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1、1,Unite 5 The Villain In the Atmosphere,2,Main Idea Part 1 (1-7) The villain in the atmosphere is carbon dioxide Part 2 (8-13) Why is it the villain Part 3 (14-18) Why is the concentration of it in the atmosphere rising Part (19-22) What is to be done,3,Warm Up 1 greenhouse n 温室; 花房 2 effect n 效果; 影

2、响 the green house effect 温室效应(英文:Greenhouse effect),又称“花房效应”,是大气保温效应的俗称。大气能使太阳短波辐射到达地面,但地表向外放出的长波热辐射线却被大气吸收,这样就使地表与低层大气温度增高,因其作用类似于栽培农作物的温室,故名温室效应。自工业革命以来,人类向大气中排入的二氧化碳等吸热性强的温室气体逐年增加,大气的温室效应也随之增强,已引起全球气候变暖等一系列严重问题,引起了全世界各国的关注。,4,3 affect v 影响 The south of the country was worst affected by the drough

3、t. Your opinion wont affect my decision. 4 temperature n 温度,5,Text 1 present a 现存的; 当前的 2 breathe v 呼吸 3 essential a 极其重要/必不可少的 Education is essential in the modern world, and exams are an essential part of education. Then can we say exams are the essential of all essentials ? There is one gas prese

4、nt in the air (which) we breathe that is essential to life. 在我们呼吸的空气中存在一种对生命必不可少的气体 4 carbon n 碳; 石墨 5 dioxide n 二氧化物,6,6 threaten v 威胁; 恐吓 threaten to do sth The hijackers threatened to kill one passenger every hour. 7 warm v 变暖 warm up 热身; 预热; 使活跃起来 8 planet n 行星 9 extent n 范围; 程度 to a extent 至一种.

5、程度,7,Unfortunately, one can have too much of a good thing and the growth in carbon dioxide threatens to warm up our planet to a dangerous extent. 不幸的是: 人类有能力拥有太多的好东西而同时二氧化碳的增长又在威胁着全球变暖至危险的程度 10 villain n 恶棍;坏蛋 11 atmosphere n 大气层; 气氛,8,Part 1 Number 2 It doesnt seem to be a villain. 二氧化碳似乎不是个恶棍 1 po

6、isonous a 有毒的 poison n 毒药Dangerously high levels of poisonous chemicals were found in the water. The cobra is a most poisonous snake. 2 harm n 危害;损害;伤害 do (sb.) harm 对(人)造成伤害/损害 3 quantity n 量,9,Number 3 1 whats more = ad 再者 2 absorb v 吸收(液体气体等) The cream is easily absorbed into the skin. 3 convert

7、v (使)转变/改变(观点/宗教/政治信仰等); 转换为(另一种形式/物质/状态等) convert A into B 将A转变为B Bill was converted to Christianity (基督教) soon after he retired from the army. The city is converting old industrial or commercial spaces (空地) into schools.,10,4 tissue n 细胞组织; 面巾纸 The organs(器官) and tissues of the body are extremely

8、complex (复杂的). The taxi driver always keeps a box of tissues in the taxi. 5 serve as v 可用作/被用作 The sofa will serve as a bed for a night. which (= plants) serve as the basic food supply for all of animal life 植物组织充当所有动物生命的基本食物供给,11,6 process n 过程; 进程; 工艺流程; 工序 We are in the process of reforming our e

9、ducation system. 7 liberate vt 释放; 解放; 解救 The US president said they sent troops (军队) in “ to liberate the people from a dictator (独裁者) ”. Liberation n PLA = the Peoples Liberation Army 8 oxygen n 氧气 9 necessary a 必需的; 必要的 If necessary, he can contact me at home.,12,Number 4 1 apparently ad 显然; 似乎 A

10、pparently shes been working quite a while in the company. apparent a 显然的; 貌似真实的 2 harmless a 无害的; 无恶意的 But here is what this apparently harmless and certainly essential gas is doing to us: But what (= the thing that ) this apparently harmless and certainly essential gas is doing (the thing) to us is

11、 here: 但是,这种貌似无害而又必不可少的气体正在对我们做如下的事情:,13,Number 5 1 from year to year = ad 年复一年地 2 likelihood n 可能 (性) in all likelihood 十之八九; 极有可能 3 continue v 继续存在;不断发生; 继续做 The rain continued to fall all night. The rain continued falling all night. He continued to ignore everything I was saying. 4 rate n 速度; 比率

12、at a rate 以一种速度 5 course n 过程; 进程; 进展,14,6 coast n 海岸coastal a 7 low-lying a 低洼的 low-lying coastal areas 低洼的沿海地区 8 fraction n 小部分; 分数; 小数 9 population n 人口 10 advance v (进攻/威胁等的)前进;行进 The mob () advanced on us, shouting angrily. They have advanced 20 miles by nightfall.,15,(知识/技术的) 发展; 进步 Our knowle

13、dge of the AIDS has little advanced over recent years. 促进/推动 Studying for new qualification is one way of advancing your career. 使提前 The date of holding the meeting has been advanced by two days.,16,11 steady a 稳定的; 持续的 steadily ad 稳定地/逐渐地/有规律地 Its believed that todays children will be living in a s

14、teadily improving environment rather than under a cloud of gloom (忧愁/抑郁). The local residents have steadily grown older and frailer (脆弱/不强健的的) in the last decade.,17,12 force v 强迫/迫使 (某人做某事) force sb to do sth I was forced to take a taxi because the last bus had left. 13 retreat 离开/退后; 退却/撤退 The flo

15、od waters slowly retreated. The army was forced to retreat after suffering (遭受) heavy losses. treat v对待; 处理; 治疗 14 inland a ; ad 内陆内地 island n,18,Number 6 1 eventually ad 最后; 终于 2 above = over 超过; 超出 3 present a 当前的; 目前的 现在的 Anna is the present owner of the house. 4 splash v 哗地溅落; 拍打 Rain splashed a

16、gainst the windows. 5 floor n 楼层 6 scraper n 刮刀利器skyscraper 摩天大楼 Manhattans skyscraper 曼哈顿摩天大楼,19,7 beneath prep 在下面 ( on 的反义词) The industrialized world is completely dependent on oil, much of which resides (v 处于) beneath the surface of Middle Eastern countries. the British Isles 英伦三岛 英国本土大不列颠岛上的三部分

17、即英格兰苏格兰威尔士 8 crowd 人群; 大众 crowded a 拥挤的 9 valley n 山谷; 流域 Nile valley 尼罗河流域,20,Number 7 1 drown v 淹没; 浸透/浸泡; 淹死 She was drowned at sea. 2 productive a 多产的; 富有成效的 My time spent in the library is very productive. Not only will 否定词在句首,谓语要部分倒装 3 drop v 降低/减少 The temperature has dropped steadily. 使落下 She

18、 came in and dropped into a chair. 累垮 She felt to drop.,21,4 starvation n 饥饿starve v (使) 饥饿 / 饿死 5 widespread v 分布广的; 流传广的; 广泛的 Elementary education in the United States was widespread by the time of the Civil War. The president was elected to a new term (任期) with widespread popular (民众的) support. 6

19、 structure n 机构;组织;结构 The family is seen as the primary (初期的) social structure for meeting the emotional needs of children.,22,Many buildings of the period were steel and cement structures. 7 collapse vi 倒塌;崩溃; 彻底失败 The building collapsed, trapping thousands of people. Quite a few houses collapsed i

20、n the heavy storm last week. He collapsed while working and died on the way to hospital.,23,8 pressure n 压力 The pressure of the water caused the wall of the dam (大坝) to crack (开裂). The pressure of modern life is causing violence, murder, suicide and an obsession with fortune-telling (痴迷算命). under th

21、e pressure 在压力下 / 承受压力,24,Part 2 Number 8 And all because of carbon dioxide 全句: And it is all because of carbon dioxide. 而这一切都是因为二氧化碳 1 come about v 发生= happen 2 connection n 连接; 联系;关系; 亲属 The electricity company guarantees connection within 24 hours. There is an obvious connection between smoking a

22、nd lung cancer. connect v,25,Number 9 1 various a 各种各样的; 多姿多彩的 There are various ways of doing this. vary v 相异/不同; (据情况)变化/改变 The menu varies with the season. Prices vary according to the type of room you want. 2 include v 包括; 包含 Does this price include tax? Your duty include typing letters and answ

23、ering the telephone. 3 transparent a 透明/清澈的; 显而易见的,26,The water is too dirty to be transparent. Tom is very transparent. 4 strike, struck, stricken vt 照在上; 照射 The windows sparkled (闪光) as the sun struck the glass. Sunlight, striking the top of the atmosphere, travels right through miles of it to war

24、m the Earths surface. 太阳光照射在大气层顶部, 直接透过大气层数英里温暖着地球的表面.,27,5 radiate v 辐射; 放射 radiation n 辐射; 放射; 辐射热 The building is designed to trap (诱捕) and store (贮存) radiation from the sun. 6 infrared a 红外线的 in the form of 以的形式 在光谱中波长自0.76至400微米的一段称为红外线,红外线是不可见光线。所有高于绝对零度(-273.15)的物质都可以产生红外线。现代物理学称之为热射线。红外线可分为三

25、部分,即近红外线,波长为(0.75-1)(2.5-3)m之间;中红外线,波长为(2.5-3)(25-40)m之间;远红外线,波长为(25-40)l000m 之间,28,Number 10 1 visible a 可见的;明显的; visible light 可见光 可见光是电磁波谱中人眼可以感知的部分,可见光谱没有精确的范围;一般人的眼睛可以感知的电磁波的波长在400到700纳米之间,但还有一些人能够感知到波长大约在380到780纳米之间的电磁波。正常视力的人眼对波长约为555纳米的电磁波最为敏感,这种电磁波处于光学频谱的绿光区域。 the atmosphere is not quite as

26、 transparent to infrared radiation as it is to visible light. 大气层对红外辐射而言, 不象它对可见光那样透明.,29,Children should wear bright orange when they are riding in the streets so that they are more visible. 2 particular a 特殊的;专门的;具体的;特别的 in particular = ad 特别/尤其 especially 3 tend v 倾向于;有某种趋势; 往往会 tend to do sth 倾向

27、于做某事 Women tend to live longer than men. 4 block v 堵塞; 妨碍; 阻碍 A new building blocked the view from the window.,30,5 distinctly ad 清晰地 ; 明白无误地 ; distinct a distinctly cooler 明显更冷 uncomfortably cool 冷的不舒服 Without the small quantity of that gas present, 要是没有这少量的二氧化碳气存在 (相当于if, 引起虚拟条件句) the Earth would

28、be,31,Number 11 1 concentrate v 使集中; 集合; 聚集 We should concentrate resources on the earthquake area. concentration n 2 go up v 上升; 增长 Prices have been going up rapidly in many cities. 3 villainy n 罪恶; 恶行 and that is where the villainy comes in. 其恶行由此而生,32,4 make up v 组成; 构成 The youth make up the majo

29、rity of the population of this African country. 5 creep, crept, crept v 爬行= crawl The traffic was creeping along at a snails pace. 缓慢行进; 渐渐出现; 不知不觉产生 Old age creeps up on you before you realize it. A slight feeling of suspicion crept over her. 6 upward a 向上的 crept upward 悄然攀升,33,7 stand, stood, stoo

30、d v 处于(某状态/情形) The house stood empty for a long time. stand at percent 达到百分之 8 estimate vt 估计; 估算 Can you estimate how tall the tree is ? The flooding caused damage estimated at 300 million yuan.,34,Number 12 1 decade n 十年; 十 2 as a result ad 因此; 结果 The traffic was very heavy and as a result we didn

31、t arrive on time. 3 polar a 极地的; 近南/北极的 4 melt v (使) 融化; 熔化; 溶化; 消融 The spring sun melts the snow and the lakes become ice-free by mid-March. Her anger melted away (慢慢消失) when she read the letter. 软化 / (使) 感动 Her trusting smile melted his heart.,35,Number 13 1 something like 大约; 有几分像2 huge a 巨大的; 极多

32、的 Tom owns huge profits in the project. 3 Antarctica n 南极洲,36,4 Greenland n 格陵兰 领土大部位于世界第一大岛格陵兰岛上. 面积2,166,086平方公里.大约81%都由冰雪覆盖.曾是丹麦王国的海外属地与王国内的自治体,并在2008年的公投后决定逐渐走向独立之途,并在2009年正式改制成为一个内政独立但外交、国防与财政相关事务仍委由丹麦代管的过渡政体.格陵兰全境大部分处在北极圈内,气候寒冷.隔海峡与加拿大和冰岛相望。,37,5 describe v 描述 The man was described as tall and

33、 dark, and aged about 30. Some people described seeing strange lights in the sky.,38,Part 3 Number 15 1 blame v 指责; 把归咎于 blame sb/sth for sth He doesnt blame anyone for his fathers death. blame sth on sb/sth Her boss blamed the failure on her. Police are blaming the accident on drunk driving. be to

34、blame (for sth ) 对(坏事)负有责任 If anyone is to blame, it is me.,39,2 factor n 因素; 要素 TV has become one of the most important factors in US presidential campaigns (总统竞选) . To blame are two factors 为倒装句 正常语序: Tow factors are to blame 难辞其咎的有两个因素 3 first of all = ad 首先; 第一 4 coal n 煤 5 oil n 石油 6 natural ga

35、s 天然气,40,7 increase v 增加; 增长 decrease v 减少; 降低 The price of oil increased. Oil decreased in price. 8 contain v 包含; 含有; 容纳 This drink doesnt contain any alcohol. Tom held an envelope containing one thousand dollars. 9 fuel n 燃料 10 bury vt 埋葬; 埋藏 Bin Laden was buried at sea. 11 pour v 倾倒;流出;倾泻 Pour th

36、e sauce over the pasta. Tears poured down his cheeks. 12 ton n 吨,41,The carbon contained in these fuels, which has been safely buried underground for many millions of years, is now being burned to carbon dioxide and poured into atmosphere at a rate of many tons per day. 主句: 碳现正在燃烧成为二氧化碳并以每天数吨的速度涌入大气

37、层. 含在这些燃料中的碳 (这种碳已经安全地埋藏在地下成百上千万年) 现正在燃烧成为二氧化碳并以每天数吨的速度涌入大气层.,42,Number 16 1 matter n 事态/当前的状况; 事情/问题 v 要紧;有重大影响 It doesnt matter to me what you said. to make matters worse = ad 使情况更糟的是 2 forest n 森林;林区 trees 树林 3 at first ad 起先;开始 4 couple n 一对儿; 几个 the last couple of centuries 最近几百年 5 acre n 英亩 1英

38、亩=4046.86平方米=6.07亩,43,Number 17 1 whatever 代词 (本身可用作名词) 无论什么; 不管什么 2 replace v 代替; 更新; 把放回原处 Teachers will never be replaced by computers in the classroom. Please replace cups. 3 scrub n 灌木丛 4 produce vt 生产 5 consume v 消耗; 耗尽 consumer n 消费者 Those big powerful cars consume a great deal of fuel.,44,Wh

39、atever replaces the forest _ grassland or farms or scrub _ produces plants that do not consume carbon dioxide at an equal rate 无论什么代替森林草地, 农场, 或灌木丛, 都生产出消耗二氧化碳的速度与森林不相等的植物. 6 thus ad 因此; 这样 7 add v 增加; 添加 add A to B Add fuel to the fire / flames. 8 remove v 去除; 使消失; 移开; 开除 The plan removed problems.

40、 She removed her glasses and smiled. Tom was removed form the school for being absent much.,45,Number 18 1 perspective n 视角; 观点; 客观判断力; 景观 perspective on His experience abroad provides a wider prospective on the problem. 2 cut down v 砍倒 Part 4 Number 19 What is to be done? 要采取什么措施呢怎么办呢?,46,Number 20

41、 1 save v 拯救 He is trying to save their marriage. 2 replant v 重新种植 Number 21 1 involve v 牵扯; 涉及到 Many youth were involved in the crash. 2 nuclear a 核子/核能/核武器的 nuclear power 核电 3 alternative n 选择; 替代品 You have two alternatives_ paid in cash or by check. a 可替代的; 其他的; 不同的 alternative energy,47,4 wave n

42、 波浪 the energy of waves波浪能 5 tide n 潮汐 指海水在天体(主要是月球和太阳)引潮力作用下所产生的周期性运动,习惯上把海面垂直方向涨落称为潮汐,而海水在水平方向的流动称为潮流.是沿海地区的一种自然现象,古代称白天的河海涌水为“潮”,晚上的称为“汐”,合称为“潮汐”. 6 interior a 内部的 7 most of all 最; 尤其是 8 direct a 直接的 9 solar a 太阳的,48,Number 22 1 to be true = ad 诚然; 的确 2 compete v 竞争; 对抗 compete (with / against sb

43、) ( for sth ) We cant compete with them on price. competing a 竞争的; 对抗的 3 military a 军事的; 军队的 4 destroy vt 毁灭 They have destroyed all the evidence. 5 object vi 反对; 不赞成 If no one objects, well put off the meeting till next Wednesday. object to doing 反对/不喜欢做某事,49,P107 III Vocabulary Activities Words 评估

44、,50,15 fraction n小部分; 分数; 小数 16 interior a 内部的 17 liberate v 释放;解放;解救 18 melt v (使)融化/熔化/溶化 19 perspective n 视角;观点 20 poisonous a 有毒的 21 pressure n 压力 22 radiation n 辐射(热) 23 replace v 代替;放回 24 splash vi 溅落;拍打 25 structure n 结构 26 tend v 倾向; 往往 27 tissue n 细胞组织; 面巾纸 28 transparent a 透明的 29 visible a

45、 可见的 30 widespread a 分布广的; 流传广的,51,1 at first ad 起先;开始时 2 by itself 自动地; 独自地 3 come about 发生 4 do (sb.) harm 对某人造成损害 5 first of all ad 首先第一 6 from year to year 年复一年地 7 go up 上升; 增长 8 in all likelihood ad 十之八九; 极有可能 9 to make matters worse 使情况更糟的是 10 make up v 组成; 构成 11 serve as v 被用作; 起作用,52,1 Match

46、 A with B Key 1) h 2) e 3) a 4) g 5) f 6) d 7) b 8) c,53,2 Fill in each of the blanks 6) brainstorm 头脑风暴 又称智力激励法,现代创造学奠基人美国奥斯本提出,一种创造能力的集体训练法.当一群人围绕一个特定的兴趣领域产生新观点的时候,这种情境就叫做头脑风暴.由于会议使用了没有拘束的规则,人们就能够更自由地思考进入思想的新区域,从而产生很多的新观点和问题解决方法.当参加者有了新观点和想法时,他们就大声说出来,然后在他人提出的观点之上建立新观点.所有的观点被记录下但不进行批评.当头脑风暴会议结束的时,

47、才对这些观点和想法进行评估.其特点是与会者敞开思想使各种设想在相互碰撞中激起脑海的创造性风暴.其可分为直接头脑风暴和质疑头脑风暴法.前者是在专家群体决策基础上尽可能激发创造性,产生尽可能多的设想的方法.后者则是对前者提出的设想,方案逐一质疑,发现其现实可行性的方法是一种集体开发创造性思维的方法。,54,6) allowing room for any and every idea that comes up to (达到) its surface 给所有想法以位置 8) draw, drew , drawn drew out 抽出 9) be willing to do sth 愿意做某事 1

48、0) use up 用光; 耗尽 11) sign n 迹象 13) many a player = many players (但后跟单数动词) think highly of sb 对某人评价很高/高看某人 tennis scene 网球场,55,Key 1) makes up 2) fraction 3) perspectives 4) from year to year 5) poisonous 6) liberate 7) crept 8) transparent 9) to make matters worse 10) consume 11) be replaced 13) has

49、 disappeared 12) interior 14) came about,56,3 Complete the following sentences 3) illegal a 违法的 misleading a 骗人的/错误诱导的 claim v 声称ingredient n 成分; 原料 proportion n 部分; 比例 4) organic a 有机的 compound n 化合物 5) fossil a 化石的 6) overuse n 滥用 historic site 历史遗迹 7) as well as 除外还 take up v 占据 moisture n 湿度nutr

50、ient n 营养品 8) combat v战斗搏斗 security n 安全,57,Key 1) has served as 2) may do harm to 3) makes up 4) convert them into 5) in all likelihood 6) from year to year 7) compete with for 8) is essential to,58,P109 IV Enriching Your Word Power 1 形容词后缀 ous Nouns Adjectives Nouns Adjectives poison poisonous jea

51、lousy jealous 毒药有毒的嫉妒嫉妒的 joy joyous curiosity curious 喜悦喜悦的好奇好奇的 treachery treacherous caution cautious 背叛背叛的警告/谨慎警告的 religion religious ridicule ridiculous 宗教宗教的嘲笑嘲笑的,59,prosperity prosperous ambition ambitious 繁荣/兴旺 繁荣/兴旺的野心/雄心野心的 spontaneity spontaneous 自发性 自发的 generosity generous 慷慨/大方慷慨/大方的 hum

52、or humorous virtue virtuous 幽默幽默的品德有道德的 mystery mysterious error erroneous 谜神/秘事物谜的错误错误的,60,2 合成形容词 ill-fitting 不合适的 outstanding 杰出/卓越的 far-reaching 意义深远/影响很大的 everlasting 永远/永久的;不朽的 持久的/接连不断的 good-looking 好看/漂亮的;美貌的 high-sounding 唱高调的; 大口气的 fast-growing 快速发展/成长的 fast-moving 快速移动的; 迅速流转的,61,1) inhab

53、itant n 居民 2) interdependent a 相互依赖的;互助的 both short supply and high demand 既短缺又及需要 3) 悲观地说, 我学会了怀疑那些似乎没有特别的原因而忽然对我感兴趣的漂亮的小伙子. 4) contract n 合同 financial consequences经济后果 5) biography 传记statesman 政治家 8) the United Nations 联合国 work toward v 致力于peace n 和平,62,Key 1) fast-growing 2) fast-moving 3) good-l

54、ooking 4) far-reaching 5) outstanding 6) ill-fitting 7) high-sounding 8) ever-lasting,63,3 合成形容词 widespread 分布广/流传广的 well-meant 善意的 far-fetched 牵强附会的; 不自然的 well-read 博学的 well-paid 报酬优厚的; 高薪的 ill-planned 没有计划/规划好的 newly-wed 新婚的 well-designed 设计好的 8) automation n 自动化,64,Key 1) ill-planned 2) well-paid

55、 3) well-designed 4) well-read 5) newly-wed 6) well-meant 7) widespread 8) far-fetched,65,P110 V Usage_ first, firstly, first of all, at first 1 first 1) 当谈论某事发生在其它事情之前时, 作为副词使用,修饰动词. 例如: When the meeting began, the Party secretary spoke first. The actress smiled, turning her head first to one side,

56、 then to the other so that they could all see the smile. 2) first = firstly 作为副词使用,修饰全句. 表明阐述的顺序. 例如: First / Firstly, we must save our forests, and even replant them.,66,2 first of all 如果需要强调一项你打算首先 提到的事物,用此 First of all, he knew how to listen to other peoples criticisms _ which is very rare; and t

57、hen he knew how to remedy (v 补救) the situation. 3 at first (in the last ) 在一个事件的初期将感情或行为与后期的进行比较, 使用at first . Earths forests have been disappearing, slowly at first but in the last couple of centuries quite rapidly. I didnt like learning English at first, but after a while I started to enjoy it.,67

58、,Key 1 at first 情况似乎如此:David欲在人前显露头角却遭遇极大的艰难险阻; 几番努力,但功名未获。 2 firstly / first3 First of all 4 first of all / first 5 firstly 6 first 如果你付不了钱, 有人就向你施压, 先是口头的随后是你的窗户被砸, 接下来是暴力. 7 to and fro 来回 briskly 轻快地 fit 健康的 at first 8 有时一件事情的发展是这样:前一秒还是缓滞不前,而下一刻却风云突变。,68,VI Structure as will (do/have ) 也将() 倒装 将

59、两个句子用此连接为一个句子 Model: Florida will disappear beneath the waves. Much of the British Isles, the crowded Nile valley, and the low-lying areas of China, India, and Russia will disappear beneath the waves, too. Florida will disappear beneath the waves, as will much of the British Isles, the crowded Nile valley, and the low-lying areas of China, India, and Russia,69,1) A ballet dancer who does not practice everyday loses a lot of skill, as does a musician. 2) Almost all the teachers at the training centre were women, as were the majority of the learners . 3) The first li


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