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1、增词,(参见P159)增词是翻译过程中一种常见的有效补偿手段。具体而言,增词是根据句子结构、意义和修辞等方面的需要,在译文的基础上添加必要的单词、词组、分句或者整句。增词的原则是:增词不增义。画蛇添足或锦上添花的增词往往会以文害义,因而都是不可取的。,(参见P159)增词的主要作用是:补足语际转换后缺失的含义、使译文结构保持完整、补充修辞手段、解释原作中的文化因素和背景等,从而使得译文在语法、语言形式上符合译文习惯,在文化背景、词语联想方面与原文保持一致,在内容、形式、精神等三方面实现译文与原文的对等,以便忠实、通顺地再现原作的意义与风格。,1. 补 足 词 类,2. 补 足 词 义,3.解释

2、性增词,4.修辞性增词,补足量词,补足助词,补足语气词,补足概括性词语,补足衔接性词语,补足附加意义,补足语法意义,补足语言结构,补足省略部分,a bike a typewriter a tractor a mouth a full moon a bad dream The two streams joined to form a clear, deep pool. 两弯溪流会聚在一起,形成了一眼清澈的深潭。 A red sun rose slowly from the calm sea. 一轮红日从平静的海面冉冉升起。 They are confronted with many proble

3、ms. 他们遇到了一大堆难题。,一辆自行车 一台拖拉机 一轮满月,一架打字机 一张嘴 一场噩梦,增补(动)量词,增补(动)量词,Once we had a quarrel. 有一次,我们争吵了一番。 Brown gave her a loving look. 布朗深情地望了她一眼。 I am extremely angry with her, but this is neither the place nor the time for a lecture or an argument. 我对她十分生气,但是此时此地,既不宜教训她一番,也不宜与她争论一通。,增补助词、语气词,A lovely g

4、irl has been here just now, who went away after buying an ice-cream. 刚才来过一位可爱的女孩,买了一个冰淇淋,然后走了。 We were singing and dancing till midnight. 我们唱着跳着,一直到深夜。 Ive got my bachelors / masters / doctors degree finally. I really feel very excited! 我终于获得了学士/硕士/博士学位。我真是太兴奋啦!,增补概括性的词,The Americans and the Russian

5、s have undergone series of secret consultations. 美俄双方已经进行了一系列的秘密磋商。 The husband and wife agreed to give another try. 夫妻俩同意再试试。 The advantages of the new material is corrosion resistant, cost efficient, long service time, energy saving and without environmental pollution. 新材料具备节能、抗腐蚀、效率高、寿命长和无公害等五大优势

6、。,增补衔接性的词,Theory is something but practice is everything. 理论固然必要,实践尤其重要。 Water shortage is a global problem, especially in big cities. 缺水是一个全球性的问题,大城市尤为如此。 The excited electron(电子) jumps to a higher energy level and falls back to a lower level, emitting a photon(光子)with a given energy. 被激发的电子首先跃迁到更高

7、的能级,然后回落到较低能级,同时发射具有一定能量的光子。,增补副词,I have never imagined that it is you that kidnapped my child! 真没想到居然是你绑架了我的孩子! The dense fog melted away. 浓雾渐渐散开了。 She got married. Dont you know? 她已经结婚了,难道你不知道? Im the daddy and the mama. 我既当爹又当妈。,增补副词,He sank down on the chair with his face in his hands.(对比例9) 他双手

8、蒙着脸,一屁股坐在了椅子上。 As he sat down and began talking, words poured out. 他一坐下来就讲开了,滔滔不绝地讲个没完。 In films, all too often is the same: the hero meets the heroin; they fall in love and live together happily. 电影里总是老一套:男主人公和女主人公始而相遇,继而相爱,终而幸福地生活。,增补名词,增补名词的情况在科技文献中经常遇到,因此应根据上下文和科技常识,增补适当的汉语名词。常用的汉语名词有“方法、技术、现象、效

9、应、作用、局势、状态、化、方案、系统、部门、工作、结果”等等,例如: confusion saturation derivation recycling measurement preparation,推导过程 混乱局面 准备工作 饱和状态 废物回收利用 测量方法;测量结果,增补名词,management complacency normalization remedies solution modification advantage The tension in the Middle East has attracted much attention of the world. 中东的紧张

10、局势已引起全世界的广泛关注。,补救措施 管理部门;管理方法 修改方案 有利地位 自满情绪 正常状态 解决方案,增补名词,to wash before meal 饭前洗手 to wash after getting up 起床后洗脸刷牙 to wash before going to bed 睡觉前洗脚 Mary washed for a living after her husband died. 玛丽在丈夫去世后,就靠洗衣服维持生活。,增补名词,First you borrow, then you beg. 头一遭借钱,下一遭讨饭。 Drug companies are paying pha

11、rmacies to promote new products. 药材公司出钱请药店促销新产品。 This typewriter is indeed cheap and fine. 这部打字机真是价廉物美。,增补动词,无论是文学翻译,还是科技文献翻译,都经常需要增补汉语动词,如“产生、使、加、引起、调整、进行、发生、陷入”等等。 programming after the concert No gifts instrumentation,编写程序 出席音乐会之后 不赠送礼物 研制仪器;使用仪器,He dismissed the meeting without a closing speech.

12、 他没有致闭幕词就宣布结束会议。 China boasted a record trade surplus with the United States last year. 去年,中国实现了创纪录的对美贸易顺差。,增补动词,For this years World Cup games, players will be whacking around the latest in soccer ball technology. 在今年的世界杯足球赛中,球员们将踢一种用最新足球制造技术生产的球。 In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts an

13、d the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting of the economic plan. 晚上在参加宴会、出席音乐会、观看乒乓球表演后,他还得起草经济计划。,增补动词,增补形容词,We need to find a way to solve the problem. 我们需要找出一条新路解决这个问题。 When I watch Chenlongs moves, our goal to match him seems pretty hopeless. 当我看到成龙绝妙的动作时,感到我们要达到同样的水平,似乎没有希望。

14、Spend a dime, save your time. 花点小钱,省你时间。 These days the price of food is soaring. 最近食品价格飞速上涨。,增补形容词,The enemys plane twisted after being shot, trailing flame and smoke. 敌机被击中后拖着浓烟烈焰螺旋下跌。 O, Tom Canty, born in rags and dirt and misery, what sight is this! 根据Mark Twain的原作王子与贫儿(The Prince and The Paupe

15、r),汤姆康第本是一个孤儿,穿上王子的服装后被人认为是真的王子。 啊,汤姆康第,出生在破烂、肮脏和苦难之中,现在这番景象却是多么煊赫啊!,增补省略部分,I firmly believed that, but I dont now. 过去我对此深信无疑,但是现在我不相信了。 Everything was on a large scale for him, the highs were higher, the lows lower. 他总是喜欢夸大事实,高的说得更高,低的说得更低。 To admit it impossible means to surrender one of our few h

16、opes. 如果认为不可能,就等于把我们仅存的希望也放弃了。,增补解释性的词,Every year, millions of migrant workers flooding into the city of Shanghai, where they can earn much more money. 每年有上百万的外来民工 涌入上海市,因为在这里,他们可以挣到更多的钱。 The rushing of these school boys was pardonable, but costly. 这些男生的莽撞行为是可以谅解的,但是为此付出的代价却是昂贵的。,增补修辞性的词,Basically,

17、the theory proposed that the maximum speed possible in the universe is that of light. 就其基本内容而言,这一学说提出:光速是宇宙中最快的速度。 Old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friend to trust, and old authors to read. 干燥的木头最易燃烧,陈年的老酒最为好喝,多年的朋友最值得信赖,经典的作品最值得品读。,1) He came to his work everyday - sweeping, scrubbing,

18、 cleaning. 2) A new kind of aircraft - small, cheap, pilotless - is attracting increasing attention. (增加名词) 3) He allowed the father to be overruled by the judge, and declared his own son guilty. (增加名词) 4) After the football match, Ive got an important meeting. (增加动词) 5) With what enthusiasm are the

19、 Chinese taking part in the Beijing Olympics! (增加形容词),6) The advantages of the meeting room are bright, spacious, fashionable and without echoes.(增加概括性词) 7) Better be wise by the defeat of others than by your own. (增加省略部分) 8) White or shining surfaces reflect heat; dark surfaces absorb it. (增加衔接性词)

20、9) Ideally, one day, researchers will know enough about the genesis of earthquakes to predict quakes directly.(增加修饰词,表示强调),1) He came to his work everyday - sweeping, scrubbing, cleaning. 他每天来干活扫地,擦地板,收拾房间。(增加名词) 2) A new kind of aircraft - small, cheap, pilotless - is attracting increasing attention. (增加名词) 一种新型的飞机正在越来越引起人们的注意这种飞机体积不大,价格便宜,无人驾驶。 3) He allowed the father to be overruled by the judge, and declared his own son guilty. (增加名词) 他让法官的职责战胜父亲的私情,而判决他的儿子有罪。,4)


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