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1、Unit3-main,Part IReading,Part II Oral Practice,Part III Mini-Project,Part IV Phrases today the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Japan are its greatest proponents.,Text A9,国际贸易概述 经济强国通常大力支持自由贸易。尽管他们会对具有战略重要性的产业实行选择性保护主义,例如美国和欧洲对农产品征收保护性关税。荷兰和英国在他们经济占优势时也都大力提倡自由贸易。今日的美国、英国、澳大利亚和日本都是自由贸

2、易最强大的支持者。,Chinese Version,Chinese Version,Words Risk of protracted default; Risk of non-acceptance; Risk of exchange rate.,国际贸易概述 国际贸易中的风险 在国际贸易中存在的风险可以被分为以下两大类: 经济风险: 买方倒闭风险 违约拖欠风险 不承兑风险 汇率风险,Chinese Version,Chinese Version,risk of protracted default: 指到期日后6个月内由于买方拖延,未能及时付款所带来的风险。,risk of protracte

3、d default,Notes,risk of non-acceptance: 不承兑风险。多指不承兑汇票、信用证等所引起的风险。,risk of non-acceptance,Notes,risk of exchange rate: 汇率风险。指由于外汇汇率的波动给从事国际贸易者和投资者所带来的风险。,risk of exchange rate,Notes,Words Risk of expropriation or confiscation of the importers company; Risk of the imposition of an import ban after the

4、 shipment of the goods; Transfer risks; War risks.,国际贸易概述 政治风险: 未更换或取消出入境许可证风险 进口方公司被征用、征收或没收所带来的风险 货物装上船后禁止进口产生的风险 转让风险 战争风险,Chinese Version,Chinese Version,risk of expropriation or confiscation of the importers company: 进口方公司被征用、征收或没收所带来的风险,risk of expropriation or confiscation of the importers co

5、mpany,Notes,transfer risk: 转让风险。指由于进口国控制货币、征税或外汇短缺所带来的风险。,transfer risk,Notes,Words impose additional costs,Mostly trade in goods and services,1. Differences between domestic and international trade,Blank Filling,Exercises Blank Filling,2,Complete the following table according to the information in

6、the passage.,Risk of cancellation or non-renewal of export or import licenses,2. Risks in International Trade,Risk of protracted default,Risk of expropriation or confiscation of the importers company,Risk of non-acceptance,Risk of the imposition of an import ban after the shipment of the goods,Risk

7、of Exchange rate,Transfer risks,Matching,3,Match the Chinese versions in Column B with the English phrases in Column A.,Exercises Matching,I,E,F,H,B,C,G,D,J,A,( )1. globalization A. 禁运 ( ) 2. bilateral treatiesB. 贸易壁垒 ( ) 3. mercantilism C. 保护主义 ( ) 4. free tradeD. 补贴 ( ) 5. trade barrierE. 双边协议 ( )

8、 6. protectionism F. 重商主义 ( ) 7. procurement G. 采购 ( ) 8. subsidiesH. 自由贸易 ( ) 9. import quotas I. 全球化 ( ) 10. embargoJ. 进口配额,Translation,Exercises Translation,4,Translate the following sentences into Chinese.,1. International trade is the exchange of goods and services across international boundari

9、es or territories. 2. International trade is also a branch of economics, which, together with international finance, forms the larger branch of international economics. 3. Instead of importing a factor of production, a country can import goods that make intensive use of that factor of production and

10、 thus embody it.,Translation,Exercises Translation,4,Translate the following sentences into Chinese.,4. Free trade is usually most strongly supported by the most economically powerful nations, though they often engage in selective protectionism for those industries which are strategically important.

11、 5. A trade barrier is a general term that describes any government policy or regulation that restricts international trade.,Key to Translation,Exercises Translation,4,Key,1. 国际贸易是跨域国家界限及领土的贸易与服务间的交换。 2. 国际贸易是也是经济学的一个分支,和国际金融一起构成国际经济学这个更大学科分支。日益增长的国际贸易是全球化的基础。 3. 一个国家可以不进口某项生产要素,而通过进口能大量使用该生产要素的商品体现

12、该生产要素。,Key to Translation,Exercises Translation,4,Key,4. 经济强国通常大力支持自由贸易,尽管他们会对具有战略性重要性的产业实行选择性保护主义。 5. 贸易壁垒是一个描述任何限制国际贸易的政府政策或法规的通用术语。,Part IReading Text B,Text B,Part IReading Text B,Gains from Trade,1 Gains from trade in economics refer to net benefits to agents from allowing an increase in volunt

13、ary trading with each other. In technical terms, it is the increase of consumer surplus plus producer surplus from lower tariffs or otherwise liberalizing trade.,Text B1,贸易利得 经济学中所指的贸易利得,是指自愿贸易中所增加的净利润。从专业的角度来说,它是由降低关税或者其他贸易自由化手段所增加的消费者剩余和生产者剩余之合。,Chinese Version,Chinese Version,consumer surplus: 消费

14、者剩余。是指消费者为取得一种商品所愿意支付的价格与他取得该商品而支付的实际价格之间的差额。 Consumer surplus or consumers surplus is the monetary gain obtained by consumers because they are able to purchase a product for a price that is less than the highest price that they would be willing to pay.,consumer surplus,Notes,producer surplus: 生产者剩余

15、。指厂商在提供一定数量的某种产品时实际接受的总支付和愿意接受的最小总支付之间的差额。 Producer surplus or producers surplus is the amount that producers benefit by selling at a market price that is higher than the least that they would be willing to sell for.,producer surplus,Notes,net benefit 净利润 in technical terms 用专业术语来说 liberalize / v. 使

16、自由化;放宽限制,net benefit,Words 4 2. a resulting increase in total output possibilities; 5 3. trade through markets from sale of one type of output for other, more highly valued goods.,Text B2,贸易利得 贸易利得通常来自以下方面: 1. 生产专业化:由于劳动分工,规模经济、范围经济、集聚和通过农场,企业,地理位置优越性和经济发展程度得到的要素资源的相对可用性; 2. 产生总产出增加的可能性 3. 在市场上出售一种产

17、品以换取另一种价值更高的商品的贸易,Chinese Version,Chinese Version,division of labor: 劳动分工。组织生产的一种方法,让每个劳动力专门从事生产过程的某一部分。劳动专业化能导致更高的总产出,因为劳动者可以更熟练地完成某些加工任务,而且还能引人更专业化的机器设备来完成精度更高的工作。,division of labor,Notes,economies of scale: 规模经济,是指扩大生产规模引起经济效益增加的现象。规模经济反映的是生产要素的集中程度同经济效益之间的关系。,economies of scale,Notes,economies o

18、f scope: 范围经济,指由厂商的范围(scope)而非规模(scale)带来的经济,也即是当同时生产两种产品的费用低于分别生产每种产品时,所存在的状况就被称为范围经济。只要把两种或更多的产品合并在一起生产比分开来生产的成本要低,就会存在范围经济。,economies of scope,Notes,economies of agglomeration: 聚集经济,也称聚集经济效益、聚集规模效益,指企业向某一特定地区集中而产生的利益,是城市存在和发展的重要原因和动力。,economies of agglomeration,Notes,Part IReading Text B,Gains fr

19、om Trade,6 Market incentives, such as reflected in prices of outputs and inputs, are theorized to attract factors of production, including labor, into activities according to comparative advantage, that is, for which they each have a low opportunity cost. The factor owners then use their increased i

20、ncome from such specialization to buy more-valued goods of which they would otherwise be high-cost producers, hence their gains from trade.,Text B3,贸易利得 市场诱因,例如那些体现在投入价格和产出价格的市场诱因,根据比较优势理论进而吸引包括劳动力在内的生产要素,也就是,其拥有者掌握最低的机会成本。要素拥有者使用专业化手段所带来的收入增加买更有价值的商品,本应是高生产成本,如此转换他们便从贸易中获益。,Chinese Version,Chinese

21、Version,theorize v. 建立理论; 推理,theorize,Words ,Text B5,贸易利得 贸易利得的衡量 有两种方法来衡量贸易利得: 1. 国际贸易可增加国民收入,这有助于我们得到低价格的进口商品;,Chinese Version,Chinese Version,Part IReading Text B,Gains from Trade,9 2. Gains are measured in terms of trade. To measure the gains from the trade comparison of cost of production betwe

22、en domestic and foreign countries is required. But it is very difficult to acquire the knowledge of cost of production and cost of imports in domestic country. Therefore terms of trade method is preferable to measure the gains from trade.,Text B6,贸易利得 2. 在贸易方面衡量收益。通过国内外生产成本的对比来衡量贸易利得是必需的。但想从生产成本和本国的

23、进口成本来衡量贸易收益是非常困难的。因此,贸易是衡量贸易利得更好的方式。,Chinese Version,Chinese Version,Part IReading Text B,Gains from Trade,Factors Affecting Gains from Trade 10 There are several factors which determine the gains from international trade: 11 1. Differences in cost ratio: The gains from international trade depend up

24、on the cost ratios of differences in comparative cost ratios in the two trading countries.,Text B7,贸易利得 影响贸易利得的因素 以下是几个决定国际贸易利得的因素: 1. 成本率的差异:国际贸易利得取决于成本比率在两个贸易国家的比较成本率的差异。,Chinese Version,Chinese Version,cost ratio / 成本比率,cost ratio,Words the predicted demand for your product or service;,Text C2,出口

25、概述 想做出口生意吗? 开始做出口生意之前,你需要如实地评估你的出口潜力既包括评估业务的准备情况,也包括对产品或者服务方面的评估。 要确定和评估目标市场,进行详细的市场调查是十分必要的。你需要考虑: 产业结构 产品或者服务的预计需求,Chinese Version,Chinese Version,commit to 致力于 in terms of 就而言,在方面 predict / v. 预计,预测,commit to,Words ,Text C3,出口概述 竞争,以及你准备如何适应市场 要使你的产品或服务畅销所需要进行的改变 完成市场调研后,可以制定出口计划,确定你将如何进入新市场。 考虑你

26、是否具备: 一个能体现国际贸易发展的市场营销策略,Chinese Version,Chinese Version,fit into (使)符合,(使)适合 modification / n. 修改,更改;改变 saleable a. 畅销的;可供出售的 incorporate / v. 合并;具体表现,fit into,Words the right people to develop the new export markets; adequate knowledge of the requirements of your chosen market e.g. modifying packa

27、ging to meet local regulations and standards; an understanding of export payment mechanisms and export finance.,Text C4,出口概述 必要的财政资源 开发新的出口市场的合适人选 选定的市场所需要的充足的知识例如,改变包装,以适用于当地的规则和标准 了解出口支付机制和出口融资情况,Chinese Version,Chinese Version,export finance: 出口融资。就是出口企业在出口过程中需要一部分或全部的资金而采取的一种获得资金的方式和过程。,export f

28、inance,Notes,modify / v. 修改,更改,modify,Words the costs of adapting your product or service.,Text C5,出口概述 然后,评估产品是否适合出口。你需要考虑: 海外市场的产品标准和法规 调整产品或服务所需的成本,Chinese Version,Chinese Version,adapt / v. 使适应,使适合,adapt,Words & Phrases,Part IReading Text C,Exporting an Overview,Case Study: How I Developed a Str

29、ong Export Market 8 Established in 1965, Halifax Fan Ltd. designs and manufactures customized industrial fans. Based in Brighouse, Yorkshire, the company employs 53 people. Managing director Malcolm Staff describes how a joint venture with an Indian manufacturer enabled the company to export to the

30、growing Asian market.,Text C6,出口概述 案例分析:我如何开发了一个强劲的出口市场 哈利法克斯风机有限公司成立于1965年,专门根据客户需要设计和制造工业用风扇。公司总部位于约克郡的布莱豪斯,现有员工53人。总经理马尔科姆介绍了他如何与一个印度制造商联合经营,使公司把产品出口到亚洲新兴市场。,Chinese Version,Chinese Version,joint venture: 合资公司(又称合营公司,简称JV)。一般定义为由两家公司共同投入资本成立,分别拥有部分股权,并共同分享利润、支出、风险及对该公司的控制权。合资公司可能只为一个专案或计划而成立,也可能像

31、索尼爱立信这样以合资企业的形式持续合作经营。合资公司与策略联盟不同,策略联盟与公司股权无关,在形式上也较不严谨。 A joint venture (JV) is a business agreement in which parties agree to develop, for a finite time, a new entity and new assets by contributing equity. They exercise control over the enterprise and consequently share revenues, expenses and asse

32、ts. There are other types of companies such as JV limited by guarantee, joint ventures limited by guarantee with partners holding shares.,joint venture,Notes,customized / a. 定制的 Brighouse, Yorkshire / (英国)约克郡的布莱豪斯 managing director 总经理;总裁,customized,Words & Phrases,Part IReading Text C,Exporting an

33、Overview,What I Did: Assess risks and benefits 9 “About two years ago, we identified new sales opportunities in the expanding Asian markets. At the same time, we needed to reduce our cost base to existing customers.,Text C7,出口概述 我所做的是: 评估风险和收益 “大约两年前,我们在日益扩大的亚洲市场发现了新的销售机会。正好,我们也需要对现有客户降低成本基础。”,Chine

34、se Version,Chinese Version,cost base: 成本基础。即扣除佣金或其他开支后的购买价格。成本基础可在出售证券时用作计算资本收益或损失。,cost base,Notes,Part IReading Text C,Exporting an Overview,10 “We soon established that opening a factory overseas would be difficult and expensive. Our preferred solution was to establish a joint venture with a comp

35、any who would manufacture the product in their country, driven by UK design and technical know-how. We also wanted the chosen partner to have its own sales force to establish an immediate local market presence.,Text C8,出口概述 “我们很快就了解到在海外开设工厂将十分困难而且成本较高。我们首选的解决方案是与一个能在他们国家制造产品的公司建立一个合资企业,产品由英国设计并提供技术支

36、持。我们还希望这位选出的合作伙伴有自己的销售人员,能迅速占领当地市场。”,Chinese Version,Chinese Version,establish / v. 证明,证实;确定 know-how /-/ n. 技术秘诀,诀窍 sales force 销售人员;销售力量 market presence 市场地位;市场占有率,establish,Words & Phrases,Part IReading Text C,Exporting an Overview,11 “We had many issues to address, most fundamentally how we woul

37、d retain control and protect our investment. We got advice on planning, plus grant assistance, from Business Link.” Research the market 12 “We concentrated initially on the Indian market because we saw it as a growth area and English is commonly spoken. Following desktop research we identified 40 po

38、tential partners and decided to visit six.,Text C9,出口概述 “我们有很多需要解决的问题,最根本的问题是,我们将如何保持控制和保护我们的投资。从伦敦商业链接那里我们得到了规划建议和无偿援助。” 调研市场 “一开始我们集中在印度市场,因为我们认为这是一个成长中的领域,英语是日常交流的语言。根据桌面调研,我们确定了40个潜在的合作伙伴,并决定对六家企业进行访问。”,Chinese Version,Chinese Version,Business Link: is a government-funded business advice and gui

39、dance service in England. It consists of an online portal managed by HMRC and a national helpline. The network of local/regional advisors (under the auspices of BIS) was axed in 2011.The online portal was replaced along with Directgov by the new GOV.UK website on 17 October 2012.,Business Link,Notes

40、,desktop research: 桌面调研。Desktop research refers to gathering and analyzing information, already available in print or published on the internet.Desk research is basically involved in collecting data from existing resources hence it is often considered a low cost technique as compared to field resear

41、ch(实地考察), as the main cost is involved in executives time, telephone charges and directories. Desk research is very effective and can be conducted in starting phase of market research as it is quite quick and cheap and most of the basic information could be easily fetched which can be used as benchm

42、ark in the research process.,desktop research,Notes,address / v. 处理,对付;讨论 retain v. 保持;保留 initially / ad. 最初;开头,address,Words & Phrases,Part IReading Text C,Exporting an Overview,13 “Our first visit proved quite difficult, because we hadnt prepared for the different ways in which business is conduct

43、ed. However, we learnt from the experience and during subsequent visits we became more relaxed while remaining focused on what we wanted. For example, its easy to turn your nose up at a factory that looks more like a barn, but the quality of workmanship can soon change your view! 14 “Having met all

44、six during the initial trip we made our final selection during the second.”,Text C10,出口概述 “我们首次拜访证明是非常困难的,因为对于不同的经营方式,我们尚未做好充分准备。但是我们从中汲取了教训。在后续的访问中,我们更加从容,同时也能更专注于我们想要的。例如,你可能会瞧不起一家看起来像谷仓的工厂,但其做工质量很快会改变你的看法!” “首次出访拜访了六家企业,在第二次出访时我们做出了最终选择。”,Chinese Version,Chinese Version,subsequent a. 后来的,随后的 turn

45、 ones nose up 对嗤之以鼻(瞧不起) barn / n. 谷仓;牲口棚 workmanship n. 手艺,技巧,subsequent,Words & Phrases,Part IReading Text C,Exporting an Overview,Choose the right partner 15 “While cost was an important factor in choosing a partner, we looked at all aspects of the shortlisted companies, including financial histo

46、ry and quality assurance. Once wed selected a preferred partner, we arranged for key Indian employees to visit our UK operation. Its important to build trust and mutual understanding. 16 “Having a local presence in India has really given us an edge over competitors because we have representation on

47、the ground. We have won a number of export contracts because of it.”,Text C11,出口概述 选择合适的合作伙伴 “在选择合作伙伴的时候,尽管费用是一个重要因素,但是我们还考察入选企业的其他各个方面,包括其财务记录和品质保证。选好首选合作伙伴之后,我们安排核心的印度员工访问我们的英国公司。建立起信任和相互理解是非常重要的。” “在印度能有一家本地公司确实使我们比竞争对手更具优势,因为我们有当地代理。正是由于这个原因,我们赢得了大量的出口合同。”,Chinese Version,Chinese Version,shortli

48、st v. 把列入(供最后挑选的)候选人名单 assurance / n. 确信;保证 mutual / a. 相互的;共同的 give an edge over 使胜过,使比有优势,shortlist,Words & Phrases,Part IReading Text C,Exporting an Overview,What Id Do Differently: Talk to other exporters 17 “Looking back, I wish wed contacted businesses whod already been through the process, pe

49、rhaps via Business Link or our local Chamber of Commerce. We could have learnt a lot from their experience.”,Text C12,出口概述 我的与众不同之处 与其他出口商谈话 “回顾过去,我希望我们所接触的企业是已经由Business Link或者我们当地的商会审核过的。我们可以从他们的经验中学到很多东西。”,Chinese Version,Chinese Version,Chamber of Commerce 商会,Chamber of Commerce,Words & Phrases,

50、Part IReading Text C,Exporting an Overview,Find a local lawyer 18 “It would have saved time and hassle at the agreement stage if wed sourced a local lawyer during our trade visits. We left it until we were entering final negotiations, which wasnt ideal.”,Text C13,出口概述 找一个本地律师 如果我们在贸易访问过程中能有一个当地律师,在协

51、议阶段可以节省时间和麻烦。直到进入最后的谈判才考虑请当地律师,并不是一种理想的做法。,Chinese Version,Chinese Version,hassle / n. 困难;麻烦,hassle,Words & Phrases,Short Answer Questions,Text C-Exercises-main,Exercises,Text C Exercises,1) What is a detailed market research aimed to do and what should you examine?,A detailed market research is aim

52、ed to identify and evaluate the target market. You should examine: the industry structure the predicted demand for your product or service competition and how you plan to fit into that marketplace any modifications required to make your product or service saleable,_,Exercises Answer the following tw

53、o questions.,Text C Exercises,2) What preparations does the author advise people to make before committing to exporting?,Before you commit to exporting you need to honestly assess your export potential both in terms of the readiness of your business and of your product or service. Its essential to c

54、arry out detailed market research to identify and evaluate the target market. After completing your market research, you can draw up an export plan defining how you will enter the new market. You also need to assess whether your product is suitable for export.,_,Exercises Answer the following two qu

55、estions.,Part IIOral Practice,Part IIOral Practice Topic-related discussion,Discuss the following questions with your partner.,1,1. Why do nations trade? 2. What are the advantages of international trade? 3. What are the disadvantages of international trade?,Part IIOral Practice Answers,1. Why do na

56、tions trade?,Suggested answers:,Countries trade with each other when, on their own, they do not have the resources, or capacity to satisfy their own needs and wants. By developing and exploiting their domestic scarce resources, countries can produce a surplus, and trade this for the resources they need.,Part IIOral Practice Answers,2. What are the advantages of international trade?,Suggested answers:,International trade brings a number of valuable benefits to a country, including: The exploitation of a c


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