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1、联络陪同口译,Escort interpretation,Escort interpretation Based on memory training; dont take notes Emphasize the importance of preparation before interpreting i) Predict what words or expressions are likely to be used by speakers on certain occasion; try to get familiar with those expressions ii) Collect

2、background information,联络陪同口译,任务:在接待、旅游等事务中担任口译。 要求: 1.强烈的责任感。 2. 广博的知识 3. 跨文化交际意识 4. 仪态自然大方,1.强烈的责任感 准确把握工作的时间和场所。 大量细致的准备工作:了解接待客人的身份、爱好、特点等背景信息和客人活动的内容等。 2. 广博的知识 谈话内容更随意、灵活,3.跨文化交际意识,1. “您长途飞行,一路上一定很累吧?” You must have been very tired after the long flight? I hope you have had a smooth flight. 2.

3、 指令、禁语 “请注意” Attention, please! Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? 3. 谦让语 “这没什么,是我应该做的” “哪里,哪里” “我做得不够好”,4.仪态自然大方 掌握外事活动中基本的行为规范: 遵时守约、着装规范 仪容整洁、态度亲切 言语得体、注重礼仪,Major Fields:,(一)迎来送往、宾馆入住,Meeting and Seeing-off Check in,Phrases Interpreting,Recover from the jet lag Thoughtful Ar

4、rangement Hospitability Souvenir Accommodations Claim baggage Proceed through the customs Itinerary Farewell speech Adjust to the time difference,倒时差 周到的安排 热情好客 纪念品 食宿 提取行李 进行海关检查 活动安排 告别辞 适应时差,为设宴洗尘 向告别 不远万里来到 您先请 久仰大名 欢迎辞 赞美 回顾过去 展望未来 慢走,to hold a banquet in honor of. to bid farewell to . Come all

5、 the way to. After you! I have long been looking forward to meeting you. a welcoming address to pay tribute to . Looking back; Looking ahead Take care!,Titles,首席长官称谓常以“总”表示,与之相对应的英语词有:chief, general, head, managing等 e.g. 总工程师 chief engineer 总代理 general agent 总教练 head coach,汉语中表示副职的头衔常以“副”字表示,英语词:vic

6、e, associate, assistant, deputy等有相同作用。 副总统/大学副校长 vice president 副教授 associate professor 副总经理 assistant/deputy general manager 副市长 deputy mayor,“助理”级,英语中常用assistant一词 助理工程师 assistant engineer 助理编辑 assistant editor 汉语的“代理”,英语可以用 acting 代理市长 acting mayor 代理主任 acting director,“常务”:managing 常务理事 managing

7、 director 常务副校长managing vice president “执行”:executive 执行主席 executive chairman “名誉”:honorary 名誉主席 honorary chairman,Dialogue Interpretation,Situation: 世界进出口公司的总裁Simon女士 即将访问武汉的东方国际贸易公司。 东方国际的总经理助理黄先生将前往 机场迎接Simon女士并带她到酒店下 榻。请你为他们做口译。,Task 1:机场迎宾,任务要求:黄总带着你(即口译员)来到了机场,这是Simon女士乘坐的航班已经降落,乘客正在陆续走出机场出口。你

8、看见一位外国女士走来,可能就是你们正在等候的Simon女士。于是你上前确认。 译员:Excuse me, are you Ms. Simon, president of the World Import and Export? Susan: Yes, I am Susan Simon. 译员:Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is , the interpreter of the Oriental International. This is Mr. Huang Bin, the assistant to the general mana

9、ger of the Oriental International. 现在,请为他们做口译。,(At the airport) Susan: Nice to meet you, Mr. Huang. 黄:我也很高兴见到您,西蒙女士。欢迎您到我们武汉来,一路辛苦了。 Susan: Thanks, I had a good flighta bit long though. 黄:行李给我吧,车子在外面等着呢。 Susan: Thank you. It is very kind of you. Please help me with that one. I am a heavy traveler.,(

10、In the car) 黄:这是武汉二桥,前不久才刚刚重修过,沿江风景不错吧? Susan: yes, it is beautiful. In England there is such sightseeing but with different style and flavor. Mr. Huang, if possible, I invite you to enjoy the sightseeing in England, I am sure you will have special experience. 黄:是吗?有机会我一定要去一饱眼福。 Susan: Well, I have

11、heard about the Yangtze River many times, but this is the first time I see it. It is really fantastic. 黄:是呀,长江是世界第三大河流,仅次于南美的亚马逊河和非洲的尼罗河。它是中国的第一长河,是中华文明的发祥地。 Susan: that is great! How long is it? 黄:长约6300公里。,Susan: oh, it is amazing! And the Three Gorges are also famous. I wish I had the opportunity

12、 to go there. 黄:确实。三峡吸引了许多海内外的游客。那里风光秀丽,景色宜人。三峡大型水利工程也是举世瞩目的。如果您这次访问有多余的时间,真该去那里看看。 Susan: yes, I will see if I can spare some time. Anyway, could you tell me what my schedule here will be? 黄:我们是这样安排的今晚我们总经理为您举办了一个小小的欢迎晚宴;明早我们就来接您去参观我们工厂,参观产品和生产线;下午洽谈合同事宜;如果一切顺利的话,后天带您游览一下武汉。您看这样安排可以吗? Susan: fine.

13、黄:我们到了,请下车,您先请。,宾馆入住,译员:情况的总体预测,包括房间介绍、设备介绍、细节协商 房间介绍:单人间,双人间,普通套房, 豪华套房,总统套房 设备与布局:电视机,空调/ 中央空调,热水器,组合音响,书房大厅,浴室 细节协商:价格,入住时间,要求,付款方式,single room 单人间 a room with 1 single bed, strictly for 1 adult only,Room Types 客房类型,double room 双人间 a room with either 1 queen or king sized bed to accommodate 2 adu

14、lts,twin room 双人对床间(标准间) a room with 2 single beds accommodating 2 adults,triple room 三人间 A room with either 3 single beds, or 1 queen bed and 1 single bed to accommodate 3 adults,family / quad room 家庭间/四人间 A room with either 4 single beds, or 1 queen bed and 2 single beds to accommodate 4 adults,su

15、ite 套房 a bedroom with a small living area to accommodate 2 adults,mini suite 迷你套房 junior suite 普通/简单套房 presidential suite 总统套房 deluxe suite 豪华套房,standard single 标准单人间 superior single 高档 deluxe single 豪华,Bed Sizes 床位规格,单人床 single bed 双人床 double bed 大号双人床 queen-size bed 特大号双人床 king-size bed 婴儿床 cot 加床

16、 extra bed 折叠床 roll-away bed,Hotel room facilities 客房设施,washbasin 洗脸盆 bath tub 浴盆 bathrobe 浴袍 bath towel 浴巾 flush toilet 抽水马桶 toilet paper 卫生纸 cold and hot water taps 冷热自来水龙头 toilet mirror 梳妆镜 tea table 茶几 ashtray 烟灰碟 dressing table 梳妆台 floor lamp 落地灯 bedside lamp 床头灯 pendant lamp 吊灯 desk lamp 台灯 do

17、or chain 防盗链 carpet 地毯 central heating 暖气 airconditioner 空调 clothes-hanger 衣架 built-in wardrobe/closet 壁橱 quilt 被 pillowcase 枕套 pillow 枕头 bedspread 床罩 sheet 床单 socket 插座 plug 插头 switch 开关,Task 2:宾馆入住,任务要求:你们已经到了Simon女士即将下榻的酒店,因为之前黄斌已经预定了房间,所以黄先生直接带Simon女士去看了房间。请你继续为他做口译。,黄:请坐!我去为您领房卡,请稍等片刻。 Susan :

18、All right. Thank you. 黄:好了,这是您的房卡。您的房间在3楼,房号是311。 我们乘电梯上去吧! Susan : OK. 黄:好的,这就是您的房间了。如果您需要任何的客房服务、洗熨服务等等,都可以直接打电话到前台咨询,或直接跟楼层服务台联系。您看现在还有什么需要吗? Susan: I have to say youve made everything well prepared. I really appreciate it. Well, if I need any problems, Ill let you know. 黄:好的,那我就先告辞了,您好好休息。再见!,In

19、 the Hotel,远道来送行 你办了登机手续了吗? 办理海关手续 我希望它能让你想起我们的友谊 我们非常感谢你为我们所做的一切。 “送君千里终有一别”,come all the way to see me off Have you checked in? go through customs I hope it will remind you of me and of our friendship. I appreciate very much everything youve done for me. “A thousand miles a person can see off a fr

20、iend, but he has no choice but to say good-bye in the end.”,Seeing off at the Airport,Smith: Its very kind of you to come all the way to see me off, Mr. Zhu? Zhu: 没有什么。很遗憾你要走了。 Smith: I am sorry to leave you too. Zhu: 你办了登机手续了吗? Smith: No. Not yet. Zhu: 我们现在去办理海关手续吧。请这边走我送你一样东西作纪念。 Smith: Thank you.

21、 Ill open it. Oh!It is a Chinese painting. Its really marvelous. The horses are so nice. Zhu: 很高兴你喜欢它,我希望它能让你想起我们的友谊。 Smith: I dont know how to thank you for your kindness. Im so glad to have it to remember my time here. Zhu: 很高兴你喜欢这张画。我们非常感谢你为我们所做的一切,但愿能 以某种方式回报你。 Smith: Dont mention it. Zhu: 听!广播里

22、正通知你所乘坐的航班要起飞了。 Smith: Right. I have to go now. Zhu: 中国有句古语 “送君千里终有一别”, 我祝你旅途愉快。 Smith: Hope to see you again. Zhu: 再见,别忘了保持联系。,Dialogue Interpretation,Dialogue Interpretation I,这位先生,您请留步。您一定是纽约总公司派来参观世博的代表罗宾森先生吧?我之前见过您的照片。 Oh, yes, Im Kelvin Robinson. And if Im not mistaken, you must be Miss Du fro

23、m DB Shanghai branch. 是的,我正是行政部的杜拉拉。我一直在此等侯您的到来呢。 Nice to meet you. And thank you very much for coming all the way to the airport to meet me. Actually, back in New York, Ive heard a lot about you. You became the legend of DB Shanghai, I guess. 哪里,哪里,您过奖啦。我只是尽力做好我应该做的。飞行这么久,您一定很累了吧?我们直接就开车到酒店去吧。 It i

24、s indeed a long trip. I do feel a bit tired. And Im afraid Im bad with the jet-lag. 没关系的,好好休息一下应该会好很多的。考虑到您这次来主要目标是参观世博,所以我们特意安排您在离世博园较近的假日酒店入住,希望您会喜欢。 Youre really thoughtful. And Im sure my journey this time will be an interesting and rewarding one.,您放心,一定会是这样的。您在上海的这段时间,有什么需要都可以尽管跟我联系,我会尽我所能来满足您的

25、需求。后天,您的参观才会正式开始。在那之前,我们会先带您熟悉熟悉上海,参观我们DB上海分部的办公楼。行程非常紧,还希望您不要介意。 Well, you know, this is my first visit to China and coming here has been one of my childhood dreams. I will definitely maximize this opportunity to witness with my own eyes the ancient glory and the modern boom of this great country.

26、好的,这就是您的房间了。如果您需要任何的客房服务、洗熨服务等等,都可以直接打电话到前台咨询,或直接跟楼层服务台联系。您看现在还有什么需要吗? I have to say youve made everything well prepared. I really appreciate it. Well, if I need any problems, Ill let you know. 好的,那我就先告辞了,您好好休息。,Assignment -Simulation Exercises,Work in groups. Role-play the following situations with

27、 your partners, acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively.,Situation A You are the receptionist of A 2. Current news report activities for pair work, Pair work are required to report a current news item(picking out of any one from VOA, BBC, CNN) Prepair for next

28、 Chapter Commercial conversation in Page76-77.(Be familiar with commercial vocabularies and related customary expressions),Exercises:,对话练习 篇章练习,(四)换币购物,Currency Exchanging & Shopping,银行换币,开帐户 open an account Id like to open a current(活期)/ deposit account(定期). 利率 interest rate 最低(高)存款额 minimum (maxim

29、um) deposit 存取款 deposit or withdraw money 支票帐户 checking account,购物场所,shop online:网上购物 department store:百货商店 shopping mall:购物中心 outlets:品牌直销购物中心 food court:美食街 out of fashion/season:过时的/过季的,试穿与打折,pick up:购买 try on:试穿 fitting room:试衣间 limited edition:限量版 new arrival:新品到店 discount:折扣 promotion:促销 up to

30、 70% off:三折起,购物季,Black Friday:黑色星期五,指美国每年感恩节次日。 Boxing Day:节礼日。各国节礼日的日期不同,一般在每年的12月26日或圣诞节后的第一或第二个星期日,依各国法律而定。 kick off:启动,著名购物街,5th Avenue:第五大道 be ranked as:被列为 local product:本土产品 步行街? pedestrian malls,付款方式,cash:现金 credit:信用卡 debit card:借记卡 personal check:私人支票 gift card:礼品卡,代金券 90 day exchange, and 30 day refund with tags: 90天内换货,30天内退货,保持标签完整,Id like to know if I can draw on my account for payment of things I buy in Tianjin. 我想知道自己能不能提取存款偿付我在天津买东西的费用。 我可以在这里用信用证取钱吗? May I draw money against the lette


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