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1、Section A,Learning a Foreign Language,New Words,reward,Reward: 报答;酬谢;奖励 Reward sb for (doing) sth The father rewarded the boy for cleaning the room. Rewarding: 值得做的;有益的;有意义的 (即使物质上未得到多少,但由于重要或有用而感到满足。主语一般是某事。) Teaching is a rewarding career.,frustrate,使沮丧;使灰心 He was frustrated by his failure in the

2、college entrance exam. 2. 使挫败;使受挫折 The bad weather frustrated all our hopes of going out. 恶劣的天气使我们出门的希望化为泡影。 【用法】 be frustrated by / with sth. 【派生】 frustration ( in / with ) frustrated; frustrating,Junior-senior,N.1. 年少者;(地位或等级)较低者;晚辈 He is two years my . He is my by two years. Adj. 2. (地位、水平、层次)较低的

3、 He is two years to me. junior/ senior middle school freshmansophomorejunior-senior 【比较】inferior-superior,positive,1. 积极的;肯定的 positive advice 积极的建议 2. 确实的;明确的 a positive answer 【反义词】 negative,former,Adj. 在前的;以前的;旧时的 his former wife N. (两者中)前者 the former- the latter,intimidate,【用法】 intimidate sb into

4、 (doing )sth. Intimidate a witness into silence Intimidate a witness into keeping silent,communicate,1. sth (to sb/sth) 传送; 传播;传递 communicate a disease 传播疾病. 2. (with sb) 交流、交换(消息、思想等) The police communicate with each other by radio.,communication,1 传递; 传播; 交流; 通信; 通讯 be in communication with sb 经常与

5、某人互通情况(通过书信或电话) 2 (communications) 交流的方式方法或工具(如公路、 铁路、 电话等): a world communications network 环球通讯网.,medium,N. 1. (pl: media)(表达或传播的)媒介, 手段: Commercial television is an effective medium for advertising. 商业电视是有效的广告宣传工具. 2 (pl: mediums) 中间物; 两极端间的居中者: a/the happy medium 中庸之道; 折衷办法: find a happy medium 寻

6、求一个折衷办法 Adj. 常作定语 中间的; 中等的; 平均的: a man of medium height 中等身材的男子 medium wave (MW) 中波,access,1. get/ gain /have (to sth/sb) (使用某物或接近某人的)机会或权利: All the students can have access to the school library. 2. (to sth) (接近或进入某地的)方法; 通路;入口 The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields. 要到那农舍去唯有穿过田地.,Ca

7、n I ask access to your pen?,participate, (in sth) 参加, 参与(某活动) participate in a discussion 参加讨论 【派生词】 participant participation,virtual,adj. 作定语 1. (通过计算机软件)模拟的;虚拟的; virtual classroom; virtual library 2. 事实上的, 实际上的, 实质上的(但未在名义上或正式获承认): the virtual head 实际负责人 virtually 事实上; 实际上; 几乎,commit,1. 做(不合法的、 错

8、的或愚蠢的事); 犯 commit a crime, commit murder, suicide 2. sb/oneself (to sth/to doing sth) 承诺; 向保证 I cant come on Sunday: Im already committed . 星期天我不能来, 我有事.,commitment,n. 1 (褒)致力, 献身(於某事物) a sense of commitment to the job 对工作尽职尽责 2. (to sth/to do sth) 承诺; 保证; 承担: Make a commitment to sth/to do sth. 他因为

9、不愿承担任何责任而不想结婚。,minimum,Adj. 最小的; 最少的; 最低限度的: The passing mark of CET Band-4 is 425 out of 710. N. 常作单数 最小量; 最低限度: a minimum of work 最低限度的工作 (缩写 min) 【反义词】maximum (max.),Assign-assignment,assign V. 1. sth (to sb)/ sb. sth. 分配;分派 This classroom has been assigned to us. 2. sb. (to sth) / sb. as 指派;委任 T

10、hey have assigned their best man to the job. assignment n.(分派的)任务;作业,embarrass,【比较】 embarrassing-embarrassed interesting-interested exciting- excited 【注】现在分词形式的形容词作定语或表语时,表示事物的性质或特征;过去分词表示人的心理状态。,post,n. 帖子 post bar 贴吧 write a post 写帖子 put up a post 发帖子 read posts 看帖 add water 灌水 v. 发帖子,continual,ad

11、j. (尤作贬义) 继续不断的;频繁的; 一再重复的: continual interruptions 不停的打扰 continual questions. 接二连三的提问 continually He was continually late for work. 他上班总是迟到,reap,1. 收割(庄稼, 尤指谷物); 收获: 2. (比喻) (因自己或他人所为)获得 【习语】 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 1.As a man sows, so he shall reap. 2.You must reap what you have sown.,benefit,n U 利益, 实惠, 未来的好处

12、She has got much benefit from her reading. for sb.s benefit 为了 的利益 v. 1. 使受益: sb. The sea air will you. 2. (from/by sth) 得益 He has benefited a lot from it.,insight,N. (into sth) U (褒)洞察力; 深刻的了解: a person of insight 有洞察力的人 have/ give an insight into sth. 对具有洞察力,favorite,Adj. 作定语 最喜欢的: What is your fa

13、vorite music/ writer? N. (of sb) 特别受喜爱的人或物: This book is my favorite. What kind of movie is your favorite?,gap,N. (in/between sth) 1缺口; 裂口; 豁口: a gap in a wall 墙壁的豁口 2. (比喻)分离;分歧 the generation gap 代沟 the gap between rich and poor the gap between theory and practice 理论与实践的脱节 bridge a/the gap,Idea Ca

14、tching,Understanding Each Paragraph,Understanding the Text,Topic sentence Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life. 学习英语是我一生中最艰苦也是最有意义的经历之一。,The Main idea of the text,Back,II. Text Structure,Expressions,Sentence Structure,Detailed Study,wort

15、h,1. be worth sth. 有某种价值: Our house is worth about $ 200,000. Whats the old man worth? 2. be worth doing sth. 值得(做某事) The book is worth reading. 3 (saying 谚) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 一鸟在手, 胜於二鸟在林,at the top of,at the top of the class 在班内名列前茅 at the top of ones voice 以最大的嗓音,whenev

16、er,1. 在任何时候; 无论何时 Ill discuss it with you whenever you like. 2. 每次; 每当 Whenever she comes, she brings a friend. whoever; whatever; wherever; however,Not only did I lose my joy in answering questions but also I totally lost my desire to say anything at all in English. (L13) Paraphrase I not only didn

17、t feel happy answering questions, but also didnt want to say anything in English.,Note,我不仅失去了回答问题的乐趣,而且根本就 不想再用英语说半个字。,With “not only” or “only” placed at the beginning of a sentence, the sentence order should be inverted (倒装) . e.g. Not only did we enjoy the film, but we also had a wonderful time.,

18、Any other expressions like not only?,表示否定意义的副词或短语放在句首作状语时,句子用部分倒装。 never/little/few/hardly seldom nowhere in no way under no circumstances no sooner. than. scarcely (hardly). when. (见补充课件),far from,far from sth (adj.; n.): not at all 毫不; 一点也不; 远非 Although he did not marry all his life, he was far fr

19、om lonely. 2. far from doing sth: (不但)不做某事物(反而.): Far from enjoying English study, he hates it. 他岂止不喜欢, 简直讨厌学英语.,though,adv. (口) however 然而; 但是 1. You can have a try, though. 2. She promised to come. She did not turn up, though.,a couple of,1. 两个(件等) a couple of students 2. 几个(件等) a couple of miles,

20、keep up with,keep up with sb/ sth. 跟上; 与同步前进 Slow down. I cant keep up (with you)! 2. keep up with sb 保持与某人的联系: keep up with old friends,once in a while,(every) once in a while 偶尔; 间或 Once in a while we go to a restaurant but usually we eat at home. 我们偶尔下馆子-但一般都在家吃.,feel like,feel like sth/doing sth

21、 想要(做)某事物: I feel like (having) a drink. 我想喝点酒. Well go for a walk if you feel like it. 你愿意的话, 咱们就去散散步,trying,adj. 磨练脾气或耐性的; 使人厌烦的 a trying person to deal with 难对付的人 have a trying day 度过难熬的一天.,trade,1. (in sth) (with sb) 做生意; 做买卖 trade in arms 2. (sb) sth for sth: exchange for 用一物交换另一物;以物易物: Ill tra

22、de you my stamp collection for your model boat.,now that,conj. (that). 由於.; 既然.: Now (that) you mention it, I do remember the incident. 经你一提, 我想起那件事了. Now youve passed your test you can drive on your own.,reach out,1.reach out to sb. 表示对某人感兴趣(或愿意提供援助) We must reach out to those in need. 我们应该伸出援助之手,

23、帮助有困难的人。 2.reach out to sb: communicate with sb 3.reach for sth 伸手去拿(够) .,Discussion,These pictures remind us of our school life in kindergarten primary school junior middle school senior middle school,1. When and where did you begin to learn English? Do you enjoy learning English? Why? 3. How was y

24、our English teacher in junior or senior middle school? 4. Do you have any trouble learning English? If any, what is it? .,Tips,A,I. Your Experience of Learning English,Do you enjoy learning English? Why? Tips: No, I dont enjoy it because it is useless/too difficult. Yes, I enjoy it very much. It can help me find a good job after graduation. learn the cultures of other countries. make some foreign friends. learn the value of hard work.,3. How was your Englis


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