英语小说导读 海明威之 a clean well-lighted place的课后练习_第1页
英语小说导读 海明威之 a clean well-lighted place的课后练习_第2页
英语小说导读 海明威之 a clean well-lighted place的课后练习_第3页
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英语小说导读 海明威之 a clean well-lighted place的课后练习_第5页
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1、ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS1What besides the insomnia makes the old waiter reluctant to go to bed?If we just from the surface to answer this question, we can pick up some opinion from the story: e.g. “I am those who like to stay late at the caf,” the older waiter said. “With all those who do not want to go

2、 to bed. With all those who need a light for the night.” page 158 Para.14 “ Each night I am reluctant to close up because there may be someone who needs the caf.” page 158However, if we analyses deeply, we will realize that insomnia is just a symbolism of the story. When you are sleepless in the nig

3、ht, you will keep awake through the hour of darkness, and this will make you feel lonely and even worse, the despair. There is not only about insomnia but about loneliness, the darkness of life, the segregation from the world, and the nothingness. And those desperate feelings are the most important

4、thing to make the old waiter and the old man refuse to go to bed comment on the older waiters meditation with the nada refrain. Nada means nothing. It is a Spanish word. And from this refrain, we can know that nothing cannot be deal with by man or god. It is the senselessness of each heart. There is

5、 no meaning in life. Nothing is the experience of ones own existence, and the thorough understanding of life. Why does the old waiter so well understand the old mans need for a caf ?The old waiter is a middle-age man. Though he isnt as old as the old man, he suffers the war and life, and he also has

6、 the insomnia like many other men (perhaps including the old man). He also feels the loneliness and nothingness in his life. So he can understand the old mans feeling about the life, and he can even relate and see his future in the old man. This is why the old waiter so well understands the old mans

7、 need for a caf. The caf is a peaceful place where the old man can escape from the loneliness and nothingness and desperation in the life. What does the caf represent for the old man and the old waiter?The caf is a clean and well-lighted place in the story. It is an idealized space. Sitting in the c

8、af, they will feel peaceful and comfortable. The caf is a place where the old man and the old waiter can escape from loneliness. The caf is lighted, because light can chases away the dark. The caf is clean, which makes them feel comfortable and peaceful. 2Different attitudes towards the old manThe y

9、oung waiter:The young waiter is selfish and impatient. He looks down upon the old man. He thinks the old man is nasty. He is easily angry and impolite to the old man because he wants to go back home and sleeps early. He doesnt understand the old man. He even wants the old man to suicide.e.g. “Im sle

10、epy now, I never get into bed before three oclock. He should have killed himself last week.” page 155 “I wouldnt want to be that old. An old man is a nasty thing.”page 157 para. 6The old waiter: The old waiter shows his sympathy for the old man, which is totally different with the younger waiter. He

11、 knows the importance of a clean and well-lighted place for those who need a place to escape from loneliness and nothingness. He knows the old mans sufferings and was sympathized with him. He doesnt think it is bad that the old man stays in the caf late. He respects the old man. e.g. “Not always. Th

12、is old man is clean. He drinks without spilling. Even now, drunk.” page 157Whose attitude is closer to that of the author?I think the old waiters attitude is closer to the authors attitude. The young waiter is ignorance. He doesnt understand the old mans mind so he cant stand for the attitude of the

13、 author. And the old waiter is sympathized with the old man and he understands what the old man suffers. He knows the loneliness and nothingness; he knows the loss and despair in the life. So the old waiters attitude about the old man is closer to the authors attitude. How does the author make his o

14、wn feeling clearly to us?Even though Hemingway doesnt editorially state his own feelings, we can know clearly from his story. We can analyze from the description of the old man. e.g. “not always. This old man is clean. He drinks without spilling. Even now, drunk. ” page 157 A very old man walking un

15、steadily but with dignity. page1573The style of the story In this short story, we can see a very Hemingways writing style.Firstly, you can hardly find any complicated words, phrases or sentences. Hemingway uses easy and simple word as many as possible. He tries to cut out any unnecessary words. The

16、whole story is easy to read but not to understand. e.g. It was late and everyone has left the caf except an old man who sat in the shadow the leaves of the tree made against the electric light. first paragraphSecondly, the story consists of a lot of dialogues. And these dialogues are colloquial and

17、loose. e.g. “He was in despair.” “What about?” “Nothing.” page 155Thirdly, the dialogue is deviated from ordinary conversation order. e.g. “He must be eighty years old.” “Anyway I should say he was eighty.” “I wish he would go home. I never get to bed before three oclock. What kind of hour is that t

18、o go to bed?” (These three dialogues actually are said by the young waiter. )What repetition of words or phrases seem particularly effective?The word “caf” appears about 9times. The word “nothing” appeals about 8times and the “Nada” appeals about 23times. “Light” appeals 5times. “Clean and pleasant”

19、 appeals 3times. And “lighted (including well-lighted)” appeals about twice. I think these words and phrases repetitions are very effective. They have a deep symbolism in the story. For example: Caf stands for a peaceful place in their heart, where can give them comfort. And through this repetition

20、we will pay more attention to this word and think about its profound meaning and symbolism. Another example: in the story, Hemingway use the Spanish word Nada, this is not only to show the author was good at Spanish, but also to draw readers attention. And makes reader think about this word. Why do

21、you think Hemingway favors a simple vocabulary?I think that Hemingway uses a simple vocabulary because the word is not the most important thing to show for him. The most important thing in his mind is to convey ideas about the world. And he doesnt want readers spend a lot of time to read the story,

22、he wants the readers spend more time to think about what is the profound thing the story wants to tell, and he wants readers to understand the story exactly but not just pay attention to the plot. And the extreme shortness makes the point of the story more powerful. 4 The point of view and its appro

23、priateness The point of view of the story is the third person narrator. Hemingway uses this point of view in order to make us see whats happening both inside and outside of the characters minds. We get hints of whats happening with the younger waiter and the old man. And we can get a close look at t

24、he inside of the old waiters mind, where the true meaning of the story is revealed. 5 The symbolism of insomniaThis word just appeals at the end of the story. When you are insomniac, you cannot sleep in the night. And you will touch the world more closely and feel lonelier. In the story, insomnia is

25、 not only a kind of disease, but the feeling of loneliness, the darkness of life and the segregation from the world. It is about fear, nothing and loss.6 The main idea of the story The story talks about loneliness, which Hemingway considers to be the principal tragedy of modern life. Nothing is also

26、 an important theme of the story. For the old man, nada means hopelessness, aimlessness and meaninglessness of life. So he chooses suicide. For the old waiter, he understands the feeling of the old man and has sympathy to him. He can also feel nothing in his life. As for the young waiter, he has you

27、th, confidence and a job. He doesnt realize he is also in nothing. He is unaware of what he has. His life is another kind of meaninglessness. 7 Elements of the setting of the story and the atmosphere that was builtThe physical setting e.g. It was late and every one had left the caf expect an old man

28、 who sat in the shadow the leaves of the tree made against the electric light. In the day time the street was dusty, but at night the dew settled the dust and the old man liked to sit late because he was deaf and now at night it was quiet and he felt the difference. page 154page 155 In this paragrap

29、h we can see the timefrom day time to night. The placea caf ,a clean and well-lighted caf. And it makes atmosphere that a different place from the day time. Now the place is quiet and the good light gives people a sense of security and peace. However, it also makes people a little upset and hopelessness that the old man sits in the shadow. The mental settinge.g. Some lived in it and never felt it but he knew it all was nada y pues nada y


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