(Pep英语三下)Unit 3 A. Lets spell.ppt_第1页
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(Pep英语三下)Unit 3 A. Lets spell.ppt_第5页
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1、Unit 3 At the zoo,Part A Lets spell,小学英语(PEP)三年级下册,顺德区北滘镇朝亮小学 卢倩雯老师,Enjoy a phonic song!,Unit 3 At the zoo Part A Lets spell,How many vowel letters do you know?,I know vowel letters .,c,a,t,b,a,g,d,a,d,h,a,n,d,Can you spell?,元音字母Aa , 发音为,Vowel lettersA a,t,e,n,p,e,n,l,e,g,r,e,d,Can you spell?,元音字母Ee

2、 , 发音为e,Vowel lettersE e,元音字母Ii , 发音为 ? ,How do you pronounce(发音) vowel lettersIi ?,Unit 3 At the zoo Part A Lets spell,Lets find the vowel lettersIi at the zoo. 一起去动物园寻找元 音字母Ii吧!,Unit 3 At the zoo Part A Lets spell,Its fat .,It has a big nose and a big body.,Its pink .,A riddle (猜谜语),pig,What is it

3、?,Try to spell, i , i ,pig,p,i,g,pig,pig,vowel lettersIi,Ii,Ii,How many s do you see?,six,six pigs,I see .,pig, i , i ,six,s,i,x,six,Try to spell,six,vowel lettersIi,Ii,Ii,big,The pig is big.,The pig is pink.,It is .,Look at the pig.,Try to spell, i , i ,big,b,i,g,big,big,vowel lettersIi,Ii,Ii,Look

4、at the pig. Drink some _.,milk, i , i ,milk,m,i,l,milk,k,Try to spell,milk,Ii,Ii,vowel lettersIi, i ,What can you find?,milk,big,pig,six,i,i,i,i,元音字母Ii , 发音 i ,第一关 第二关 Task1 Task2,Lets read & chant.,Whack a mole.,pig,a pig,I see a pig.,Lets read,Task 1,The pig is big.,Lets read,Task 1,The pig is pin

5、k.,Lets read,Task 1,A big pink pig.,Lets read,Task 1,Lets chant,I see a pig. The pig is big. The pig is pink. A big pink pig! I see a pig. A big pink pig!,Task 1,Chant out“I see a pig”,Pass !Congralations! Task1:闯关成功,恭喜您!,pig,big,dig,Vowel lettersI i, i , g ,i g ,Lets blend.,pin,win,tin,Vowel letter

6、sI i, i , n ,i n ,Lets blend.,sit,hit,kit,Vowel lettersI i, i , t ,i t ,Lets blend.,it,gift,lift,Vowel lettersI i, i , f ,i f t ,Lets blend., t ,pig dig wig,Can you read?,pin win tin,sit hit kit,gift lift,Pair work,元音字母 Ii , 发音 i ,同学间拼读以下单词:,Task 2,勇闯第二关: Whack a mole “打鼹鼠”,Rules(规则): Read out the w

7、ords or letters aloud!,dig,hit,Ii i ,dig,wig,pig,pin,win,tin,kit,Ii i ,gift,sit,hit,lift,Pass !Congralations! Task2:闯关成功,恭喜您!,Exercise Time,1.Look at the . It is fat. 2.Wow!The elephant is tall and _. 3.-How old are you? -Im _. 4.Im hungry! Can I have some ?,Read and write.,i_e,单词含 i_e 时, 元音字母Ii,发音 ? ,Brainstorming,hi ice like bike kite five tiger nine,单词含i-e, 元音字母Ii ,发音为 ai 。,What can you find?,The e at the end of these words is silent, but it helps th


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