



1500T/H 固定式破碎筛分成套设备报价单Fixed Crush plantA: 基本设备(必备设备)basic components(necessary) B: 固定式设计设备 control and ancillary componentsC:皮带输送机(必备设备) belt conveyor(necessary)No 设备名称 name 设备型号 model 规格及性能Specification and capacity KW Qty Price( RMB )1 振动给料机Vibrating feeder ZSW600*150 30 1 1880002 颚式破碎机Jaw crusher PE1200*1500 200 1 15800003 反击式破碎机Impact crusher PF1515V 280*3 3 13455004 振动筛 Rounding vibrating screen 4YK2460 最大进料粒度750 mmMax. feeding size 750 mm 筛网规格最终由用户确定Screen size to be confirmed by clients according to specific requirements of after-screen size 55 1 2050005集中电控柜Centralized Electric Control总装机容量:1256.5KW(不含电线电缆和集装箱)Total electric capacity: 1256.5 KW(not incl. cable and wire and compartment)1 135000合计 Total 500 3453500No. 设备名称 name 规格及性能Specification and capacity Qty Price(RMB)1机组前段辅件ancillary part for Primary crushing group包 括 :进 料 斗 (30 M3)操 作 平 台 ,扶 梯 ,栏 杆 ,连 接 料 斗 ,出 料 斗 等Incl.: feed-in (30M3) repair platform, ladder, parapet, connection chute and dispatch chute.12机组后段辅件ancillary part for Secondary crushing group包括:进出料斗,检修平台,扶梯, 栏杆等Incl.: feed-in and dispatch chute, repair platform, ladder and parapet.13筛分机辅件ancillary part for Screening group包括:出料斗,检修平台,扶梯,栏杆等.Incl.: dispatch chute, repair platform, ladder and parapet15080005 小 计 Total 508000No 设备名称 name规格及型号Model and specificationKW Qty. Price ( RMB )1 B650*15M 5.5 12皮带输送机Belt conveyorB1200*22M 15 16706502备注(Note):1、以上成套设备总价为人民币 4632150 元( 上海港交货价格)、含 17%增值税发票和包装费用;设备价格包括电机;The above Total amount RMB4632150 ( SHANGHAI price)、including 17% VAT invoice and packing cost. Motors are included in the quotation. 2、合同生效后供方提供:土建基础图、设备安装图,流程工艺图。Since the contract is valid, the seller should supply basic drawing, installing drawing, and the flowing technical drawing.3、供方派人到客户所在国指导设备安装调试;负责培训现场操作工人(技术人员都有出 国护照) ;买方负责卖方技术工人的食宿,往返机票,人身安全及在国外每人每天 50 美金的工资。The seller should send workers to install and adjust the machines, and our workers are also responsible for the training of the buyers workers, however, do not worry about the passport of the workers. The buyer should be responsible for each of our technicians accommodation, meals, round-trip tickets, self-security and 50USD per day abroad.4、质量承诺:主机设备保修壹年(易损件除外) ,皮带机、电器保修半年。根据不同的情况,我们将提供退还,更换,维修产品的服务,卖方以优惠价向买方提供易损件。Quality guarantee period: The guarantee period for mainframe is one year (exclude the quick wear parts),for belt conveyor and electrical appliance is half year. According to different problems, we supply return products, replacement products, repair products. We will offer the fastest after sales service to reduce the cost of the customer.5、付款方式:T/T,预付 30%定金,余款交货前付清。Payment: T/T, 30% of total amount is earnest money, the rest amount to be paid before goods leave factory.6、交货方式:收到定金后 50 天交货。Delivery Terms: 50 days after receipt of earnest money.7、报价有效期 25 天。Valid time of quotation: 25 days. Schedule A: Flow Chart3 B1400*15M 15 14 B1400*35M 30 15 B1000*34M 22 16 B800*20M 11*4 4Total 131.5 9 6706503Schedule B: Technical ParametersZSW600150 振动给料机技术参数41. 最大进料尺寸 Max Feed Opening (mm):7502. 处理能力 Capacity(t/h):400-5603. 电动机功率 Motor Power(kw):224. 电动机数量 Number of Motor: 15. 重量 Weight (t):7.86. 外形尺寸 Overall Dimensions(mm):6082200014507. 料槽尺寸 Chute Size(mm): 150060008. 偏心轴转速 Eccentric Shaft Speed (r/min):500-800PE12001500 颚式破碎机技术参数1.进料口尺寸 Feed Opening Size(mmmm):120015002.最大给料粒度 Max. Feed Edge(mm):10203.进料口宽度调整范围 Discharge Opening Range(mm):1503004.处理能力 processing capacity(t/h):4008005.电机功率 Motor Power(kw):1606.外形尺寸:4470334211457.重量 weight(t):85PF-1515V 反击式破碎机技术参数1. 进料口尺寸 Feed Opening (mmmm):85015802. 最大进料边长 Max Feed Size(mm):3503. 处理能力 Productive Capacity(t/h):220-2804. 电动机功率 Electric Power(kw):2805. 重量 Weight (t):29.56. 外形尺寸 Overall Dimensions(mm):3550283532707. 规格 Spec(mm):150015004YK2460 圆振动筛技术参数1. 筛面层数 Screen Deck No:42. 筛面面积 Screen area(m2):14.43. 筛孔尺寸 Screen mesh pore size(mm):5-1504. 筛面规格 Screen Mesh(mm):240060005. 最大进料尺寸 Max Feed Opening (mm):4006


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