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1、Unit 6An old man tried to move the mountains.,Section A 1a2d,八年级英语下 新目标 人,Journey to the West,Have you ever heard of these stories? Can you tell them to your partners?,Change Flies to the Moon,Waiting for a Hare to Turn up,_ Journey to the West _ Hou Yi Shoots the Suns _ Yu Gong Moves a Mountain _ N

2、u Wa Repairs the Sky.,Match the story with the pictures a-d.,b,d,a,c,教材解读 Hou Yi Shoots the Suns shoot 意思是“射中;发射”。过去式及过去分词都是shot。 He shot a bird.他射中了一只鸟。 【辨析】kill,shoot,murder (1) kill意为“杀,杀死”,宾语可以是表示人的名词或代词,也可以是表示物的名词或代词。 The cat killed a mouse last night. 昨晚这只猫咬死了一只老鼠。,(2) shoot意为“射中,击毙”,表示以某人或某物为

3、目标进行射击。 shoot at 表示“瞄准一个目标射击但不一定射中”。 John shot at the hare,but it ran away. 约翰瞄准兔子射击,但兔子跑掉了。 (3) murder意为“谋杀”,它的宾语一般是表示人的名词或代词,通常指事先有策划地非法杀害。 He murdered his friend for money last night.昨晚他为谋财而杀害了他的朋友。,The main idea of the conversation is about . A.a man and the suns B.a woman and the sky C.an old m

4、an and the mountains,Listen for the general idea of 1b.,C,Listen and check () the facts you hear. Which story are Anna and Wang Ming talking about?,_The two mountains were very high and big. _ A very old man tried to move the mountains. _ A man told Yu Gong that he could never do it.,Discuss the que

5、stions with your partner. 1.How does the story begin? 2.What happened next? 3.Where would they put all the earth and stone from the mountains?,Yu Gong said they could put it into the sea because its big enough to hold everything.,Once upon a time,there was a very old man.There were two mountains nea

6、r his house.They were so high and big that it took a long time to walk to the other side.,The old man told his family that they should all help him to move the mountains.,Listen again and fill in the blanks. Wang Ming:Hi,Anna.In my Chinese class today,we read a story called Yu Gong Moves a Mountain.

7、 Anna:Oh,how does the story begin? Wang Ming:Well, ,there was a very old man.There were two near his house.They were so high andthat it took a long timeto the other side.,famous,once upon a time,mountains,big,to walk,Anna:So what happened next? Wang Ming:Well,the old manhis family that they should a

8、ll help him to move the mountains. Anna:Mm,but an old man probably couldnt even move a tree. Wang Ming:Yes,thats what his wife said,too. Anna:And where would they put all the andfrom the mountains? Wang Ming:Yu Gong said they could put it into the sea because its big enough everything. So they all s

9、tarted the next day.,told,small,earth,stone,to hold,digging,The general idea of the conversation is about. A.a god B.an old man and his family C.Yu Gong Moves a Mountain,Listen and find the general idea of 2a当主句是过去将来时,as soon as引导的状语从句应用一般过去时。 Ill write to you as soon as I get there. 我一到那儿就给你写信。 As

10、soon as I went in,Katherine cried out with pleasure.我一进门,凯瑟琳就高兴地叫起来。,【拓展】as soon as possible尽快地,相当于as soon as sb. can/could。 You have to finish the work as soon as you can. =You have to finish the work as soon as possible.你们得尽快完成这项工作。 Yu Gong said that含有一个宾语从句,主句为过去时,从句也用过去的时态。 Tom said there would

11、be an action movie the next day.汤姆说第二天会有一部动作片。(从句是过去将来时),2.This story reminds us that you can never know whats possible unless you try to make it happen. remind提醒;使想起。“remind sb. +从句”表示“提醒某人”。We reminded him that the meeting had been postponed.我们提醒他会议已经延期了。,【拓展】remind sb. of sth.使某人回想起或意识到某事;remind

12、sb. to do sth.提醒某人去做某事;“remind oneself +从句”表示“提醒自己”。 Yellow flowers of rape always remind me of my childhood in the countryside.黄黄的油菜花总使我想起我在乡村时的童年。 Please remind her to take the medicine on time.请提醒她按时吃药。 You reminded me of my childhood. 你使我想起了我的童年。 I often remind myself not to fall behind. 我常常提醒自己

13、不要落后。,unless“除非,如果不”,引导条件状语从句,相当于ifnot。unless引导的条件状语从句,若主句、从句的动作均未发生,则主句用一般将来时、祈使句或含有情态动词的句子,从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时。 Unless he studies hard,he will never pass the exam.他如果不努力学习,考试就永远不能及格。 I shall go unless it rains. 如果不下雨我就去。,Read the conversation and answer the questions. 1.What does Wang Ming think about

14、 the story of Yu Gong? 2.What about Claudias opinion? 3.What way could Yu Gong use according to Claudia? 4.Do they agree with each other at last? 5.Whats the teachers opinion?,He thinks its really interesting.,She thinks its a little bit silly.,He could build a road.,No,they dont.,There are many sid

15、es to a story and many ways to understand it.,教材解读 1.I think its a little bit silly. 【辨析】a bit,a little,a little bit,a bit of (1) a bit,a little表示“有点儿,稍微”,修饰形容词、副词、比较级时,可以互换。在修饰不可数名词时,一般用a little 或a bit of。 I am a bit/a little hungry.我有点饿。 There is a little water in the bottle. =There is a bit of wa

16、ter in the bottle.瓶子里有点水。 He is poor.I shall give him a bit of/a little money.他很贫穷。我会给他一些钱。,(2) a little bit有点,稍微,相当于a bit,修饰形容词、副词或比较级,当修饰名词时后加of。 Shes good-looking,but shes a little bit quiet.她长得很漂亮,但是有点内向。 I speak a little bit of French. 我讲一点法语。 Once you have a little bit of success, you get the

17、urge for more.一旦你获得了一点小小的成就,你就会渴望取得更大的成功。,2.But what could Yu Gong do instead of moving the mountains? instead of是介词短语,意思是“代替,取代 ”,后面接名词、代词或动名词。 Ill go instead of you.我将代你去。 She went to school instead of staying at home.她没有待在家里而是上学去了。 【拓展】instead是副词,意为“代替”,在句中用作状语,可置于句末,其前不用逗号,也可置于句首,其后可用逗号,也可不用,起衔接

18、两个句子、分句或短语的作用。 You are busy.Let me go instead.你忙。让我去吧。 Its too hot to walk.Well go swimming instead. 天太热不宜散步。我们去游泳吧。,Fill in the blanks. Teacher:So what do you think about the story of Yu Gong? Wang Ming:I think its really .Yu Gong found a good way to solve his problem. Claudia:Really? I think its a

19、 little bit silly.It doesnt seem very to move a mountain. Wang Ming:But the story is trying to show us that anything is possible if you work hard! Yu Gong kept and didnt give up. Claudia:Well,I still dont with you.I think we should try to find other ways to solve a problem.,interesting,possible,tryi

20、ng,agree,Wang Ming:But what could Yu Gong do of moving the mountains? Claudia:Well,there are many other ways.For example,he could build a .Thats better and faster than moving a mountain! Teacher:You have different about the story,and neither of you are wrong.There are many sides to a story and many ways to understand it.,instead,road,opinions,1.Yu Gong found a good way (solve) the problem. 2.You should keep (try) and never give up. 3.Shed like to stay at home instead of (go) to the movies. 4.When will you finish (read) this book? 5.Please remind him (take) medicine on time.,.用所给


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