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1、最新资料推荐八年级上册书面表达训练作文指导加范例点评与练习( 上 )unit1 where did you go on vacation ?写作指南本单元的写作任务是写关于假期活动的文章。 写这样的文章时, 要从以下几个方面入手:1你在哪儿度的假期?2在假期期间你做什么了?3那儿的天气怎么样?4你认为那儿的人怎么样?5你喜欢那儿的食物吗?为什么?由于写的活动已经过去,故时态用一般过去时。常用句型:1i went to.on vacation.2the food there was.3the people there were.佳作欣赏去年的暑假你是怎样度过的?去了什么地方?那里的食物怎么样?那

2、里的人怎么样?有哪些有趣的或难忘的事情发生?和大家分享一下吧。 请运用本单元所学知识,写一篇关于假期活动的短文。i still remembered my last summer vacation. my family and i went to see my grandparents in the countryside. the weather there was nice. sometimes i went to the mountains with my grandfather. sometimes i went swimming by myself. my grandmother c

3、ooked delicious food for us every day. in the evening,we all sat together and watched tv.what a great time we had!点评:作者用 i still remembered my last summer vacation引入正题,介绍了在暑假期间和家人去乡下看望祖父母的经历。 重点介绍了在乡下的活动, 讲述得条理有序。其中 sometimes的使用,使文中内容更为丰富。 最后以 what a great time we had!结尾,既写出了自己的感受,又对全文进行了总结。写作练习unit

4、1假设你是张杰。 你父母去过世界上许多地方旅游。 然而,给你印象最深的是巴黎之旅。请根据下面表格提示,以 the trip to paris 为题写一篇 70 字左右的文章。开头已给出,不计入总词数。1最新资料推荐paris ,francetimelast summer vacationhong you stay therefor four dayswhat you didvisitedtheeiffeltower,tasteddeliciouswineandboughtsomething nicefeelingtired but excited参考范文:the trip parismy na

5、me is zhang jie. my parent and i visited many big city around the world.but the trip to pais,france was the most exciting one.we went to pais last summer vacation.we got there by plane and stayed there for five days.when we were in paris,we visited the eiffel tower and many other places of interest

6、there.all of us had a great time.paris is famous for its delicious wine.so we tasted it.later,we bought something nice and went to parties.although the trip seemed to be short and we were tired,we felt excited.unit 2how often do you exercise?写作指南本单元是写关于介绍某人进行某活动的文章。 通常以记叙文的形式体现。 写此文章时,应注意:一、可以开篇点题,在

7、文章的开始交代人物,然后再进一步详细叙述情况。如做了什么事,多久做一次等,使文章内容具体、充实。二、合理选用人称,记叙文可以用第一人称,也可以用第三人称来写。人称不同,其利弊不同。用第一人称行文,文章比较生动、形象,它给读者身临其境的感觉,但其叙述的范围受到一定的限制。因为它无法同时叙述发生在不同地方的事件。用第三人称行文,没有这种局限性,但是,用第三人称很难把不同地点的不同人物发生的事件排列恰当。 具体用哪种人称,需要根据作文的要求来处理。三、在结束时,可以用一两句话点明所叙述事情的作用。佳作欣赏下表列出了你的四个朋友喜欢的活动和他们做这些活动的频率, 请根据表格内容写一篇文章描述一下。2最

8、新资料推荐nameactivityhow oftenjohnplaying basketballalmost every daydavidsurfing the internetonce two weekshan meishoppingthree times a weekli pingreading in the libraryonce a week_there are fifty students in our class.john, david,han mei and li ping are my best friends.let me tell you what they like do

9、ing best.john likes playing basketball best.he plays it almost every day.he says basketball is very exciting , but he doesnt care about the results of the game.david likes surfing the internet,but his parents dont want him to play with the computer too often.so he surfs the internet once two weeks.h

10、an mei likes shopping best.she does shopping three times a week.li ping likes reading in the library.she goes there once a week.what about you?what do you like doing best?how often do you do it?点评:开篇点题,说明作者的好朋友喜欢的活动,从而为下文做好铺垫。按照表格,运用恰当的短语和句子描述了他们的具体活动, 并写出了从事这些活动的频率,同时加进了对这些活动的评价,显得丰满不空洞。最后两句紧扣上文,起到

11、了与上文相呼应的作用。习作练习:unit 2lets do exercise together为题,某报社学生习作栏目正在向广大学生征文。请以根据以下提示,写一篇 60-80 词的短文,向该栏目投稿。开头已给出,不计入总次数。运动的重要性上学时步行或骑自行车保持健康体育课做各种锻炼(跑步、打篮球 .)保持良好心态周末与朋友去爬山、游泳等 .参考范文:lets do exercise together.it s very important for us to do exercise.doing exercise can make us healthy and help us keep happ

12、y.whats more,taking exercise is good for our study.we can do many kinds of exercise whenever we want.it is good for us to go to school on foot or by bike.during pe class,we can do exercise such as running jumping playing basketball and so on.on weekends,we can climb mountains or go swimming with our

13、 friends.also,we can go hiking during the vacations.lets do exercise and have a healthy lifestyle together!3最新资料推荐unit 3im more outgoing than my sister.写作指南本单元的写作是记述人与人之间的异同的。 在写这样的文章时, 要抓住所要比较的人物的特点, 从外貌特征、 个性特点等方面进行描述。 指出哪些方面具有相同点,哪些方面具有不同点, 并正确使用形容词的比较级进行比较和分析, 从而增进人与人之间的了解和友谊。写作时,语言要简练,对比要鲜明。可以先

14、介绍一人,再介绍另一人;也可以同时就某一方面对双方进行对比。佳作欣赏以 my best friend and i 为题写一篇短文, 比较自己与好朋友的特征, 不少于 60 词。my best friend and ilinda is my best friend. in some ways we look the same and in some ways we look different. we both have black eyes and black hair. she is taller thanialso she is more careful. i am more outgoi

15、ng than her ,and im funnier. we both have a good habit. linda likes reading and i do,too. so you see,i like friends who have the same habits as me.点评:开头点明 linda 是最好的朋友。接着点出我和好朋友的相同与不同之处,注重运用了本单元的重点语法 比较级。最后谈了自己的交友观, 从而突出主题。习作练习:健康的生活方式对我们的影响到底有多大?看看 henry 的变化,你就知道答案了。请根据表格内容的提示,以“ a healthy lifestyl

16、e is important ”为题,写一篇不少于 70 词的短文。来描述 henry 的变化。timetwo years agonowhabithave much meat and colalike vegetables and fruithealthhardly ever exercise;oftenruneverymorning;feelfeel tiredwellstudyweak in all the subjectsmakegreatprogress( 进步) in every subjects参考范文:a healthy lifestyle is importanttwo yea

17、rs ago,henry had much meat and he liked drinking cola very much.he hardly ever exercised because he thought it was boring.so he often felt tired.he was weak in all his subjects.but he is different now. he likes vegetables and fruit very much.he runs every morning with his father in the park to keep

18、healthy.so he feels well.and he is making great progress in every subject.4最新资料推荐unit 4whats the best movie theater?写作指南本单元是写对事物或人物进行比较的文章。 通过比较,突出事物的特点, 更好地表现文章的主题。 在写这样的文章时, 要抓住事物或人物的特征, 即抓住这个事物或人物区别于其他事物或人物的不同特点, 从共性中发现个性, 从一般中找到特殊。事物或人物的特征往往在同别的事物或人物的相比较中显示出来。 写作时要正确运用本单元的比较等级。佳作欣赏学校举办艺术节,请写一篇有关

19、才艺展示的文章。要求:描写三种或三种以上的节目并对节目进行评价。词数:6080。the talent showthe famous people talent show was fantastic. the funniest performer was jim carrey. he sang a cute song as he danced to quiet music. his dance was cheerful and funny. tom smith was the quietest performer. he played dumb show which was very inter

20、esting. susan won the prize for the best performer. she played a wonderful violin piece.点评:提取出所给提示中的信息, 先对所有节目进行总体介绍, 然后对节目进行了比较,主要运用了最高级,使节目特色更加突出。习作练习假设上周你对你家周围的几家服装店进行了一次调查,调查结果如下表所示。 请根据表格内容,写一篇调查报告,要求不少于70 词。namequality( 质量 )priceservicered starbesthighestgoodsunshineclothes goodlowworststorebl

21、ue skynot very goodlowestbest参考范文there are three clothes stores in my neighborhood:red star,sunshine clothes store and blue sky.what do people think of them?last week,i did a service about three stores.here are the results.red star has the best but the most expensive clothes.its service is very good

22、.the clothes in sunshine clothes store are good and the price are low.but the service there is the worst.in blue sky,people can buy the cheapest clothes,and it has the best service.but the clothes there are not very good.unit 5do you want to watch a game show?写作指南本单元的写作任务是写对电视节目或时尚物品发表自己的观点和看法,从而5最新

23、资料推荐体现自己的喜好。写作时要注意:1时态要用一般现在时。2写出你所喜欢的电视节目或时尚物品。3写出喜欢的原因或理由来充实文章。要注意运用表达观点、态度的词语,如: like ,cant stand等。常用句型:1what do you think of.?2i dont mind.3can you please do.?4sb .thinks.佳作欣赏对不同类型的电视节目, 如连续剧、体育节目、访谈节目等,你有什么看法?请就此写一篇短文,阐述一下你的观点。要求: 1.词数不少于 50 词。2节目种类:至少三种以上。on weekends, i like watching tv .i love sports shows because i like sports very much. i like to watch soccer night and sports news. and i like game shows , too. they are interesting and sometimes they are exciting. but i dont like soap operas. t


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