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1、本科课程教学大纲1、课程基本信息课程名称(中、英文):西方微观经济学(双语) Microeconomics课程号(代码):课程类别:专业基础课学时:51 学分:32, Course Description: This course provides students with basic concepts and techniques needed to analyze economic problems in a variety of contexts. Students will study how various economic agents make their choices an

2、d decisions in a market environment, and the implications of those choices and decisions for the allocation of productive resources. This course is divided into four parts: Theory of the Consumer, Theory of the Firm, Theory of Markets, and a Brief Introduction to General Equilibrium Theory. After su

3、ccessful completion of this course students will be able to demonstrate command of basic and intermediate microeconomic concepts and graphical models, and apply them to new situations.3, Course OutlinePART ONE: BASIC CONCEPTS (15 Courses)Chapter 1: The Fundamentals of Economics Fundamental Concepts:

4、 scarcity and efficiency, free goods vs. economic goods, macroeconomics and microeconomics, normative vs. positive economics, opportunity cost Key Problems of Economic Organization:what, how, and for whom Production-possibility frontier (PPF) Chapter 2: Markets and Government in a Modern Economy 1.

5、Define demand/supply in a market using words, tables, and diagrams. 2. Illustrate the shifts in demand caused by changes in factors other than price that influence a consumers willingness to purchase. 3. Explain the difference between changes in demand/supply and changes in quantity demanded/supplie

6、d. 4. Illustrate the shifts in supply caused by changes in factors other than price that influence a firms willingness to produce and sell. 5. Use the concepts of shortages and surpluses to illustrate the natural tendency of a market to move toward equilibrium. 6. Show the effects of shifts in suppl

7、y or demand using diagrams. Chapter 3: Basic Elements of Supply and Demand Elasticity Concepts : price elasticity of demand, supply elastic, inelastic, unit-elastic demand, determinants of elasticity, total revenue = P Q , relationship of elasticity and revenue change Applications of Supply and Dema

8、nd : incidence of a tax, distortions from price controls, rationing by price vs. rationing by the queuePART TWO: MICROECONOMICS: SUPPLY, DEMAND, AND PRODUCT MARKETS (30 Courses)Chapter 4: Demand and Consumer Behavior Fundamental Concepts : utility, marginal utility, utilitarianism, law of diminishin

9、g marginal utility, demand shifts from income and other sources, ordinal utility, consumer surplus Equimarginal principle of equal MU of last dollar spent on each good: MU1/P1 = MU2/P2 = MU per $ of income substitution effect and income effect paradox of value Chapter 5: Production Thoery Fundamenta

10、l Concepts : inputs, outputs, production function, total, average, and marginal product, Diminishing marginal product and the law of diminishing returns Constant, increasing, and decreasing returns to scale Chapter 6: Analysis of Costs Analysis of Costs total costs: fixed and variable, marginal cost

11、, least-cost rule Useful rules to remember : TC = FC + VC AC = TC/q AC = AFC + AVCAt the bottom of U-shaped AC, MC = AC = minimum AC. Chapter 7: Analysis of Perfectly Competitive Markets Competitive Supply P = MC as maximum-profit condition firms ss supply curve and its MC curve zero-profit conditio

12、n, where P = MC = ACshutdown point, where P = MC = AVCsumming individual ss curves to get industry SS long-run zero-profit condition producer surplus + consumer surplus = economic surplus efficiency = maximizing economic surplus Efficiency and Equity allocative efficiency, Pareto efficiency conditio

13、ns for allocative efficiency: MU = P = MC efficiency of competitive markets efficiency vs. equityChapter 8: Imperfect Competition Patterns of Imperfect Competition : perfect vs. imperfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition, product differentiation barriers to entry (governmen

14、t and economic) Marginal Revenue and Monopoly : marginal (or extra) revenue, MR, MR=MC as the condition for maximizing profits, natural monopoly, the marginal principle , Cournot model Stackelberg model The Nash equilibrium concept can also be applied to markets in which firms produce substitute goo

15、ds and compete by setting price. The Prisoners Dilemma creates price rigidity in oligopolistic markets.PART THREE: FACTOR MARKETS: LAND, LABOR, CAPITAL, AND INCOME DISTRIBUTION (6 Courses) Chapter 9: The Labor Market Wage Determination Under Perfect Competition: elements in demand for labor, element

16、s in supply of labor:, income effect vs. substitution effect, compensating differentials in wages, rent element in wages, segmented markets and noncompeting groups Impact of Unions Discrimination in Labor Markets Chapter 10: Land and Capital Land: rent, inelastic supply of land, taxation of fixed fa

17、ctors, Henry Georges single tax Capital and Interest : capital, capital goods, tangible assets vs. financial assets, rentals, rate of return on capital, interest rate 4, Required TextbookSamuelson & Nordhous,Economics,17th edition5, Recommended Textbook1. The Principles of Economics, Mankiw,2. Inter

18、mediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach (Sixth Edition), by Hal R. Varian, 2003. W. W. Norton.6,Grading policyThe course grade will be based on homework, midterm exam, and a final exam. The weights are:Homework:15%Midterm exam:25%Final exam:40%Others:20%一辈子时光在匆忙中流逝,谁都无法挽留。多少人前半生忙忙碌碌,奔波追逐,后半生回望过去,难








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