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1、七年级(下)教案Unit 5一 、教学目标(一)语言知识 语音 / / /ts/ /dz/ /tr/ /dr/ / / /n/词汇 掌握wake,early,first,day,term,must,still,by,on foot,the same to,usually,always,Ms.,boat,ship,sea,train,by plane/air/airplane, etc.理解 Subway Worm reporter,Net Bar,roller skating Measure dining hall,dormitory bookstore,etc.(二)语法 1.一般现在时(S

2、imple present)2.频度副词(Adverbs of frequency)never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always, once, twice3.现在进行时(Present continuous)Im looking for a book.Are you doing your homework?Yes, I am./No, Im not.Is he/she.?Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isnt.What are you doing now?Im playing computer games.What i

3、s he/she doing?He/She is.4.谈论交通方式(Talking about means of transport)How do you usually go to school? I usually go to school by bike.(三)功能用语与话题1.采访(Interviews)Our guest today is Michael from Class 2, Grade 1.2.谈论日常生活(Talking about routines)3.学校建筑(School buildings)swimming pool, playground, library, do

4、rmitory, lab, canteen, gym4.谈论兴趣喜好(Talking about interests, likes and dislikes)I like the swimming pool best. Why do you like English? Because its interesting and easy.5.借物(Borrowing things)How long can I keep it? Two weeks.6.新闻(News)、海报(Poster)Attention, please! Here is the news.7.谈论学校活动、科目和时间表(Tal

5、king about school activities, subjects and timetable)8.谈论学校生活(Talking about school life)(四)能力培养听 能听懂谈论校园生活中比较熟悉的话题,识别主题,获取主要信息。说 1能根据提示词说出意思连贯的校园生活的句子。2能用简单对话描述校园生活。3能根据图片或借助他人帮助描述自己或他人的校园生活。4能与他人合作进行角色扮演,表现校园生活。读 1能理解简单的书面表达。2能准确地朗读课文。3 能读懂表现校园生活方面的文章,包括校园新闻、海报、遗失声明、失物招领等。写 能写出表现校园生活方面的简单句子。能写出简单的校

6、园新闻、海报、遗失声明、失物招领等。情感态度 培养学生积极向上的情感、活泼开朗的个性、浓厚的学习兴趣和大胆实践的精神,提高学习效率,培养学生热爱学校生活,乐于学校生活的意识。学习策略 积极探索适合自己的英语学习方法,利用现实生活中的学习资源,培养任务型学习方法与技巧。二、教材分析本单元的交际用语主要是围绕学生的学校生活展开的,谈论学生的上学方式、作息时间、课程安排、业余生活等内容,这些内容为学生所熟悉,便于展开讨论。本单元的语法内容主要是学习一般现在时、现在进行时以及表示频度的副词。Topic 1Section A教学目标:1.谈论交通工具及如何上学。2.学习句型:How do you usu

7、ally come to school?I usually come to school by subway.本课重点1a和3a。 难点:谈论交通工具及如何上学。教具 录音机五指教学方案课时建议:12教学过程:第一步:复习1.教学生如何在开学的第一天相互问候。T: Good morning, class! S: Good morning, Miss./Mr.T: Nice to see you again! S: Nice to see you, too.学习问候语:T: Happy New Year! S: The same to you.然后老师说:Boys and girls.Today

8、 is the first day of our new term.解释today, new term。老师说:I often come to school by bus. My son often takes the subway to school. What about you?学习词组by bus, take the subway。Notes: subway(AmE)=underground(BrE)2. 听录音3a,回答问题:(1)How does Kangkang usually come to school?(2)How does Sally always come to sch

9、ool?两人一组作对话,然后请34对同学到前面表演对话。(对参加表演的同学给予鼓励。)完成3b。第二步:呈现1.老师向一些同学依次展示并学习词组:wake up, get up, go to school, by bike等,然后做动作练习。要一名同学在前作动作,其余同学猜测词组。2.听录音1,回答问题:Whats the time? / Is it time to get up?Who wakes Kangkang up? 完成1。3.利用图画,完成2。4.听录音4,完成4。第三步:巩固1.放录音1和3a,学生跟读。2.学生两人一组表演1和3a。第四步:练习1.分组活动,谈论自己早晨的活动情

10、况。2.双人活动,分别用不同的交通工具图片进行问答:A:How do you usually come to school?B:I usually come to school.例如:on foot, by bike, by bus, by car, by train, by subway, by boat/ship, by plane/air,完成4。3.让学生做一个调查报告,调查全班同学“How do you usually go to school?”按人数从多到少列成表格,向大家汇报:In our class, fifteen students go to school by bike

11、.完成5。第五步:综合探究活动 1.学生以表格的形式展示自己的家人通常所采用的交通方式。2.请同学据自己所了解的情况,介绍其它中学生早晨的活动情况,如:“In our class, some students usually wake up at 630. They get up at 635.”Section B教学目标:1.复习Section A。 2.学习频度副词。本课重点1,2和3a 难点:频度副词教具 录音机五指教学方案课时建议:1教学过程:第一步:复习1.复习Section A 4,进行a chain work 活动,按照自己的想法回答问题:How do you usually c

12、ome to school?尽可能不重复前面同学的答语。2.两人一组,使用自己准备的图片,谈论其他人的上学情况。3.老师手指图画(一人正在骑自行车)。This is me. I usually ride a bike to school. 教学ride a bike。介绍go home by subway,walk to the park, go to the zoo by bus 等等。让同学挑选自己喜欢的方式。手拿图画谈论自己。例如:I want to go to school by bus.4.双人活动,两同学各指一幅3a图画相互介绍:This is. He/She usually wa

13、lks to school. 完成3a。5.双人活动,看3a图进行问答:完成3b。A: How does Li Xiang usually go to school?B: He usually rides a bike to school.第二步:呈现1.老师教学频度副词:never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always。2.学生根据自己的实际情况描述自己的日常生活。例如:I never come to school late. Sometimes I walk to school.3.听录音1,回答问题:What time does Micha

14、el get up on weekdays?How does Kangkang usually go to school?让学生猜“The early bird catches the worm.”的汉语意思。第三步:巩固1.听录音1和3a,学生跟读。2.学生两人一组表演1。第四步:练习1.双人活动,分别用不同的交通工具图片进行问答。2.双人活动,两种乘坐交通工具的不同表达方式。3.练习频度副词。让学生之间互相询问:Do you often watch TV in the evening?No, I don. I sometimes watch TV.Sometimes I read book

15、s.4.双人活动,完成4。第五步:综合探究活动1.学生们根据自己所了解的情况,介绍其它同学如何去上学。2.学生们以表格的形式做一个调查报告(请仿照Section B 4),然后写一篇小短文,如:Li Ming is my good friend. He sometimes watches TV in the evening. He never walks to school. He always takes the subway.3.课堂活动: Lets chant.Section C教学目标:1.谈论学校生活。2.继续学习频度副词。3.校园采访。本课重点: 1a,2和3 难点:频度副词教具

16、录音机五指教学方案课时建议:1教学过程:第一步:复习1.复习Section B 1,2和3a。2.双人活动作采访,谈论学校生活:How do you usually go to school?/ What time do you usually get to school? / Where do you have lunch? / Do you have a short break after lunch?/ What do you usually do after school? 完成1b。第二步:呈现1.使用图片或动作教学生词:guest,life,almost,bicycle,break

17、, finish,spare,basketball,football,read,story,clean,dance,piano,library,once,twice,week,listen,music,write,roller skating,supermarket。2.双人活动,使用图片或动作练习以上生词。3.一人到前面做动作,其余同学猜词。4.听录音1a,回答问题:How do the American students usually get to school? / Where do they have lunch? / Do they have a short break after

18、 lunch? / What do they do in their spare time?第三步:巩固1.听录音1a,学生跟读。2.学生两人一组表演1a。3.对比中国学生和美国学生学校生活。Chinese students American students 第四步:练习1.假设你是一个采访者,在你和你的同学之间做一个采访,完成1c。2.使用图片进行对话。例如:A: Do you often read books in the library?B: Yes, I do./No, I dont.A: How often do you go to the library?B: Once a we

19、ek.3.利用2的图片和3的短语进行问答。第五步:综合探究活动1.分组活动。学生们进行调查学校生活及学习情况,然后请12位同学向全班作汇报。2.使用频度副词介绍自己的日常生活My day。(不少于5个句子)Section D教学目标:1.音标/ / /ts/ /dz/ /tr/ /dr/ / / /n/ 2.谈论日常活动。3.复习一般现在时。4.复习频度副词。本课重点: 1, 2和5 难点:一般现在时,频度副词。教具 录音机五指教学方案课时建议:1教学过程:第一步:复习1.复习并学习新单词:measure, pleasure, volleyball和while。2.根据图画猜测单词,看谁读得快

20、而准。3.听录音1,然后再跟读,学会音标/ / /ts/ /dz/ /tr/ /dr/ / / /n/第二步:呈现1.请学生两人一组依次谈论他们的日常活动。A: How do you usually go to school?B: I usually walk to school.A: What do you do in your spare time?B: I often play basketball.2.表演Section C 1a这个采访活动。一个表演interviewer,一个表演Michael, 看哪组同学表演最好。3.谈论自己的日常活动。如:I usually get up at

21、 630. / I have breakfast with my parents at 730.I never come to school late. / Sometimes I walk to school.第三步:巩固1.听录音1然后再跟读,学会音标/ / /ts/ /dz/ /tr/ /dr/ / / /n/2.阅读2并且回答下列问题。How does Jane go to school? / What time do classes begin in the afternoon?第四步:练习1.填写第8页的表格,两人一组讨论,据课文内容彼此检查答案。2.谈论你好朋友的日常活动。3.听

22、录音3填空。4.知识点总结:4a和4b。第五步:综合探究活动 完成5。Topic 2 Section A教学目标:1.谈论学校建筑。2.谈论兴趣喜好。3.学习现在进行时。句型:He is sleeping at the moment. / What are you doing? /Im making cards.本课重点: 1,2a and 3 难点:现在进行时与一般现在时的区别教具 录音机五指教学方案课时建议:12教学过程:第一步:复习1.师生问答,复习第一个话题中的重点句子。T: How do you usually go to school?S: I usually go to scho

23、ol on foot.T: How does your father often go to work?S: He often goes to work by car.T: How often do you go to the library?S: Three times a week.2.找几个同学在班上作关于自己爸爸或妈妈一天情况的报道。第二步:呈现1.把1的图画展示给大家,学习表示学校建筑的名词:library, playground, lab, computer room, canteen, gym, classroom building, swimming pool, dormito

24、ry.2.请A同学到前面去跳舞,在这个同学跳舞的同时,老师问:What is she doing?(帮助学生回答)She is dancing.(然后再问)Is she dancing?(帮助学生回答)Yes, she is.Is she singing? No,she isnt.3.请三名同学轻轻地唱The More We Get Together。(老师边问边回答)What are they doing?They are singing.Are they singing? Yes, they are.Are they dancing? No, they arent.4.听2a回答问题。Wh

25、ich place does Kangkang like best? / What is he doing?Which place does Wang Wei like best? / What is he doing?第三步:巩固1.听1,把图画与单词搭配起来。2.再次播放2a,根据课文内容完成2b。第四步:练习1.两人一组读2a,一个是Jane,另一位是Michael。2.参看3里的图画回答下列问题,然后听录音核对答案。What is Jane doing? / What is Michael doing?3.听3,两个一组问和答。4.看4的图画,两人一组问和答。以图画为例。A: Wher

26、e is she? B: She is in the gym.A: Is she in the computer room? B: No, she isnt.A: What is she doing? B: She is dancing.第五步:综合探究活动用现在进行时描述在操场上有许多人正在进行各种活动的场景。例如:On the playground, Mr. Li and Mr. Wang are playing table tennis now. Liu Jun and his good friends are playing basketball. Look there! Some g

27、irls are playing the guitar.Section B教学目标:1.复习校园建筑。2.复习现在进行时。3.学习如何表达在图书馆借书,借用物品。本课重点: 1a,2和3a 难点:现在进行时与一般现在时的区别教具 录音机五指教学方案课时建议:1教学过程:第一步:复习1.展示一些图片来复习学校建筑。如:T: Whats this? S: Its a dining hall.T: Can you spell it? S: Yes. d-i-n-i-n-g,h-a-l-l,dining hall.以同样的方式复习其它词,如:library, playground, lab.2.请一位

28、同学到前面做动作,另外两位同学猜测他她在做什么,然后问答。A: Is he singing? B: No, he isnt.A: Whats he doing? B: Hes reading.第二步:呈现1.利用图片或动作学习新词:shelf, keep, return, borrow, newspaper, purse, etc.2.请同学们用刚才所学的单词造句。3.双人活动练习1b,同学之间使用不同的物品进行对话练习:A: Excuse me,can/may I borrow your.?B: Sure/Of course. Here you are.4.听录音1b,回答问题:What b

29、ook does Kangkang want to borrow? / How long can Kangkang keep it? 完成1b。5.听录音2,学习以下句子:Maria is looking for her purse, but she cant find it.Anything else?Thank you all the same.第三步:巩固1.放录音1a,1b和2,学生跟读。2.两人一组表演1a,1b和2。第四步:练习独立学习,阅读3a,回答问题:Whats the lost thing? / Whats the found thing?第五步:综合活动探究1.小组活动,

30、介绍如何向别人借用物品或如何在图书馆借书。2.假设一个同学是图书馆管理员,另一位同学来借书,根据1a开展对话。3.小组活动,假设有同学丢失或拾到一块手表,请写一份遗失声明或失物招领。Section C教学目标:1.复习表示建筑的名词。2.学习并制作海报。本课重点: 1a和2a 难点:现在进行时与一般现在时的区别教具 录音机五指教学方案课时建议:1教学过程:第一步:复习1.教师使用带有学校建筑的图片来复习单词:library, playground, canteen.如: T: Whats this? S: Its a library.T: Where is our classroom?教师帮助

31、学生回答:Its next to the teachers office.T: Where are the library and canteen?(教师帮助学生回答)They are near our classroom.T: Where is the computer room?教师帮助学生回答:Its upstairs next to the lab.教师把新词next to, near, upstairs写在黑板上,教学新词。2.独立学习,完成1a。第二步:呈现1.使用图片来教学生生词:news, stamp, hall, collection.2.双人活动,使用图片来练习以上所学生词

32、。3.听录音2a,回答问题:When does the match begin? / When does the movie Gone with the Wind begin? / When does the movie The Sound of Music begin? / Where can we watch the movies?对电影Gone with the Wind和The Sound of Music稍作解释。完成2a和2b。第三步:巩固1.放录音2a,学生跟读。2.请一个同学上前表演2a。第四步:练习1.画一幅理想中的校园简图,完成1b。2.双人活动,向对方介绍该校情况,完成1

33、c。3.独立学习,阅读2a,完成3。第五步:综合探究活动1.写一篇小短文:My Ideal School。2.小组活动。假设星期五晚上学校要在礼堂举行一个音乐晚会,请制作一个海报。Section D教学目标:1.学习掌握音标/ / / /。2.复习现在进行时。3.复习表示学校建筑的名词。本课重点: 1,3a和5 难点:现在进行时与一般现在时的区别Teaching aids : 教具 录音机Five-finger Teaching Plan : 五指教学方案课时建议:1教学过程:第一步:复习1.在班上向同学展示你的海报和声明。2.听录音1,学习音标/ / / /,并跟录音大声朗读。3.写出下列动

34、词的现在分词形式。(同学们互相检查答案,写对一个得一面小红旗,全对得十面小红旗。)(1)play(2)watch(3)draw(4)sit(5)put(6)run(7)shop(8)come(9)see(10)take第二步:呈现1.请两名同学表演游泳的动作,在他们表演时问大家:What are they doing? 学生会回答:They are swimming. 再问:Where are they swimming? 学生会回答:Theyre swimming in the swimming pool.2.听录音2,把人物与活动及地点搭配起来完成2。3.老师说I have three p

35、ictures of Wen Wei。现在看第一幅图画并回答问题:(1)Where is Wen Wei in Picture 1?(2)What is Wen Wei doing?其余两幅照片,同学之间进行问和答。第三步:巩固1.读3a,根据3a,完成3b,核对答案。A: Where is Wen Wei in Picture 1? B: He is in the gym.A: What is he doing? B: He is taking exercise.A: Where is Wen Wei in Picture 2? B: He is in a swimming pool.A:

36、What is he doing? B: He is swimming.A: Where is he in Picture 3? B: He is on the Great Wall.A: What is he doing? B: He is talking to a Japanese.第四步:练习1.把全班同学分成四个组,每个组选一个同学到黑板前,老师给出五分钟时间,让他们用现在进行时写句子,看谁写得既对又多。其它同学在练习本上写。如:Im playing the piano. / Are you listening to the music? / We arent watching TV.

37、 / Kangkang is riding a bike.2.学生自学Grammar focus和Useful expressions,老师检查效果。第五步:综合探究活动1. 完成 5。2.画四个你正在做某一动作的图片,用现在进行时描述。Unit5 Topic 3 My school life is very interesting.高红劼(中学英语一级)Section ASection A needs 12 periods. Section A需用12课时。The main activities are 1a and 2a. . Aims and demands1. (1)Learn day

38、s of the week:Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday(2)Learn subjects:physics, geography, P. E. , art, math, science, history, biology, politics(3)Learn other new words and phrases:today, meeting, outdoor activity, lesson, learn2. Learn Wh-questions.What day is it today?What time does the clas

39、s begin?3. Talk about subjects and timetables.They are having a history class.What time is it over? At a quarter to eleven.How many lessons does he have every weekday?What lessons does he have on Wednesdays?How often does he do outdoor activities?Important and difficult points:(重难点) What day is it t

40、oday? Its Wednesday/Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday How many lessons does he have every weekday?What lessons does he have on Wednesdays?How often does he do outdoor activities?. Teaching aids 教具x kb 1. c o m录音机/图片/小黑板/单词卡片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:5分钟)通过复习, 导入1a。1. (师生

41、共同说唱, 复习现在进行时。)T: Lets chant“What are you doing?”What are you doing now?Im singing now.What are you doing now?Im dancing now.What are you doing now?Im walking now.What are you doing now?Im playing now.(一边唱, 一边做动作, 全班学生跟着唱, 一起做动作, 活跃课堂气氛, 激发学生学习兴趣。)2. (通过师生问答, 导入1a。)T: What are you doing now?Ss: We a

42、re singing a chant.T: What are we doing now? We can say, “We are having a class now.” What class are we having? Ss: We are having an English class.(老师帮助学生回答。)T: Do we have an English class every day?Ss: Yes, we do.3. (呈现表示星期和学科的单词,并让学生学习它们。)(板书)It is Monday. physics Tuesday. geography Wednesday. P.

43、E. Thursday. art Friday. math history biology politics science Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:15分钟)呈现1a。1. (老师拿出表示星期和学科的单词卡片,进行问答练习)T: What day is it today? (举着星期二的卡片。)Ss: Its Tuesday.T: Do you have a P. E. class on Tuesday?Ss: No, we dont.T: What time does the class begin?Ss: At eight oclock.T: What

44、 time is it over?Ss: At a quarter to nine.(让学生两人一组利用板书和画线句型编对话。) T: Work in pairs and make a dialog.Example: S1: What day is it today? S2: Its Tuesday. S1: Do you have an English class on Tuesday? S2: 2. (让学生听1a的录音并回答黑板上的问题。)T: Listen to 1a carefully and find out the answers to these questions.(板书)(

45、1) What day is it today?(2) What time does the class begin?(3) What time is it over?(播放录音。)3. (核对答案。)T: OK. Are you ready?Ss: Yes.T: Lets check the answers. The first question, who can answer it?S3: It is Wednesday.T: Yeah, very good. The second one?S4: At ten oclock.T: Good job. What about the thir

46、d one?S5: At a quarter to eleven.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:5分钟)巩固1a, 完成1b。1. (让学生听1a,跟读,并标出语音和语调。)T: Listen to 1a, follow it and mark the pronunciation and intonation.2. (朗读1a,并核对语音和语调。)T: Read 1a loudly and check the pronunciation and intonation.3. (让学生背诵1a) 新 课 标 第 一 网T: Now, please recite 1a

47、. Are you ready?Ss: Yes.4. (让学生看图片和所给信息, 完成1b。)T: Look at the pictures and information in 1b, and practice the dialog with your partner.Example:S1: What day is it today?S2: Its S1: What class are they having?S2: Theyre S1: What time does the class begin?S2: At S1: What time does the class finish?S2:

48、 At Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)复习有关科目和星期的单词,练习现在进行时态,完成2a和3。1. (老师把2a中的课程表贴在黑板上。)T: Whats this? Do you know?Ss: 课程表。T: Youre clever. Its a timetable. Do you know how to read the timetable?Ss: Yes.T: OK. Read this timetable carefully, and then answer the questions in 2a. Begin!(板书并教生词。)timetable

49、class meetingoutdoor activity lesson2. (核对答案, 并对有困难的学生给予指导。)T: OK. Are you ready now? Ss: Yes.T: Good! Who wants to share the answers with us? The first question?S3: He has six lessons every day.T: Well done. The second one?S4: He has five English lessons every week.T: Right. The third one?S5: T: An

50、y questions?S6: 3. (取出小黑板, 呈现科目表格, 练习询问科目以及上、下课时间的句型。)Subject Time(beginfinish) DayEnglish 7:508:35 every dayMath 8:459:30 every dayGeography 9:5010:35 MondayHistory 10:4511:30 TuesdayBiology 14:0014:45 WednesdayArt 14:5515:40 ThursdayP. E. 15:5016:35 FridayT: Look at the blackboard, and answer my q

51、uestions. Do you have a math class every day?Ss: Yes, we do.T: What time does the class begin?Ss: AtT: What time does the class finish?Ss: At (方案一:给学生两分钟时间练习对话。一名学生问, 一名学生答, 然后交换角色。)T: Now, Ill give you two minutes to practice the dialog. One asks, the other answers, and then change the roles.(方案二:给

52、学生3分钟分组活动练习对话, 并进行表演, 评出优秀小组。)T: Now, Ill give you three minutes to practice and act out the dialog.(找学生表演他们的对话。)T: Are you ready?Ss: Yes.T: Who wants to act out your dialog?G1: We want.S1: Whats your favorite subject?S2: My favorite subject is art.S1: Do you have an art class every day?S2: No, we d

53、ont.S1: What day do you have an art class?S2: On Thursday.S1: T: Thats great. Next group?G2: 4. (猜一猜。使用动作或单词卡片让学生复习有关科目和星期的单词。完成3。)(1)T: Now, look at me and guess what class I am having.(做出唱歌跳舞的动作。)Ss: You are having a music class.T: What day do you have a music class?Ss: On Wednesday.(让一名学生做动作, 另外两

54、名学生一问一答。)Example:S3: (做画画动作。)S4: What class is he having?S5: He is having an art class.(板书)learn (2)(练习现在进行时。) w ww.xk b1.c omT: Now, make similar conversations with the phrases in the box of 3 with your partner.Example:S1: They are speaking English in the class. What class are they having?S2: They are having an English class.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)通过调查, 探究学生对科目的喜好。1. (让学生做一个调查, 采访班上的学生, 了解他们一周中每一天喜欢上的科目及原因。)T: Please interview your classmat


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