opencv轮廓提取与轮廓拟合 #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace cv; int main() / Read input binary image Mat image= imread(“./binaryGroup.bmp“,0); if (!image.data) return 0; namedWindow(“Binary Image“); imshow(“Binary Image“,image); / Get the contours of the connected components vector contours; /findContours的输入是二值图像 findContours(image, contours, / a vector of contours CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, / retrieve the external contours CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE); / retrieve all pixels of each contours / Print contours length轮廓的个数 cout :const_iterator itContours= contours.begin(); for ( ; itContours!=contours.end(); +itContours) cout size() :const_iterator itc= contours.begin(); while (itc!=contours.end() if (itc-size() size() cmax) itc= contours.erase(itc); else +itc; / draw contours on the original image Mat original= imread(“./group.bmp“); drawContours(original,contours, -1, / draw all contours Scalar(255,255,255), / in white 2); / with a thickness of 2 namedWindow(“Contours on Animals“); imshow(“Contours on Animals“,original); / Lets now draw black contours on white image /result.setTo(Scalar(0); /If the third parameter of this function is a negative value, then all contours are drawn. /Otherwise, it is possible to specify the index of the contour to be drawn drawContours(result,contours, -1, / draw all contours Scalar(255), / in black 1); / with a thickness of 1 image= imread(“./binaryGroup.bmp“,1); / testing the bounding box Rect r0= boundingRect(Mat(contours0);/boundingRect获取这 个外接矩形 rectangle(result,r0,Scalar(255,255,255),2); / testing the enclosing circle float radius; Point2f center; minEnclosingCircle(Mat(contours1),center,radius);/对轮廓进 行多变形逼近 circle(result,Point(center),static_cast(radius),Scalar(2 55),2); RotatedRect rrect= fitEllipse(Mat(contours2); ellipse(result,rrect,Scalar(255),2); /testing the approximate polygon vector poly; approxPolyDP(Mat(contours2),poly,5,true); cout :const_iterator itp= poly.begin(); while (itp!=(poly.end()-1) line(result,*itp,*(itp+1),Scalar(255),2); +itp; / last point linked to first point line(result,*(poly.begin(),*(poly.end()-1),Scalar(20),2); / testing the convex hull vector hull; convexHull(Mat(contours3),hull); / Iterate over each segment and draw it vector:const_iterator it= hull.begin(); while (it!=(hull.end()-1) line(result,*it,*(it+1),Scalar(255),2); +it; / last point linked to first point line(result,*(hull.begin(),*(hull.end()-1),Scalar(255),2); / testing the moments /iterate over all contours itc= contours.begin(); while (itc!=contours.end() / compute all moments Moments mom= moments(Mat(*itc+); / draw mass center circle(result, / position of mass center converted to integer Point(mom.m10/mom.m00,mom.m01/mom.m00), 2,Scalar(255),2); / draw black dot namedWindow(“Some Shape descriptors“); imshow(“Some Shape descriptors“,result); / New call to findContours but with CV_RETR_LIST flag image= imread(“./binaryGroup.bmp“,0); / Get the contours of the connected components findContours(image, contours, / a vector of contours CV_RETR_LIST, / retrieve the external and internal contours CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE); / retrieve all pixels of each contours / draw black contours on white image result.setTo(Scalar(0); drawContours(result,contours, -1, / draw all contours Scalar(255), / in black 2); / with
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