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1、看 Big Bang Theory 学英语第一季 11集:The Pancake Batter Anomalypancake:薄煎饼batter:打击手anomaly:异常-Sheldon: Checkmate.checkmate:将死将军。-Leonard: Again?又?-Sheldon: Obviously,you are not well suited for three-dimensional chessthree-dimensional:三维的很显然,你还不够格来玩三维国际象棋。Perhaps three-dimensional candy land would be more

2、your speed.你的速度或许更适合玩三维糖果盒游戏。-Leonard: Just reset the board.reset: 重新设定这盘重来。-Sheldon: It must be humbling to suck on so many different levels.humbling:令人羞辱的这么多层都得我让你,还真丢脸阿。-Penny: Hey, guys, did you get my mail?好,伙计们,你拿了我的邮件了?-Leonard: Yeah, right here是,在这。How was Nebraska?内布拉斯加那边怎么样?-Penny: Well, b

3、etter than north Dakota。比北达科他州强。I guess that job is only funny in Nebraska.我猜这笑话只有在内布拉斯加州才好笑。-Sheldon: From the data at hand, you really cant draw that conclusion.data: 资料at hand: 在手边draw that conclusion: 得出结论就目前的数据来说,你还不能得出这结论。All you can say with absolute certainty is that joke is not funny here.a

4、bsolute: 绝对的 你所能唯一确定的是这笑话在这儿不好笑。-Penny: Boys, its good to be back.兄弟们,回来真好。-Leonard: Hows your family你家人怎么样?-Penny: It was the worst trip.这趟旅行简直不能再糟了。Everyone got sick over the weekend.get sick: 生病一个周末下来家里人全病了。-Leonard: Sick?病了?-Sheldon: Here we go. What kind of sick?又来了。什么病?-Penny: The flu, I guess

5、.flu: 流行性感冒我猜,就是流感吧。-Sheldon: I dont need you to guess. I need you to know.我不是要你猜,我要你确定。Now, when did the symptoms first appear?symptom:症状第一次出现症状是在什么时候?-Penny: Maybe Friday.大概是周五。-Sheldon: Friday. Was that morning or afternoon?周五,上午还是下午?-Penny: I-I dont我我不-Sheldon: Think, woman, who blew their nose

6、and when?小姐,好好想想,是谁?在什么时候擦过鼻子?-Leonard: Sheldon, relax.没事的,Sheldon。She doesnt have any symptoms. Im sure shes not contagious.symptom :症状contagious:传染性的她没有任何症状,我确定她不会传染。-Sheldon: Oh, please.拜托。If influenza was only contagious after symptoms appear, it would have died out thousand of years ago.Influen

7、za:流行性感冒die out: 灭绝,消失如果流感只是在症状出现后才会感染,那它早该在几千年前就消失了。Somewhere between tool using and cave painting, Homo habits would here figured out how to kill the guy with the rummy nose.homo :人rummy:危险的在开始使用石器工具和创作洞穴壁画的年代,能人们肯定会想方设法干掉流着鼻涕的家伙的。-Leonard: Penny, youll have to excuse Sheldon. Hes a bit of a germa

8、phobe.germaphobe:【病理恐惧】Penny,你要原谅Sheldon,他有点病理恐惧。-Penny: Its okay. I understand.没关系,我能理解。-Sheldon: Thanks for your consideration, now please leave.谢谢你的照顾,现在请你离开。-Leonard: Youd better go before he starts spraying you with Iysol.spray:喷Iysol:沙尔,消毒药水你最好趁他还没拿来沙尔来对着你喷的时候赶紧闪。-Penny: Okay, well, thank you

9、for getting my mail.好的,谢谢你替我拿邮件。-Leonard: No problem. Welcome home.小意思,欢迎回家。-Sheldon: What?怎么了?-Leonard: What the hell are you doing?你在瞎折腾什么啊?-Sheldon: Im making petri dishes to grow throat cultures.petri dish:培养皿throat:喉咙culture:种植我在进行咽拭子培养-Leonard: With lime Jell-O?lime:柠檬Jell-O:吉露果子冻用酸橙果冻?-Sheldo

10、n: I need a growth medium, and someone polished off the apricot yogurt.growth medium:培养基polish off:(飞快地)完成apricot:杏子yogurt:酸奶我需要一个生长培养基,而杏仁酸奶却被扫荡一空。-Sheldon: Here, swab my throat.swab:擦净过来,取一下我喉咙的样本。-Leonard: I dont think so.我不要。-Sheldon: Leonard, if Im going to get ahead of this thing, I need to fi

11、nd out whats growing in my throat.get ahead of:超过Leonard 如果我要防患于未然,就得先知道我喉咙里长了些什么-Leonard: Sheldon, you are not sick. This is, but you are not.Sheldon 你没生病.这实在是.不过你真没得病。-Sheldon: We have no idea what pathogen Typhoid Penny has introduced into our environment.pathogen:病原体typhoid:伤寒的我们不知道Penny 会把哪种伤寒病

12、菌带进来。For having never been to Nebraska, Im fairly certain that I have no corn-husking antibodies.Nebraska:内布拉斯加州antibodies:抗体corn-husking: 【玉米剥皮】我从没有去过内布拉斯加州,我很确定我身体里没有那种病菌的抗体。-Leonard: Sheldon, dont you think youre overreacting?overreact:反应过度Sheldon 你没觉得你过度紧张了么?-Sheldon: When Im lying comatose in a

13、 hospital relying on inferior minds to cure me,these Jell-O cultures and my accompanying notes will give them a fighting atose:昏睡的inferior:次等的accompanying:陪伴的在我躺在医院不省人事,要靠那些庸医来救我时,这些果冻样本和我随身的笔记多少会提高点我活命的机率。-Leonard: Im going back to bed.我要去睡觉了。-Sheldon: Wait. Put this in the bathroom.等等,把这

14、个拿到洗手间去。-Leonard: What for?干嘛用?-Sheldon: I need to measure my fluid intake and output to make sure my kidneys arent shutting down.fluid intake:液体摄取kidney:肾脏shut down: 停工我要记录我体内水分的摄入和流失来确认我的肾脏功能是否良好。-Leonard: I mixed pancake batter in this!batter: 糊状物我用这个来搅拌做薄煎饼的材料!-Sheldon: No, that measuring cup ha

15、s always been for urine.不,这量杯向来都是用来盛尿的。-Leonard: You had time to make a label for everything in this apartment including the label maker, but you didnt have ten seconds to make one that said urine cup?label:标签urine:尿你有空把房间里所有东西都贴上标记,甚至包括记号笔,怎么就不腾出10秒在这上面写尿杯?-Sheldon: Its right here on the bottom.on

16、the bottom:在底部我写了,就在杯底。-Leonard: Huh. I guess I owe the Betty Crocker Company a letter of apology.letter of apology:悔过书Huh,我想我欠贝蒂厨房一封致歉信。-Sheldon: Oh, dear God. Leonard!天哪Leonard!Leonard, Im sick!Leonard 我病了!Leonard!Leonard!Leonard, Im sick!Leonard 我病了!Leonard?Leonard?Leonard?Leonard?Leonard?Leonard

17、?Leonard, my comforter fell down, and my sinuses hurt when I bend forter:【羊毛围巾】sinuses:鼻窦bend over:伏在上面Leonard 我毯子掉地上了,而且我弯腰时鼻窦疼。Leonard?Leonard?-Leonard: Hey.嘿-Sheldon: Leonard, where are you?Leonard 你在哪?-Leonard: Im at work.我在上班。-Sheldon: At 6:30 in the morning?早上6点半?-Leonard: Yes.是啊。-Shel

18、don: On Sunday?星期天?-Leonard: Yes.是啊。-Sheldon: Why?为什么?-Leonard: They asked me to come in.他们让我加班。-Sheldon: I didnt hear the phone ring.我怎么没听到电话响。-Leonard: They texted me.他们发消息给我的。-Sheldon: Well, as I predicted, I am sick.predict:预知正如我预测,我病了。My fever has been tracking up exponentially since 2:00 a.m.,

19、 and I am producing sputum at an alarming rate.track:跟踪exponentially:成倍的sputum:痰alarming:惊人的我体温从早上2点钟开始持续上升,而且我的痰也多到警戒水平了。-Leonard: No kidding?不是吧?-Sheldon: No not only that, it has shifted from clear to milky green.痰还从透明色变成了奶绿色.-Leonard: All right, well, get some rest and drink plenty of fluids.那好吧

20、,好好休息, 多喝点东西。-Sheldon: What else would I drink, gases, solids, ionized plasma?ionized:电离的plasma:血浆我能喝什么汽油固体还是血浆? -Leonard: Drink whatever you want.爱喝什么喝什么。-Sheldon: I want soup.我要喝汤。-Leonard: Then make soup.那就去做呀。-Sheldon: We dont have soup.我们这没汤。-Leonard: Im at work, Sheldon.我在上班呢,Sheldon。-Sheldon:

21、 Is that a dog?是狗在叫吗?-Leonard: Yes.是啊-Sheldon: In the lab?在实验室?-Leonard: Yes.是啊Theyre training dogs to operate the centrifuge for when they need dogs to operate the centrifuge for blind scientists.centrifuge:离心机他们在训练狗用离心机,因为他们想让狗帮盲人科学家操纵这机器。I have to go.我得挂了。-Old Lady: Howard, its the phone!Howard 是

22、电话在响!-Howard: I know its the phone, Ma, I hear the phone!我是电话在响,妈, 我听到它在响!-Old Lady: Well, whos calling at this ungodly hour?!ungodly:无良心的谁有病在这个时候打来?!-Howard: I dont know!我怎么知道!-Old Lady: Well, ask them why theyre calling at this ungodly hour!那就快接问问为什么这时候打!-Howard: How can I ask them when Im talking

23、 to you?!我在跟你说话,你让我怎么接啊?!Hello.你好-Leonard: Howard, its Leonard. Code milky green.Howard,我是Leonard。代号奶绿-Howard: Dear Lord, not milky green.神阿,不是吧,奶绿?-Leonard: Affirmative. With fever.affirmative:肯定语已经确认了,还发烧。-Old Lady: Whos on the phone?!谁打来的?!-Howard: Its Leonard!是Leonard!-Old Lady: Why is he callin

24、g?!有什么事?!-Howard: Sheldons sick!Sheldon病了!-Old Lady: Were you playing with him?!你们又耍他了吗?!-Howard: For Gods sake, Ma, Im 26 years old!看在上帝的份上我已经26岁了妈!-Old Lady: Excuse me, Mr. Grownup!不好意思 成熟先生!-Old Lady: What do you want for breakfast?!你早饭要来点什么?!-Howard: Chocolate milk and Eggs, please!巧克力牛奶和鸡蛋!-Leo

25、nard: Howard, listen to me.Howard听说我。-Howard: Hang on. Call waiting.等下,又有人打来了。-Leonard: No, dont, dont.!不别别接.!-Howard: Hello.你好-Sheldon: Howard, Im sick.Howard我病了-Howard: Howards sleeping. This is his mother!Howard在睡觉我是他妈妈!Why are you calling at this ungodly hour?你怎么在这么不合适的时间打来?-Sheldon: I need soup

26、.我要喝汤。-Howard: Then call your own mother!那你该打给你妈妈!It was Sheldon.是Sheldon。-Leonard: I tried to stop you.我让你别接了。-Howard: Its my own fault.是我的错。I forgot the protocol we put in place after The Great Ear Infection of 06.protocol:协议我忘了我们在06年大耳朵感染后的协议了。-Leonard: You call Koothrappali.你快打给Koothrappali。We n

27、eed to find a place to lay low for the next 18 to 24 hours.我们得找个地方躲上个18-24小时。-Howard: Stand by.等下,别挂。-Howard: Ma, can my friends come over?妈,我朋友可以过来住吗?-Old Lady: I just had the carpet steamed!我刚熨过地毯!-Howard: Thats a negatory.negatory:否决的此路不通。But theres a Planet of The Apes marathon at the NuArt toda

28、y.不过今天NuArt剧院有连播决战星球-Leonard: Five movies, two hours apiece.its a start.一共5部 2小时一部.噩梦才刚开始呢。-Woman: Homeless, crazy guy at table 18.18桌有个无家可归的疯子。-Penny: No, just crazy.不,只是疯子罢了.Sheldon, what are you doing here?Sheldon,你在这干什么?-Sheldon: Im sick. Thank you very much.我病了,托你的福。-Penny: How could you have g

29、otten if from me?怎么会是我传染的呢?Im not sick.我又没病。-Sheldon: Youre a carrier.但你是病毒携带者。All these people here are doomed.doomed:命定的这里所有人的都会被传染的。Youre doomed!你们完了!-Penny: Sheldon, what do you want?Sheldon 你想点些什么?-Sheldon: I want soup.我要喝汤。-Penny: Why didnt you.?那你为什么不.?Why didnt you just have soup at home?那你为

30、什么不在家里喝?-Sheldon: Penny, I have an IQ of 187.Penny 我智商187。Dont you imagine that if there were a way for me to have had soup at home, I would have thought of it?如果我家里有汤喝,我会没想到吗?-Penny: You can have soup delivered.我们可以叫外卖的。-Sheldon: I did not think of that.这我倒没想到。Clearly, febrile delirium is setting i

31、n.febrile delirium:发热谵妄显然,高烧已经让我开始神志不清了。Please bring me some soup while I still understand what a spoon is for.在我还记得怎么用汤勺前,给我来份汤。-Penny: Okay, what kind of soup do you want?好吧你要喝什么汤?-Sheldon: Well, my mother used to make me this split pea with little frankfurter slices and these homemade croutons.sp

32、lit:干裂的pea:豌豆frankfurter:法兰克福香肠crouton:油煎的面包丁我妈妈以前经常给我做豌豆汤加点法兰克香肠和自制的烤面包片。-Penny: We have chicken, tortilla and potato leek.tortilla:薄而圆的玉蜀黍饼leek:韭葱我们只有鸡汤,玉米汤和罗宋汤。-Sheldon: Could I get any of those with little frankfurter slices and homemade croutons?那我能不能在里面加点法兰克香肠和自制面包片?-Penny: No.不行。-Sheldon: The

33、n surprise me.那随便吧。Would you call that moss green or forest green?你们觉得这是苔绿还是森林绿?-Leonard: Look at this.看哪。Everyone went chimp.chimp:黑猩猩每个人都扮黑猩猩。-Rajesh: Id like to point out that I voted for orangutan, but you shouted me down.orangutan:猩猩我就说我们应该扮类人猿的,你死活不让。-Leonard: Oh, hi, Penny.嘿,Penny。-Penny: Hey

34、, where are you?嘿,你在哪里?-Leonard: Im, uh, at work.我. 在工作。-Penny: You sound funny.你声音听起来很奇怪。-Leonard: Look. Im, uh, in a radiation suit.radiation:辐射我.我穿着防辐射服呢。Whats up?有什么事吗?-Penny: Yeah, Im at work, too, and youll never guess whos here infecting my entire station.infect:传染我也在工作呢,你不会猜到谁在这里把病菌传给这所有的客人。

35、-Leonard: Sheldons at the Cheesecake Factory.Sheldon 在奶酪蛋糕餐厅。Just tell him to go home.快让他回家吧。-Penny: He wont leave.他不会走的。He says hes afraid hell pass out on the bus, and someone will harvest his organs.pass out:俚晕倒harvest:收割organs:器官他说他怕昏倒在公车上,有人会偷他的器官。-Leonard: Hes panicked, and hes established a n

36、est.panic:惊恐他有妄想症,他把巢都筑好了。-Penny: Can you please come get him?你能不能来把他带走?-Leonard: Uh, yeah, Id be, Id be happy to, Penny.好的,行,我很乐意 Penny。Oh, my God, theres a breach in the radiation unit!breach:裂口天哪,辐射单位有个裂口!The whole city is in jeopardy!jeopardy:危险整个城市都很危险!Oh, my God!天啊!The containment vessels melt

37、ing. Gotta go. Bye!containment vessel:安全壳melt:熔化核反应堆安全壳快融化了,我得挂了,拜!I feel really guilty.我真感到内疚。-Howard: You did what you had to do.但你不得不这么做。Take your stinking paws off my popcorn, you damn dirty ape!stinking:发臭的paw:爪子popcorn:爆米花damn:该死的把你的爪子从我的爆米花上挪开,你这臭猿人!-Sheldon: Thanks for bringing me home.谢谢你送我

38、回家。-Penny: Thats okay.不客气。I didnt really need to work today.我今天也不怎么想工作。Its not like I have rent or car payments or anything.我又不急着付房租或还车贷什么的。-Sheldon: Good, good.好,很好。Okay, well, you feel better.好了祝你早日康复-Sheldon: Wait.等等Where are you going?你要上哪?-Penny: Um. home.to write some bad checks.回家.去写几张空头支票-Sh

39、eldon: Youre going to leave me?你要我把一个人留在这?-Penny: Hey, Sheldon, you are a grown man.嘿 Sheldon 你是个大人了。Havent you ever been sick before?你就没生过病?-Sheldon: Of course, but not by myself.当然有,但从没有一个人待着。-Penny: Really? Never?是吗? 从没有?-Sheldon: Well, once, when I was 15 and spending the summer at the Heidelber

40、g Institute in Germany.好吧,就一次,我15岁的时候,那是我在德国海德尔学院过暑假。-Penny: Studying abroad?去留学?-Sheldon: No. Visiting professor.不,访问教授。Anyway, the local cuisine was a little more sausage-based than Im used to,cuisine:烹饪sausage:香肠总之,那里所有吃的都有香肠,让我很不习惯,And the result was an internal Blitzkrieg, with my lower intesti

41、ne playing the part of Czechoslovakia.Blitzkrieg:闪电战intestine:闪电战Czechoslovakia:捷克结果在就好像它在我肚子里搞了个闪电战而我的肠子扮演了捷克斯洛伐克。-Penny: And there was no one there to take care of you?当时没人照顾你吗?-Sheldon: No. My mom had to fly back to Texas to help my dad, because the house had slipped off the cinder blocks again.c

42、inder block:煤渣砌块没有我妈妈飞回德州去帮我爸爸,因为我那煤屑砖砌的房子又塌了。-Penny: Again?又?-Sheldon: It was tornado season.tornado:龙卷风当时刮龙卷风。And it was an aluminum house.aluminum:铝那房子是铝做的。Anyway, the housekeeper in the faculty residence didnt speak any English. and when I finally managed to convince her I was sick,the faculty:教

43、学人员residence:住宅convince:说服总之,那的宿舍管理员不会说英语,当我终于让她明白我病了,She said, Mochtest du eine Darmspfilung?她对我说了句 Mochtest du eine Darmspfilung?-Penny: What does that mean?什么意思?-Sheldon: Based on what happened next ,I assume it means, Would you like an enema?enema:灌肠剂就当时的情形,我猜应该是你需要灌肠吗?-Penny: Okay, sweetie. Ill

44、 take care of you.亲爱的,我会照顾你的。What do you need?我能做些什么?-Sheldon: Well, my mom used to give me sponge baths.sponge bath:海绵搽洗浴我妈通常用海绵帮我洗个澡。-Penny: Okay, ground rules: no baths, and definitely no enemas.好吧,定好规矩,不洗澡。当然,也不灌肠。-Sheldon: Agreed.同意。-Rajesh: Here we go. Ten-and-a-half hours of ape-y goodness.开始

45、了,10个半小时的精彩猿人生活。-Leonard: Damn it, my glasses.见鬼,我的眼镜呢?Okay, Im blind here, guys.我什么也看不见了。Can you help me find them?兄弟们帮我找下眼镜?-Howard: Sorry.不好意思。-Rajesh: Okay.好了。-Howard: Found them.我找到了-Leonard: Oh, great.好极了-Howard: Im sorry. Dont you have a spare? 对不起你没有备用的吗? -Leonard: Yeah. At home.有在家里-Rajesh:

46、 Well, if you leave now, you can be back before the gorillas rip the crap out of Charlton Heston.gorillas:大猩猩rip:拉开crap out:输掉你现在回去拿你来得及在大猩猩把Charlton Heston撕碎前赶回来,-Howard: Unless Sheldons there, in which case, youll be trapped forever in his whiny, hyper- neurotic snot web.trap:陷入困境whiny:好发牢骚的neurot

47、ic:神经病的snot:鼻水最好Sheldon不在家,万一在,你就会被他的牢骚,神经质和鼻涕拖住回不来了。-Leonard: Hi. Penny?嘿 Penny?Uh, I was just wondering, is Sheldon still at the restaurant?我只是想知道Sheldon 还在餐厅吗?Okay, that was very nice of you.你真是太好了Okay, I am going to go.好了,我得挂了。Got kind of a full-blown Chernobyl thing here.full-blown:成熟的Chernobyl

48、:【切尔诺贝利,1986年那发生核泄漏】现在这里就像切尔诺贝利的翻版。Going to go. Bye.挂了,拜。Hes home. Im screwed.他在家,我完了。Ten-and-a-half hours of ape-y blurriness.blur:使模糊10个半小时的模糊的猿人生活。-Rajesh: How about Lasik?Lasik:【激光】你为什么不去激光?-Leonard: You want me to get eye surgery?eye surgery:眼部手术你想让我去做眼部手术?-Rajesh: Would you rather go back to t

49、he apartment and deal with Sheldon,or have a stranger carve out your corneas with a laser beam?deal with:讨论carve out:雕刻corneas:角膜laser beam:激光束那你是想回家陪Sheldon,还是用激光刀,让你的角膜再次冒险之旅? -Rajesh: Well?怎么样?-Leonard: Im thinking.我在考虑呢。-Penny: Okay, nice and cozy.好了,好好躺下,睡一觉。Okay? Ill see you later.好吗? 我过会再来看你。

50、-Sheldon: Wait. Will you please rub this on my chest?chest:胸rub:擦等等。你能不能把这个涂在我胸口上?-Penny: Oh, Sheldon, cant you do that yourself?Sheldon 你就不能自己涂吗?-Sheldon: VapoRub makes my hands smell funny.VapoRub:【一种药膏】这药膏会让我的手闻起来怪怪的-Penny: But, Sheldon.但是 Sheldon.-Sheldon: Please, please, please, please, please?

51、求你了,求你了,求你了,求你了,求你了?-Penny: I cant believe Im doing this.真不敢相信我会这么做。-Sheldon: No, no. Counterclockwise, or my chest hair mats.counterclockwise:逆时针不,逆时针,否则我胸毛会缠起来的。-Penny: Sorry.对不起。-Sheldon: Can you sing Soft Kitty?你能不能给我唱 软软的Kitty?-Penny: What?什么?-Sheldon: My mom used to sing it to me when I was si

52、ck.我每次生病我妈都给我唱的。-Penny: Oh, sorry, honey. I dont know it.对不起,亲爱的,我不会。-Sheldon: Ill teach you.我教你。* Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur * 软软的kitty 暖暖的kitty 一团小毛球 * Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr. * 快乐的kitty 睡着的kitty 喵喵喵 *Now you.轮到你了-Penny: * Soft kitty, warm kitty. * 软软的kitty 暖暖的

53、kitty. *-Sheldon: * Little ball of fur * 一团小毛球 *Keep rubbing.别停。-Penny: Little ball of fur* 一团小毛球 *-Leonard: What do you see? What do you see?你看到什么了? 你看到什么了?-Rajesh: I cant. The living room appears to be empty.我还没看见呢,客厅里好像没人。-Leonard: He must be in his bedroom. 他肯定在卧室。 My spare glasses are in my bed

54、room, on my dresser, next to my bat signal.我的备用眼睛在卧室在梳妆台蝙蝠侠标记的旁边。-Howard: Im not going in there.我不会进去的-Leonard: Raj?Raj?-Rajesh: No way, Jose.想都别想 Jose-Leonard: But I cant do it. I cant see anything.但是我也不行,我什么也看不见。-Howard: Its all right.没关系。Wireless minicam and Bluetooth headset.minicam:摄像头Bluetooth headset:蓝牙耳机无线摄像头加蓝牙耳机。Well be your eyes.我们就是你的眼睛。-Leonard: Fine.好吧。-Howard: One more thing. This is a subsonic impact sensor.subsonic:次音速的sensor:传感器还有,这是一个音速感应器。If Sheldon gets out of bed and starts to walk, is


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