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1、1,1.The statistics _ that living standards in the area have improved dramatically in recent times. A proves B is proving C are proving D prove 2.Mr.Wells, together with all the members of his family, _ for Europe this afternoon. A are to leave B are leaving C is leaving D leave,活学活用,2,3.It is futile

2、 to discuss the matter further, because _ going to agree upon anything today. A neither you nor I B neither you nor me C neither you nor I am D neither you nor I are 4. How close parents are to there children _ a strong influence on the character of the children .A have B has C having D to have,3,5.

3、 I have two boys but _ of them like sweets. A. both B. neither C. either D. none 6.All _ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life. what is needed for our needs . the thing needed that is needed,4,1. Neither of the two candidates who had applied for admission to the Industrial Engineer

4、ing Department _ _ eligible for scholarships. A. were B. is C. was D. are 2. What the Latin American people want _ their destiny into their hands. A. is to take B. are to take C. is to be taking D. are to have taken 3. The cause and effect _ _ for the time being. A. are not found out B. have not bee

5、n found out C. were not found out D. has not been found out,5,4. Hard work and plain living _ characteristics of the working people. A. is B. has been C. was D. are 5. What they have done _ _ useful to the people. A. are considered B. is considered C. have been considered D. will be considered 6. Ea

6、ch of your teachers _ _ visited since you came here. A. had B. have C. has D. has been,6,7. While reading the newspaper, _ _. A. a colorful advertisement caught my eyes B. my attention was attracted by an advertisement C. I was attracted by a colorful advertisement D. what attracted me was a colorfu

7、l advertisement,7,8. The number of students in a foreign language class _ _usually limited to no more than thirty. A. have been B. are C. is D. will be 9. Not only Tom but also his wife _ fond of watching television. A. are B. were C, is ,D. was 10. Here is a message of importance to every man and w

8、oman who_ _. A. votes B. vote C. have voted D. is voted,8,11. Mathematics as well as physics always _ _me a lot of headaches. A. has caused B. are causing C. cause D. causes 12. A number of tourists _ received in Grand Hotel. A. was B. is C. has D. are 13. The captain is the only one of the players

9、of the team_ _ practice regularly. A. have attended B. who have attended C. who has attended D. who attended 14. Two hours _ _ the limit of this rest. A. are B. has been C. have been D. is,9,15. A red rose, together with a letter, _ _ left on the table. A. are B. was C. were D. are being 16. Each of

10、 the people coming to the party _ _ bringing a present. A. are B. is C, has D. have 17. Neither Johns family nor his relative _ _ the special banquet. A. attends B. attend C. are attending D. attended 18. Although the first chapter of the book appears easy; the rest_ _rather difficult. A. is B. was

11、C. are D. were,10,19. The greater part of your mistakes _ _ through carelessness. A. were making B. will make C. has been made D. were made 20. Neither his knowledge nor his experience as an engineer_ _ him for his job. A. have qualified B. are qualifying C. qualify D. qualifies 21. The general mana

12、ger, as well as his secretary, _ _ to be present in the meeting. A. have agreed B. has agreed C. are agreeing D. have been agreed 22. Nowadays half of the employees in the company _ _ buses to work everyday. A. take B. takes C. is taking D. have taken,11,23. More than one example _ _ to make the stu

13、dents aware of the importance of science. A. were cited B. is cited C. are cited D. has cited 24. _ _ has called on him since he came back. A. Many a colleague B. Many colleagues C. Some colleagues D. Colleagues 25. The famous singer and dancer _ _ the concert this evening. A. are to attend B. were

14、to attend C. is to attend D. is attended 26. Every eventuality and every possibility _ _ being taken into account. A. are B. were C. was D. has,12,27. Four multiplied by five _ _ twenty. A. is equal B. equal with C. equals D. equals to 28. There _ _ in this room. A. are too many furniture B. are too

15、 much furniture C. are much too furniture D. is too much furniture 29, The audience _ _ excited at the report by the soldier. A. were B. was C. is D. am,13,30. _ takes a long time to get over. A Measle B Measles C Mealless D Mass 31 Bacteria of the harmful kind_. A causes disease B causing disease C

16、 has caused disease D cause disease 32, There _ never been hard feelings between the families living on the block. A has b is c have d was 33. War and peace _ constant theme in history. A is b are c are the d was a,14,34 A body of volunteers _ to aid the helpless in their struggle for survival. A ha

17、ve been organized b has been organized C have organized D has organized 35.I, who_ your friend, will try my best to help you. A be B being c is d am,15,36.That we need more devices _ obvious. A are B is C were D was 37.Vertical and sloping writing _ both allowed. A are b is C have D has 38.Each of u

18、s who _ now living is destined to witness remarkable scientific discoveries. .A is B has been C are D have been 39 What _ used as chief building materials today _ steel and concrete. A have beenare B is are C are are D are is,16,40._ going to the exhibition. A All but he and I are B All but he and I

19、 am C All but him and me am D All but him and I are,17,41. New machinery_ in this factory last month. A was produced B is produced C were produced D produce 42. The audience _ their seats. A has took B have taken C have took D has taken 43. A day or two _ enough. A is B are C have D has,18,44. A mea

20、ns of communication _ lacking. A are B is C has C have 45.The herd of cattle _ all vegetables A have eaten B has eaten C is eaten D are eaten 46. Great expectations _ written by Dickens in 1860. A was B were C is D are 47.The Alps _ splendid in winter. A are B is C has D have 48. There _ one and a h

21、alf moon cakes on the plate. A are B is,19,49.A substantial portion of the report _ missing. A have B has C is D are 50. Each senator and congressman _ two seats in that meeting. A were given B was given C have given D is given,20,correction,1. A series of debates between the major candidates were scheduled for the Labor Day weekend. 2.Report has it that a new family of ballisti


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