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1、必修二Module 2No Drugs,1. addict n.对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子 教材原句 Im 19 years old and I used to be a drug addict(过去曾是一个瘾君子). 单句填空 Addicted (addict) to playing computer games, he is always absent from school.,重点单词,We teachers cant understand what it is that makes so many teenagers addicted (addict) to playing comp

2、uter games. Toms parents are worried that heis (be) addicted to computer games which are addictive(addict). He is now fighting his addiction (addict) to alcohol.,点拨 (1)addicted adj.上瘾 be/become/get addicted to 沉迷于;热爱;迷上 (2)addictive adj.使人上瘾的 (3)addiction n.瘾;入迷;嗜好 【点津】(1)addicted和addiction常与介词to连用,

3、后跟名词、代词或动名词形式作宾语。 (2)addicted常修饰人;addictive常修饰物。,2. likely adj.可能的 adv.很可能 教材原句 Drug users are more likelyto get(get) into trouble at school. 选词填空(likely/possible/probable) Scientists say it may be six years before it is possible to test this medicine on human patients. He may win the competition, a

4、nd in that case he is likely to get into the national team.,It is likely/possible/probablethat he will come to the party. Would she mind playing against her former teammates? Not likely. She is willing to play against any tough players.,点拨 (1)be likely to do sth.很可能做某事 be unlikely to do sth.不可能做某事 (

5、2)It is likely that.很可能 It is unlikely that.不可能 (3)not likely 不可能(表示强烈反对),【辨析】likely/possible/probable,3. affect vt.影响;对有影响;感动;(疾病)侵袭 教材原句 Smoking in a parkdoesnt affect(not affect) other people in the same way. ( 选词填空(affect,effect,influence) Your opinion will not affect my decision. Consider the e

6、ffectit will have on your future before you give up the job.,Were having a meeting in half an hour. The decision to be made at the meeting will influence the future of our company. 单句填空 We want to know whether the drug has an effect on peoples health. People are now seeking effective(effect) ways of

7、 using the least en-ergy to create the greatest benefit. Deeply affected(affect) by the film, she couldnt help weeping.,点拨 (1)affect sb./sth. 影响某人/某物 affect sb. to tears 把某人感动得流泪 be affected with high fever 发高烧 (2)effect n.作用;影响 have an effect/influence on 对有影响 effective adj.有效的;起作用的,【辨析】effect/affe

8、ct/influence,4. recognise(recognize) vt.认识;认知;认出;承认,认可 教材原句 Participants learn to recognize(recognise) smoking triggers (things that start them smoking) and they try to set a date in the future when they will stop smoking. 单句填空 The film star wears sunglasses. Therefore, he can go shopping without be

9、ing recognized (recognize).,If you want to get your abilityrecognized(recognize), you have to show it in your work rather than complain all day. Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2012 in recogni-tion ofhis contribution to the world literature. Arthur Miller is universally recognize

10、d as one of the greatest dramatists of the 20th century.,完成句子 I havent seen Sara since she was a little girl, and she has changed be- yond recognition. 从萨拉还是个小女孩的时候我就没见过她了,她已变得我都认不出来了。 It is recognized thatenvironmental pollution has become one of the most serious problems that people face.人们认为环境污染已

11、成为人们面临的最严重的问题之一。,点拨 (1)recognize sb./sth.辨认出某人/某物 recognize.as/to be承认是;认出是 be recognized as/to be被认为是 recognize sb./sth. by/from根据认出某人/某物 (2)It is recognized that.人们公认 (3)recognition n.认出;认可;承认in recognition of 认可;承认 out of/beyond recognition 认不出来,【联想】 表示“认为是”的短语还有:regard.as.;consider.as.;see. as.;

12、view.as.;think of.as.;look on.as.;treat.as.。,5. ban v.禁令 教材原句 The government is thinking about banningsmoking(smoke) on pub-lic transport. 单句填空 The Chinese government has decided to bansmoking(smoke)in pub-lic places across the country. He says the proposals may include a banonlittering.,完成句子 Hewas

13、banned from drivingfor three years because of the accident he caused. 因为他造成了那起事故,所以他被禁驾三年。 The Chinese governmentput a ban on/bannedeating wild animals. 中国政府下令禁止吃野生动物。,点拨 (1)ban sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事 ban doing sth. 禁止做某事 (2)a ban on.有关的禁令 put a ban on禁止,1. break into 破门而入;强行闯入;突然开始 教材原句 The ne

14、xt day, I broke intoa house and stole a television and a video recorder. 介(副)词填空 The printing machines are always breaking down.,重点短语,I was still sleeping when the fire broke out, and then it spread quickly. We arrived at work in the morning and found that somebody had broken into the office during

15、the night. Im surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have broken up. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them. We were having a meeting when suddenly Tom broke in and said something urgent.,完成句子 The boy tried tobreak away fromhis father but in vain. 那个男孩想挣脱他的父亲,但没成功。 Scientists think they a

16、re beginning to break through in the fight a-gainst cancer. 科学家们认为他们开始在与癌症的战斗中取得突破。,点拨 break in闯入;打断;插嘴break into 强行闯入;破门而入 break out爆发;突然发生break through克服;突破;冲垮 break down (身体)垮掉;(机器)出故障;(化学)分解 break up (关系)破裂;拆散break away from脱离;突然挣脱 【点津】break into中的into是介词,其后面接宾语;而break in中的in是副词,属不及物动词短语,其后不能接宾语

17、。,2. give up 戒除;放弃;让给 教材原句 And here are some ideas to help people to give up smoking. 介(副)词填空 At first Robert wouldnt let his daughter go diving, but eventually he gave inas she was so confident about her skills. Body language can giveawaya lot about your mood, so standing with your arms folded can

18、send out a signal that you are being defensive.,The news of the mayors coming to our school for a visit was given out on the radio yesterday. This is a very special flower and it can give off a strong sweet per-fume at night. By no means will we give into the unreasonable demand.,点拨 give up sth. to

19、把某物让给/捐献给 give away 暴露;泄露;分发;捐赠 give in 屈服;让步 give in to 屈服于;向让步 give off 发出(气体、味道等);发散(光线等) give out 分发;公布;用尽;停止运行,3. belong to属于;为的财产;为的一员 教材原句 Read parts 16 and decide which article they belong to(属于). 完成句子 A Japanese map drawn by the Japanese military in 1876 proves that the islandsdont belong t

20、oJapan.1876年日本军方绘制的一张日本地图证明这些岛不属于日本。,The taxi driver often reminds passengers to take their belongings when they leave the car. 出租车司机经常提醒乘客下车时带走自己的东西。 单句填空 As is known to us all, China is a developing countrybelonging(be-long)to the third world.=As is known to us all, China is a developing coun-try

21、whichbelongs(belong) to the third world.,点拨 (1)belong to中的to是介词,后接名词或代词。 (2)belong to不用于进行时态,也没有被动形式。 (3)belongings n.所有物;财产,1. “否定词+比较级”表示最高级 教材原句 I couldnt agree more(much). 完成句子 I haveneverheard such abettervoice. 我从来没有听过比这更好的嗓音。 Youcouldnt have bought a betterone. 你买的这个好极了。,重点句型,You cant be care

22、ful enough/too carefulwhile driving a car,for acci-dents happen frequently. 你开车时再小心也不过分,因为交通事故经常发生。 一句多译 朱莉娅是她班上最高的女生。 Julia is taller thanany other girlin her class. Julia is taller thanall the other girlsin her class. Julia is taller thanany of the other girlsin her class.,Julia is taller thanthe rest of the girlsin her class. Julia is thetallestgirl in her class.,点拨 (1)cant/couldnt+比较级,该句型表示“非常;不能再”,从表面上看是否定形式,实际上是用否定形式表示肯定的概念,表达最高级的含义。 (2)比较级在以下几种句式中均表示最高级含义: 比较级,+than+,(3)完成时+never+so+形容词(副词)/so+形容词+a(n)+单数名词/such+形容词+名词 (4)cant.+形容词(副词)+enough/too+形容词/副词,2. whatever引导让步状语从句 教材原句 Wh


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