



5 个建议也许能让你在职场不可替代!-Ringo 林戈 英语 If your boss doesnt think youre getting the job done, there are plenty of people who can replace you. Everyone wants to gain an advantage by making themselves irreplaceable. But how do you become so valuable at work your boss wont want lose you? 如果你的老板认为你没有把工作做好,那会有很多人能取代你。每个人都想让自己无可替 代,从而获得优势。但你该如何变得有价值,让老板不想失去你呢? 1 Dont be a know-it-all.不要认为自己无所不知 Even though you may think youre bright, dont get a swelled head. People will always seek out intelligent coworkers, but no one wants to work with a know-it-all. Demonstrate your knowledge about the inner workings of your company and your position. Offer assistance to your coworkers, but dont flaunt your abilities or intelligence lest you draw the resentment of everyone in the office. 尽管你可能认为自己很聪明,但请不要自以为是。人们总是在找聪明的同事,但是没人愿 意与一个万事通共事。表现出你对公司内部运作和自己职位的了解。帮助你的同事,但不 要炫耀自己的能力或智商以免招致办公室里每个人的仇视。 2 Continue to learn.不断学习 Many companies offer continued learning programs to increase employee value and ensure loyalty. If your office offers such classes, enrollimmediately. Not only will you strengthen your skill set and stay current in your industry; your efforts will be noticed and rewarded by your boss. 许多公司提供阶段性学习课程来增加员工价值和确保忠诚度。如果你的公司提供这类课程, 立即参加吧。这不仅会加强你的技能、紧跟行业潮流,你的努力也会被你的老板发现并给 予嘉奖。 3 Be knowledgeable, not smart.做通达的人,而不是聪明的人 Theres a big difference between being smart and being knowledgeable. Knowing a lot about a particular topic may make you sound like a smarty, but it wont necessarily help in the workplace. A person who can quote Shakespeare may be considered educated, but not smart andindispensable at their job in a real estate agency.Be speedy and efficient at your job. Dont slack off, and focus on the task at hand. 聪明和通达之间有很大差别。对某个话题的充分了解可能会让你听起来是个聪明的人,但 对工作不一定有帮助。在一个房地产公司里,了解莎士比亚的人可能被认为受过良好教育, 但对工作来说,他们并不是聪明或无法缺少的人。快速并且高效的完成工作。别偷懒,并 专注做手头的任务。 4 Get to know your office peeps.了解你的同事 Know how to interact effectively and positively with your coworkers. Many people lose their jobs because they cant get along with their workmates. One way to interact effectively is to be sociable. Youre there to work, not to talk about what happened on the latest episode of Revenge. 要知道如何有效、积极的与你的同事交流。许多人失去工作是因为他们与同事相处不恰。 有效交流的一个方法是变得善于交际。你是来工作的,而不是来谈论最新一集的复仇。 Another way is to avoid office politics. A smart employee is one who can get along with many different personality types. Be patient with others. Focus on yourself, get the job get done right and help your coworkers succeed. 另一种方法是避免办公室政治。聪明的员工可以跟许多不同类型的人都相处融洽。要对他 人有耐心。专注把自己的工作做好,并帮助同事取得成功。 5 Learn the lingo.学习工作术语 Many careers use terminology in the industry. A person who doesnt speak the language will never be able to get their ideas across, and might even make a serious mistake.Take the time to learn the language and communicate with your coworkers and clients.Perform well and youll be someone others can


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