1、语言的力量范文作文语言的力量三百字 语言,是一种奇特而美妙的东西,传递着人的心灵,语言,是一切事物的,就是她,让人表达出心愿,正是因为语言,远久的历史才得以放映,人类的思想才得以进化,智慧的气息才得以蔓延。 无论在哪一片土地,都有着激励人们向上的话语,它们的力量非同小可,时刻都能让我们感受到智慧的气息。曾有一句话,那句话是我的恩师赠予我的,那句话令我难以忘怀,它曾陪我度过了多少个春秋,他是这样讲述的“人的学习生涯就犹如滚滚的大海,而人就是大海中的鱼儿,我们就应该像鱼儿那样奋不顾身的向前冲刺。”我也一直相信着这句话,并且也是这样做的,因为我曾答应过老师,我会按照这个方法去做的,既然答应了,我觉得
2、我应该认真履行我的诺言我要勇往直前,一直到最顶端。 每当我想起这句话,我就进行了一次人生的洗礼,因为我会不断的改进自己,还记得吗?那一次我差一点就丧失了信心,那次考试,就因为试题太难了,我做到一半的时候,看着后面的题,怎么都这么难一个啊,真是令人匪夷所思,到底应不应该继续往下做呢,那一刻我真的有放弃的念头,想起那句话,那句给我激励的话,突然一下就蹦出来了,我晃然大悟,那一刻,我知道我必须坚持下去! 语言的魅力无限大,正是因为这句话,使我拥有了这么大的力量,让我懂得前进,懂得争取。 一、关于积极语言和消极语言的力量远远比我们想象的还要重要。 二、每天多输入正面积极的语言,一两天可能看不见效果,一
3、两年有可能效果也不会天翻地覆,但是十年、八年坚持下去,美好的东西挡都挡不住。相反地,经常输入消极的语言,其力量也会很吓人。我们有时候做事情经常会高估一年的成绩,但是往往也会低估十年八年的成就。 知识延展 语言的奥秘: 一、为什么我们平时所说的话会有那么大的影响和力量?这里是有奥秘的,这个奥秘就是我们的大脑。我们都知道人有左右脑,右脑又称潜意识脑,它是掌管语言的。 二、潜意识是没有判断力的,比如我们平时所说的每一句话,潜意识不会判断,只会接受,我们对自己说“我不行,我做不到”,潜意识就会接受这个信息,而且会让我们的身体去行动。所以,我们做事情就很难成功。相反地,我们对自己说“我一定可以,我一定能
4、做到”,潜意识也会接受这个信息,同时会向身体发出指令去行动,这样我们就更有可能做成事情。 三、由于潜意识没有判断力,所以,平时我们尽量不要用一些带有否定性的词汇,而要用肯定性的词汇。例如,我们以前做一件事情比较紧张,会暗示自己“我不紧张”,由于潜意识没有判断力,故潜意识接受的信息就是紧张。 四、所以,我们发现越暗示就会越紧张,就是这个原因。以后,我们可以用“我一定可以”来代替“我不紧张”。再比如,我们经常害怕一件事情发生,如我们骑自行车在路上,突然前面有一块大石头,我们就会暗示自己“千万别撞上”,这时往往撞上的几率会很大。以后,我们可以用“我一定可以躲过去”来代替“千万别撞上”。 五、这样的案
5、例在生活中有很多。语言是我们生活中不可缺少的东西,通过以上的了解,我们一定要让语言发挥积极正向的力量,让我们的生活和生命通过语言的力量而变得更加美好。 Language Is Power created xx-03-28 14:05:42 (Up to: Society And Control Language ) .a wealth of terms, both technical and everyday, are carefully defined and argued over in the design of information systems. When they are us
6、ed in live systems to explain what is happening in the organisation they colonise the understanding of members and define the terms of debate. The above quote, from Bloomfield, Coombs and Owens chapter in Management of Information and Communication Technologies (Mansell ed., quote from p. 146), illu
7、strates the power that language has. One doesnt even need to look to esoteric, specialist discussion to realise that language is a facilitator of the flow of power. It is a substrate that links people, and allows them to co-ordinate and construct systems, ideas based on groups rather than individual
8、s. Every word in a language is a term. Every word has both meaning and assumption. And this is why language barriers are more than mere munication barriers, and why something is always lost in translation. A language has society and emotion in its very essence. It evolves as a people evolves. To und
9、erstand a language, then, is to live within it and its culture. This is where swear words get their power from, why politicans squabble over the meaning of their soundbites, and why media is in a constant emotional struggle, rather than being able to stick to pure fact. Indifference is next to impos
10、sible, because language itself is not grown that way. - You have heard it said, “Knowledge is power,” but this is only true if you have the ability to unpack your knowledge and put it to action. Knowledge is power, but we need language to effectively municate what we know and how we know it. Languag
11、e is power because language is munication. Not having a good control of the language will often discredit a person who is otherwise very in _igent. An effective municator is able to get what he/she wants through the control of the language. Language is how we express our ideas. Language is how we ar
12、e able to reconcile a disagreement through discussion. We can use language to manipulate others, or use it to bring enlightenment. We use language to sell ourselves, our products, and our ideas. The greater mand we have of language, the greater we will be at self-expression. Additionally, with a gre
13、ater mand of language we will be able to understand others and help others to understand ourselves. Imagine yourself dropped into a country with a pletely unfamiliar culture and a pletely unknown language to you. Imagine the helpless state you would be in. You might be able to use hand signals or ch
14、arades, but think of how limited that would be. Not only would the population seem strange to you, but you would be strange to them as well. Would they trust you? How could you municate to them you were friendly? What if you did something that was offensive in their culture? Youd have no way of know
15、ing unless you could understand their language. This is an extreme example, but it reveals how vital the ability to express yourself clearly is in regards to being suessful in all areas: politics, careers, and relationships. In order to have trust with anyone, we must learn to “speak their language.
16、” Before I finished college, I spent many years working at a university as a custodian. The facilities department constantly changed its policies, and our boss, who was college educated, would e and _ us about the new expectations, the reasons for the changes, etc. After her speech I would often hav
17、e half the crew e to me and ask me what she meant, because she often spoke at a level that was over their education. With my background, I was able to understand my boss, and municate what she said to my coworkers at their level of understanding. A larger vocabulary gives us more creative ways to ex
18、press ourselves. It also enables us to be more clear and precise in what we mean. However, a good mand of the language is also knowing when to use the vocabulary we have. When I finally made it to college, I was exposed to a lot of new words, a lot of big words that I had to use in my papers if I wa
19、nted to make the grade, and those words eventually seeped into my everyday speech. That was good when I was in class or when I was in a discussion about some deep issue or world issue with a professor or college peer, but I found that when I talked to some friends who had not the desire or financial
20、 means for college, I came across as arrogant. If the purpose of munication is to get our neighbors to understand our point of view or to e to a new understanding about something we feel is important then we need to be careful not to win an argument with big words, but to speak in a way which they c
21、an understand what is said so they will be able to make their own judgment about the facts or truth you believe you are presenting. The power of language is not just in knowing words and knowing how to use words effectively, but also being able to speak and municate at various levels, and knowing wh
22、en it is needed to do so. 楼主,我找到知音了! 原来我也口才不好,后来进了大学,经常被别人笑话。然后我就下定决心,一定要练好。现在我的口才在整个学院都是佼佼者,07年全院辩论赛还拿了亚军。 所以,楼主不要灰心,按着我的方法来一定会有效果! 首先请认真思考一个问题: 看哈利波特的电影你记忆更深刻,还是哈利波特的小说? 答案很明了。 所以 如果你想在最短时间内,最大程度的提高口才。当然要选对好的方法 先不要看书,因为书的影响力没有影像课程大,先去听演讲,比如林伟贤、张锦贵、陈安之之类的都是口才很好的讲师。 你到网上搜索一下,一大堆。 我建议一次选一种课程,反复听,直到运用
23、出来 如何才能运用出来,多听,多实践,好的演讲里面都有让观众演练的部分,这个部分对我们至关重要,当有机会时就跟着练,反正一个人在电脑前,说的不好也没关系,慢慢来,等说好之后就可以试着去外面和同学和朋友甚至和老师主动沟通。都是很好的锻炼方法。 最后,祝您成功! 秋风萧瑟,窗外的大树,依旧在风中挺立着,天空中不时飞过几只小鸟,回忆的列车带我回到了两年前。 窗外,天空阴沉沉的,犹如一场风暴即将来临,我坐在教室中,手紧紧的揪着衣角,手上冒出了点点细小的汗珠,老师正一脸严肃的发着考卷。一到要考好,一定要考好!我心中默念着。可上帝似乎并没有听到我的请求。当我拿着考卷,回到座位上,打开了那令我期盼又令我害怕
24、的“ _”一道道血琳琳的红叉,映入了我的眼帘我就像泄了气的皮球,失去了力量。 天空下起了大雨,房屋上的雨珠,滴落在大地上,勾勒出一阵阵美妙的音符。我望着窗外,于由远及近,由近及远。我踏上了回家的路途,一路上,雨点不时的从伞上滑落,几滴冰冷的雨珠静静的滑过我的脸颊。 大地依旧被雨点包裹着。回到家后,半掩着的房门隐约透出了点点光亮。我鼓起勇气,推开了房门,拿出了考卷,轻轻放在妈妈的面前。望着那殷红似血的分数张牙舞爪的狞笑着,如同皮鞭狠狠地抽打着我心头的创伤。泪水再一次挤满了眼眶,我不由的低下头,等待着暴风雨的洗礼。过了好久,妈妈一句话也没说,我抬头望了望她,岁月已无情地在她那蜡黄的脸上刻下深深的印
25、迹,两鬓那星星点点的白发在风中舞动。此刻,我竟奇迹的发现,她的嘴角噙着一抹淡淡地微笑,我惊呆了,此刻她竟有如此美丽,似乎又让我找回了力量“孩子,有进步,继续努力。”那温柔的话语触动了我心中最柔软的地方,顿时,我泪如涌泉,紧紧的抱住了妈妈,而她,依旧是那抹淡淡的笑。 霎时间,我明白了人生的道路布满了荆棘,重要的是勇于面对挫折,而不是逃避。妈妈的笑把我人身道路上的荆棘,幻化成我成长的力量,而我之战在起点处。 于是我在起点处写下了妈妈你的微笑便是我成长的力量 感恩造物者 在打造人的同时 也赋予一把金钥匙 语言 从此 语言闪动知识 智慧 与阅历的灵光 开启了一道又一道心灵之门 所以说 拒绝语言能力 焚烧语言表达 是扼杀生命之花的一种罪过 是
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