lad on the farm. as for heathcliff, he would still bear his degradation pretty well, because it was the fate of a poor. he had no choice. moreover, he had a hope-the sincere love between him and catherine. the biggest amusement to the innocent lover was to run away to the moors in the morning and remain there all day, and the after punishment grew a mere thing to laugh at, even when they went to the thrushcross grange by chance and raided by the fierce dogs, catherine cried to heathcliff regardless of her own safety :“run, heathcliff run! they have let the bull-dogs loose, and he holds me!” facing the cruel reality, the true love which was sprouting between heathcliff and catherine dispersed away all the misfortunes.2.2 catherines change in love but after staying five weeks at the thrushcross grange where catherine was well treated, educated, and her self-respect was raised with fine clothes and flattery, her new look gained highly praise from so many people including hindley who had never liked her since she had made a union with heathcliff,“why, cathy, you are quite a beauty! i should scarcely have known you are look like a lady now” the praise extremely satisfied catherines vanity, and she began to prefer edgars refinement to heathcliffs roughness. what was worst was that she began to dislike and cold-shoulder heathcliff for his slovenliness and dirtiness.“ why ,” said catherine to heathcliff,“how very black and cross you look! and how funny and grim! but that is because i am used to edgar and isabella linton.” even when she realized her toughness and tried to gain his forgiveness, she still could not restrict herself from prejudice, she said to heathcliff that she did not mean to laugh at him. she just could not hinder herself. she wanted to shake hands with heathcliff, but it was only that he looked so odd. if he washed his face and brushed his hair, it would be all right, he was so dirty! more contact with the lintons made catherine closer to gentility. she enjoyed wielding her power and tyrannizing edgar and isabella who gave in to all her whim. she was well aware that she loved heeathcliff more than edgar, and that her love for heathcliff, she was convinced in her soul and heart that she was wrong, nevertheless she still accepted to marry edgar. the tragedy of catherine was that she loved heathcliff bit married edgar, so her marriage was the central fact on which the whole design of the book depends. she married the one she did not love instead of the one she loved, because her choice of heathcliff would mean frustration and waste, as she said to herself:“ it would degrade me to marry heathcliff, now,” while her choice of edgar would mean something very different, because he was handsome, and pleasant to be with and he was young and cheerful and because he love her he would be rich, and she would like to be the greatest woman of the neighborhood, she and she should be proud of having such a husband. its that, if the relationship between man and man or man and nature was not active, but passive, man would lose himself, degenerate in nature, and become alienated. wealth, status or power played a very important role in such alienation. generally speaking, in a complicated society, wealth, status and power could not be simultaneously obtained with sincere love, as the chinese proverb goes that you could not hope to get fish and bears paw at the same time. no matter how pure the love was, it could hardly last long when confronting the temptation of wealth, status or power. when facing love and greed, most people would selfishly betray their love which was a kind of mens spiritual need and choose the material incentive that could satisfy their greed, because they vulgarly regarded wealth, status and power as the medium to seeking their own happiness. this happiness-seeking was depending on destroying others happiness.2.3 love and hatred between catherine and heathcliff although catherine had changed her to heathcliff, she still loved him very much. just like once catherine herself once declared, he should never know how she loved him, and that, not because he was handsome, but because he was more herself than she was, whatever their souls were made of, his and her were the same, and lintons was as different as moonbeam from lightening, or frost from fire, it was meaning her love for heathcliff actually was her love for herself. she also ever said like this, every linton on the face of earth might melt into nothing, before she could consent to forsake heathcliff her great miseries in this world had been heathcliffs miseries, and she watched and felt each from the beginning, her great thought in living was himself. if all else perished, the he remained, she should still continue to be, and if all else remained, and he was annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger. she should not seem to a part of it. her love for linton was like the feelings in the feelings in the woods, time would change it, she was well aware, as winter changes the trees. her love for heathcliff resembled the eternal rocks beneath a source of little visible delight but necessary she was heathcliff! he was always, always in her mind, not as a pleasure, any more than she was always a pleasure to herself, but as her own being these were catherines grand positive affirmations of her love for heathcliff.catherine tried to do away with the boundaries that separate human being and tried to live in and for another person. she longed for freedom eagerly from the restrictions of the society, and was contened with a universe composed solely of herself and heathcliff. then what about heathcliffs love or catherine? true love between a make and a female should be exclusive, open and radiant simultaneously. it was unreasonable to doubt heathcliffs love for catherine, because it was pure and it contained the charateristics of radiation. and it was noticeable that his love for catherine made him tolerate all the cruel treatments he received. his love nearly occupied his whole mind, so that there was no place in his mind for the consideration of taking revenge on those who were cruel to him, needless to say taking it into ptactice. however, catherines decision to marry edgar made heathcliff fall into the greatest misery and reduced him to a state of degradation, which was far more terrible than the servitude of his boyhood. catherines greed for wealth, status and power made her selfishly abandon heathcliff who then turned aside blindly from the path of freedom and openness and cast himself in the iron mold of revenge.heathcliffs love for catherine, therefore, was both sincere and selfish. a complete and sincere love needed neither reason nor repay. but heathercliffs love for catherine was grounded on the assumption to get it returned from catherine. so he transferred his love to hatred and revenge after being abandoned by catherine.chapter 3 the cruel and frenzied revenge by heathcliff the key theme of wuthering heights was heathcliffs revenge. and the revenge consisted of two parts:heathcliffs revenge against contemporary generation and heathcliffs revenge against younger generation.3.1 heathcliffs revenge against contemporary generation heathcliff was of course not born evil, where did his darkness come from? to my understanding, it came from his miserable vicissitudes of life, as lockwood commented. he must have had some ups and downs in life to make him such a churl. the novel suggested that life in liverpool had made heathcliff sullen, patient and hardened, ill-treatment from hindley was just a kind of physical torment, not unbearable enough to make a hardened guy degenerate. his mental torment came when catherine betrayed him for her own greed, pushing him to the crucial point where he turned and degenerated into darkness. seeing edgar and isabella in thrushcross ggrange, heathcliff said “ido not exchange, for a thousand lives, my condition here, for edgar lintons at thrushccross grange” his unwillingness to exchange his persecuted life for edgars respected one proved that because of his love of catherine, he found money, power and status unattractive. however, catherines betrayal made him change. he did not admire edgars life at all, but when he saw catherine coming back with nice clothes and manner, he wished that he had light hair and a fair skin, and was dressed and behaved as well, and had a chance of being as rich as he would be! in order to be well matched with catherine, he became extremely greedly in full possession of the power and in a mere appetite for property. after he returned from absence, he gobbled up both the earnshaws and the lintons estates, by force and trickery. what did property mean to him? if he was rich, he might be regarded as among the upper class with social status and power which, in return, would help to rid himself of his handicaps for love: his poverty, his ignorance, and his low social status that catherine had described as the impediment to a union with her. property together with status and power could also help him take revenge on hindley, catherine and edgar who belonged to the upper class. since money, power and status were so effective, he gradually became extremely greedy for them. at the same time, both his character and his means to revenge became “dark”. firstly, he lured hindley to indulge in gambling, made him degenerated till died, and then gobbled up his property. secondly, he made hareton degenerate teaching him vulgar words and leaving him uneducated in order to by make this legislated heir lose his identification and position.thirdly, he married isabella and made his revenge on edgar and catherine. the reason heathcliff decided to marry her was because she was the member of the lintons. he was curiously attracted , of course, yet what attracted him was not love but his greed for wealth, status and power, attracted him was not love but his greed for wealth, status and power. besides satisfying his greed, heathcliff also used his marriage with isabella as a tool to take revenge on catherine and edgar. his marriage made catherine crazy, because it was intended to return his anger of being betrayed by catherine. in terms of his revenge on edgar by marrying isabella, we could clearly identify it by isabellas letter to nelly, heathcliff promised that she should be edgars proxy in suffering, till he could get hold of him and by what she said to nelly face to face:“he says he has married me on purpose to obtain power over him.” obviously, the main reasons for heathcliff to married isabella were to capture lintons property, to torture isabella, and to revenge catherines betrayal.3.2 heathcliffs revenge against younger generation his “dark” nature even went on to the younger generation. as a means of revenge, heathcliff had imbruted hareton earnshaw and kept hareton ignorant as haretons father hindley imbruted him in his time. for cathy linton, heathcliff was even more savage. because she was edgars daughter, he showed no pity for her. in spite of edgar linton, the broken and dying father,heathcliff lured cathy linton to the heights again and again by taking advantage of her affection for his ailing son linton heathcliff whom he knew to be dying. certainly what heathcliff did was to secure his mastery of the grange, which was substantially the revenge against edgar linton. afterwards, when cathy linton virtually became a prisoner at the heights, heathcliff treated her brutally. even when she attempted to defy him, but heathcliff asministered a shower of terrific slaps on both sides of the head of her and told her that he knew how to chastise children, he should be her father, all the father she would have in a few days ,and she should have plenty of that, she could bear plenty, and was no weaking, she should have a daily taste, if he caught such a devil of a temper in her eyes again! simultaneously, he taught linton heathcliff to regard such“chastisement” as a husbands prerogative, promising that linton heathcliff would be able to “pay her back present tyrannies with a vigorous hand” once they were married. besides, heathcliff also took a sadistic pleasure in terrifying linton heathcliff, whom he despised as a weakling although linton heathcliff is his son. after all, they were not manifestations of the same principle and linton heathcliff was only the outcome and the root of the revenge. at last, under the intervention of heathcliff, cathy linton was married to her natural antipathy, linton heathcliff; so her o


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