高考英语一轮复习 Book6 Unit 3 A healthy life.ppt_第1页
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1、,abuse,sexual,stress,adolescence,ban,addicted,embarrass,embarrassed,withdraw,mental,effect,strengthen,desperate,disappointed,ashamed,illegal,survival,survive,quit,prejudice,judgement,awkward,to,addicted,to,used,on/upon,spite,like,take,into,for,with/in,Youre not old enough to travel alone.,As we know

2、,He is as clever a boy as his little brother is.,He was so excited that he couldnt say a word.,C,A healthy life is due to good habits.,If you are addicted to smoking or drinking,,you will be infected with illnesses.,You shouldnt take the risk of being,try them.,You should be accustomed to getting up

3、,early to take exercise.,You should often remind yourself of,developing good habits,which is the,key to success.,ill to,ones power,was abused,on,lift/remove,put/place,banned from driving,the importance,of,laid/put/placed particular stress on,infectious,infection,infected,with,infect the people,aroun

4、d him/her,for,was due to,ban,abused,infections,stressed,due,A,C,C,A,A,accustom,get/grow/become,accustom,are accustomed to,accustom himself to,addiction,addictive,addict,addict oneself to,is addicted to,addicted to,addiction,addict,for,at home,ones way,feel myself,get into,has got into the habit of,does,not long before,has been accustomed to,addicted to,felt like,got into,He does look tired.,It will be a long time before we finish the task.,She did at least write to say thank


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