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1、,Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? SectionA(1a-1c),She can sing.,She can paint.,They can play chess.,He can swim.,She can dance.,I can play the guitar.,Can you sing? Yes, I can./No, I cant.,Can she paint? Yes, she can./No, she cant.,Can you match the words?,speak English swim play the guitar sing pain

2、t play chess dance,1. I _(会弹吉他). 2.You_(会游泳). 3.She_(会唱歌). 4.He_(会画画). 5. They _(会跳舞). 6. We_ (会下象棋). 7.He_ (会成为) a player.,can play the guitar,can swim,can sing,can paint,can dance,can play chess,can be,can +,动词原形,Can 无人称 数量变化,Yes,can. No,cant.,主语+cant+动原.,Can+主语+动原?,情态动词can的用法:情态动词是辅助动词 帮助说明能力、意愿等

3、的词,它没有人称 和数的变化, 后边直接加动词原形。,肯定句:主语+can + 动词原形 否定句:直接在can后加“not”. He cant (cannot) swim. 一般疑问句直接把can提前 Can you dance ? 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句? What can you do ?,- What clubs can you find in this picture?,art club, English club, chess club, swimming club, music club,-What club do you want to join?,-I want

4、to join club.,Look and say,A: I want to join the_ club. B: Can you_ or play _? A: Yes, _.,sing,the guitar,music,I can,A: I_ _the _club. B: _ you_? A: No, _.,want to,join,swimming,Can,swim,I cant,A: I _. B: _? A: Yes, I can.,want to join the chess club,Can you play chess,A: I _. B: _? A: Yes, I can.,

5、want to join the English club,Can you speak English,A: We _. B: _? A: Yes, _.,want to join the art club,Can you paint,we can,Match the words with the people.,sing _ 2. swim _ 3. dance _ 4. draw _ 5. play chess _ 6. speak English _ 7. play the guitar _,e,b,a,c,g,d,f,1a,A: Can you swim? B: No, I cant.

6、 A: I want to join the art club. B: Can you draw? A: Yes, I can. A: I want to join the music club. B: Oh, Can you sing? A: Yes, I can.,Listen and number the conversations,2,3,1,1b,- Can you? - Yes, I can. - No , I cant .,sing dance play cards play basketball play soccer play volleyball,draw / paint,

7、swim,speak English,play the guitar,play chess,play the violin,Pairwork talk about your abilities,1c,2b,Listen again. Complete the sentences.,1. Lisa wants to join the _ club, but she cant play_. 2. Bob wants to join the _club. He likes to speak_. 3. Mary likes music. She can_ and _.Bob likes music,

8、too. They wants to join the _club.,chess,chess,English,English,sing,dance,music,Language Points,1. Can you play the guitar? play和球类,棋类搭配时,中间不用任何 冠词(a, an, the)。但它和乐器类搭配时, 要用冠词the。如: play football play chess play the guitar play the piano,2.What club do you want to join? 你想参加什么俱乐部呢? 1)what在此处用于修饰club

9、。 2)want后接动词不定式做宾语,意为 “想做某事”。 3)join意为“参加; 加入”。join后面常接 表示团体的名词, 表示加入某团体或成为 某团体的一员; 也常接人称代词的宾格 形式,表示和某人一起进行某活动。,如: Tom plays soccer well. He wants to join the soccer club. 汤姆足球踢得好, 他想加入足球俱乐部。 We want to go to a movie. Do you want to join us? 我们想去看电影, 你和我们一起去吗?,4)俱乐部名称的写法 join the swimming club the d

10、ancing club the singing club the music club the art club the English club the chess club the sports club the basketball/tennis/golf club,辨析与拓展,join & take part in,1. join v. 参加;加入;作成员 join + 团体/组织,表示成为.的一员 join the army 参军 join the Party入党 join the club 加入这个俱乐部 2. take part in 参加(群众性活动、会议等) - Typica

11、l exercises 1. What club do you want to _? 2. To keep healthy, We should _ school activities.,join,take part in,辨析与拓展,be good at & do well in,1. be good at sth. / doing sth. 擅长于. 2. do well in sth. /doing sth. 在成绩好, 在.做得好,在表现好 - Typical exercises 1. Jane擅长于英语和数学。 Jane _ _ _ English and Maths. 或 Jane

12、 _ _ _ English and Maths. 2. Im not _ in Chinese. 3. Girls are _ at English than boys, but boys do _ in Maths than girls. 4. Some of us are good at _ (讲)English.,is good at,does well in,doing,better,better,speaking,Grammar Focus,cant=cannot,-Yes, I can.,-No, I cant.,-Can you ? 你能吗?,sing,dance,swim,d

13、raw/ paint,play chess,play the guitar,speak English,情态动词can 的用法:can + V. 会做 / 能做.,用英语讲故事,3a,Write question and answers with the words and phrases.,1.Wu Jun /speak English /speak Chinese _ 2.Mike /play basketball/ play tennis _ 3.Jane and Jill/dance/sing _ 4.Grace/paly soccer/play volleyball _ 5.Bill

14、/write stories/tell stories _,3a,Write question and answers with the words and phrases.,1.Wu Jun /speak English /speak Chinese _ 2.Mike /play basketball/ play tennis _ 3.Jane and Jill/dance/sing _ 4.Grace/play soccer/play volleyball _ 5.Bill/write stories/tell stories _,Can Wu Jun speak English? No,

15、 he cant, but he can speak Chinese.,Can Mike play basketball? No, he cant, but he can play tennis.,Can Jane and Jill dance? No, they cant, but they can sing.,Can Grace play soccer? No, she cant, but she can play volleyball.,Can Bill write stories? No, he cant, but he can tell stories.,3b,Complete th

16、e following poster with the words in the box.,play sing tell dance,Students Wanted for School Show We want students for the school show. Can You _ or _?Can you _the guitar? Can you _ stories? Please talk to Mr.Zhang after school.,sing,dance,play,tell,wanted,wanted 是want的过去式和过去分词 “sb. wanted” 结构常用于招聘

17、或启事等的标题。 如:Teacher Wanted 招聘教师 Cook Wanted 招聘厨师 Help wanted 寻求帮助 students wanted for school show 学校公演招募学生,Writing: 假设你擅长音乐或讲故事,你很想参加学校公演,现在给你的英语老师写一份信说明 你的特长和愿望。,Dear Ms. Jiang, I am Jane from Class . _ _ Yours sincerely, Jane,Dear Ms. Jiang, I am Jane from Class 9. It is nice to read the poster for

18、 school show. I want to take part in it very much. I am good at music. I can sing and dance. Besides, I can play the guitar well. By the way, I can be good with (与.和得来)other students. Please write to me soon! Yours, Jane,One Possible Version,3c,What can your group do in the school show? Make a list.

19、,School Show,Sunday 6:00 p.m. in the music room. What can you do? Come and show us!,Name What can you do?,play, brother, the, your, guitar, can? 2. play, you, the, can, guitar? 3. guitar, sing, the, I, play, can, and. 4. to, club, music, join, want, do, you, our?,Do you want to join our music club?,

20、Can your brother play the guitar?,Can you play the guitar?,I can sing and play the guitar.,一、连词成句。,二、补全句子和对话。 1. A: _ you dance? B: Yes, I can. 2. What club does she_ to join ? 3. We want to _ the guitar club. 4. A: What club _ you want _join? B: We_ to join the chess_. A: Can you_ chess ? B: No , I

21、 _. 5. She can speak English but she _ speak it very well.,Can,want,join,do,to,want,club,play,cant,cant,三. Can you say these in English? 1.下象棋 2. 弹吉他 3. 英语俱乐部 4. 艺术俱乐部 5. 加入音乐俱乐部 6. 我想加入音乐俱乐部,play chess,play the guitar,English club,Art club,I want to join the music club.,join the music club,四. Can y

22、ou fill in the blanks?1. _ you swim? Yes, I can.2. -Can your father play the guitar? -No, he _.3. What club _ you want to join?4. -Can Lucy and Alice dance? -Yes, _ can.5. We want _ join the English club.,Can,cant,do,they,to,五. 单项选择,( )1.Can you play drums? A. a B. an C. the D. /,解析:drums属于乐器,所以前面 用冠词the。答案为C。,C,解析: can在使用时无人称变化, 所以应 该用play


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