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在当前国内高校人才培养模式下,国内外贸企业招聘国际贸易专业人才难与国际贸易 专业毕业生就业难的“两难”问题一直存在,具体表现为,市场用人单位倾向于选择具有 实际动手操作能力和解决现实问题能力的应用型人才,而当下诸多国际贸易专业毕业生并 不具备这样的职业能力。造成这一窘境的根本原因是在我国外贸企业大发展的背景下,传 统的国际贸易专业人才培养模式不再适合市场需求。这就要求高校国际贸易专业的人才培 养体系以当前社会经济发展和市场需求为导向,采取重视专业学习和职业发展的应用型人 才培养模式,以提升自身的竞争力。 一、国内国际贸易人才市场需求特点 现阶段,我国市场上对国际贸易专业人才的需求呈现多元化、层次化的特点。 首先,对政治素质和思想道德素质的双重要求。随着当前经济全球化步伐的加快及我 国对外开放程度的加深,国内不断完善和健全外贸法律法规及相关机制体制,促使越来越 多的外贸企业要求应聘人员必须具备一定的政治素质,自觉遵守党和国家的方针政策,具 备法制观念,熟知外贸法律法规。同时,还要求应聘人员具有一定的思想道德素养,包括 正确的世界观、人生观、价值观及商业道德、诚信意识、奉献精神、团队协作精神等。 其次,重视一般能力、基础知识水平及专业技能。市场上超过 90%的外贸企业重视国 际贸易人才的一般能力,即通常情况下,要求应聘人员具有的经营管理能力、语言表达能 力、市场调研能力、沟通协调能力等。同时,还有超过 80%的外贸企业对应聘人员英语、 数学、计算机等基础知识水平有着明确的要求,超过 60%的外贸企业要求应聘人员具备进 出口成本核算、函电处理与撰写、单据制作与结算等专业技能。 再次,强调创新意识与创新能力。创新是外贸企业在国际市场上保证稳定的关键所在, 已引起国内外贸企业的重视。可以说,市场上几乎所有的外贸企业都无一例外地要求国际 贸易人才必须具备一定的创新意识和创新能力,在工作中勇于探索新的工作思路和方法, 以最大限度地帮助公司打开国际市场、节约成本,提升经济效益。 最后,强调与时俱进和随机应变能力。随着当前国际贸易环境的复杂多样化,传统的 “专业知识+外语水平 ”的国际贸易人才已经不能满足国际经济发展新形势的需要,越来越 多的外贸企业要求国际贸易人才必须具备与时俱进的精神和随机应变的能力,以便积极有 效地应对随时可能出现的问题。 二、国际贸易应用型人才培养体系概况与存在的问题 近年来,随着经济全球化发展的加速及国内改革开放的深入,我国对外贸易呈现出蓬 勃发展的趋势,但是,国内大部分高校受各种因素的限制不能培养出满足市场需求的国际 贸易专业应用型人才。导致这一问题的关键便是国内高校现有的人才培养体系不健全。 (一)国内现有国际贸易应用型人才培养体系概况 应用型人才区别于学术型人才的关键在于其专注实践探索,是一种高层次、高要求的 稀缺性人才。当前国内高校一般将国际贸易专业应用型人才培养体系的培养目标定位于, 通过融合课堂理论知识和社会实践活动,积极培养与市场需求相符合的,能够熟练掌握一 般能力、基础知识和专业技能,同时具有较强应变能力和创新能力的高素质应用型人才。 据此可知,当下国际贸易专业应用型人才培养体系的主要特点为:首先,重视对专业理论 知识的学习,强调理论知识学习的实践应用与创新;其次,培养学生良好的实践与创新能 力,以最大限度地提升其工作能力;再次,注重沟通协调与执行开拓能力的塑造,以期在 工作中及时发现问题、分析问题、处理问题;最后,开展校企结合的互助模式,为学生在 校实践活动提供平台。可以说,现阶段国内国际贸易专业应用型人才培养体系已初具规模, 取得了一定的成效,但从整体上来说,很多培养方式都处于摸索阶段,存在不少问题。 (二)国际贸易应用型人才培养体存在的问题 第一,各高校人才培养目标趋同化。现阶段,国内一些地方性高校国际贸易专业应用 型人才培养目标趋同化、模式化,没有形成自己的特色,而且不能发扬自身的办学优势, 规避办学过程中的不足,这就导致各地国际贸易专业培养出的人才大同小异,不能满足当 地经济发展的实际要求。 第二,重理论轻实践。当前国内众多高校在国际贸易应用型人才培养模式上重理论轻 实践,导致众多毕业生理论知识水平和实践应用能力极度不平衡,不能适应岗位工作。 第三,教学模式单一化。国内高校国际贸易专业的教师在对外贸易企业工作过的很少, 对该行业的一线情况了解不多,导致实践教学缺乏依据,只能依托书本模式化的案例进行 实践教学,这种单一的教学模式严重影响学生的全面发展。 第四,专业课程设置不合理。与欧美国家国际贸易专业设置的专业课程设置注重国际 前沿知识及各国国家政治、法律、环境相比,我国国际贸易专业在课程设置上存在一定的 问题,影响学生对自然与社会科学知识的掌握及对国际贸易政策和环境的了解。而且部分 高校压缩国际贸易实践课程教学时间,这样的后果是学生缺乏国际贸易实务应用能力,进 一步造成高校国际贸易应用型人才培养质量下降。 第五,忽视校企合作的重要性,项 目教学不足。一方面,部分市场上的企业缺乏长远发展的目光,只关注短期经济收益,不 重视接收高校国际贸易专业的实习生进行人才储备。另一方面,高校内部因政策不健全、 效果不完善、教师科研任务重等因素,不能积极开展校企合作工作,导致学生没有机会在 学习理论知识的同时了解市场行情、参与市场竞争、接受市场检验。 高校国际贸易应用型人才培养体系的形成及健全是一个长远的过程,不能一蹴而就。 面对当前我国高校普遍存在的国际贸易应用型人才培养过程中出现的问题和不足,必须坚 持以市场需求为导向,通过不断实践和调整,创造性地改进高校国际贸易应用型人才培养 模式。 三、以市场需求为导向的创新型国际贸易人才培养模式 随着我国对外贸易的蓬勃发展,社会对国际贸易应用型人才的需求将会不断增加。因 此,当前国内高校必须切实转变国际贸易专业应用型人才培养观念,健全和完善以市场需 求为导向的应用型人才培养模式,培养高层次、高素质的国际贸易应用型人才,不断推动 对外贸易的发展。 (一)建立有特色化人才培养目标 在应用型人才培养规划过程中,高校一方面要重视专业教育的基础性,另一方面,要 在专业教育的基础上提升学生的职业适应性。根据这一要求,笔者认为可以使国内地方性 高校根据自身办学特点,贯彻落实学校教学服务型办学定位,坚持以满足市场需求为导向, 创造出具有自身特色的人才培养目标。以宁波某学校为例,其根据地域特点,确立了“以 人为本,德能并重”的办学理念和注重“地方性、应用型”的人才培养方向,重点强调培 养品德优良、基础扎实、能力突出的高素质应用型人才,以充分满足宁波地区中小企业中 高端技术岗位的需求。 (二)完善专业培养课程体系 作为高校人才培养的载体,课程设置的合理与否在很大程度上影响高校人才培养目标 能否实现,培养出的人才能否满足社会需要。针对当前国内高校专业培养课程体系中存在 的问题和不足,笔者认为高校应在全面培养学生核心能力的基础上,站在学生需求、专业 需求、社会需求的角度上对课程体系进行构建和优化,比如将课程分为通识课程平台、专 业核心课程、专业拓展课程三类,各类安排适当的学分和学时,注意理论课程与实践课程 结构均衡。同时,在课程体系中融入多层次职业资格标准,帮助学生在专业课程学习中获 得与将来从事工作所需的职业资格证书,为学生更好地适应市场需求打下基础。 (三)注重专业实践课程教学 随着市场上对外贸易企业对人才要求从具有后劲的“储备型人才”转向综合素质高的 “适用型人才” ,国内高校的人才培养也应该从单纯重视理论知识学习转向重视理论与实践 结合的能力和创新能力培养,而且应该认识到贯彻落实实践教学体系是保证教学质量的重 要环节。笔者认为,高校在国际贸易应用型人才的实践教学中,可以坚持以专业技能培养 为主线,辅以综合素质、外向拓展、创新能力的培养,前者包括专业课程及模拟操作、毕 业实习、毕业论文等,后者主要有军训、暑假社会实践、素质拓展工程、学科竞赛、职业 考证等。同时学校应大力支持实践课程教学,充分培养学生的社会实践能力。 (四)构建专业师资队伍 以市场需求为导向的应用型国际贸易人才培养对高校师资队伍也提出了更高的要求, 要求师资队伍具备市场所需要的国际贸易应用型人才的各种能力。但是,当今大多数高校 的教师都是毕业后直接进入高校任教,相关行业及企业工作经验缺乏,实践操作能力不足。 因此,笔者认为,高校应该建立一支由具备一定行业背景、实践经验丰富的应用型教师与 专业理论基础深厚的理论型教师构成的综合型师资队伍,且保证应用型教师的比例不低于 30%,以提升教学质量。 四、结语 总而言之,解决当前外贸企业招聘国际贸易专业人才难与国际贸易专业毕业生就业难 的“两难”问题,需要高校坚持以市场需求为导向,不断调整和完善国际贸易应用型人才 培养模式,通过建立具有地方特色的人才培养目标、完善专业培养课程体系、注重专业实 践课程教学、构建专业师资队伍等措施,培养综合素质高的应用型人才。 In the current domestic colleges and universities personnel training mode, the domestic foreign trade enterprise talent recruitment professional international trade and international trade “dilemma“ problem of graduates employment, embodied in that market, unit of choose and employ persons tend to choose practical hands-on skills and the ability to solve practical problems of applied talents, right now, many international trade professional graduates do not have such professional ability. Root cause of this predicament is in our country foreign trade enterprise under the background of great development, the traditional international trade specialized talented person cultivation model no longer suited to the market demand. This request university international trade professional talent training system in the current social and economic development and market demand as the guidance, take attaches great importance to the professional learning and career development of applied talents training mode, in order to enhance their competitiveness. A talent market demand characteristics, domestic and international trade At present, Chinas market demand for international trade professionals is plural, hierarchical characteristic. First, the double requirements of political and ideological and moral qualities. As the current speed up the pace of economic globalization and the degree of opening to the outside world in China, domestic constantly improve and improve the system of laws and regulations and the relevant mechanism of foreign trade and encourage more and more foreign trade enterprise requires the candidate must have a certain political quality, consciously abide by the party and state policies and regulations, possess legal concept, familiar with foreign trade laws and regulations. At the same time, it also requires the candidate has certain ideological and moral qualities, including the correct world outlook, the outlook on life, values and business ethics, integrity, consciousness, dedication and teamwork spirit. Second, pay attention to general ability, basic knowledge and professional skills. Market more than 90% of the foreign trade enterprise attaches great importance to the international trade talented persons general ability, which normally requires the candidate with the operation and management skills, language ability, market research, communication and coordination ability, etc. At the same time, there are more than 80% of the foreign trade enterprises to apply for personnel such as English, math, computer basic knowledge level has a clear requirement, more than 60% of the foreign trade enterprise requirements apply for personnel have import and export processing cost accounting, communication and writing, documents making and settlement and other professional skills. Again, emphasis on innovation consciousness and innovation ability. Innovation is a foreign trade enterprise the key to ensure stability in the international market, has aroused the attention of the domestic foreign trade companies. Almost all the foreign trade enterprise in the market, as it were, without exception, asked the international trade talented person must have certain innovation consciousness and innovation ability, have the courage to explore new work ideas and methods in the work, to help the company to open international market to the largest extent, cost savings, improve economic benefits. Finally, the emphasis on advancing with The Times and random strain capacity. Complex diversity with the current international trade environment, the traditional “professional knowledge and foreign language level“ of the international trade talents has cant meet the needs of international economic development of the new situation, more and more foreign trade enterprise requires international trade personnel must have the spirit of advancing with The Times and the ability of random strain, in order to actively and effectively cope with problems that may occur at any time. Second, the international trade situation and the existing problems of the applied talents cultivation system In recent years, with the acceleration of economic globalization and the deepening of reform and opening up, the domestic foreign trade in our country presents the vigorous development trend, but the domestic most restricted by various factors of colleges and universities can not cultivate professional applied talents to meet the market demand of international trade. Lead to this problem is the key to the existing talent cultivation system is not sound domestic colleges and universities. (a) the domestic existing international trade situation applied talents cultivation system Applied talents from the academic talent lies in its focus on practice to explore, is a kind of high-level, high demand scarcity of talent. Current domestic universities will international trade professional applied talent cultivation system of training target, through the classroom theoretical knowledge and social practice, actively develop consistent with market demand, general ability and mastering the basic knowledge and professional skills, and has strong strain capacity and the innovative ability of applied talents with high quality. Accordingly, the present international trade professional applied talent cultivation system of main characteristic is: first, pay more attention to the study of the professional theory knowledge, emphasis on practical application and innovation of theoretical knowledge learning; Second, raises the student good practice and innovation ability, in order to maximize its ability to work; Again, pay attention to communication and coordination and executive development ability of shaping, hope in the work found the problem, analyze and handle problems in time; Finally, the mutual model of combination between colleges, provide a platform for the students in the school practice activities. It can be said that at present domestic and international trade professional applied talent cultivation system is taking shape, and has achieved some success, but overall, many training modes are learning the ropes around here, there are some problems. (2) the problems of international trade applied talents training body First, each college talents training target. At present, the domestic regional assimilation application-oriented university international trade specialized training goal and modelling, not formed their own characteristics, and cant develop their own advantages, to avoid in the process of running, this leads to international trade professional develop talent around the same, cannot satisfy the actual needs of local economic development. Second, the heavy light practice. The current domestic many colleges applied talents training mode of international trade on the basis of theory of practice, lead to many graduates theoretical knowledge and practical ability to apply extreme imbalance, cannot adapt to the working. Third, single teaching mode. Domestic colleges and universities, the teachers majored in international trade in the foreign trade enterprise worked less, dont know much about the situation of the industry a line, lead to the lack of practice teaching, can only rely on books modeled case for practice teaching, the teaching model of a single serious influence students all- round development. Fourth, the professional curriculum is not reasonable. With Europe and the United States international trade major setting of professional courses focus on the international cutting-edge knowledge and national political, legal, environmental, compared to Chinas international trade professional there exist certain problems in the curriculum, influence students grasp of the natural and social science knowledge and understanding of international trade policy and the environment. And some universities compression international trade practice course teaching time, the consequences of this are students lack of ability to apply international trade practice, further caused the applied talents training quality decline in international trade. Fifth, ignore the importance of cooperation between colleges and project teaching. On the one hand, on the part of the market of enterprises lack the look of long-term development, focus on short-term economic benefits, do not take the receive university international trade specialized intern for talent pool. On the other hand, the university internal because of policy is not sound, the effect is not perfect, teachers scientific research task, cant work actively carry out cooperation between colleges and students have no chance in learning theoretical knowledge and understanding of market, participate in market competition, market tested. The formation of international trade applied talent cultivation system of colleges and universities and the sound is a long-term process, not overnight. Facing the current widespread international trade applied talents training in colleges and universities in the process of problems and the insufficiency, must adhere to the market demand as the guide, through continuous practice and adjustment, improve creatively applied talents training mode of international trade colleges and universities. Third, guided by market demand of innovative personnel training mode in international trade With the vigorous development of Chinas foreign trade, the social demand for applied talents of international trade will continue to increase. Therefore, the current domestic colleges and universities must change the international trade specialized applied talents cultivation idea, improve and perfect to the market demand as the guidance of the applied talents training mode, cultivate high-level, high-quality applied talents of international trade, constantly promote the development of foreign trade. (a) the talents training goal of establishing characteristic In the process of applied talent training plan, colleges and universities should attach great importance to the fundamental of professional education on the one hand, on the other hand, in the professional education on the basis of improve students vocational adaptability. According to the requirement, the author thinks that can make the domestic local colleges and universities according to their own school-running characteristics, the implementation of the school teaching service orientation, adhere to in order to meet the market demand as the guide, create the talent cultivating target has its own characteristics. A school in ningbo as an example, based on regional characteristics, established a “people-oriented, DE to pay equal attention to“ educational philosophy and pay attention to the direction of “local, applying“ talent cultivation, focuses on cultivating excellent moral character, knowledge, ability outstanding high-quality practical talents, to fully meet the needs of high-end technology jobs in the small and medium-sized enterprises in ningbo. (2) improve the professional training curriculum system As a carrier of talents cultivation at colleges and universities, the curriculum is reasonable or not to a great extent, affect college talent training goal realization, can cultivate talents to meet social needs. In view of the current problems existing in the domestic university professional training course system and the insufficiency, the author thinks that universities should be on the basis of comprehensively cultivate the core competence of the students, standing in the student demand, professional demand, on the perspective of social demand to build and optimize the curriculum system, such as the curriculum is divided into general course platform, three categories of professional core courses, professional development courses, arrange the proper credits and all kinds of school, pay attention to the equilibrium theory course and practice course structure. At the same time, in the curriculum system with multi-level vocational qualification standards, to help students in professional course study and work in the future the professional qualification certificate, lay the foundation for the students to better adapt to market demand. (3) pay attention to professional practice teaching Foreign trade enterprises as the market demands for talents from have staying power “reserve talented person“ to “reingistic talents of high comprehensive quality, domestic colleges and universities personnel training should also learn from the simple attaches great importance to the theoretical knowledge to attach importance to the ability to combine theory with practice and innovation ability training, and should realize the implementation of practical teaching system is an important link to ensure the quality of teaching. The author thinks that, in the international trade practice teaching of applied talents in colleges and universities, can adhere to professional skills as the main line, supplemented by comprehensive quality, the development of extroversion, and the cultivation of innovation ability, the former include the professional course


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