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1、必修1,Unit 3Travel journal,题组冲关,基础自测,考点研析,课时作业,研,.重点单词 1_ n. preference11.disadvantage; advantage 12graduate; graduation 13organize; organizer; organization; organized 14determine; determined; determination 15reliable; rely,.重点短语 1be fond _ 喜欢 2make _ ones mind 下决心 3change ones _ 改变主意 4give _ 屈服,让步 5_

2、 usual 照常 6_ midnight 在午夜 7care _ 关心;惦念,在意,8ever _ 从那以后 9keep pace _ 跟上 10put _ 张贴,搭建 11_ detail 详细地 12dream _ 梦见 13graduate _ 毕业于(某个学校) 14insist _ doing sth. 坚持做某事 15attitude _ 对的态度,答案 1of2.up3.mind4.in5.as6.at7.about 8since9.with10.up11.in12.about 13from14.on15.to/toward,1persuade vt.说服 Tom persua

3、ded his father to give up smoking at last. 汤姆终于说服他父亲戒烟了。 Finally she persuaded him into going to the hospital. 她最终说服他去了医院。,persuade sb. to do sth. persuade sb. into doing sth. talk sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事 persuade sb. not to do sth. persuade sb. out of doing sth. 说服某人不要做某事 persuade sb. that. per

4、suade sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事 try to persuade sb. to do sth. advise sb. to do sth. 尽力说服某人做某事,You can advise him but you may not persuade him. 你可以劝他但你不一定能说服他。,解析:劝而不服用 advise sb. to do sth. 结构。persuade 劝服,说服; manage 成功做成某事。 答案:C,2insist v. 坚持;坚决主张 They insisted on their original view. 他们仍坚持原来的看法。 He insi

5、sts that she be invited to our party. 他坚持要邀请她参加我们的聚会。,insist on sth. 坚决主张某事 insist on doing sth. 坚持要求做某事 insist that sb. (should) do sth. 坚持认为某人该做某事 insist that. (陈述语气)坚持某一事实,解析:第一空用真实语气用had stolen;第二空用虚拟语气 should be done, should 可省略。 答案:A,3attitude n. 态度;看法 He took a friendly attitude to/towards us

6、. 他对我们采取友善的态度。 attitude to/towards sb./sth. 对待的态度 in a. attitude 以姿态,解析:attitude towards对的态度。 答案:C,4determine v. 决定;查明,确定;决心;使下决心 This determined him to act immediately. 这使他下决心马上采取行动。 They determined on an early start. 他们决定早动身。 She is determined to do it regardless of all consequences. 她不顾一切后果,决心这样做

7、。,determine sb. to do sth. 使某人下决心做某件事 determine the date for. 确定的日期 determine that. 决心 be determined to do sth. 决心做某事 determine on sth. 决定某事 determination n. 决心,解析:determined 决心,表示状态。be determined to do sth. 决心做某事。 答案:B,5view n. 风景;视野;观点;见解 vt. 观看;注视;考虑 In view of his youth, the police have decided

8、not to press charges. 鉴于他年纪很轻,警方已决定不予起诉。 We will go and view the house before we buy it. 在买房前我们先去看一看房子。,You will get a fine view of the town from the top of the hill. 在小山顶上,你能很好地欣赏到小城的全貌。 The boats in the harbor made a beautiful scene. 停泊在海港中的船只构成了优美的风景。,When we came to the lake, we stopped to admir

9、e the scenery. 来到湖边的时候,我们停下来欣赏美景。 The flowers are a lovely sight in spring. 春天百花盛开十分美丽。,解析:in view of “鉴于;由于”,符合句意。in regard to “关于”;in spite of “尽管”;in case of “万一”。句意:由于你在学校成绩不好,我们认为你应该加倍努力学习。 答案:C,6beneath prep. 在下面 adv.在下方;在底下 The earth lay beneath a blanket of snow. 大地被厚厚的白雪覆盖。 They live on the

10、 floor beneath. 他们住在楼下。,beneath, below与under,解析:beneath 在下面,指两者接触。 答案:C,7fare n. 费用 The train fare has gone up. 火车票价已上涨了。,fare, fee, charge, cost,a single/return fare 单程/往返票价 He cant afford the schooling fee. 他负担不起学费。 All goods are delivered free of charge. 一切货物免费递送。 He saved his daughter at the cos

11、t of his life. 他以牺牲自己的生命为代价挽救了女儿的生命。,解析:fare 指乘公共汽车,出租车等的费用。 答案:B,8schedule n. 时间表;进度表 vt. 为某事安排时间 I had such a tight schedule that I could hardly spare any time to keep my parents company. 我的工作日程表排得很紧,都没有时间陪伴父母。 The president is scheduled to inspect the school this Friday. 总统安排这个星期五视察这所学校。,We faile

12、d to finish the planned work on schedule due to the bad weather. 因为糟糕的天气,我们未能如期完成计划好的工作。,(1)have a tight/busy schedule工作日程紧 on schedule 按时间表;准时 ahead of schedule 提前 behind schedule 晚点;落后于预定计划 (2)be scheduled for sth. 安排某事 be scheduled to do sth. 安排做某事,解析:schedule 时间表,进度表。relief 欣慰; budget 预算; concer

13、n 关心,担忧。 答案:A,9prefer vt.更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物) Which kind of transport do you prefer to use, bus or train? 你比较喜欢使用哪种交通工具,公共汽车还是火车?,(1)prefer sth. 更喜欢 prefer (sb.) to do sth. 更喜欢(某人)做 prefer sth./doing. to sth./doing. 与相比更喜欢;宁愿,不愿 (2)prefer to do. rather than do. 宁可也不 would do. rather than do. would ra

14、ther do. than do. (3)prefer that 更喜欢that 从句中常用(should) 动词原形,There are many people who prefer to live in villages. 有许多人更喜欢住在乡村。 I prefer staying home and watching TV to going shopping. 我宁愿待在家里看电视也不愿去购物。 I prefer that you (should) not stay there too long. 我希望你不要在那儿待得过久。,解析:prefer to do rather than do

15、宁愿做而不愿做。 答案:A,10reliable adj. 可信赖的;可靠的 She may forget to comeshe is not very reliable. 她可能会忘了来她不太可信赖。 Is the source of the information reliable? 那个消息的来源可靠吗? rely vt. if he says he will do the job, he will try his best to finish it. 10After _(毕业) from university in 2009, Bob went to New York for furt

16、her study.,答案 1attitude2.journey3.schedule4.determined 5anized 9reliable10.graduating,.短语填空 ever since; be fond of; care about; make up ones mind; give in; as usual; dream about; change. for.; put up; for company 1The artist _ drawing when he was only a child of four

17、. 2Have you _ where to go for your holidays? 3She went to America in 1956 and has lived there _.,4The old woman lives on her own and has a dog _. 5The greatest scientists like Einstein dont _ money at all. 6Before it got dark, the campers _ their tents in a valley. 7They were not a good team, but th

18、ey refused to _ and accept defeat.,8These shoes are too large. Can I _ a smaller size? 9Although she had problems, she carried on working _. 10A real sportsman will never _ cheating in a game.,答案 1was fond of2.made up your mind3.ever since 4for company5.care about6.put up7.give in 8change them for9.

19、as usual10.dream about,.单项填空 1I sincerely suggest that you try your best to finish this project, unless you dont _ the complaints from all directions. Acare aboutBset about Cbring about Dgo about,解析:句意:我真心地建议你尽你最大的努力完成这个项目,除非你不在意来自各方的抱怨。care about “关心;在乎”;set about “开始;着手”;bring about “导致;引起”;go abo

20、ut(doing) sth. “着手(做)某事;继续(做)某事;忙于(做)某事”。 答案:A,2(2013南昌二中月考)He stayed up too late every night, _ to catch up with his classmates. Adetermined Bto determine Cbeing determined Dhaving determined 解析:be determined to do sth. “决心做某事”,此处作状语,应用determined 形式,表示一种状态。 答案:A,3It is always the husband who _ firs

21、t when a quarrel breaks out between the young couple. Agives away Bgives out Cgives up Dgives in 解析:句意:当这小两口争吵后,总是丈夫首先让步。give in “让步,屈服”,符合句意,其后省略了to the wife。 答案:D,4(2013龙岩质检)Would you please say your number again? I didnt _ just now. Aput it down Bput it up Cput it out Dput it off 解析:句意:请再说一遍号码好吗?

22、刚才我没记下来。put down“写下;记下”;put up “搭建;增加;公布”;put out “关掉;取出”;put off “推迟;阻止”。 答案:A,5Im afraid that she wont come to help me as she promised. Dont worry. Nothing will _ her mind if she has _ up her mind. Achange; made Bturn; done Cgrow; given Dmake; changed 解析:change ones mind “改变主意”;make up ones mind “

23、下定决心”。 答案:A,6That was really a splendid evening. Its years _ I enjoyed myself so much. Awhen Bthat Cbefore Dsince 解析:在“Its一段时间since 从句”中,如果since 从句的谓语动词是延续性动词或状态动词过去式,那么,它所表示的时间是从那个动作或状态结束时算起,因此,本题根据句意可以看出正确答案。 答案:D,7(2013乌鲁木齐质检)I think hes determined that he wont give inyou may try your luck and se

24、e if you can persuade that old _ fellow. Astubborn Buneducated Cfriendly Dresponsible 解析:语境中说这个老人不会让步的,因此用stubborn 表示“固执的;倔强的;顽固的”。 答案:A,8There _ a trend that 3D films will become more popular ever since the film Avatar was shown. Ahas arisen Barose Cis arising Dwill arise 解析:句意:自电影阿凡达上映后,3D电影呈现出越来越

25、受欢迎的趋势。ever since 作连词,引导时间状语从句时,主句常用现在完成时。故A项正确。 答案:A,9(2013东北三省六校联合诊断)People _ less tolerant of smoking in public places these days. Abecome Bhave become Cwill become Dare becoming 解析:考查动词的时态。根据句中的时间状语“these days”可知,此处表示最近一段时间的状况,所以用现在进行时。 答案:D,10(2013青岛高三检测)Those flowers are pleasant _ and many to

26、urists flow in. Ato be looked at Bfor looking at Clooking at Dto look at 解析:考查不定式的主动形式表示被动意义的用法。句意:看着这些花很让人舒心,很多游客峰拥而至。 答案:D,11(2013长春模拟)When the children were told that they could go to the USA with their father, they could hardly _ to tell their best friends. Ahope Bhelp Ccall Dwait 解析:can not/har

27、dly wait to do sth. “迫不及待地做某事”。 答案:D,12_ the weather, the basketball match will be held indoors. AIn view of BIn favour of CIn case of DIn spite of 解析:句意:考虑到天气,篮球赛将会在室内举行。in view of 表示“考虑到”。in favour of 支持;in case of 以防,万一;in spite of 尽管。 答案:A,13Owing to the recent bad weather, the project is several weeks behind _. Aadventure Bpassage Cconnection Dschedule,解析:考查名词辨析。句意:由于近来天气不好,这个项目比预定时间晚了几个星期。adventure “奇遇;冒险”;passage “通道”;connection “连接”;schedule “时间表;时刻表”。behind


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