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1、Revision (U2M1) English around the world,Dec. 5,与不同 与一致 2. 在17世纪 在17世纪末 在17世纪晚期 在17世纪早期 3. 航海去某地 4. 走进,上来 5. 随着时间的改变而改变 边喝咖啡边聊天 边吃晚餐边聊天 6. 与某人交流 7. 以为基础,be different from = differ from ,be the same as ,at the end of the 17th century,in the 1600s / 1600s,in the late 17th century,in the early 17th cen

2、tury,make voyages to s.p.,come up,change over time,chat over coffee,chat over dinner,communicate with sb.,be based on ,8. 现在,目前 9. 充分利用 The full use they _ _ time is beyond all our expectations. 10. 喜欢做某事 不喜欢做某事 11. the number of a number of Nowadays _ people have one such car. And _ those people is

3、 increasing rapidly.,make of,at present,make full use of ,like to do sth. / like doing sth.,dislike doing sth.,a number of,the number of,只有时间能够见证。 Only time will tell. Time alone will tell whether he will be successful. 13. 没有这样的车 一辆这样的车 两辆这样的车 很多这样的车 14. 应该做某事/被期待做某事 be expected to do sth.,no such

4、car,one such car = such a car,two such cars,many such cars some / all such cars,15. 一个相邻的城镇 16. 起到作用;扮演角色 play a part / role in The role he _ in the film was highly thought of by many directors. 17. 彼此的方言 18. 随身携带 = have sth. on sb. 19. 注意 = take note of 做笔记 20. 玩得开心 What fun it is to do sth.,a neig

5、hbouring town,played,each others dialects,take sth. with sb.,pay attention to ,take notes of ,have fun with ,1.I think Mr. Smith can speak Chinese fluently. Which language do you think Mr. Smith can speak fluently? 2. I consider he plays an important role in the research. Who do you consider plays a

6、n important role in the research? 3. I know Mr. Smith can speak Chinese fluently. Do you know which language Mr. Smith can speak fluently?,1. 她每天乘地铁去上学。 She goes to school _ every day. She _ to school every day.,2. because because of We were late _it rained heavily. We were late_ the heavy rain.,by

7、subway / by underground,takes the subway,because,because of,1.因为;由于 because of as a result of by reason of on account of thanks to owing to due to result from,2.even if /even though as though / as if 1. We are so busy that we have no time for outdoor sports activities, _we have the interest. (2011安徽

8、) 2. Jack wasnt saying anything, but the teacher smiled at him _he had done something clever. (2011湖南),even if,as if,3. come up rise (指太阳)升起 We watched the sun come up. 2) occur, arise 发生,出现 Im afraid something urgent has come up; I wont be able to see you tonight. 3) come to a place = visit a place

9、 My sister came up to my house on National Day. 4) be mentioned or discussed 被讨论,被提出 The question came up at the meeting. (sb. came up with the question at the meeting.) sth. come up . (sth. be put forward.) sb. come up with sth.,4. base A on B = A be based on B 1) What are you basing this theory on

10、? 2) This story is based on facts. 5. present (n. / adj. ) a birthday present 1) Hes out at present (now ). 2) He was present at the meeting. 3) There were 200 people present at the meeting. (出席的;在场的 后置) 4) the present situation (目前的 前置),the people present the present situation 出席会议 缺席会议 present (v)

11、 sb. with sth. (赠送) = present sth. to sb.,在场的人们,目前的形势,be present at the meeting,be absent from the meeting,6. gradual / gradually Her health is _improving. 7. enrich Reading enriches your mind. rich (adj.) - enrich (vt.) large - wide - broad-,gradually,enlarge,widen,broaden,8. make use of = use make

12、 good / full use of = make the most of / make the best of 1) We should make good use of time to study.= 2) Time should be made use of to study. 9. The former,; the latter, Of football and basketball, I prefer the latter. 10. fluent / fluently He speaks _ English. He speaks English _.,fluent,fluently

13、,11. play the part/role of sb. 1) The part that teachers _in the society is great. 2) Have you really realized the part the computer has _ in the daily life? 3) Miss Li _ the role _ the white-haired girl in this play.,play,played,plays,of,play a part/ role in,12. They recognized him as a great leade

14、r. =They recognized him to be a great leader. =They recognized that he was a great leader. 13. command command sb. to do sth. command (that) sb. (should) do have a good command of English The policeman commanded him to stop. The policeman commanded that he should stop. = The policeman commanded he s

15、top.,14. make a request request sb. to do sth. request (that) sb. (should) do 1) I requested him to come earlier. 2) I requested that he (should) come earlier.,15. such as / like 例如 for example namely/ that is to say 也就是说 Some animals _ frogs and snakes, can live both in water and on land. Noise, _

16、, is a kind of pollution. He knows three languages, _ Chinese, English and Russian.,such as/ like,for example,namely,Keys to Unit 2 I. apartment, recognized, plays, Actually, changed, voyage, Because, making, command, fluently, ,elevator, requested II. 1 be based on mand sb to do / command that sb s

17、hould do 3.in the 1620s 4.believe it or not 5. in fact / as a matter of fact /in reality 6.a large number of e up 8. use English as an official language,16. more than 1) More than 5 weeks has passed. 2) I am more than happy to hear that. 3) Peace is much more than the absence of war. more A than B 与

18、其说是B倒不如说是A 4.He is more diligent than clever. no more than 仅仅,(over),(very),(not only),5. More than one person_ made the suggestion.,has,11. no such thing no/one/some/all/many such +n. I have no such book. He did no such thing. Ive heard of some such rumors.,12. in the way people speak We first brok

19、e the law in a way _was peaceful. I dont like the way _you speak to your parents.,that/ which,(that/ in which),17. over 在期间 Well discuss it over lunch. = while having lunch 2)We had a pleasant chat over a cup of tea. = while having a cup of tea 3) He went to sleep over his work. = during,Practice 1.

20、 What _ of English Xu Gehui _! A. good command; is at B. a good command; is at C. a good command; has D. good commands; has 2. This is her only request that the room _ after being used. A. be cleanedB. would be cleaned C. is cleanedD. will be cleaned,C,A,3. The role that our army _ in flood control

21、is very important. A. madeB. actedC. played D. did 4. - Oh, its you! I _ you. - I have just had my hair cut, and Im wearing new glasses. A. didnt recognizeB. hadnt recognized C. havent recognizedD. dont recognize,C,A,1. 信不信由你,这办公室里没有这个人。 Believe it or not, there is no such person in the office. 2. 目

22、前在中国学习英语的人数日益增多。 Today the number of people learning English in China is increasing quickly. 3. 有许多学生喜欢玩游戏。 A great number of students like playing computer games. 4. 尽管他很忙,他还是愿意帮我们。 He likes to help us even if he is very busy.,5. 他把希望寄托在我们昨天得到的好消息上。 He based his hopes on the good news we had yester

23、day. 6. 她对这场比赛的胜利起了重要作用。 She played an important part in winning the match. 7.因为下雨,我们迟到了。 We were late because of rain. because it rained. 8. 英国人曾经远航去征服世界其它地方. People used to make voyages to conquer other parts of the world.,2. 课时跟踪检测 3. 三维设计,Useful expressions,Dec. 6,1.不止一个 2. 与不同 3. 互相 4.通向现代英语之路

24、5. 在16世纪末 6. 随着时间的流逝 7. 以为基础 8. 英语 9.的数量 10. 许多,大量,more than one+ 可单 +(三单),be different from,one another/ each other,the road to modern English,the number of ,a number of,be based on / base A on B,at the end of the 16th century,over time,English / the English language,11. 不加思索 12.信不信由你 13.没有这样的东西 14

25、. 在早期 15. 希望某人做某事 16.人们说话的方式 17. 从一处到另一处 18. 请您再说一遍 19.我不懂你说的! 20. 注意(到),believe it or not,no such thing,in the early days,the way people speak,from one place to another,.,expect/ wish sb. to do sth.,beg your pardon,I cant follow you!,take note of,do sth. without a second thought,Translation,1. 信不信由

26、你,这办公室里没有这个人。 Believe it or not, there is no such person in the office. 2. 目前在中国学习英语的人数日益增多。 Today the number of people learning English in China is increasing quickly. 3. 有许多学生喜欢玩游戏。 A great number of students like playing computer games. 4. 尽管他很忙,他还是愿意帮我们。 He likes to help us even if he is very bu

27、sy.,5. 他把希望寄托在我们昨天得到的好消息上。 He based his hopes on the good news we had yesterday. 6. 她对这场比赛的胜利起了重要作用。 She played an important part in winning the match. 7.因为下雨,我们迟到了。 We were late because of rain. because it rained.,Translate the following sentences. 1. 直到学生们安静下来班主任才离开。 not until ; calm down 2. 我还没来得

28、及插话,她就生气的走了。 before get in a word 3. 我第一次遇到她是在学校的操场上。 (强调句型 It is/ was that) 4. 我们曾经一度对考试很恐惧。 There was a time when,1. The head teacher didnt leave until the students calmed down. 2. She left angrily before I could get in a word. 3. It was on the school playground that I first met her. 4. There was

29、a time when we were afraid of exams.,5. 一些中国的父母对孩子如此关心,以致他们愿为孩子包办一切。 be concerned about ; so that 6. 这是一年半以来我第一次目睹夜晚。 It is the first time that 7. 网上聊天已不是一件乐事。 Its no pleasure doing 8. 跟她再谈那件事情没用。 Its no use/ good doing,5. Some Chinese parents are so concerned about their children that they will do

30、everything for them. 6. It was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face. 7. Its no pleasure chatting on the Internet. 8. Its no use/good talking with her about that again.,分析作文与写作,Dec. 7,分析第一单元的作文 (不足之处) 1. 时态不正确 It will not be long before she could see her nephew. In

31、2008, they have gone through an earthquake. In 2008, they had experienced. 2. 主谓不一致 she make / she pack / she have 3. 单词拼写错误 left receive heard get alone with each other 4. 冠词出错 an big earthquake / a earthquake 5. 大小写错误,6. 代词有误 She decided to visit he. It was the first time for she that she had gone

32、 to Japan. 7. 标点符号有误 1) It read: he was ill. 2) Several days ago, she just received a letter from her nephew, it said that he was ill. 8. 词性误用 when she thought his ill a twelve years old nephew 9. 句子结构不完整 Though it is the first time that she has gone to Japan by herself. 10. 用词不当 watch her nephew lo

33、ok her nephew,好句 1. What made her worried is that her nephew was ill. 2. If her nephew had not helped her, she might have died. 3. So concerned about her nephew was she that she decided to visit him. 4. There was a time when . 5. It is the first time that sb. has/ have done. It was the first time that sb. had done 6. It will be long before sb does / do It was long before sb. did,According to the given information, write a short passage with the title “ A Popular Tool


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