



1、七年级上册 Unit 6 Travelling around Asia课文同步训练 (一)一、单项选择1. - What do you usually do on National Day? - I usually go shopping with my family. There _ so many people in the street.A. isB. haveC. areD. has2. Do you enjoy _ to pop music?A. listenB. listeningC. to listenD. listens3. My friend Jason is living

2、in _ now and he likes _ food very much.A. Asian; Asian B. Asian; AsiaC. Asia; AsianD. Asia; Asia4. The picture is very beautiful _ thousands of flowers on it.A. withB. hasC. haveD. for5. The Greens live just _ the river.A. onB. acrossC. throughD. cross6. Its very cool today. The winds come _ every d

3、irection.A. ofB. atC. inD. to7. I saw him enter the room, sit down and _ a cigarette.A. lightedB. lightsC. to lightD. light8. Tom is one of _ in his class.A. the highest boy B. the highest boys C. the tallest boy D. the tallest boy9. Bill is not here. If he _, Ill let you know.A. comeB. comesC. will

4、 comeD. came10. They _ you some new books next time.A. is going to bring B. will bringC. bringD. brings二、单词拼写11. Guangzhou is one of the most m_ cities in China.12. China is in the east of A_.13. We love the natural b_ of the garden very much.14. Some children are playing o_ the room.15. The b_ over

5、 the river has a history of 300 years.16. There is a hospital right a_ the street.17. This g_ will help you learn something about art.18. Peoples Square is in the c_ of Shanghai.19. The West Lake in Hangzhou is a good place to go s_.20. Dumplings are a kind of t_ Chinese food.三、阅读填空Every one may hav

6、e the days in the life. It is when you get up in the morning, things arent the ways you hoped they would be. That s when you have to tell yourself that things will get better. _1_ But those are the times when you must remind(提醒) yourself to trust your own views and opinions, to keep believing in you

7、rself in your life. There will be challenges to face and changes to make in your life. _2_Always keep walking your way in the right direction. _3_ But in those times of fightingyou will find you becoming much stronger. So, when the days come that are filled with many difficulties, remember to believ

8、e in yourself and all you want your life to be. _4_ The challenges and changes will help you to achieve your goal.As teenagers, the life is colorful. Although, sometimes you will meet some difficulties in yourlife, still remember you can do it. _5_A. And you should remember you can do it sooner or l

9、ater.B. It may not be easy at times.C. And it is up to you to accept them.D. So, please keep believing in yourself!E. There is time when people make you upset.课文同步训练 (二)一、完成句子1.广州是中国最漂亮的城市之一。Guangzhou is one of _ _ _ _ in China.2.上海有很多传统美食。There are many _ _ in Shanghai.3.城市中心有一座美丽的花园。There is a bea

10、utiful park _ _ _ _ the city.4.如果明天下雨,我们将不开运动会。If it _ tomorrow, we _ _ sports meet.5.在寒冷的雪夜,那根火柴照亮了小女孩的脸。The match _ _ the little girls face on the cold snowy night.6.他从没有在信中提及他的妹妹。He never _ _ his sister in the letter.7.中国有许多名胜古迹。There are many _ _ _ in China. 8.旅游之前要认真看看旅游手册。Read the _ _ carefull

11、y before you go on a trip.9.在晚上,这座城市的灯光照亮了天空。The lights in the city lit up the sky _ _ _ at night.二、句子翻译10.香港是中国最繁忙的城市之一。_11.这是一个带有一个大喷泉和绿色草坪的公共区域。_12.如果你沿着河岸走,你会看到很多传统的建筑。_13. 这是中国历史重要的一部分。_三、完形填空When I was a high school student, I visited Australia on a school trip.When _1_ Australia, quite a lot

12、of people think of the Sydney Opera House first. So do I. It was my first time to see such a _2_ building. It was so cool! I also _3_ the Greater Blue Mountains Area, Darling Harbor, and so on.I bought many Tim Tams, a kind of chocolate biscuit(巧克力饼干). People from all over the world love this _4_.On

13、e of the most exciting things was that I _5_ my birthday candles in Australia!I _6_ my school trip. From then on, I dreamt to visit Australia again, even to live there.However, there was something _7_ with my phone and I lost all the photos I took with it. I was sad about it. _8_, my classmates sent

14、 some to me. How nice _9_ were! Every time I see those _10_, I miss them very much.1. A. going outB. talking aboutC. cutting downD. putting up2. A. realB. cheapC. greatD. natural3. A. visitedB. pickedC. climbedD. used4. A. drinkB. foodC. tripD. story5. A. cut upB. woke upC. ran awayD. blew out6. A.

15、worriedB. studiedC. enjoyedD. saved7. A. interestingB. blackC. wrongD. good8. A. LuckilyB. ShylyC. BadlyD. Freely9. A. IB. youC. heD. they10. A. housesB. photosC. phonesD. buildings参考答案:课文同步训练 (一)一、1-5 CBABD6-10 CDCBA二、1. another 2. attend3. power4. teach5. amazing6. disappeared7. surprised8. fair9. photography10. rocket三、1-5 CDEAB课文同步训练 (二)一、1. all the way2. teaches me to take3. felt/feel surprised4. learn about5. felt very excited6. give; back7. launch; into8. Of course9. remote control; another二、10. Our class will teach y


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