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1、Exposure to smog is severe hazard,.,由于我国北方自上周末以来一直持续大雾天气,有专家担忧,空气中含有的浓度较高的颗粒物很可能会导致包括肺部感染以及肺癌在内的多种呼吸道疾病。,Experts are worried that particulate matter in the air, which is in higher concentrations in North China because of the heavy fog since the weekend, may lead to various respiratory diseases inclu

2、ding lung infections,Shi Yuankai, vice-president of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Cancer Hospital, said longtime exposure to,particulate matter especially the particulate matter smaller than 2.5 micrometers (PM2.5) which can go directly to the alveoli of the lungs, is a major health hazard

3、.,中国医学科学院 肿瘤医院副院长石远凯,Even if we can manage to keep the countrys smoking rate flat, the lung cancer rate is expected to keep rising for 20 or 30,years and worsening air pollution could be the major culprit, he said. “即便我们能够使全国吸烟率保持平 稳,预计在20或30年之内,肺癌发 生率还是会持续上升,而愈发严重 的空气污染问题将成为罪魁祸首。” 他说,Zhong Nanshan,

4、 a respiratory expert and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, echoed Shis concern.呼吸内科专家兼中国工程 院院士钟南山对石远凯的 担忧表示认同,He said that without intervention, PM2.5, a major cause of choking smog, would replace smoking tobacco as the top risk factor for lung cancer. 他表示,如果不采取任何措施的话,造成令人窒息的浓雾的主要因

5、素之一PM2.5将会取代吸烟,成为诱发肺癌的首要因素。,In Beijing, the lung cancer rate has increased by 60 percent during the past decade, even though the smoking rate during the period has not seen an apparent increase, said Mao Yu, deputy director of the Beijing Health Bureau. 北京市卫生局副局长毛羽说,在过去十年中,北京的吸烟率并没有显著提高,但肺癌的发病率却上升了6

6、0%。,Increasing air pollution might be largely blamed for that, said Zhi Xiuyi, director of the Lung Cancer Treatment Center at Capital Medical University.,The smaller the particle, the more hazardous it is for public health, Shi Yuankai said. Worse, protective measures like wearing face masks barely help because the particles are too small.“ “颗粒越小,其对公共健康造成的危害就越大。”石远凯说,“更糟糕的是,因为颗粒太小,像戴口罩这样的保护性措施几乎不会起到什么作用。”,The environment is getting worse, it is vatial for us to enhance the aewar


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