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1、2Ogilvy BeijingSINA.comJanuary 16, 2003AgendaMedia Competitive SceneS Insights & Positioning Marketing ApproachOur Approach3Estimated no. of Internet Users inChina10,000,0009,000,0008,000,0007,000,0006,000,0005,000,0004,000,0003,000,0002,000,0001,000,00001997 Dec1998 Jul1998 Dec1999 Jul1999 D

2、ec5Source : CNNIC (Jan 2000)8,900,000123%91%4,000,00079%35%2,100,000870,0001,175,000Internet Users - Geographical Distribution2520151050Source : CNNIC (Jan 2000)Internet Users - SexJun 1999Dec 1999Source : CNNIC (Jan 2000)Male 79%Female 21%Male 85%Female 15%Internet Users - Age51-601% Under 182%41-5

3、05%60+0%36-406%31-3510%18-2443%25-3033%Source : CNNIC (Jan 2000)8Internet User - Occupation25201510509Source : CNNIC (Jan 2000)Govt / Cadre BFSIArt /Entertainment StudentsAdmin. Services Technicians Teachers Foreign / JV Medical Sector Media Workders Getehui Military / Jud.ITPlace of Internet Access

4、5045403530252015105010Source : CNNIC (Jan 2000)HomeWork / SchoolInternet CafOther LocationsOnline Time45403530252015105011Information Gathered Online1Others8Matchmaking9Medical12Travel17Trade / Commerce19Job Listings21Finance31Science & Education38Electronic Magazine39Entertainment52Hardware / Softw

5、are66News010203040506070%12Most Frequently Used Services0Other Services Online PaymentIPOnline Shopping Online StockICQFree Personal Home PageOnline GameBBSNewsgroup ChatroomAcquire InformationUpload / Download Search EngineEmail28891314131617253944507201020304050607080%13Telecom Infrastructure18016

6、01401201008060402001999200020012002200314Source : IDCPC Instalments40353025201510501999200020012002200315Source : IDCPC Penetration vs Internet AccessInternet Access / PC Penetration =58%51%62%34%2520151050TotalSource : CMMSBeijingShanghaiGuangzhou16Own PC at homeInternet Access in past yearInternet

7、 SummaryExponential growth in internet users more than double in 6-month timeBroad geographical coverage majority of users in key cities - Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou coastal markets show great potentialGradual change of demographic profile male- skewed but the female share is increasing a signific

8、ant portion of users are IT practitioners and students but increasingly spreads across different industriesInternet SummaryLocal websites are getting more popular - e.g. SinaNet Domination of key sites especially portalsDiversification of websites to suit needs of different markets - e.g. SinaNet an

9、d Yahoo in China, Hong Kongand.Internet alliance - China (Netease), HK (Netvigator) and (Kimo)Extensive websites emerge in China.Room forimprovement in content only a small % of sites accept advertising Implications to advertisers need to improve the websites use of conventional & interactive media

10、to drive trafficInternet SummaryDrivers of internet development in Chinaexpansion of information sources drive from China governmentaspiration of the new Chinese generation to have quick access to the worldfast-growing telecom infrastructure increasing household penetrationHindrancenarrow bandwidth

11、high telecom fee language barrierlack of Chinese information sourcesissue of securityIntroductionSource of dataAC Nielsen AdquestMediaTV + Newspaper + MagazinePeriod:1999 Jan - DecAreaNationwide - focus on Beijing / ShanghaiGuangzhouBased on mointored figuresGross rate card rate without frequency/ s

12、pecial discountSourceAC Nielson SRG21Web Category - Ad. SpendTV NEW SPAPERMAGAZINE50,00045,70640,00030,000197%17,31020,00015,382408%10,000142%3,0261,251019961997199819992000 Jan22Source : AC Nielsen Adex 1999Web Category -Ad. Spend in Primary Cities(BJ + SH + GZ)31,119TV NEW SPAPERMAGAZINE20,00014,4

13、9115,00010,000361%6,7485,000198%81%2,2631,251019961997199819992000 Jan23Source : AC Nielsen Adex 19991999 - Top 10 Web AdvertisersSinaRenrenChinaHK NetSohuJobSDBEachnetSH TV Internet StationMyWebFocus Web Page02,0004,0006,000RMB000s8,00010,00012,00024Source : AC Nielsen Adex 1999Web Category -1999 M

14、edia SplitMagazine 0.4%Press 44%TV 56%Source : AC Nielsen Adex 199925Key Competitors -Share of Voice (1999)S - aggressive launch campaign in late 1999,occupying more than 30% of total category spendSina 34%Others 57%Sohu 8%Netease 1%26Source : AC Nielsen Adex 1999Sina Sohu Netease OthersKey C

15、ompetitors -Media Spend (1999)1,4001,2901,2001,000800600400314200330SinaSohuNetease27Source : AC Nielsen Adex 1999Y + Sina + Sohu + Netease - Spending By Month (1999)USD000s3,0002,5002,0001,5001,0005000JanFebMarAprMayJunJulyAugSepOctNovDec28Source : AC Nielsen Adex 1999SinaSummary1999 Spendin

16、g S.O.V2000 Jan: USD 1.29 million: 34%: USD 33,373Magazine0.21%HighlightsTV:Press14.5%- Program mix:*Drama(41%),*Sports(20%),*Variety(19%),*Documentary(13%)Press- Beijing Youth Daily, Shopping Guide, Guangzhou Daily, Nanfang Dushi Bao, Nanfang Saturday, Zu Qiu, Shanghai Times Wen Hui Bao, Xinmin Wan

17、baoTV : 85.3%29TVPress MagazineSohu30Press : 100%PressSummary1999 Spending : USD 31.4 millionS.O.V: 8%2000 Jan: USD 10,000Highlights:- 100% in newspapers- Beijing Youth Daily,China Youth Daily, Shopping Guide,Guangzhou Daily,Nanfang Dushi Bao, Securities Times, Yangcheng Wanbao, Shanghai Times, Wen

18、Hui Bao, Xinmin Wanbao, Shenzhen Special Zone DailyNetease31Press : 100%PressSummary1999 Spending: USD33,000S.O.V: 1%2000 Jan: USD 22,651Highlights :- 100% press- Beijing Youth Daily,China Youth Daily, Guangzhou Daily,Nanfang Saturday, Yangcheng Wanbao, Shanghai TimesBrand Stewardship Customer Owner

19、ship32Brand StewardshipCall to actionTop of MindDifferentiationEmotionsTrustBrand PreferenceCollectiveShared ValuesPublic Faceof the BRANDAwarenessImageryCredibilityPerceptionsBrand Stewardship& Customer OwnershipCallPersonalizedOffersIntimacyPrivate Face of the BRANDto actionRelevant DetailedInform

20、ationPersonalRecognitionInteractiveDialogueTop of MindDifferentiationPersonalRelevanceEmotionsTrustBrand PreferenceCollectiveShared ValuesPublic Faceof the BRANDAwarenessImageryCredibilityPerceptionsWhat We Do35ConsultancyCommunicationsConnectionsCRMElectronic MarketingScenario Planning Database Mar

21、keting Live ChannelsClient Service Planning Creative MediaInteractive TechnologiesProductionDatabase DevelopmentCustomer Care Digital PrintingCustomer Ownership Cycle- Managing the Customer Value GapsConsiderationComparison &BrowsingProspectSuspectRegistrationAcquisitionGapCustomerAwarenessPurchaseM

22、arketRepeatSalesGapCustomer ServiceSupportRetentionGap36S Business ObjectivesContinue the leadership position in China dot comcategoryMaximize reach % of web users translating to the highest page views volume in ChinaMaximize no. of registered web users Generate advertising revenuesGenerate e

23、-business related services revenuesBuild Sina as a new mega internet brand with distinctive character and franchisable equity38S Marketing ChallengesIdentify a single, unique value proposition and (re-)define thecategoryDevelop marketing program that lead to Sinas leading position in ChinaExp

24、and perception of Sina as a general platform to embrace varied vertical propertiesDerive a focused brand building and integrated communication plan and best optimize use of budgetFoster a favourable relationship with government, press and stakeholders39S - Drivers of SuccessExtend Brand image

25、Drive desired behaviorSite visitsRegistered membershipRepeat visits & continued participation in revenue driving eventsManage customer relationships to maximize loyaltyOptimize overall marketing performance and ROI40WW Portal Prognosis: Flat GrowthOnly 20% of Web traffic will be through portalsby 20

26、02.Only 20% of online sales ($8.7 billion) will be generated through portals in 2002 vs. 18% in 1999.42Source: Jupiter Communications, 1999WW Competition for Portal Traffic is HeatedOct. 98(millions)56.8Oct. 99(millions)63.9% Change(millions)+13Total Portal UsersAOLYahoo26.926.628.433.6+6+26M SN11.3

27、30.3+168LycosGo Network13.1NA13.919.0+6-A4.18.4+105S5.2+7143Source: Media Metrix, 19998.9WW Portal Satisfaction Rate% saying they are totally satisfied with the brandsavailable in the categoryPortals (Internet Users)All Product Categories0%5%10%15%20%25%30%44Source: BRANDZ, the WPP Eq

28、uity Study45US Users Perceive Leaders in The Pack”Source: BRANDZ, the WPP Equity StudyPortals (Internet Users) - USA6Yahoo4AOL (America Online)A/MCNET2VoltageSnap!Alta Vista Netscape Netcenter0LooksmartMSN.comExciteGHotBot Infoseek-2GoTLycosGeocities-4-50-40-30-20-100102

29、030405060PresenceBase (897)We Create by WorkingThrough a Brand RelationshipBrandPrintProduct PositioningCustomerSegment ProfilesCustomerPrints46Marketing Communication ApproachCustomer Acquisition StrategyRelationshipMarketingPartnerships &Exclusive OffersMedia Drive to Web Drive traffic with releva

30、nt media Continually optimize media buy based on learning Leverage S communications/ advertisingDigitally capture customer knowledge to inform relationship marketingEstablish e-business services affiliates and partnersPush cross-sell and up-sell with targeted direct marketing techniques481:1

31、Relationship MarketingCommunication StrategyInformationTechnologyPersonalizedExperienceOne-to-OneMarketingAnalysis, Modeling Results Evaluation49Requirements for Effective 1:1 MarketingCustomer Profiles Needs & Preferences HH Demographics Purchase History Marketing Response History Online BehaviorDB

32、 Marketing Infrastructure (tbd)50 Customer Database Campaign Management System eMail Campaign Engine Response Handling Metrics & Measurement ToolsEffective 1:1Communications Investment aligned with high- value opportunities Drive response through relevant messages & offers Reduce acquisition costs M

33、aximize share of spend Maximize ROI Targeting Offer Strategy Optimal Media Message Strategy Online Requirements Opportunity Sizing List Generation Campaign Tracking Customer Tracking Automated emails Personalized Content Testing & Learning Measure Marketing Performance360 Degree BrandingEvery point

34、of contact builds the brandweb siteintranetsweb bannerssponsorshipannual reporttrainingmanualspublicrelationshipradioTVdirectmarketingprint adspackagingpromotionOutdoor postersretail environmenttelemarketing5151Site ContentCustomer ServiceDMail/E-MailSegmented Brand CommunicationsOnlineAdvertisingPr

35、intRadioTVCGeneral Brand CommunicationsMedia Allocation Model52TV%Reach, frequency & geographyAdvertising, exposure effectOutdoor%barter dealWebvertising, drive to web, linkOnline%sponsorship, strategic alliancesReach, frequencyRadio%top wired segmentsPrint Ad, sponsorshipNewspaper%content partnershipTop wired segments, IT printMagazine%lifestyles MagTargeted Mail%E-mailing and database marketingTracking and MeasurementAdvertising communication


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