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1、外研版八年级下册英语课文翻译外研版八年级下册英语Module2Unit3课文翻译 1Write questions for the questionnaire with.部分翻译 Have you ever won any prizes before? 你以前曾获过奖吗? I havent travelled much. 我去的地方不多。 They have been to many interesting places. 他们去过许多有趣的地方。 1 have a Western meal 吃西餐 2 live in another city 在另一个城市居住 3 enter a singi

2、ng petition 参加歌唱比赛 4 travel by train 乘火车旅行 5 travel to the seaside 去海边旅行 6 try seafood 品尝海鲜 7 cook dinner for your parents 为你父母做饭 Now plete the You column. 现在完成You列。 2Work in pairs, Ask and answer the questions.部分翻译 -Have you ever had a Western meal? 你曾吃过西餐吗? -Yes,I have/No,I havent 是的,我吃过。不,我没吃过。 3

3、Complete the sentences about your partner.部分翻译 1 He/She_aWestern meal 他她_西餐。 2 He/She_in another city他她_在另一个城市。 3 He/She_a singing petition. 他她_歌唱比赛。 4 He/She_by train 他她_乘火车。 5 He/She_to the seaside 他她_海边。 6 He/She_seafood 他她_海鲜。 7 He/She_for his/her parents 他她_为他的她的父母。 4Complete the postcard.Use t

4、he list of Things.部分翻译 Dear David, 亲爱的戴维: Im having a wonderful time in Bei _g. Ive done so many things! Ive. 我在北京过得很愉快。我做了如此多的事情!我 Theres only one thing I havent done: 只有一件事情我还没有做: I. 我 Bye for now, 再见, Rob 罗布 Things to do in Bei _g 在北京做的事情 . see the Bei _g Opera 看京飘 . climb the Great Wall 爬长城 . ea

5、t Bei _g duck 吃北京烤鸭 . visit the Palace Museum 参观故宫博物馆 5Complete the sentences with the words in the.部分翻译 afford 付得起 petition比赛 pronounce 发音 spell拼写 tower塔 1 I wrote a story for a(n)_in my English class and I won a prize 在英语课上,我写了一个故事参加比赛并获了奖。 2 Alice can_very well,and whats more,she can write beauti

6、fully 艾丽斯能拼写得发音很好,另外,她写得也很漂亮。 3 Some English words are difficult to_. 有一些英文单词很难发音拼写。 4 We visited an ancient palace with a tall_and a beautiful garden 我们参观了一处古老的宫殿,里面有一座很高的塔和一个漂亮的花园。 5 Mary wants to visit the US,but the plane tickets are very expensive and she cannot_to go. 玛丽想游览美国,但飞机票很贵,她付不起。 6Lis

7、ten and check () the country that the.部分翻译 7Listen again and answer the questions.部分翻译 1 How many times has Winnie been to the US? 温妮去过美国多少次? 2 Which country would Diana like to go again? 黛安娜想再去哪个国家? 3 Which part of China has Diana travelled around? 黛安娜已游览了中国的哪个地方? 4 How did Diana travel there? 黛安娜如

8、何去的那里? 5 Has Bob ever visited Germany? 鲍勃曾游览过德国吗? 8Complete the passage with the sentences in.部分翻译 a)Call today to find out more! 今天打电话来了解更多信息! b) Then we will send a gift box from you to your family or friend. 然后我们将从你那儿寄一个礼品盒给你的家人或朋友。 c)A tree is also something special for a festival or a new baby.

9、 树也是纪念节日或新生命诞生的特别的东西。 d) Have you ever been to a forest? 你曾去过森林吗? e) Grow a tree near you ! 在你的附近种植一棵树! Grow a Forest! 种植一片森林! (1) Have you ever wanted to save the trees in the forest? Do you love nature and want to keep forests safe? Now you can! Buy a tree-it is the perfect birthday or wedding pre

10、sent for someone in your family or for a friend. (2) Your tree will help our world and will last longer than toys, clothes or puters. The world needs more trees-buy one today , watch it grow bigger and feel proud! (1)你曾去过森林吗?你曾经想拯救森林中的树木吗?你热爱大自然并想保护森林安全吗?现在你能做到!买一棵树它是一件送给家人或朋友的完美的生日或结婚礼物。(2)树也是纪念节日或

11、新生命诞生的特别的东西。你的树将帮助我们的世界,并且它会比玩具、衣服或计算机更长久。世界需要更多的树今天买一棵,看着它长得更大并感到自豪吧! The Grow-a-Forest gift is part of an exciting plan to make our world greener,and every gift helps to protect our world. It is easy! Buy a Grow-a-Forest gift today and choose your forest and your tree. We will take it and put it i

12、n the earth for you. (3) “种植一片森林”礼物是一个令人兴奋的、使我们的世界更绿的计划的一部分,每件礼物都帮助保护我们的世界。这很容易!今天买一件“种植一片森林”礼物,选择你的森林和你的树。我们将带上它并为你种植在泥土里。(3)然后我们将从你那儿寄一个礼品盒给你的家人或朋友。 In your gift box there will be: 在你的礼品盒中将有: a map of the forest 一幅森林的地图 a photo of your tree 一张你的树的照片 a pair of Grow-a-Forest gloves 一副“种植一片森林”的手套 a c

13、ard with your message to your family or friend 一张附有你留给家人或朋友信息的卡片 (4) (4)在你的附近种植一棵树! Around the world 世界各地 On the too of the world 在世界的顶端 The world witnessed one of the greatest climbing achievements in 1953, when Tenzing Norgay from Nepal and Edmund Hillary from New Zealand climbed Mount Qomolangma

14、for the first time. After a long and difficult climb, trouloled by heavy snow, freezing wind and the lack of oxygen, they finally reached the top at 11:30 am on 29th May, They could only spend about fifteen minutes on the summit before they had to e down. But they remained heroes around the world to

15、r the rest of their lives. 1953年,世界见证了最伟大的登山成就之一尼泊尔的丹增诺尔盖和新西兰的埃德蒙希拉里首次登上珠穆朗玛峰。经过长时间的艰难攀登,遭受大雪、寒风和缺氧的折磨,他们终于在5月29日上午11: 30到达了山顶。他们只能在顸部待约15分钟就不得不下来,但在他们的余生中,他们仍是全世界的英雄。 9Write a question about life experiences for.部分翻译 Transport:Have you ever travelled by plane? 交通:你曾经乘飞机旅行过吗? Book: 书: Country: 国家: Food: 食物: Sport: 运动: Film: 电影: 10Work in groups.部分翻译 Choose the best question for each topic in Activity 9 and prepare a questio


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