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1、It was Damings birthday yesterday.,Seven,Module 6 Unit 1,get and send presents,When ?,birthday,Christmas,Mothers Day,back from traveling,What birthday present did you get last time? I got ,What present did Daming get ?,What did Simons mum buy ?,What was the book about?,Maybe,Paragraph 1,2 Read and c

2、heck.,1 minute,space travel,spaceship,水星,金星,地球,火星,木星,土星,水星,海王星,天王星,冥王星,pisces 双鱼座,The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V. In 2003, it took Chinese taikonaut into space for the first time.,Paragraph 3,4,5 Read and answer.,What did Daming and Simon see in the book? Where were the spaceships from? Wha

3、t did Daming and Simon make? Was Simons mum happy?,They saw many pictures of spaceships.,They were from China, Russia and the US.,Yes, she was.,They made a paper spaceship together.,Russia,the US,China,the UK,Australia,China,Russia,the US,2.Where were the spaceships from?,3.What did Daming and Simon

4、 make?,A. They made a spaceship together. B. They made a paper spaceship together. C. They made a plane.,B. They made a paper spaceship together.,4. Was Simons mum happy?,Simons mum wasnt very happy.,( T ) ( F ),was,1. What did Simons mum buy for Daming? _ 2. What was it about ? _ 3. Did Daming like

5、 it ? _ 4. What did Daming and Simon see in it ? _,Read the text and answer.,She bought him a book.,It was about space travel.,Yes, he did.,They saw many pictures of spaceships.,be interested in ,Simon and Daming were interested in space travel.,What about you ?,I am interested in travel.,a book abo

6、ut ,Listen and repeat.,Last night Tom had a wonderful dream. Tom dreamt he was an astronaut. He flew into the sky in a spaceship. It was very dark outside. He could see the stars and the moon. He was very excited. He flew to the moon. He came out of his spaceship and walked on the moon. He felt very

7、 good. He spent six hours on the moon. When he came home he was famous. He made a video. Everyone could see him on TV.,1,2,3,4,5,Read and choose.,( ) 1. What was Tom in his dream ? A. A teacher. B. A driver. C. An astronaut. ( ) 2. Where did Tom fly ? A. He flew into the sky. B. He flew on to the Ma

8、rs.(火星) C. He flew to the sun. ( ) 3. What did he make when he came home? A. He made a plane. B. He made a paper spaceship. C. He made a video. ( ) 4. What does he hope ? A. He hopes he will be an astronaut someday. B. He hopes he will be famous someday. C. He hopes he will fly to the sun someday. ( ) 5. Which one is NOT true ? A. In the dream he could see the stars and the moon. B. He spent sixty hours on the moon. C. He flew into the sky in a spaceship.,C,A,C,A,B,Homework,Copy the new


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