



25 岁你做了什么? 25 岁是一个青春活力的年龄,告别了 18 岁的稚嫩,已经在社会中磨练起来,今天西博 海外教育的小编为大家分享成功人士在 25 岁做了什么?同样的我们或许没有名人那么多闪 光点,但是在 25 岁中我们努力生活为了更好的自己。 Some people know what they want to do from an early age and focus on itrelentlessly. Others reinvent themselves, changing careers and industries until they find something that works. As a reminder that the path to success is not always linear, weve highlighted what Richard Branson and 9 otherfascinating and successful people were doing at age 25. 有的人很年轻的时候就知道他们想做什么,并且坚定地专注于此。有的人通过职业和行业 的调整来改变自己,直到发现自己真正想做的事情。通向成功的道路不会一帆风顺,我们 来看看理查德-布兰森和其他九位成功人士在 25 岁时都在做什么。 一、Richard Branson had already started the Virgin Records record label. 理查德-布兰森(维京集团创始人)已经创办了维京唱片公司 At age 20, Branson opened his first record shop, then a studio at 22 and launched the label at 23. By 30, his company was international. 20 岁时布兰森开办了他的第一家唱片店,22 岁时建立了一家工作室,23 岁时创办了维京 唱片公司。30 岁时他的公司已经是国际级的了。 Those early years were tough, he told Entrepreneur: “I remember themvividly. Its far more difficult being a small-business owner starting a business than it is for me with thousands of people working for us and 400 companies. Building a business from scratch is 24 hours, 7 days a week, divorces, its difficult to hold your family life together, its bloody hard work and only one word really matters and thats surviving.“ 最初的几年很艰难,他告诉企业家杂志:“我还清楚地记得那些岁月。对我来说,建 立一家小型公司开始创业比领导成千上万的员工和 400 家公司要困难得多。白手起家创建 一家公司意味着一周七天,一天 24 小时不停地工作,还有离婚,因为你很难兼顾家庭生活。 那时工作非常艰苦,只有一个词最重要,那就是生存。 ” 二、JK Rowling came up with the idea for the Harry Potter series on a train. JK 罗琳在火车上想到了哈利波特系列故事的灵感 In 1990, Rowling was 25 years old when she came up with the idea for Harry Potter duirng a delayed four-hour train ride. 1990 年,25 岁的 JK 罗琳在一次晚点 4 小时的火车旅途中想到了哈利波特的灵感。 She started writing the first book that evening, but it took her years to actually finish it. While working as a secretary for the London office ofAmnesty International, Rowling was fired for daydreaming too much about Harry Potter and her severance check would help her focus on writing for the next few years. 在那天晚上她开始写第一本书,但她花了好几年才完成这本书,罗琳曾经在国际特赦组织 的伦敦办事处当秘书,但是因为总在构思哈利波特的故事而被炒了鱿鱼,这其实让她 在接下来的几年可以专注于写作。 During these years, she got married, had a daughter, got divorced, and wasdiagnosed with clinical depression before finally finishing the book in 1995. It was published in 1997。 在这些年里,她结了婚,有了一个女儿,又离了婚,还被诊断出患有抑郁症,最终她在 1995 年完成了她的作品,于 1997 年出版。 三、Marissa Mayer had just started her job as Googles 20th employee. 玛丽莎-梅耶尔(雅虎 CEO)刚刚作为谷歌的第 20 位员工开始自己的职业生涯 At 24, Mayer became employee number 20 at Google and the companys first female engineer. She remained with the company for 13 years before moving on to her role as CEO of Yahoo. 24 岁时,梅耶尔成为了谷歌的第 20 位员工,也是这家公司的第一位女工程师。她在谷歌 工作了 13 年,之后就任雅虎公司的 CEO。 Google didnt have the sorts of lavish campuses it does now, Mayer said in an interview with V Makers, “During my interviews, which were in April of 1999, Google was a seven-person company. I arrived and I was interviewed at a ping pong table which was also the companys conference table, and it was right when they were pitching for venture capitalist money, so actually after my interview Larry and Sergei left and took the entire office with them.“ 当时的谷歌还没有现在这样大的规模,梅耶尔在一次访谈中说, “我在 1999 年 4 月去谷歌面 试,当时公司只有 7 个人。我到了以后在一张乒乓球台边接受面试,那也是谷歌的会议桌。 当时他们正在试图争取风险投资。我的面试结束后拉里和谢盖尔就离开了,而且把整个办 公室也带走了。 ” Since everyone in the office interviewed you those days, Mayer had to come back the next day for another round. 因为时公司的每个人都要对你进行面试,梅耶尔第二天不得不再次回来进行第二轮面试。 四、Warren Buffett was working as an investment salesman in Omaha. 沃伦-巴菲特在奥马哈市做一名投资销售员 In his early 20s, Buffett worked as an investment salesman for Buffett-Falk he was a Xerox salesman. 星巴克的 CEO 霍华德-舒尔茨甚至还没有开始做咖啡生意,他当时是施乐公司的销售员。 After graduating from Northern Michigan University, Schultz worked as a salesman for Xerox. His success there led a Swedish company named Hammerplast that made coffeemakers to recruit him at age 26. 从北密歇根大学毕业后,舒尔茨在施乐公司做一名销售员。他在施乐公司的成功吸引了一 家名叫 Hammerplast 的制造咖啡机的瑞典公司的注意,他在 26 岁时进入了这家公司。 While working for that company, he encountered the first Starbucks outlets in Seattle, and went on to join the company atage 29. 在为这家公司工作期间,他在西雅图见到了第一家星巴克门店,并在 29 岁时加入了星巴克。 On his job in Xerox, Schultz writes in “Pour Your Heart Into It“: “I learned more there than in college about the worlds of work and business. They trained me in sales, marketing, and presentation skills, and I walked out with a healthy sense of self-esteem. Xerox was a blue-chip pedigree company, and I got a lot of respect when I told others who my employer was . But I cant say I ever developed a passion for word processors.“ 对于在施乐公司工作的这段经历,舒尔茨在将心注入中写道:“在那里我比在大学里学 到了更多关于工作和经营的知识。我在销售、市场、演讲技巧等方面得到了训练,让我得 到了自尊自信。施乐是一家一流的公司,当我告诉别人我在这家公司工作时会赢得很多尊 重。但我对文字处理软件无法建立起热情。 ” 九、Lloyd Blankfein was an unhappy lawyer. 劳埃德-布兰科费恩(高盛高管)是一名不快乐的律师 Blankfein didnt take the typical route to finance. He actually started out as a lawyer. He got his law degree from Harvard at age 24, then took a job as an associate at law firm Donovan Leisure. 布兰科费恩进入金融界的方式与众不同。他最初是一名律师。他在 24 岁时取得了哈佛大学 的法律学位,并在一家名叫 Donovan Leisuire 的法律公司工作。 “I was as provincial as you could be, albeit from Brooklyn, the province of Brooklyn, “Blankfein told William Cohen at Fortune Magazine. “我当时眼光很狭窄,我来自布鲁克林,就在布鲁克林工作, ”布兰科费恩对财富杂志的 威廉-科恩说。 At the time, he was a heavy smoker and occasional gambler. Despite the fact that he was on the partner track at the firm, he decided to switch to investment banking, joining J. Aron at the age of 27. 当时他是个老烟枪,还偶尔去赌博。虽然他已经在那家公司成为了合伙人,他还是决定转 战投资银行,在 27 岁时加入了


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