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1、1. 李明是一名初三学生。 2. 他个子高。 3. 他对人十分友善。(be friendly to sb.) 4. 他学习认真,但是英语成绩不好。 be weak in sth. be poor at sth. isnt good at sth. dont/doesnt do well in sth. 5. 他的父母很担心,准备送他到国外学习。 (be worried about; send sb. to study abroad),书面表达训练,1. 李明是一名初三学生。 2. 他个子高。 3. 他对人十分友善。(be friendly to sb.) 4. 他学习认真,但是英语成绩不好。

2、5. 他的父母很担心,准备送他到国外学习。 1. Li Ming is a student in Grade Three. 2. He is tall. 3. He is very friendly to others. 4. He studies very hard/ He is hard-working, but he is weak in English. he is poor at English. he is not good at English. he doesnt do well in English.,5. 他的父母很担心,准备送他到国外学习。 His parents are

3、 worried about him, so they decide to send him to study abroad. 6. 表明观点 肯定:I think its a good idea. 否定:I dont think its a good idea. 7. (理由:两点) 1)在国外学英语比在中国学容易。 2) 可以随时随地地练习英语。 Learning English in foreign countries is much easier than learning in China. (because) He can practice English every day an

4、d everywhere. (肯定),6. 表明观点 肯定:I think its a good idea. 否定:I dont think its a good idea. 7. (理由:两点) 1)他年纪太小,不能很好照料自己。 2) 费用太高。 3) 如果他学习方法得当,就会学得好。 He is too young to look after himself. Studying abroad will cost him a lot of money. If he studies in a right way, he may also study well. (否定),李明是武汉的一名中学

5、生。(Li Ming; Wuhan) 他性格外向。(outgoing ) 他与同学相处融洽。(get on well with sb.) 他学习很努力。 但是功课不好。 他成绩优异。 7. 他非常喜欢唱歌。 8. 他唱得很好。(sing well) 9. 他想成为一名职业歌手。(want to be a professional singer) 10. 他妈妈希望他上大学。(want/expect sb. to do sth.),单句操练 (一),1. 李明是武汉的一名中学生。(Li Ming; Wuhan) 2. 他性格外向。(outgoing ) 3. 他与同学相处融洽。(get on w

6、ell with sb.) 4. 他学习很努力。 5. 但是功课不好。 Li Ming is a middle school student in Wuhan. He is outgoing. He gets on well with others/his classmates. He works very hard./ He is very hard-working. But he isnt good at his lessons. But he is weak in his lessons. But he doesnt do well in his school work.,6. 他成绩优

7、异。 7. 他非常喜欢唱歌。 8. 他唱得很好。 9. 他想成为一名职业歌手 他妈妈希望他上大学。 6. He does well in his lessons. 7. He likes singing very much. 8. He sings well. 9. He wants to be a professional singer. 10. His mother wants him to go to college. His mother expects him to go to college.,李明是一名初三的学生。 他聪明好学。 他成绩优异。 他与同学相处得非常好。 他特别喜欢喝

8、饮料, 吃快餐。 他有点胖。 他每周去麦当劳吃汉堡和薯条。 (建议)吃大量的蔬菜和水果有好处。 他应该吃均衡的膳食。 这样他才能保持健康。,单句操练 (二),李明是一名初三的学生 他聪明好学。 他成绩优异。 他与同学相处得非常好。 他特别喜欢喝饮料, 吃快餐。 1. Li Ming is a student in Grade Three. 2. He is smart and works hard. 3. He does well in his lessons. 4. He gets on well with his classmates. 5. He likes drinks and fas

9、t food very much.,6. 他有点胖。 7. 他每周去麦当劳吃汉堡和薯条。 8. (建议)吃大量的蔬菜和水果有好处。 9. 他应该吃均衡的膳食。 10. 这样他才能保持健康。 6. He is a little heavy. 7. Every week he goes to McDonalds to eat hamburgers and French fries. 8. Its good to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. 9. He should eat a balanced diet. 10. So he can keep healt

10、hy/fit.,王兰,15岁,武汉四中的一名学生。 李宁,武汉市一中九年级八班的学生。 她对英语很感兴趣。 她很喜欢运动和集邮。 在所有学科里,最喜欢英语。 她的口语很棒。 她会唱很多英语歌曲。 她想当一名记者。 她很幽默,同学们都喜欢和她交朋友。 她是校篮球队的运动员。,单句操练 (三),1. 王兰,15岁,武汉四中的一名学生。 1) Wang Lan is a student in No. 4 Middle School in Wuhan. Shes fifteen years old. 2) Wang Lan is a fifteen-year-old student in No. 4

11、Middle School in Wuhan. 2. 李宁,武汉市一中九年级八班的学生。 Li Ning is a student in No. 1 Middle School in Wuhan. Shes in Class 8, Grade Nine. 3. 她对英语很感兴趣。 1) Shes very interested in English. 2) She likes English very much. 3) Shes fond of English. 4. 她很喜欢运动和集邮。 She likes sports and collecting stamps as well.,5. 在

12、所有学科里,她最喜欢英语。 Of all the subjects, she likes English best. Of all the subjects, English is her favorite. 6. 她的口语很棒。 Her spoken English is very good/excellent/terrific. 7. 她会唱很多英语歌曲。 She can sing a lot of English songs. She is able to sing lots of English songs. 8. 她想当一名记者。 She wants to be a reporter

13、 when she grows up/in the future. 9. 她很幽默,同学们都喜欢和她交朋友。 She is humorous, so her classmates want to make friends with her. 10. 她是校篮球队的运动员。 She is on the school basketball team. She is one of the basketball players in her school team.,Tony有很多朋友。 他经常和朋友一起看电影,聚会。(go to the movie, go to parties) 有时他们为了学习或

14、其他的事发生争执。 但是很快又和好了。 武汉是湖北的省会,是一个现代化大城市。 长江流经该市,以风景美丽而闻名。 武汉有许多名胜。 夏季很热,而且持续时间长。 海伦有一个文具盒。它上面有一些漂亮的蝴蝶,很漂亮。,单句操练 (四),1. Tony有很多朋友。 Tony has a lot of friends. 2. 他经常和朋友一起看电影,聚会。(go to the movie, go to parties) He often goes to the movies or go to parties with his friends. 3. 有时他们为了学习或其他的事发生争执。 Sometime

15、s they quarrel about study or something else. 4. 但是很快又和好了。 But they become good friends again quickly. 5. 武汉是湖北的省会,是一个现代化大城市。 Wuhan is the capital of Hubei Province. Its a large modern city.,单句操练 (四),1. 长江流经该市,以风景美丽而闻名。 The Changjiang River goes through the city. Wuhan is famous for its beautiful sc

16、enery. 2. 武汉有许多名胜。 There are many places of great interest here. 3. 夏季很热,而且持续时间长。 Summer is the hottest season and it lasts very long. 4. 海伦有一个文具盒。它上面有一些漂亮的蝴蝶,很漂亮。 Helen has a pencil case. It looks very pretty with with some beautiful butter flies. 5. 里面有一把尺子和几只钢笔。 There is a ruler and some pens in

17、it. There are some pens and a ruler in it.,英语测试书面表达 王力非常喜欢电脑,他花了很多时间玩电脑游戏,看电脑杂志。 他学习努力,但英语成绩不好。 他父母想请一位英语老师,帮助他学英语,但他自己拿不定主意。 请你就王力目前的情况,谈一谈你的看法。,李明, 武汉的一名中学生,性格外向,与同 学相处融洽。 2. 学习很努力,但功课不好。他很喜欢唱歌, 而且唱得很好。 3. 他想成为一名职业歌手,但他妈妈希望他上 大学。 请你发表建议,并说明理由。,测试书面表达,Li Ming is a middle school student who studies

18、in Wuhan. Li ming, a middle school student in Wuhan. He get well with his classmates. He isnt good at studing, but he is very hard. He study very hard, but subject is bad. 6. He study hardly, although his grades isnt well. 7. He is study hard, but his grade is not well. 8. Im agree with Li Mings ide

19、a. 9. He has a dream that wants to be a professional singer. 10. His mother wishes him have a happy life.,单句改错,Li Ming is a middle school student. He is very outgoing so he has a lot of friends. He studies hard but he often cant pass the exams. He does love singing songs, and he sings very well. He

20、wants to be a professional sigger, but his mother disagrees. Li Mings mother wants him to go to university when he grows up.,Li Ming is a Middle School student. He is not outgoing. But he gets along with his classmates. He works hard, but it doesnt help a lot. He likes singing songs very much. He wa

21、nts to be a professional singer, but his mom wants he to go to the university. I think Li Ming should be outgoing. And I think he must to do well in his subjects, because the subjects were very important such as:Math, ChineseBut he also can be a professional singer. He should practice singing songs.

22、 I hope he can be a successful man.,Li Ming is a middle school student in Wuhan. He is outgoing and gets on wewell with others. He likes singing and he can sing very well. Li Ming studies hard, but he isnt good at his schoolwork. Now, he wants to become a professional singer, but his mother doesnt a

23、gree, because she wants him to go to college. I think he should go on with his study, because its not easy to become a super star and he needs to get more knowledge to make his dream come true.,据报道,中学生的身体素质有所下降,这一情况 已经引起全社会的关注和教育部门的高度重视。 右图为某中学关于青少年体育锻炼的宣传标语。 请你根据下面的要点和要求,用英语写一篇短文。 (EXERCISE ONE HOU

24、R A DAY, KEEP ILLNESS AWAY!) 锻炼身体的好处:strong, healthy, energetic 锻炼身体的方式:ball games, running, swimmming 请你谈谈对学校开展体育锻炼的看法或建议。,测试书面表达,Health is important to us teenagers. Exercising is good for us. If we exercise often, well be strong and healthy. We also can be energetic. There are many ways to exerci

25、se. We can play ball games with our classmates, and it is useful to run every day. We also can swim in summer. I think that schools should give students more time to exercise and less homework to do. And schools should let us have more P. E. lessons at school. (by Peng Jiawen),Health is important to

26、 us teenagers. I know that we are very tired and have to do lots of homework. But we should take more time to exercise because health is more important to teenagers. If we exercise every day, we will be strong, healthy and energetic. But many teenagers dont know how to exercise. I just want to say t

27、hat we have a lot of way to exercise. For example, we can play ball games, run, swim and do many many things. I think students should give more time to teenagers to exercise. And schools should allow students to play games that they want to do. Finally, we must remember a good sentence “Exercise one

28、 hour a day, keep illness away! (By Xia Liang),1. Doing exercise is good for us, makes us strong、 healthy and energetic. 2. Doing more exercise can help us get more stronger, more healthier and more energetic. 3. We should exercise. It can let us more stronger, healthier and energetic. 4. We can pla

29、y ball games, running and swimming. 5. It can helps us become strong, healthy and energetic. 6. If we alway execise you will keep illness away. 7. I think school is held sports exercise is good for students health and 8. I do exercise less than before. 9. One sentence said that exercise on hour a da

30、y, keep 10. We also could go swimming once or twice.,08武汉市元月调考书面表达 近来同学们都在谈论作业过多的问题,本周五下 午将召开班会讨论这个话题,请你用英语草拟一 篇发言稿,内容应该包括下列要点: 同学们普遍认为课外作业的确过多,没有时间做自己想做的事情。 也有同学认为课外作业是必要的,它可以帮助学生学得更好。 就课外作业问题,谈谈自己的看法和建议。,Hello everybody: Were talking about homework now. In our class, most students think they have

31、too much homework to finish, they hardly have time for play or do something they want to do. But a few students also think homework is necessary. They think homework can help our study. I think homework is important in the sense that it can help our get knowledge. But we also should have time for pl

32、ay. So we can come up with some sugests for teacher to dont give us too much homework.,08武汉市元月调考902书面表达优秀文,Welcome to teachers and students. Today Ill give a speech about our homework. Most of the students think that the homework is really too much, because of this, they couldnt get enough time to d

33、o things they like to do. But other students think that the homework is very necessary to ourselves because it help students study better. I think the homework should be cut, but we still have to do some because its important to ourselves and we also need more free time.,Good afternoon, everyone. To

34、day, I want to talk about our homework. Most people think its too much and they have no time to do what they want do. Of course, therere still some people think its really necessary to have homework because it can help us study well. I agree with the second opinion. Homework can help us find out the

35、 problems we have, only then can we work it out in time. If there is no homework, we wont know our problems, and we may do bad in our studies. Thanks.,Good afternoon, every student! Im going to say something about the too much homework in our class. These days, our teacher set more and more homework

36、 to us. And everyone has something to say about this. Some students believe that homework is very necessary. The more we practice the higher grade we will get. However, most students disagree. They said that too much homework will prevent them to do their favourite things. Too much homework makes th

37、em tired and exhausted. In my opinion, I agree that doing homework is necessary to us. But in another hand, we should have more free time to do the things we like. I wish our teachers to set less homework after school. Thank you for listening to me.,These days, our classmates often talk about our homework. Almost everyone thinks we have too much homew


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