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1.In fact, an effective interface is necessary to guarantee the stress transfer from the matrix to the load-bearing fibers. 2.The linear fit of average values (line in Fig. 4) indicates a rate of weight increases of GO on GFs of 0.00133 0.00003 % cm min1 V1. A similar trend was observed also by An et al. 39 who studied the EPD process of CNTs onto E-glass fibers fabrics. (116 中) 3.This experimental evidence could be explained by the good efficiency of the load transfer mechanisms due to the surface functional groups available on the GO layers and the concurrent increase of the apparent fiber diameter due to the GO coating. 4.This positive effect could be tentatively(暂且) attributed to the fact that GO creates a favorable bond between the GFs and epoxy resin whichultimately enhances the effective distribution of load on the GF. 5.In this work a part of CB with GNPs was replaced to produce ethylene- propylene diene terpolymer rubber (EPDM) based nanocomposites. 6.Its main drawback is the percolation threshold that is usually high and detrimental for the mechanical properties. 7.Owing to significant van der Waals interactions between nanotubes, achievement of efficient MWNT dispersion in polymer matrices remains a challenge. 8.But the disruption of the p system of nanotubes has an irreversible effect on their electrical properties. The mixture was then transferred to a three-necked, round-bottomed flask under ice bath, whereupon 30 mL of HCl solution, having 1.53 g APS and an aniline molar ratio of 1:1, was slowly added dropwise into the suspension with constant magnetic stirring. 9.Fig. 4 shows the room-temperature electrical transport properties of MWNT/PANI complex as a function of MWNT content. 10.All three electrical conductivity curves possess two phases: first a sharp increase, then a plateau. 11.Carbon nanotubes have well ordered, long, hollow nanostructures consisting of carbon atoms bonded to each other through sp2 hybridized bonds. 12.The crucial obstacle to design an electrically conducting device is the poor and heterogeneous dispersion of the pristine CNTs in polymer matrices 21. As a result, the pristine CNTs are aggregated and exist as a bundle in their native state. For these reasons, it is highly desirable to develop an efficient and simple method not only individually to dissolve CNTs in polymer matrices, but also to control concentration of CNTs, resulting in increment of the CNTinterconnectivity within the polymer matrix, which translates the individual CNT properties into the whole composite. 13.The thickness of the P3PT-COOH phase gradually increased with the increase of P3PT-COOH concentration: e.g. 2e5 nm for P3PTCOOH/CNT-50-1, 4e6 nm for P3PT-COOH/CNT-40-1, and 5e7 nm for P3PT-COOH/CNT-30-1. 14.To shed further light on the effect of graphene aspect-ratio, we used graphene nanosheets with two different sizes. 15.Surface modification of graphene using organic materials is one approach to exfoliate graphene in which the interaction occurs via either covalent bonding or via pp stacking. Although this technique is shown to be effective to exfoliate graphene layers, it hinders their electrical properties because it disturbs the p-electrons delocalization of graphene surface. 16.With the incorporation of 4 wt% of c-MoS2, the 5% mass loss temperature of WPU nanocomposite film was increased by 30 C relative to neat WPU. 17.Compared to the polymer matrix, these nanocomposites exhibit significantly enhanced thermal, mechanical and barrier properties in the presence of low nano-filler loading. 18.Deionized water is used for all experiments unless otherwise stated. 19.Aggregated MoS2 fillers can also serve as defect centers, which is detrimental to mechanical properties. 20.TEM and XRD techniques showed that cMoS2s were well exfoliated and randomly dispersed in WPU matrix, while bare MoS2s existed with a stacked/aggregated structure. 21.(d) is the high magnified image of the red square-marked regions in (c). 22.Its favorable physicochemical stability, as well as appealing electronic structure combined with a suitable band gap (2.7 eV) makes it a promising candidate for solarenergy photocatalytic applications. 23.Significant challenges still remain in the synthesis of g-C3N4 based nanocomposites with well-designed architectures and optimized charge cascading processes. 24.the char yield of the neat BMI resin at 800 C is 28.2%, and that of the composite is30.9%,an increase of 9.6%, indicating that the presence of NH2-rGO/MoS2 can enhance the thermal property of the neat BMI resin. 25.Thus, in recent years, the modification of BMI resin has become a hot spot of research. 26.But the carbon yield of HBPSi-rGO/BMI composites at 800 is 4.7% higher than that of the neat BMI. The carbon yield for HBPSi-rGO/BMI is 29.5% and neat BMI is 24.8%. 27.The morphologies of SiCG composites were examined by a field- emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM, JEOL, JSM-7000F) equipped with energydispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The microstructures of SiCG composites were investigated using a transmission electron microscopy (TEM, JEOL, ARM-200F, 200 kV). 28.The SiNPs have a narrow particle-size distribution of 50100 nm and NG microspheres have a particle size of approximately 1215 m. 29.As expected, the SiCG composites show higher electrical conductivities than that of physically mixed NG and SiNPs. 30.More than 10 measurements for the thickness of a paper sample were carried out, and the results were averaged. 31.It is thus valid to contend(认为) that AgNWs can be coated tightly on cellulose papers via the specific interactions meditated by PVP, as represented schematically in Figure 4B. 32.It was also reported that cellulose and PVP blends are miscible at the molecular level via a specific interaction between carbonyl groups of PVP andprimary hydroxyl groups of cellulose. 33.The main advantage of using this approach for ECAs application is that we are able to preserve the single layer structure of graphene and prevent their re-stacking inside the nanocomposite without disturbing its structure. 34.Five samples were tested for each composite, and the average value was reported. 35.While in recent years, with the rapid development of energy and automobile industries, epoxy-based composites with further enhancement in mechanical properties were urgently called for high-performance purposes.Promisingly, the addition of nanofillers into polymer matrixes was a highly efficient path to achieve this goal, since the concept had been well documented by many newly emerged high-performance composites containing multiscale and multifunctional fillers. 36. Among various nanofillers, graphene was believed as promising filler for high-performance composites because of its superior mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties, which originated from its two- dimensional honeycomb structure composed of sp2 carbon atoms. 37. However, the key challenge for fully exerting the whole performance of GO in polymer composites is to achieve its uniform dispersion in the composites via ensuring its strong interfacial bonding with polymeric matrixes. 38. All final values of tensile and flexural properties were averages of five measurements. 39. By deconvolution of the C1s peak in the case of pDop-rGO, a CN component at 285.5 eV was identified (Figure 3b).(XPS 分峰的说法) 40.In Figure 3c, the deconvolution of the N1s peak indicated that the N element in pDop was in forms of -N= (398.5 eV), -NH- (399.8 eV), and -NH2 (401.7 eV), and the secondary amine was dominant.(XPS 分峰的说法) 41. The resulted pDop-rGO had shown different surface morphology and chemical features from pristine GO, which evoked keen interest in studying its effect on mechanical properties and curing kinetic of epoxy composites. 42. As shown in Figure 5, most of pDop-rGO sheets were observed scattering in the epoxy matrix evenly with sporadic aggregations. 43. Theoretically, the enhancement in mechanical strength and modulus of EP/pDop-rGO composites should be kept going up continuously with the content of pDop-rGO increasing. Indeed, the practical tensilestrength and modulus of epoxy composites increased when the content of pDop-rGO changed from 0 to 0.2 wt %. However, these values began to decrease when the content of pDop-rGO was further raised to 0.5 wt %, which was inconsistent with the predicted tendency (Figure4a). 44. In contrast,the primary and secondary amine groups on pDop-rGO were reactive with epoxide group. Their enhancement in curing reaction of epoxy matrix was able to offset the negative effect on curing reaction from the steric hindrance. 45.With the strengthened interfacial bonding between pDop-rGO and epoxy matrix, the reinforcing mechanism of pDop-rGO on epoxy composites aroused our keen interest to look into it. 46. The above characterizations, in terms of FT-IR, XRD, UVvis,XPS, and TGA, indicate that GO has been reduced and functionalized by DA, which paves the way for the preparation of PDA-GO/epoxy composites. 46. Reported data are the average values of at least three individual measurements. 47.It clearly indicates that the MWCNT remains aggregated in the LiAl- LDH/MWCNT/SR composite as compact bundles. 48 Furthermore, there is a possibility that the highest specific surface area of MgAl-LDH/MWCNT hybrid and its homogeneous dispersion could result in the strong interfacial interaction andefficient stress transfer between SR and MgAl-LDH/MWCNT fillers. This could account for the maximum improvement in themechanical properties MgAl- LDH/MWCNT/SR composite. 49. LiAl-LDH filled SR shows almost no improvement in the thermal stability in all probability due to its thermal decomposition product (Li2O) acting as destabilizer for SR. 50. This is probably due to the homogeneous dispersion and strong interfa cial interaction between MgAl-LDH/MWCNT and SR polymer segments forming a bound polymer to restrict the solvent uptake from surface to bulk. 51. Motshekga et al. 23 observed similar results in their work. 52. In composites formation, nanotubes acted as templates for the growth of oxide nanoparticles. 53. Hence it has been of prime concern in the research areas of both academia and industries to enhance the interfacial adhesion between fiber and matrix. 54.In fact, an effective interface is necessary to guarantee the stress transfer from the matrix to the load-bearing fibers. 55. The graphite powder and graphene oxide powder were individually mixed with potassium bromide (KBr) powder to form homogeneous mixtures and thin discs for analysis were made in a compression mold at 10 bar pressure.(红外) 56. The MWCNT exhibited the diffraction peaks at 26 and 42.8, which are ascribed to the inter layer spacing of (0.34nm) of nanotube and d100 reflection, respectively. 57. The designation of the samples reflects the composition, where CNTx and Goy depict the amount of MWCNT and GO in wt.%, respectively, in the synthesis solution. 58. This new insight echoes(响应、共鸣 ) our earlier view that GO is an unconventional soft material. 59. It should help to better understand and improve the solution processing of GO-based graphene materials and open up opportunities to design new functional GO-based hybrid materials. 60. Considerable efforts have been devoted to fabricate the hydrogels with enhanced mechanical and electrical properties. 61. (红外测试)Structural characterization of the studied materials was conducted using a PerkinElmerFourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy instrument in the range of 4000400 cm1 in KBr pellets 62. It is obvious that the pure PNIPAM hydrogel has a rather poor electrical conductivity, which is not improved significantly even by the addition of 1% CNT, clearly showing that significantly more CNT is required to reach electrical percolation. 63.Results that demonstrate significant potentials of the GO-dispersed SWNTs in the development of unique carbon nanocomposite materials are also presented and discussed. 64.The results are rather similar to those found for well-dispersed or functionalized SWNTs in polymeric nanocomposite films (26). 65. the agreement between this work and that of Haddon and co-workers does suggest that GOs are effective dispersion agents for SWNTs in aqueous solution. 66. As reported in the literature, surfactants such as sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) are commonly used in the dispersion of SWNTs for subsequent wet-casting of transparent conductive films at ambient temperature. The large amount of the surfactant used for the nanotube dispersion must be removed postfabrication, which could prove challenging, while the morphology of the nanotube films must be maintained or controlled to ensure the desired electrical conductive properties (42). 67.In summary, the reported results suggest that GOs are highly effective in the dispersion of SWNTs to form optically transparent solution-like aqueous suspensions. 68. The inherent insolubility of pristine CNTs in solvents, particularly in water, however, has complicated their uses and processing in composites and thus greatly limited their integration in potential biomedical applications and biophysical processing schemes. 69. For covalent functionalization, the instrinsic electrical and thermal conductivity properties of CNTsare often severely impaired. 70. However, the use of surfactants may largely affect the properties of the prepared composites and their further uses. 71. This protocol could broad the potential application of graphene in the development of non-polar polymer/graphene nanocomposites. 74. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was used for the investigation of elementary composition on the surface of the graphene oxide and the APTES coated graphene oxide. 75. The heat of fusion of the PE-g-graphene oxide was about 20 J/g higher than that of the MA-g-PE, which disclosed that the presence of the graphene oxide promoted the crystallization of the MA-g-PE so that the higher crystallisation degree was obtained 76. It is believed that the strength of the interphase is vitally important for effective stress transfer in polymer nanocomposites. 77. This protocol could also broad the potential application of graphene as reinforcement for non-polar polymers, such as polypropylene. 78. Recently, it has been reported that graphite nanoplatelets (GNPs) that possess parallel properties with CNTs may be potential substitutes for CNTs in nanocomposites due to their very low price; they are regarded as two-dimensional graphene sheets with nanometer scale thickness. 79. However, incomplete reduction or large aggregates are often observed. Hence, the resulting graphitic regions are limited, which is detrimental to carrier transport and conductivity. 80. However, two main issues limit the reinforcing efficiency of CNTs in a polymer matrix: (1) poor dispersion of CNTs in the polymer matrix and (2) weak interfacial interactions between the CNTs andpolymer matrix. Therefore, the development of new carbonnanofiller materials or modification methods for CNTs for different polymer composites is a critical issue. 81. After acid treatment, MWCNTs were washed using deionized water, filtered (this process was repeated several times until the pH of the percolate reached 7), and dried at 100 C. 82. The acryl-functionalized MWCNTs can participatein the free-radical polymerization of VE matrix when these were used to reinforce the CF/VE-based composites, which results inwell-dispersing MWCNTs in the VE matrix and establishing a strong interfacial interaction between the MWCNTs and the VE matrix to promote the transfer of stress from the VE to CF. 83.Nevertheless, their electromechanical properties have not yet been well addressed. 84.Due to the strong intrinsic Van der Waals forces of CNTs, which will hold the together in ropes and bundles resulting very low solubility in most solvents, consequently, leads to aggregate when they were mixed into the polymer matrix. 85. Therefore, to achieve an enhanced thermal conductivity and reasonable mechanical properties, a wetting process, which has not been reported in the literature until recentlyas a method of preparing a polymer composite, is proposed in this study 86. Therefore, it can concluded that the wetting process utilizing the surface energy of GO and MWCNTs for preparing conductive polymer composites is appropriate for fabricating highly concentrated composites containing a GO/MWCNT hybrid filler with reasonably high mechanical properties. 87. (硅橡胶)With growing concerns over finite fossil-fuel supplies andenvironmental issues, the development of alternative energyconversion/storage resources is very important and indispensable.1 Supercapacitors, also called electrochemical capacitors,are likely to play an important role in energy storage due to their high power density, long cycle life and many potential applications in portable electronic devices, hybrid electric vehicles and implantable medical devices.2 88. However, previous reports indicate that the actual performance of graphene-based materials is much lower than the anticipated value (estimated from the ultra-high surface area of graphene) due to the facile aggregation of graphene during preparation, attributing to facile restacking of reduced graphene oxide because of strong van der Waals interactions between individual graphene sheets. 89. The thermal transport properties of the hybrid films obtained by chemical bonding revealed superior thermal conductivity, the behavior o
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