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1、,Unit 4 TV programmes Grammar,Sports World Beijing Music Awards Murder in a Country House Tiger Watch,Sunshine TV 10 a.m.-11.30a.m.,Sunshine TV 8 p.m.-10 p.m.,Golden TV 7 p.m.-9.30 p.m.,Golden TV 10.30 p.m.-11.30 p.m.,We use betweenand and fromto to specify periods of time.,between and. 在和之间表示在两个时间点

2、,人物或地点之间,不强调其延续性。(注意between是介词) You can come to my office between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Jim sits between her and me.,Language functions and focus,from to . 从 到 表示时间,地点的起点到终点,强调时间的延续性。 He studied in this school from 2002 to 2005. He will travel from London to New York. We go to school from Monday

3、to Friday.,用适当的介词填空: 1. There is no secret _ you and me. 2. People can make a call _ countries in English. 3. The cat is _ the door, so you cant see it. 4. The children ask for candies _ house _ house at Halloween.,between,between,behind,from,to,5. Dont read _ the sun. Its bad for your eyes. 6. We h

4、ave no lessons _ 3:50 p.m. and 4:50 p.m. every day. 7. There is a lot of news _ todays newspaper. 8. Can you swim _ the river?,in,between,in,in,after,until,at an earlier time than,at a later time than,up to the time that,后,before 用作连词或介词,在之前,引导时间状语(名词,代词,动名词,从句等)表示这句动作发生在主句动作之_。 Wash your hands befo

5、re you have meals/ having meals. Never forget to brush your teeth before you go to bed/ going to bed,前,after 用作连词或介词,在之后,引导时间状语(名词,代词,动名词,从句等)表示这句动作发生在主句动作之_。 After he painted the windows, he painted the doors. He went out to play after he finished his homework./ finishing his homework After school/

6、class/meeting,until 连词 直到为止。用于肯定句,主句谓语动词是延续性的 We walked until we got to the river. notuntil 直到才谓语动词用非延续性动词。 He didnt go to bed until his father came back from work. until=till 但是till不可以放在句首,B before, after, until,e.g.: _the awards start, we will interview some of the most famous stars. You wont find

7、 out the answer _the end of the film. You will realize how much danger these tigers face _you watch the programmes.,Before,until,after,from to betweenand before when if after until,I wont go to bed _ my mother comes back. 2. He could swim _ he was five years old.,Exercises,until,when,3. You may come

8、 to my office _ 9:00 a.m. _ 11:30 a.m. tomorrow. 4. We go to school _ Monday _ Saturday. 5. Tom will go skating with us _ he has time. 6. The train had already left _ we got to the station.,from,to,if,before,between,and,我们一直走到河边为止。 2. 吃饭前先洗手。,Translate the following sentences:,We walked until we got

9、 to the river.,Wash your hands before you have meals.,3. 在他油漆了窗户之后,开始油漆门。 4. 他到十岁才会游泳。 5. 他在过马路前向两边看了看。,After he painted the windows, he painted the doors.,He couldnt swim until he was ten.,He looked both ways/sides before he crossed the road.,Use while and as to talk about when things happen.,Langu

10、age functions and focus,Long action,while,long action,Shorter action,while,long action,Shorter action,as,long action,Shorter action,as,shorter action,while, as,这两个连词都可引导时间状语从句,但用法有所不同。 当某事正在进行的时候,又发生了另一件事。While, as 都可用来引导表示“背景”的时间状语从句。 As/While I was walking down the street I noticed a police car.,2

11、) 当两个长动作同时进行的时候, 常用的是while。 While mother was cooking lunch, I was doing my homework. 3) 当两个动作都表示发展变化的情况时,最常用的是as。 As children get older, they become more and more interested in things around them.,4) 当两个短动作同时发生时,或表示“一边一边”时,最常用as。 Just as he caught the fly, he gave a loud cry. As the teacher came in,

12、 we all stopped talking.,C while, as,e.g.: _ you are watching the awards, write down your answer and send text messages to 1396. _Millie was watching TV, Eddie was sleeping. _Millie was watching TV, Andy opened the door. _Millie was walking past the bookshop, she suddenly thought of buying a TV set.

13、 _ I sat down on sofa, Andy came into the room.,While/As,While,While/As,While/As,As,1. 我父亲在看电视时睡着了。 My father fell asleep while/as he was reading the newspaper. 2. 妈妈做饭的时候,我在做作业。 While Mum was cooking dinner, I was doing my homework.,Translate the following sentences:,3. 我到家的时候, 他正在吃晚饭。 While/As I g

14、ot home, he was having supper. 4. 她沿着那条路走着, 心里想着她父亲。 As she walked along the road, she thought about her father.,Rules,harder higher faster,hardest highest fastest,more slowly more carefully more quickly,most slowly most carefully most quickly,early-earlier-earliest,better more less worse farther ol

15、der /elder,best most least worst Farthest older/ elder,副词的比较级和最高级的常用结构. as+副词原级+as 意为“与 一样”,表示同级比较 她歌唱得像天使一样甜. She sings as sweetly as an angel. 2. 我能一小时跑30英里. I can run as fast as 30 miles an hour. 3. 他在测试中没有Mary做的好. He doesnt do so/as well in the test as Mary does.,副词比较级+than 意为“比.更”, 表示两者之间的比较 1.

16、 本比他那个懒爸爸起床早. Ben gets up earlier than his lazy father. 2. 他们现在比以前过的更幸福. They now live more happily than before.,4. 一个和三个及三个以上的比较级用法 比较级 + than + any other + 名词单数 比较级 + than + the other + 名词复数 e.g.: Tony is the tallest in our class. Tony is _ any other student /the other students in our class。,talle

17、r than,雨下得越来越大. It rained more and more heavily. 2. 你学习越来越努力了. You study harder and harder.,副词比较级+副词比较级, 意为“越来越”,The+ 副词的比较级, the+副词的比较级, 意为“越就越”,我看到她越多, 我越不喜欢她. The more I see her, the less I like her. 他打字打得越快, 他出的错就越多. The faster he types, the more mistakes he will make.,(the+)副词的最高级+比较范围(三者或三者以上)

18、, 意为“最”,亨利是所有运动员中跳的最高的. Henry jumps highest of all the players. 他在班上学习最用功. He works hardest in his class.,5.常修饰比较级的词: much, far, a little, still, even,1. _she came to visit the Greens, they were having supper. A. As B. Until C. When D. While 2. -Your pictures are wonderful! -I had worked for five ho

19、urs _ I finished it. A. when B. before C. while D. after,3. Would you please say it _? I still cant follow you. A. slowly B. more slowly C. more loudly D. loudly 4. -Sorry, Im late, Jack. Can you tell me about the beginning for the film? -Id like to, but when I got to the cinema the film _for five m

20、inutes. A. had begun B. had been on C. has been on D. has begun,用所给词的正确形式填空: 1. She sang even _ (bad) than usual. 2. Mother asked her son to walk a bit _ (fast). 3. Of all the novels I like this one _ (well). 4. Who do you think can jump _ (high) in your class?,worse,faster,best,highest,5. Please send us the e-mail as _ (quick) as possible. 6. He should speak _ (little) and listen _ (much). 7. Please tell them not to play so _ (noisy).,quickly,


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