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1、.2.UNIT 1I.Explain the italicized part in each sentence in yourown words.1.It implies, first a just conception of theends of human life;secondly, a complete devotion to these ends; and thirdly,the attainment of these ends?3.goals2. Others, like Nietzsche, take the bull by the horns , and refuse to a

2、ssume that life must have a meaning and believe that progress is in a circle, and human achievements are a savage dance, instead of a trip to themarket.4. confront the question fearlessly3. The Chinese ideal of life is drunk through with this sentiment.5. overwhelmed by4. It is, I must say, a brilli

3、antlysimple ideal, so brilliantlysimplethatonlythe matter-of-factChinese mindcouldhave conceived it, and yet one oftenwondershow the.West could have failed to see that the meaning of life lies in the sane and healthy enjoyment of it.6. realistic; pragmatic5. Humanism occupies, for instance, a mean p

4、osition between the other-worldliness of religion and thematerialism of the modern world.7. midway8. TranslationI.Translate the following paragraph into English.9. 林语堂在论人性时,详述了人的尊严。他说,人类之所以优于其他一切生物,因为人类具有由几个要素构成的尊严。首先,人有带有游戏意味的好奇心,这种好奇心可看做是人类发展智慧的最早迹象。第二,人类有梦幻。人生活在一个真实的世界里, 却有着梦想另一个世界的能力和倾向。他说,世界就像一

5、个点菜餐馆,每个人都认为邻座点的菜肴总比自己点的菜肴更加诱人、更加可口。第三,人类有幽默感。他给幽默感很高的评价。他认为,幽默与敏锐的感觉、 合乎情理的精神以及头脑探知矛盾、 愚蠢和糟糕逻辑的微妙能力联系在一起。 幽默是人类智能的最高形式。林语堂还细致讨论了个性主义的理念。他认为,就.文化而言, 对某一文化的最后判断是看它产生怎样的男人和女人。 他还用儒家的观点来阐明自己的看法:身修而后家齐,家齐而后国治,国治而后天下平。10.H ints11.详述elaborate on12.优于be superior to13.点菜餐馆a la carte restaurant14.给幽默感很高的评价eu

6、logize humor immensely15.个性主义the doctrine of the individual16.儒家Confucianism17.身 修 而 后 家 齐when personallifeiscultivated, then home life is regulated18.K ey19.W hen he talks about being human, Lin Yutang elaboratesonhumandignity.Hesays that human beings aresuperiortoany otherliving creatures thanksto

7、humandignitywhichconsistsofseveral elements. Firstof all,human beings have playful curiosity, which could be thefirstsigns ofdevelopinghuman intelligence.Secondly,human beings have dreams. A man has the capacity andtendency todreamofanother world thoughliving ina.real world. He says that the world i

8、s just like an a la carterestaurant where everybody thinks that the food the nexttable has orderedis invariablymuch more invitinganddeliciousthanhis own. Thirdly,humanbeings have asense of humor. He eulogizes humor immensely, thinkingthat humor goes with good sense and the reasonable spirit,plussome

9、subtlepowerofthemindindetectinginconsistenciesand follies and bad logic. Humoris thehighest form of human intelligence. Lin Yutang also talksin detail about the doctrine of the individual. He holds that the final judgment of any particular culture is whattype of men and women it turns out as far as

10、culture is concerned. He also uses the argument of Confucianism to illustrate his own point that when personal life is cultivated, then home life is regulated; when home life is regulated, then national life is regulated, then the world is at peace.20.UNIT 2I.Explain the italicized part in each sent

11、ence in your own words.1. Their sloppiness is merely the unfortunate consequence of.their extreme moral rectitude .21. absolute moral righteousness and correctness22.Someday they are planning to alphabetize all their books and set up home catalogs.23. arrange in alphabetic order24. But while these a

12、mbitious plans take clearer and clearer shape in their heads, the books spill from the shelves onto the floor, the clothes pile up in the hamper and closet, the family mementos accumulate in every drawer, the surfaceof the desk is buried under mounds of paper and the unread magazines threaten to rea

13、ch the ceiling.25. are gradually formed and developed26. Neat people are bums and clods at heart.27. lazy and stupid28.W hat they want to do isget the whole thing over withsothey can sit downand watch the rasslin .on TV29. finish quickly what they have to do.30.Neat people cut a clean swath through

14、the organic as well as the inorganic world.31. destroy ruthlessly the main part of32. TranslationI.Translate the following paragraph into English.33.作者认为,整洁的人与随意的人的根本差异是道德上的。前者将整洁放在至高的位置,做事遵循两条不变的原则:从不两次处理任何事;扔掉一切东西。他们头脑清醒,目标明确,但他们十分冷漠,以至在他们看来,人、动物、物品都是一样的东西。 与前者形成鲜明对照的是, 后者往往头脑里充满了各种各样、 一时冲动的浪漫奇想。

15、他们的理想太完美了,事实上是难以实现的。更为重要的是,随意的人有一颗爱心, 他们似乎对一切都有情感依恋。 从某种意义上, 我们可以这么说, 大多数政治家和将军是属于第一种类型的人, 而大多数诗人和艺术家则是属于第二种类型的人。34.H ints35.至高的位置above everything else36.不变的原则unvarying principles37.与前者形成对照的是In sharp contrast;Contrasted.with the former38.浪漫奇想romantic whims39.爱心loving heart40.情感依恋sentimental attachme

16、nts41.Key42.T heauthorholdsthatthefundamental differencebetween neat people and sloppy people is moral.Theformer place neatness above everything else and work ontwo unvaryingprinciples:Never handle any item twice;andthroweverythingaway. They are clear-mindedandobjective, but they are so indifferent

17、that people, animalsand things are all one to them. In sharp contrast,thelatterfilltheirmindswithallkinds of romanticwhimsand their ideals are just too perfect to come true in reality.What smore, the latter have a loving heart and seemtoshow sentimental attachments to everything. In a way, wemayconc

18、ludethat most statesmen and generalsfallintothe former category while most poets and artists belong to the latter type.43.UNIT 3I.Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your.own words.1. For years we have had it drummed into us in print,onradio, over television, in everyday conversationthat

19、 anyhintofpainis to be banishedas thoughitwere theultimate evil.44. repeatedly made known to; repeatedly forced upon2. It is all too evident that the campaign to get people to run to a doctor at the first sign of pain has boomeranged .45.produced the result opposite from what was intended3. The indi

20、vidual who has learned how to make the correlation between such threshold pains and their cause doesn t panic when they occur; he or she does something about relieving the stress and tension.46. pains of a certain level above which some effects will reveal4. The more famous the athlete, the greater

21、the risk that heor she may be subjected to extreme medical measures when injury strikes.47.forced to undergo.6. But his team is battling for a place in the World Series; sothe trainer or team doctor, called upon to work his magic , reaches for a strong dose of Butazolidine or other powerful pain sup

22、pressants.48.create supernaturally wonderful effect7. Little wonder that so many star athletes arecut down intheir prime , more the victims of overzealous treatment of their injuries than of the injuries themselves.49.forced to drop out at the top of their career8. But their indiscriminate and promi

23、scuous use ismakingpsychological cripples and chronic ailers out of millions of people.50. mentally unbalanced or disabled individuals51. sufferers of long-term poor health9. The unremitting barrage of advertising for pain-killing drugs, especially over television, has set the stage for a mass anxie

24、ty neurosis.52.endless and overwhelming outpouring.53.TranslationI.Translate the following paragraph into English.54.无知是我们理性生活的最大障碍之一。对病痛的无知就是一个恰当的例子。 很多人几乎不知道, 疼痛并不总是表明健康状态极糟,而经常是压力、担忧、无聊、枯燥,甚至是睡眠不足、 饮食过量或缺乏锻炼造成的。 更为糟糕的是,他们对疼痛十分敏感。 结果,医生的办公室里挤满了各种因疼痛病而前来就医的人。 医生往往处在一个进退两难的境地。一方面, 他们在病人身上找不到引起疼痛的器质性

25、病因;另一方面,他们又怕忽视一些症状,而这些症状可能是潜在的无法治愈疾病的先期警告。另外,如果对于疼痛的根本原因一无所知的情况普遍存在的话,那么对于止痛药的药物性一无所知的情况也会变得同样普遍。 滥用止痛药的危险在于: 或许止了疼痛却没有解决严重隐患。 人们一般认为, 止痛药之王是阿司匹林药片。 阿司匹林药片无需处方即可出售。 然而,长期不间断使用该药片也可能是致命的。因此,让人们了解疼痛以及止痛药,将此作为普及教育的一个组成部分极其重要。 这样,人们就会懂得疼痛起始阶段的各种情况, 懂得止痛药的药物性及其副作用,恰当地处理疼痛病例。55.H ints56.理性生活intelligent li

26、fe.57.恰当的例子a case in point58.更为糟糕的是What is worse59.挤满了be overloaded with60.处在一个进退两难的境地caught in a dilemma61.器质性原因organic cause62.无法治愈疾病incurable illness63.普遍存在widespread64.隐患underlying condition65.疼痛起始阶段“threshold ”variety of pain66.药物性medical substances67. Key68. Ignorance is one of the biggest obs

27、tacles to our intelligent life. Ignorance about pain is a case in point. Pain is not always the indication of broken health. Many people have little knowledge about the fact that it is frequently the result of stress, worry, idleness, boredom, even insufficient sleep, overeating or inadequate exerci

28、se. What is worse,they are most pain-conscious. As aresult, doctors officesare overloadedwithpeople withailmentsof pain.Thedoctorstend to be caught in a dilemma.On one hand,they can find no organic cause of pain in the patient. On.the other hand, they are afraid that they may ignore symptoms which c

29、ould be a warning of a potentially incurable illness. In addition, if ignorance about the nature of pain is widespread, ignorance about the natureof pain-killing drugs will be likewise widespread. The danger of the abuse of pain-killing drugs is that they may deaden the pain without correcting the g

30、rave underlying condition. Aspirin is commonly regarded as the king of all pain-killers. And aspirin is permitted to be sold without prescription. However, the drug can be lethal in sustained doses. So it is extremely important to make knowledge about pain and pain-killing drugs part of popular educ

31、ation, so that the individual understands the“ threshold ” variety of pain, the medicinal substances and side effects of pain-killing drugs and deals with the case of pain properly.69. UNIT 5I.Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words.1. when I wanderedhourafter houramong the st

32、reets,bewildered and almostintoxicated withbeauty, feeling as a.poor man might who has pinched all life, and made the most of single coins, and who is brought into the presence of a heap of piled-up gold, and told that it is all his own.70. stimulated or excited by71. used to the greatest advantage7

33、2. I remember myself, as a child, visiting Oxford, and thinking that some of the buildings were almost shamefully ruinous of aspect ; now that I am wiser I know that we have in these battered and fretted palace-fronts a kind of beauty that fills the mind with an almost despairing sense of loveliness

34、, till the heart aches withgratitude, and thrills with the desire to proclaim the glory of the sight aloud.73. decayed in appearance74. is filled with75. is excited by76.T hese black-frontedblisteredfacades, so threatening,sosomber, yet screening so brightand clear a currentoflife .77.reflecting; sh

35、owing.78. but the very blackness of the city air, and the driftingsmoke of the town, gives that addedtouch of grimness andmystery that the country airs cannotcommunicate .79.sense; suggestion80.reveal clearly; manifest81. and personallyI prefer that ecclesiasticism should bemore of a flavour than a

36、temper ; Schoolmen I mean that though I rejoice to think that sober ecclesiastical influences contribute a serious grace to the life of Oxford, yet I am glad to feel that the spirit of the place is liberal rather than ecclesiastical.82. a thing that people can choose freely as they please83. a preva

37、iling standard of belief or conduct; state of the mind84. It is an endless pleasure to see the troops of slim and alertyoung figures, full of enjoyment and life, with all the bestgifts of life, health, work, amusement, society, friendship, lying ready to their panionship; company.86.Trans

38、lationI.Translate the following paragraph into English.87.牛津大学对许多人有着神奇的魔力。 她被认为是一座播下美丽和情感、智慧和理解种子的花园。在那里,古典的建筑将希腊的心智精神和罗马的尊贵浩气融为一体。 她有其独特的魅力:美妙的钟声,高贵的简朴,宁静的庄严,不可遏制的激情,青春活力的浪潮,炽热的希望。各种慷慨和细腻的精神都向她致意, 各种心灵见到那里的钟塔和圆顶、围墙和树丛, 都会感到一种无法言喻的兴奋。 在那里,你会尽情汲取古典学问的养料, 惊叹人类文明一座座不朽的纪念碑; 你会为脉动的现代生活感到兴奋不已, 萌发一种去创造新世界的

39、冲动。 在那里, 你会树立从近期的成功到永恒的辉煌的各种理想。 从某种意义上说, 牛津大学不仅是让你走向世俗成功的学校,更是你的精神生活的天堂。因此,若有机会在牛津大学求学, 你就能享受一种“不闻窗外事”的乐趣。88.H ints89.播撒的种子sow the seeds of90.高贵的简朴stately simplicity91.宁静的庄严quiet solemnity92.不可遏制的激情unbridled enthusiasm.93.无法言喻的兴奋inexpressible thrill94.古典学问的养料nutriments of classical learning95.人类文明不朽

40、的纪念碑imperishable monuments ofhuman civilization96.精神生活的天堂paradise for spiritual life97. Key98. T he University of Oxford casts a magic spell over many people. It is deemed as a garden where the seeds of beauty and emotion, of wisdom and understanding are sown.Over there, classical buildingsfuse the

41、intellectual spiritof Greece and the dignifiedmagnificenceofRome. Itsspecialcharmliesin melodious bells, statelysimplicity,quietsolemnity,unbridledenthusiasm,the tideofyouthful life,andardent hope. All spirits,generousanddelicate, pay homage to it and all hearts feel an inexpressible thrill at the s

42、ight of its towers and domes, its walls and groves. You are likely to find yourself immersedin the nutriments of classical learning, wondering at imperishable monuments of human civilization, and to find yourself greatly stirred up by the beating pulse of modern life, feeling an urge to create a new

43、 world. You are likely to set ideals which extend from immediate.success to immortal glory. In a sense, the University of Oxford is not only a school to make you an earthly success, but also a paradise for your spiritual life. So you may enjoy a kind of satisfying isolation if you are granted an opp

44、ortunity to pursue studies in the University of Oxford.99.UNIT 5I.Explain the italicized part in each sentence in yourown words.1. The war rages not only in battlefields, in national councils,and ecclesiastical synods, but agitates every man s bosowith opposingadvantages every hour.100. spreads or p

45、revails forcefully benefits or profits101. gains2. On rolls the old world meantime, and now one, now the other gets the day, and still the fight renews itself as if for the first time, under new names and hot personalities.102. wins; prevails3. Such an irreconcilable antagonism, of course, musthave

46、acorrespondent depth of seat in the human constitution.103. be equally deep-rooted in human nature4. Conservatismstands on man s incontestablelimitations;reform on his indisputableinfinitude 104. depends on105. state or quality of being unlimited5. Conservatism tends to universal seeming and treache

47、ry, believes in a negative106. fate 107. pays attention to6. Nature does not givethe crown of its approbation, namely,Beauty, to any action108. the best it has to offer1. Translate the following paragraph into English.109. 人们由于生活的哲学理念截然相反,形成了两种冲突的对立力量传统保守者和革新自由者。 前者满足于业已建立的等级制度, 后者则努力去建立一种他们认为更好的新的宇宙秩序。 他们倚重的是完全不一样的东西: 前者强调辉煌的往昔, 后者则主要关注玫瑰般的将来。 前者将自.己的观点建立在人类无可否定的局限性之上,后者却坚信人类有着不容置疑的无限可能性来改善自己、完美自己。若前者走远了, 就会显示出对一种基本上不复存在的过去的怀恋,从而会阻碍对更美好未来的追求;若后者太过了,他们会怀抱浪漫的梦想,变得不切实际。如果人生有春、夏、秋、冬四季,我们往往在春夏两季是革新自由者


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