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1、Module 8 Unit 1 The Written World 编写:丁向萍Words:1) poetry n.poet(n.诗人)poem(n. 诗)poetic (adj.)2) drama (n.)dramatic (adj.) 3) desperate (adj.)desperation (n.) desperately (ad.)4) classic (adj./n.) English classics / classic works/ Thats classic.(不足为奇) c.f. classical music / architecture5) literary lite

2、rature- literacy (读写能力) 6) tense (adj.) tension (n.) 7) criminal (n./adj.) crime 8). generous(adj.)generosity(n.)9) resist (v.) temptation. laughing resistance (n.) resistant (adj.)10) spin (spun, spun, spinning) 11) violence(n.)violent(adj.)12) spring (v. sprang/ sprung, sprung) (n.) up13) end v. s

3、th. /with / in prison / up with / in the / at the of / by the of /come to an /bring sth. to an / carry sth. through to the / put an to sth. or put sth. to an 14) civil(adj.) civilize (v.) civilized(adj.) civilization (n.)civilian (n./ adj.)Useful phrases:请浏览后下载,资料供参考,期待您的好评与关注!1. the antiques of the

4、 literary world文学界的遗产2. be left to gather dust on shelves 尘封不动3. an award-winning film 获奖电影 4. come out 上映 come out first 获胜5. best-known works知名著作6. be based on以为根据7. bother to make into sth 费心制成 8. publish one chapter at a time 一次出版一章at one time一度, 曾经at no time绝不 / at times时常/ in no time 立刻 / 9. b

5、e set in the early 1800s以十九世纪早期为背景 set off/ set out/ up/ about 10. on stage在舞台上 11. set sb free from把某人从中解放出来, 使某人免于12. would rather die than see any harm come to Pip 死也不愿见到皮普受伤害13. have prejudice against sb.对某人有偏见 14. add to the difficulty增添 addto/ add up the figures / add up to加起来一共15. as a condit

6、ion for receiving this fortune / make it a condition that/ on condition that以为条件 be in condition (=healthy, fit) / on no condition =in no situation 绝不要/ living (working, housing)conditions 16. a desperate criminal/effort/ situation 拼命/绝望的 be desperate for sth/ to do sth 渴望17. a twist in the plot; Th

7、e road has many twists. / twist his head 扭头; twist down the hill 蜿蜒 plot plotted-plotted; plot to rob a bank 密谋18. be bent on doing sth.=make up ones mind to do sth. 19. a vain person;a vain attempt; sth be in vain; sb try in vain to do sth. 徒劳地20. a civil war内战/ civil rights民权 / be civil to sb 有教养的

8、 / civil law 民法 / criminal law 刑法21. a fancy education / fancy meeting you here!想不到在这儿见到您22. on the run 躲避;忙碌,奔波 on the go 忙碌,奔波 23. .live up to ones expectations(不辜负)/ promise(实现)/ reputation(名副其实)/ standards (达到)25. sb be worn/tired/burnt out; give out 筋疲力尽 The shoes are worn out. 穿破了26. serve / a

9、ct / work as / play the role of/充当 27. be dressed in rags; a ragged beggar/coat28. rescue sb from the burning house ; come to ones rescue来救某人29. enjoy/win/build up a good reputation ; have a good reputation for (doing) sth 有-的名声30. in (heavy) debt / out of debt / pay off debts / with many debts 31.

10、pin sth to sth把别到 32 adore this poet; adore going to the cinema 喜欢 adorable children 可爱的孩子33. at the sight of一看到 34. put on an exhibition举办/a CD播放/ a play上演/an innocent look 装出35. have nothing/something to do with sth ( be involve in/ be connected with/ be related to sth)36. have a/no/little talent

11、for sth; be talented in37. let out a sad sigh长叹一声 a scream / a secret/ his trousers/cars by the day38. tend to do sth/ have a tendency to do sth 往往、倾向于做-39. sb /sth be no different. -也无不同40. compare sth to sth把比作; compare with比较; (when) compared to /with,-;by comparison41. mourn ones death悼念亡人42. th

12、e monument to sb. 某人的纪念碑43. be intended to do sth. 是用来做; sb had intended to do sth = sb intended to have done sth 某人打算做44. from start to finish 自始至终 from head to toe 从头到脚 from door to door 挨家挨户45. not really 不 (委婉否定) not exactly 不完全是这样46.consist of构成= be made up of Important sentences:1. Because a l

13、ot of classics were written so long a go, their language characteristics are quite different form those of modern works. 掌握 one; the one; that; those; it 区别2. Nobody would bother to (费心做某事)make these classic novels into film if they had nothing to do with contemporary life? (掌握虚拟相关知识点)3. His tomb re

14、ads(says), “By his death, one of Englands greatest writers is lost to the world. be lost to 失去了- An opportunity was lost to me.4. He would rather die than see any harm come to Pip.would rather do than do sth; would rather (not) do sth; would rather sb did / had done 5. Pip dislikes it when Joe comes

15、 to visit him in London.dislike/hate/love/like/appreciate it (形式宾语)(when/if)6. He has rigid ideas of what it means to be civil. (掌握what 与which、that 区别)7. The film take many twists (not found in the novel)定语修饰many twists.8. You should probably not be too eager to see the film as it is not likely to l

16、ive up to your great expectations.(only) too glad/ willing /ready/ eager to do sth 非常开心、乐意、迫切做某事9. In the corner was a new soccer ball. Up it flew. Up flew the balloon. (掌握倒装相关知识)10. 语法-否定 no, not, never, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere, neither. nor均表示强烈意味的完全否定,not 与 everything, all, both, everybody

17、 等部分否定 Both of my parents are not teachers.(不都是)hardly/seldom等否定词表否定之意Seldom does he go to the cinema. He seldom goes to the cinema, does he? 否定意义前缀反义疑问句不受影响 He is unhappy, isnt he?否认前移 I/We dont think he was right, was he? She doesnt think he was right, does she?far from(远非,决不)interesting ; free fr

18、om(没有-的) The news set him free from worries. beyond(超出,无法), cant but do sth / cant choose/ help but do sth不得不做某事 anything but绝不是 nothing but就是 not a bit一点也不 not a little非常,很 not uncommon =common can hardly wait to do sth迫不及待 He is more lazy than stupid.与其说蠢,还不如说懒no taller than =as short as 一样矮; no m

19、ore careless than = as careful as 一样仔细 You cant be too careful. I cant agree more. I cant thank you enough. 非常,很 巩固练习一、单项选择1. To achieve your goal,_ yourself and your direction _ the most important thing.A. knowing; isB. to know; were C. know; wasD. and know; are2. The explorer got a disease in bloo

20、d for the _ of fresh vegetables and fruit. A. sake B. lack C. ignorance D. benefit 3. Why not play the music we listened to yesterday? It _ old times.A. calls on B. calls for C. calls in D. calls up4. -What is Rudi up to? - Rudi seems bent _finding a new job. A. on B. to C. down D. over 5. Everyone

21、had an application form in his hand, but no one knew which office room _. A. to send it B. to be sent to C. to send it to D. to have it send6. The thief broke in, trying to open the safe, but _. A. in no way B. in vain C. without effect D. at a loss 7. -Are you satisfied with the result? -Not at all

22、It couldnt be _ .A. any worse B. any better C. good D. bad8. Difficulties and hardships have_ the best character of the young geologistA. brought in B. brought out C. brought up D. brought about9. Seans strong love for his country is _ in his recently published poems. A. relieved B. reflected C. res

23、ponded D. recovered 10. How do you like your teacher of English ? Well, no one teaches _ here .A. well B. typical C. best D. better11. I dont think he could have done such a stupid thing last night, _?A. do I B. could he C. did he D. has he12. If our parents would listen more to us, they would under

24、stand us better. _. They just expect us to listen. A. I believe not B. No problem C. Good idea D. I cant agree more13. She isnt a dancing teacher, is she ? _. A. Yes, she isnt B. No, she is C. Yes, she wasnt D. No, but she was.14. -Why! I _ get you on the phone. -We _ basketball on the playground wh

25、en you phoned.A. didnt; must be playing B. couldnt; must be playingC. couldnt; must have played D. didnt; must have been playing15. As a candidate, you must make a good _ on everyone you meet if you want to win the election. A. decision B. situation C. impression D. position16. -Have you finished th

26、e report? -Oh, sorry. It was so noisy in the office that I couldnt _ down to writing anything. A. settle B. put C. sit D. lie17. Last week, only two people came to look at the house, _wanted to buy it. A. none of them B. both of them C. none of whom D. neither of whom18. Not until he got to the offi

27、ce _having left the key home. A. he remembered B. remembered he C. did he remember D. he did remember19. He doesnt believe what Maria said is right, _ ?A. is it B. isnt it C. does he D. doesnt he20. It is often mistakenly assumed that drug abusers lack moral principles or willpower and that they cou

28、ld stop _ drugs simply by choosing to change their behavior. A. to abuse B. abuse C. abusing D. abused21. In a last _ effort to save the patients life, the doctors pulled out all the tubes and fed him. A. promising B. desperate C. terminal D. remaining22. Albert Einstein once said, “You do not reall

29、y understand something _ you can explain it to your grandmother.” A. if B. unless C. whether D. when23. He learns _ wealth does not buy happiness and _friends are more important than a fancy education. A. that; / B. what; / C. /; that D. /; what24. It was not until the ambitious girl accumulated eno

30、ugh stamps _ to give them out. A. did she decide B. had she decided C. that she decided D. that she had decided25. Is it convenient for you to have dinner with us this evening? _. Maybe I have to overwork. A. Its hard to say. B. Its up to you. C. I couldnt agree more. D. Dont mention it. 26. Some pe

31、ople prefer to ride bicycles because bicycle riding has _ of the annoyances that come with taking buses. A. nothing B. some C. neither D. none27. I really dont like to do the housework. I would do anything rather than _ the house. A. clean B. cleaning C. to clean D. cleaned28. The little boy _ if sh

32、e hadnt jumped in to save him. A. would have drowned B. may drown C. may have drowned D. might drown29. He died in the war, leaving his young wife _ but a broken cottage. A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. something30. What does the notice say? No one _ enter the building site without permissio

33、n. A. should B. can C. must D. shall二、单词拼写1. The _ (百万富翁) once liked collecting _(古董)very much.2. A child exposed to too much _(暴力) is likely to become v_. 3.With the help of the media, he was r_ with his missing child.4.The little boy r_ from the burning house was rushed to the hospital quickly.5.I

34、n front of the building was a m_ to the supreme novelist adored by most people.6. Though _ (吐口水)at in the course of his speech, the statesman treat the person in a c_ manner.7.This science fiction containing 60 c_ has many _ (转折) in its plot.8.Lily t_ her head so she could see what was happening.9.P

35、eter tried to run away from the police and was accused of r_ arrest.10.One of the language c_ of poetry is that some lines _(押韵).11.This ole woman is so r_ that she will never change a decision once she makes it. 12. The badly injured baby w_ in a blanket was soon rushed to the nearest hospital.13.

36、The officer was arrested for a_ his power, so his r_ was destroyed completely.14. Have you see the stamp on the e_? I cant find it now.15. Her sincere help _ (软化)his heart in the end.16. The people living in the hotel s_ out of bed when the alarm went off.17. The t_ between the north and the south l

37、ed to the c_ war breaking out 1861.18. This g_ person likes helping others, so he has a good r_ for his kindness.19. The painting impressed visitors with _(卓越的) art.20. At the sight of the police, those c_ ran way _(拼命地).三、动词填空1. _(compare) with the size of the food one can carry, the small ant is t

38、he strongest one in the world.2. _(abuse) for years, the wife chose to divorce in the end.3. With many problem _(settle),the newly-elected president still feels calm.4. I _(intend) to watch the film _(set) in the USA in the 1860s, but I was too busy.5. _(convince) that the measures _(intend) to cont

39、rol the house price will be effective, people postpone _(buy) a house. 6. Look at the heavy rain! I would rather _(not come) to watch the football match.7. China replaced Japan in 2010 as No. 2 economy, _(reflect) Chinas continuing rise in economic and political influences.8. _ (not recover)from the

40、 operation, the patient was advised to stay there for another two weeks.9. The oil price _(go) up all the time and no one knows when it will become stable.10. -What caused him to suffer from cancer? -_(expose) to much radiation for a long time.11. _(protect) their family and land, the villagers have

41、 to stick together to resist the invaders. 12. Though _(threaten) by violence, the teacher tried hard to protect her students.13. The moment the 28th Olympic Games _ (declare)open, the whole world cheered.14. By the time he knows the truth, his son _(admit)to another university _(not choose) by him.

42、15. We_(put) Johns name on the race list yesterday but for his recent injury.16. Is Henry sick? Yes. His _(work) all night in the rain caused him to catch a cold. 17. During the year the President turned his attention to _(improve) agriculture.18. We are looking forward to _(have) another chance _(t

43、ry) it again.19. Mrs. Smith warned her daughter _(not drive) after drinking.20. The salesman scolded the girl caught _(steal) and let her off.四、句型转换1. He wants to improve his status in the company, so he is eager to get the opportunity._ _ having a _ in the company, he _ _ _ the opportunity.2. Being

44、 hungry and tired, he stopped to have a rest. _ _, he stopped to have a rest.3. Pip doesnt want Joe to come to visit him in London. Pip _ _ _Joe comes to visit him in London.4. They made a film for children, but because it didnt focus on what they were interested in, it was a total failure. _ _ to d

45、o _ what children were interested in, the film _ _ them was _ _a failure/ _ _ a success/_ _ satisfactory.5. After graduation, he was busy looking for a job, but his efforts didnt pay off. After graduation, he was _ _ _, _ a job, but his efforts were _ _.6. He broke his promise that he would keep the

46、 secret, so I was very angry.He didnt _ _ _ his promise that he wouldnt _ _ the secret, so I was _ _ _ angry.7. It is common that those talented in music are admired by people.It is _ _ that those _ _ _ for music are _ by people. 8. Only if you work hard can you do as well as your deskmate. _ _ _you

47、 work hard, you can do _ _ than your deskmate.9. The two sides have the same opinion. The opinion of one side was _ _ _ _ of the other. 10.There was a note pinned to the door on which were written “ Wet Paint”._ to the door was a note, the note _ “Wet Paint”.五、完成句子1. 他是慷慨的-他把他剩下的钱捐赠给那些衣衫褴褛的乞丐It is _

48、 _ him to _ _most of his wealth to help the beggars _ _.2. 他死于1870年,他的墓碑上写着:他的死令世界失去了一个伟大的英国作家。 He died in 1870, and his tomb _, “_his death, one of the Englands greatest writers is _ _ the world.”3. 她禁不住又把这部电影看了一遍,因为这本电影触及了她强烈的情感。She _ _ _ the film again, for the film_ _ her strong feelings.4. 知道他的

49、遗孀负债累累,他的朋友都来帮助她, 这使她免受财政烦恼。Knowing his _ was _ _ _, his friends _ _ _ _, _ set her _ _ financial worries.5. 这家酒店以服务好出名,它从来没有辜负我们的期望. _ _ good _ _its excellent service, this hotel always _ _ _ our _.6. 要是这个孩子没有被暴躁的继母虐待,他就不会太急于逃离这个家了。(倒装)_ the child _ _ _ by his _ _, he wouldnt have been_ _ _ _ the h

50、ome.7. 战士们宁愿战死也不愿意向敌人投降。The soldiers _ _ die than_ _ _ the enemy.8. 我迫不及待地去买了这本旨在指导我们学生写作的书。I could _ _ _ buy the book _ _ _us students in writing.9. 随着很多工厂的兴起,污染成为这个500个人组成的村庄的一个危险。 With many factories _ _, pollution became _ _ _ the village _ _ 500 villagers.10. 虽然这些措施很有效,并不是所有的在逃犯都被逮捕了。 _ _ these measures were,_ _the criminals _ _ _ were captured.11. 比较一下这些孩子与正常孩子,你会发现他们往往脱离社会。 _these children with normal children, and you will find they _ _ _ _ society.六、完形填空。A land free from destruction, plus wealt


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