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1、青少版新概念英语 3a 期末测试题姓名_ 得分_i.从下列每组选项中选出与你所听到句子相对应的回答(5%)( )1.a. im afraid not. b. yes, i cant . c. really?( )2.a. in the bath room. b. after school. c. yes, of course.( )3.a. in the living room. b. he is sitting. c. a lawyer.( )4.a. no problem. b. of course. c. i dont know.( )5.a. thank you. b. you are

2、 welcome. c. not at all.ii.听对话,选择正确的答案. (10%)( )1.where should the man park?a. near the garden. b. in the garden. c. under the tree.( )2.what does peters father do?a. a driver b. a doctor. c. a mechanic( )3.when can the woman give the man a telephone call?a.tomorrow b. next weekend c.last weekedn( )

3、4.when will the film start?a. 7:30 b. 8:05. c. 7:55 ( )5.where will the man smoke?a. near the window b. in the room c. outsideiii.听短文,判断正误。(10%)( )1.bob was having trouble getting to sleep at night( )2.some extra strong sleeping medicine doesnt work to bob.( )3. he hurried to the office on sunday.(

4、)4.the boss was very angry( )5.bob wasnt late for his work. writingiv.读一读,选出划线部分和其他三个单词不一样的,把序号写在括号里。(5%)( )1afamily bdad ccap dlate( )2abigbwhite cwhich dwill( )3aphonebdog cbox dnot( )4aup bcup cbut dput( )5acountbabout cyoung dtrousersv. 根据提示写出正确的单词。(10%)1. he enjoys _ mountains.(爬)2. i cant _ an

5、ything with this knife. (切)3. its _. (美味的,好吃的)4. at home, i always have _at seven every the evening. (早餐)5. have you been _ before? (国外)6. dont _ about me. (担心)7. have you got the answer to my _?(问题)8. his parents never_ him going into the city alone.(介意)9. they cant compete with the _petrol pump. (

6、光彩夺目的) 10. i have been to japan _(两次)vi. 单项选择。(15%) ( )1. these new cars have only just come onto the _ a. shops b. market c. street ( )2.what can i do with this old computer?its just a museum _! a. attic b. bedroom c. piece ( )3.i _three hours on that composition last weekend. a. lasted b. took c.

7、spent ( )4. this question is _ easy, and all the students can answer the question. a. too much b. much too c. many too ( )5. _the past month, i have spent hours and hours on homework! a. since b. at c. to d. during ( )6. people like that talk a lot and_ nothing. a. say b. speak c. shout d. tell ( )7

8、. can you keep a_ ? my sisters going to have a baby. a. thing b. speech c. secret d. talk( )8. ill meet you on the_ of our street. a. main b. road c. corner d. side( )9. you can put your wet sports clothes in this_ bag. a. string b. metal c. paper d. plastic( )10. please try _ english if you want to

9、 learn english well. a. practice b. to practice c. practicing ( )11.how do you know things like that?theyre just tricks of the_. a. shop b. trade c. business d. fashion( )12. stop a moment. youve got something on your_!well, what is it? i cant see it! a. back b. hand c. front d. arm( )13.you must ha

10、ve the right_ for many sports. a. order b. equipment c. rules d. qualification( )14. if you drive a car in england, you must _ to the left. a. go b. keep c. turn d. walk( )15.its getting very late. lets_ a taxi. a. shout b. pick c. take vii. 词汇。(10%)传统_ (英语) admiration _(动词) certain_ (副词) continuous

11、_(动词) unlucky_ (反义词) organic _(汉语)人群 _(英语) break(n.) _(汉语)少年 _(英语) 博物馆 _(英语) viii. 选词填空。(10%)take housework brilliant anything taste like something finish wool experienced among 1. you are _ friends here!(在之间)2. my mother hates doing _. (家务活)3. your mothers _. (明智的)4. im tired. im going to _a short

12、break from my homework. 5. i must tell you _. im going to get married next summer.6. its so quiet. can you hear _?no, nothing.” 7. a scarf is often made of _. 8. what did the tea _.9. when they _ work, they usually go straight home. 10. paul was an _applicantix. 阅读理解(20%)every morning jim goes to wo

13、rk by train(火车). he has a long way to go. so he always buys(买) a piece of newspaper(报纸). it helps jim to spend(度过) the time on the train.jim likes sport very much. one morning on the train he is reading something about the world football match. the match is very interesting. so he forgets to get off

14、 the train at his station. he doesnt know it. when he finishes reading, he sees outside. it is far from his station. he gets off at the next station. he has to go back by train. of course, he is late for work.1. how does jim go to work? _.a. by bike b. by bus c. by train d. on foot2. what does he bu

15、y on the way? _. a. a book b. a piece of newspaper c. a story-book d. a tv3. what does jim like very much? _. a. football b. reading c. basketball d. sport4. what does he forget? _. a. he forgets to get off the train b. he forgets the time c. he forgets to buy a book c. he forgets the train5. where

16、does he get off?a. at the station b. at the next station c. at the bus stop d. at the shopyou speak, write a letter, make a telephone. your words carry a message. people communicate with words. do you think you can communicate without words? a smile on your face shows you are happy or friendly. tear

17、s in your eyes tell others that you are sad. when you put up your hands in class, the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions. you shake your head, and people know you are saying no. you nod and people know you are saying yes. other things can also carry messages. for example, a sig

18、n at the bus helps you to know which bus to take. a sign on the door tells you where to go in or out. have you ever thought that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them all the time? people can communicate in many other ways. an artist can use his drawing to tell

19、about beautiful mountains, the blue sea and many other things. books are written to tell about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas. books, magazines, tv, radio and films all help us communicate with others. they can help us to know what is going on in the worl

20、d and what other people are thinking about.1. people communicate _? a. with words only b. in many different ways c. in letters and drawings d. with smiles, tears and hands2. signs can carry as many as _ as words. a. a questions b. example c. tears and smiles d. messages3. which of the following is n

21、ot talked in the message as which can help us communicate? a. books and magazines b. tv and films c. newspapers d. radio4. communication is important because it can help people to_. a. understand the world and other people better around us b. teach each other to speak, write, read and draw c. know w

22、hat other people are thinking about d. learn about mountains, blue sea and other things5. the best title for this short passage is_.a. signs carry messages b. the importance of communication c. words, signs and drawing d. ways of communicationxguided composition (15%) what will you do for a living w

23、hen you leave school / college? or if you already have a job, what would you like to do it if you leave your present job? use some of these ideas if you want to do. (120词左右)。what do you want to do? why do you want to do that particular job?what qualifications do you need in china for the job?how can

24、 you get the right qualifications for the job?how much money can you earn first of all? and how much can you earn when you have more experience?will you be able to get a job in your home city, or will you have to go to a new city? speakingxi.translation1. nina like having a proper job and seeing the

25、 same people every day.2. would you like some water or some orange juice?3. weve just been to the airport with claire and paul. theyve gone to the us for two months.4. anyone can say anything about anything.5. the shapes are very strong, and the colors are very soft.6. white is too cold for me to we

26、ar. creams a better color for me.7. if they are lucky, this will last for one or two days.8. when youre in the wet zones, you can wear a swimsuit and you can show your chest.xii. look at the examples, and then do the same.example 1: i leave college / look for a job a: what will you do when you leave

27、 college? b: when i leave college, ill look for a job.1. im successful / write a book2. they get worried / buy an apartment.example 2: open the window a: would you mind my opening the window? b:not at all. you can open the window if you like. 1. call a taxi2. use your phonelistening texti1. can you

28、call a taxi for me? 2. when do you usually take a bath? 3. what does your father do? 4. what would tom like to do? 5.your speech is excellent.ii.1.m: excuse me, where can i park? can i park near the garden? w:im afraid not. youd better park under the tree. 2.w:peter, can you help me mend my car?m:im afraid i cant. youd better turn to my father. he is a mechanic.3.w:can you give me a telephone call tomorrow?m:im afraid not. how about next weekend?4.w:hurry up. its half past seven now! the film will start soon.m:dont worry


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