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1、英语课标教学课件,选修8,What do you think is the most useful invention in the history?,1. To learn the difference between a discovery and an invention 2. To learn about some modern inventions,What are they famous for?,Newton,gravity,discovered,Benjamin Franklin,A lightning flash is electricity.,discovered,Step

2、henson,the train,invented,radium,Madame Curie,discovered,Zhang Heng,the seismograph 地动仪,invented,How much do you know about the inventors and the inventions?,1. _ isnt Thomas Edisons invention.,The long- lasting, practical electric light bulb,B. The phonograph (留声机),C. The practical, publicly demons

3、trated television system,2. _ is called “Father of Car”. A. Rudolf Diesel B. Karl Benz C. Thomas Edison,3. _ is called “Father of Dynamite (炸药)”. A. Alfred Nobel B. Albert Einstein C. Alexander Bell,4. Marconi (马可尼) invented the _ in the world. A. TV B. long distance radio transmission C. typewriter

4、,5. _ invented the first airplane. A. Wright Brothers B. Henry Ford C. Benjamin Franklin,Discuss in pairs which pictures below show inventions and which show discoveries.,An amphibious car,Stephensons “Rocket”,DNA,An amphibious car (2003),This is the first car that can travel safely on water and on

5、land. When moving on water, the wheels of the car turn sideways and move into the body. The underneath of the car is strong enough to sail as a boat. It is a prototype and is not yet being produced for sale. This is an interesting modern invention.,Stephensons “Rocket” (1781-1848),George Stephenson

6、was one of the first men to design engines for the railways which were new at that time. One of the first tracks to be laid was between Stockton and Darlington. Stephenson was one of the first railway engineers and in 1825 he drove the first train along the line. In 1829 came his triumph.,The struct

7、ure of DNA,This was a discovery of Francis Crick and James Watson and published in 1953. These two scientists were the first to show that our genes consist of two spirals of DNA (called the double-helix). This work led directly to the human genome project in 2003, which discovered the structure of D

8、NA.,An invention is _ _.,A discovery is _ _ _.,already existing in nature but not yet known,finding out something,not existing before,creating something,Whats the connection between discovery and invention?,Work out two rules:,Can you name some inventions of these categories?,1 Electricity,1 Systems

9、 of delivering electrical light and heating to homes and offices 2 Household machines for washing, ironing, keeping food cold, etc 3 Computers, telephones, television, etc,Here are some examples.,2 The movement of air,1 Airplane jet engines 2 Air balloons, etc,Machines to help people with serious di

10、sease (like kidney failure),3 The circulation of the blood,4 X-rays,1 Body scanners to see whether you are ill 2 Machines to treat illnesses (like cancer),Whats the connection between discovery and invention?,Discoveries often lead to inventions.,What are the important inventions of the 20th century?,1. Which do you think is the most important one? 2. How did they change peoples life?,Discussion,神


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