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1、最新资料推荐中考英语语法易错选择100 题1.Itverys kind_you to get the tickets _ the WorldCup.A. for, ofB. of, forC. of, toD. to, for2.-Howmany teachers are there in your school?- _, I think. But I don knowt the exact number.A. hundred B. Hundreds C. Hundreds of D. Hundreds or thousands 3.-Will you stay for lunch?-Sorr

2、y, _. My brother is coming to see me. A.I mustn tB.I can tC.I needn tD.I wont4.When he was there, he _goto that coffeeshop at thecorner after workevery day.A. wouldB. shouldC. had betterD. might5.There _nohurry,need there?A. need beB. need to be C. doesn tD. needs6._ the sports meeting might be put

3、off.Yes,it all depends onthe weather.A.I ve been toldB. I vetoldC. I mtoldD.Itold7.Shirley _ a book aboutChina lastyear butI don knowtwhethershe has finished it.A.has writtenB.wroteC.had writtenD. was writing8.Wedon allowt _inthisroom.A. smokingB. tosmokeC. peoplesmokingD. people to smoking9.Ihaven

4、gota chair_. Willyou makeroom forme?A.tositB.tositinC. forsittingD.sittingon10.Itwas socoldthatthetravelers hadthe fire_all thenight.A.burningB. toburnC. burnD. burnt11.She _hisnumber inthe phonebooktomake sure that she had got itright.A.lookedforB.lookedupC. lookedafterD. lookedlike12.Everymorning,

5、WE are asked _ taken our temperatures.A .if we have B. ifhave we C. ifwehad D. if had we13.I will give _students _ minutesfor themto finish theirexerciseA.the other; otherfiveB. the other; anotherfive1最新资料推荐C. other;five moreD.other;morefive14.-I called you just now, but youweren int-Sorry, I _ the

6、reading room.A. was inB. have gone toC. studiedD. had been to15.The family _ at the lunchtablewhensomeone came to tell them what had happened at _.A. were sitting; Mr BrownB. were sitting;MrBrown sC. was sitting; MrBrownD . was sitting;MrBrown s16.Have you _ your father recently?No. Hedoesn often wr

7、iteto me.A. heard about B. heard ofC. heard from D. got from17._did you sleep lastnight?I was reading toolate to fall asleep.A. How long B. was doing C. How soon D, How 18.-Has Jack finished his homework yet?- I venoidea, Buthe _it thewhole afternoon.A. woulddo B. was doingC.didD.had done19.- He sne

8、ver stolen anythingbefore,_ he?- _. It his thirdtime tobetakento police station.A. hasn Yest;B. is;Yes C. has; YesD.has; No20.I willspend as muchtimeas I_the lesson.A. can gooverB. can to go overC. cangoingoverD. go over21._ you the truth,she knowsnothing aboutit.A. TotellB. TellingC. TotellD. Told2

9、2.The old man walked in the street, _.A. followedbyhis sonB.followedhis sonB. andfollowinghissonD.andfollowedby hisson23.Jimfamilyswentto visit_familylast night.A. Miss SunsB. the Suns C. the WhiteD. Miss Suns 24.They stopped _ and _ out toplay whenthey _ the bell ring or rest.A. working;went; heard

10、B. work;togo; hear2最新资料推荐C. working;go; hearingD.working;going; heard25.I am going to Qingdao andstaythere fora week._youare there, wouldyouplease buy some books forme?A. IfB. WhileC. SinceD. As soon as26.That woman has a bag in her righthand. What sinher _ hand?A. anotherB. otherC. one D. Theother2

11、7.Couldyou giveme _second chance please?A. anB./C. theD.a28.Black, _ father of _ Tom, lost hisnew watch.A./,/B.the,theC. the,/D/,the29.Doyouknow Susan address?Yes. She lives()201,DongchangRoad, DalianCity.A. inB. at C. alongD. on30.-Whatdo you think of thereportontheUFO?-Great!Many students wereinte

12、restedin itand theykept onstanding _ the end of the meetingA. untilB. inC. onD. about31.-Thebook_youwant is onthe desk.- Which of the following isn right?A. that B. which C./ D. it32.I neverll forgetthe days _ we spent together inthe country.A. whichB. on whichC. whenD,on that33.Is that book _ he bo

13、rrowedon Friday?A. thatB. whichC. the oneD. who34.Thenumber of people who_ cars of their ownisincreasing.A. hasB. have C. there isD. there are35.Thefirst school_ wevisitedyesterdayisnot farfrom here.A. thatB. whichC. towhichD. where36.I have the same pen_.A. whichyou haveB. as yoursC. that you areD.

14、 as you37.Thetrain _ she wastraveling was fiveminuteslate.3最新资料推荐A. thatB. onthatC. bywhichD. onwhich38.Theteacher said _wantedto go to the cinema must be there before 6:00,A. those whoB. thatC. whoD.which39._ has questions is welcometo ask.A. WhoB. AnyoneC. ThoseD. Anyonewho40.Tomis one of the peop

15、le who _ they are now.A. fromB.likeC. withD. as41.Theteacher asked _ students todo homework ourselves.A.theB. hisC. someD. us42._ either you or I good at drawing?A. AmB. AreC. IsD. Do43.The room _ as a meeting room.A. used tobeingused B. was used to being usedC. used to be usedD. wasused to be used4

16、4.Theboy was seen _ the piano at 9 yesterday evening.A.toplayB.playC. playingD. played45.Lastmonth Miss Han _ a doctor.A. marriedwithB.marriedtoC. wasmarriedwithD. gotmarried to46.IttimesforMeimeiand _ to the Palace Museum.A.IgoingB.Ito goC. me goingD. me togo47.-_a year does your school have sports

17、 meeting? -Twice a year.A .HowoftenB. HowsoonC. HowlongD. Howmanytimes48.Thereare fourpairsof socks to_,butthe womandoesn knowt _ to buy.A. choosefrom;whichB. choosefrom;whatC. choose; whichD. choose ;what49.Itisin1960_Chinese firstput out flagonMountQomolangma.A. whenB. thatC. whichD. in which50.Th

18、eoldmenwho gave away lots ofmoney _ highlyofat yesterday meetings.A. spokeB. spokenC. was spokenD. were spoken51.I afraidmIwon tcome _7and 9. Iwillbe at work then.A. untilB.betweenC. duringD.for4最新资料推荐52.Butter and cheese _ in price.A. has gone up B. is gone up C. have gone up D. are gone up 53._ ne

19、ither you nor he enjoy fast food? A. Do B. Does C. Is D. Are54.In our country every boy and every girl _ the rightto education.A. has B. haveC. isD. are55.A man of words and not of deeds _ a garden fullof weed.A. like B. likes C. is like D. are like 56.Would you like some coffee?Yes, please. By the

20、way,doyouhave any milk? Iprefercoffee _milk.A. fromB.withC. toD. for57.These Germans wanttohave some _ forsupper, so theydecide tocatch _now.A. fish; many B. fishes; muchC. fish; muchD. fishes; many58.-What do you think ofhissurfing?-Oh,noone does _.A. goodB. wellC. betterD. best59.-Ar en yout tired

21、,Kate?-_. I like going shopping.A. Not at allB. I mso sorryC. You rewelcomeD. Yes,ofcourse60.- Don tforgettocometo my birthday party tomorrow.-_A.I don tB.I wontC.Ican tD.Ihaven t61.Johnplaysfootball_,if notbetter thanDavid.A. as wellB. as well asC. so wellD. so wellas62.Naturally,afterI toldher wha

22、ttodo, mydaughter _go and dotheopposite!A. may B. can C. mustD. should63._ Yanchengtodayis morebeautifulnow. Mr.Jacksonsaid he wouldvisit it_ fourth time.A. The;/B. The;theC./;aD. The;a64.-To tellyou the truth,I became a collegestudent at 15.-_.A. You must beB. Thank goodnessC. You don sayt soD.Itdo

23、esn matter5最新资料推荐65.Excuse me, can you show me _ to run the machine?A. whatB. ifC.whetherD. where66.Today some newly-producedmobilephones can takepictures _a camera.A.asB. forC. likeD. of67.Ifelt itisright _youshouldknow.A. whetherB. andC. thatD. how68.A foolhas gained nothingfromthetime _, for he _

24、 nothing.A.passing; has paidB. passed; has been paidC. passing; has been paidD. passed; has paid69.This kind of T-shirtis_.A. easilywornoutB.easy wornoutC. easy towornoutD. easily tobe wornout70.Jim fathers saidtohim, “ hopeI you_ what I _ you to buy.A. didn forget, toldB. nottoforget,have toldC. wo

25、ntforget, have toldD. haven forgotten,willtell71.Englishpeople _ use Mr.before a man sfirstname.A. neverB. usuallyC. often D. sometimes72.Ienjoylearning English _ it takes me alotoftime.A. unlessB. thoughC. becauseD. for73.I wonder_you wouldlike tocome to my birthday party.A.thatB. whetherC. thatifD

26、.thatwhether74.Alltheteachers thought_ ofthehard-workingstudent.A. highlyB. manyC. goodD. more75.A thirdofthe populationofthe city_their owncars.A,hasB.have C. had D. is76.Hisbagis nicer than _ in his class.A,any otherstudentB. theotherstudentsC. any other students D. any students77.He _ a good plan

27、 which weallagree.A. thoughthardB. thoughtoutC thoughtmoreofD. thought about78.Ithinkswimmingcan make me very _.A.goodB. healthC. comfortableD. well6最新资料推荐79.Thebuses _ over 2 thousand people a day.A.takeB. bringC. carryD. sent80.The conductor kept _ hot water to us.A.giveB. bringC. takingD. giving8

28、1.Ityoursturn to be on duty._A. So amIB. So it isC. So IamD.So itis82.The TV needs_.A.torepairB. repairedC. beingrepairedD. to be repaired83.They are _ there.A.nearB. tonear C. neartoD. nearly84.The boy said he wouldn eat _.A. any longerB. no longerC. anymoreD,no more85.Nobaby noticed the thiefslipi

29、ntotheshop,because thelights happened to _.A.putoutB. turn out a C.giveoutD.go out86.Thedays are short, _ itis noe December.A. becauseB. forC. goesD. want87.Theeducation in China has developed_ these days.A.quickB. highC. highlyD. wildly88.-Willyou tell me a story?-OK.ShallI _ it inEnglish or in Chi

30、nese?A.tell,tellB. speak, tellC. tell,speakD.tell, say89.Thelady is always _ inwhite at theparty.A. wearingB. dressing C. wornD. dressed90.They _ 3000English wordsby the end of next month.A. learnedB. had learnedC. willlearn D. have learned91.Mr.Black,some boysare goingtoflight.You dbetter _thepolice.A. send forB. send toC. look forD. lookover92.Many () trees must be planted every year.A. thousandB. thousand ofC. thousands ofD. thousand7最新资料推荐93.T he post officeis not far from here. It sonly ten ()


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