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-单选题- 1. As a literary figure, Belinda appears in Alexander Popes . A. “The Dunciad” B. “An Essay on Man” C. “An Essay on Criticism” D. “The Rape of the lock” 正确答案:D 2. Dr. Faustus is a play based on the German legend of a magician aspiring for and finally meeting his tragic end as a result of selling his soul to the Devil. A. immortality B. political C. money D. knowledge 正确答案:D 3. “My Last Duchess“ is a poem that best exemplifier Robert Brownings _. A. sensitive ear for the sounds of the English language B. excellent choice of words C. mastering of the metrical devices D. use of the dramatic monologue 正确答案:D 4. The plot of _ is divided into three parts. A. Native Son B. Invisible Man C. Song of Solomon 正确答案:A 5. Macbeth is Shakespeares_. A. sonnet B. comedy C. history play D. tragedy 正确答案:D 6. The following are all Steinbecks works except _ . A. Winesburg , Ohio B. Of Mice and Men C. Grapes of Wrath 正确答案:A 7. The lake poets include all the following members except the author of the following work A. The Prelude B. Don Juan C. The Ancient Mariner D. Joan of Arc 正确答案:B 8. The Idylls of the King is written by A. Browning B. Tennyson C. George Eliot D. Carlyle 正确答案:B 9. Le More D Arthur is an important landmark in the development of English prose for its A. lucid style B. verbose style C. complicate style D. ornate style 正确答案:A 10. _ first collection of short stories is Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque . A. Irvings B. Coopers C. Poes 正确答案:C 11. If Winter comes,can Spring be far behind?”is an epigrammatic line by_. A. JKeats 谋学网 B. WBlake C. W. Wordsworth D. P.BShelley 正确答案:D 12. The impact of Darwins evolutionary theory on the American thought and the influence of the nineteenth-century French literature on the American men of letters gave rise to yet another school of realism: American _ . A. local colorism B. vernacularism C. modernism D. naturalism 正确答案:D 13. _ pen name was Mark Twain . A. Samuel Langhorne Clemens B. Henry James C. William Dean Howells 正确答案:A 14. The major concern of _ fiction lies in the tracing of the psychological development of his characters and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist industrialization on human nature. A. Charles Dickenss B. D. H.Lawrences C. Thomas Hardys D. John Galsworthys 正确答案:B 15. Mrs. Warrens Profession is one of George Bernard Shaws plays. What is Mrs. Warrens profession then ? A. Real estate. B. Prostitution. C. House-keeping. D. Farming. 正确答案:B 16. The typical feature of Robert Brownings poetry is the_. A. bitter satire B. larger-than-life caricature C. Latinized diction D. dramatic monologue 正确答案:D 17. Among the representatives of the Enlightenment, who was the first to introduce rationalism to England ? A. John Bunyan B. Daniel Defoe C. Alexander Pope D. Jonathan Swift 正确答案:C 18. Dreisers language style includes the following aspects except _ . A. being polished and graceful B. lack of concision C. massive detailed description 正确答案:A 19. _ was written by James Joyce. A. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man B. Portrait of a Lady C. Picture of Dorian Gray D. To the Lighthouse 正确答案:A 20. Chaucer is called the founder of English realism because he portrays all the classes of English feudal society except_ A. businessmen and scholars B. nobles and serfs C. plowmen and priests D. knights and franklins 正确答案:B 谋学网 21. Dreisers Trilogy of Desire includes three novels. They are The Financier, The Titan and _ . A. The Genius B. The Tycoon C. The Stoic D. The Giant 正确答案:C 22. In his poem“Tyger,Tyger, ”William Blake expresses his perception of the“fearful Symmetry”of the big catThe phrase“fearful Symmetry”Suggests_. A. the tigers two eyes Which are dazzlingly bright and Symmetrically set B. the poets fear of the predator C. the analogy of the hammer and the anvil D. the harmony of the two opposte aspects of Gods creation 正确答案:D 23. “ So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, / So long lives this , and this gives life to thee.”(Shakespeare, Sonnets 18) What does “this” refer to ? A. Lover B. Time C. Summer D. Poetry 正确答案:D 24. “Humor” according to Ben Jonson means A. fun B. comedy C. thought D. temperament 正确答案:D 25. The period before the American Civil War is generally referred to as the _ period . A. modern B. naturalist C. romantic 正确答案:C 26. The first novel of Thomas Pynchon is _ . A. V. B. The Crying of Lot 49 C. Entropy 正确答案:A 27. _ is not the work by Robert Frost. A. “I heard a Fly Buzz - when I died” B. “ The Road Not Taken” C. “Home burial” D. “After Apple-picking” 正确答案:A 28. The one who tempts Eve to eat an apple from the forbidden tree is A. God B. Satan C. Adam D. Raphael 正确答案:B 29. Which terms can best describe the modernists concern of the human situation in their fiction? A. Fragmentation and alienation. B. Courage and honor. C. Tradition and faith. D. Poverty and desperation. 正确答案:A 30. “If honest labor be unremunerative and difficult to endure; if it be the long, long road which never reaches beauty, but wearies the feet and the heart; if the drag to follow beauty be such that one abandons the admired way, taking rather the despised path leading to her dreams quickly, who shall cast the first stone?“ Where is the underlined phrase taken from? A. The Bible. 谋学网 B. Milton. C. Shakespeare. D. Hawthorne. 正确答案:A 31. Here are two lines taken from The Merchant of venice:“NOt on thy Sole,but on thy soul,harsh Jew /thou makst thy knife keen ”What kind of figurative device is used in the above lines? A. Simile B. Metonymy C. Pun D. Synecdoche 正确答案:C 32. The one of the following not known as a dramatist is _ . A. Miller B. Pound C. ONeill 正确答案:B 33. In Leaves of Grass, _ is all that concerned Whitman. A. individualism B. the spirit of democracy C. freedom D. all the above 正确答案:D 34. “Drive my dead thought over the universe Like withered leaves to quicken a new birth.” (Percy Bysshe Shelley, “Ode to the West Wind”) What rhetorical device does the poet use in the quoted lines? A. Synecdoche. B. Metaphor. C. Simile. D. Onomatopoeia. 正确答案:C 35. Crusoe is the hero in The life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Grusoe, of York, Mariner (also known as Robinson Crusoe)by . A. Jonathan Swift B. Daniel Defoe C. George Eliot D. D. H.Lawrence 正确答案:B 36. Robert Frost combined traditional verse forms - the sonnet, rhyming couplets, blank verse - with a clear


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