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1、雅思高分全能班听力,主讲:王毅,提高听力,实力+技巧 实力: 语音 词汇 听力语感(catching the speech music, emotion of the speakers; sentencing and phrasing stuff),听力预测,V30058 V30014 V30015 V30018 V30019 V30020 V30034 V30036 V30037 V30038 V30039 V30044 V30049 V30059 V30061 V30062 V30072 V30074 V30076 V30078 V30088 V07101 V07103 V07108 V0

2、7128 V07132 V07134 V07135 V08140 V08143 V08141 V08152 V08107 V08108 V08110 V08111 V08112 V08114 V08120 V08124 V08125 V08129 V08130 V08131 V09133 V09134 V09135 V09136 V09119 V09120 V09128 V09130 V09131 V09121 V09122 V09123 V09125 V09126,V07128=V30043 S3,V06113 S4,31. PE is a central part of the tradi

3、tional education 32. Government encourages schools to improve their academic standard. 33. However, PE is important for students development in mental education and skill learning. 34. Students today spend most of their pastime on non-active activities, eg. TV, computer games, etc. 35. This has a ne

4、gative effect on students development 36. Same research results also come from France, India and Canada 37. PE is not only good for students behavior but also concentration. 38, 39. PE helps to improve students intelligence too, because it increases the blood flow of the brain. 40. In conclusion, PE

5、 is the key.,V30080 S3,Headings: 21. Watch times State of the sea (eg. 22. calm or choppy, etc.) State of the 23. weather Visibility (24. 100 meters) Presence: 25. Other fishing boats Whale sighting report: 26. Group size Appearance and 27. behavior Juvenile Presence Dorsal fin a series of humps one

6、 fourth the size of blue whale,V30080 S3,28. Northern Right Whale B 29. Sperm Whale C 30. Minke Whale A,V30080 S4,Great Western Steamship 填空 Q31-36 In the previous section, the professor talked about the important 31. roads and bridges in the 19th century. Great Western Railway Company wanted to lin

7、k the sea to the 32. railway line. Isambard Kingdom Brunels committee were made up by *, * and *. Marc Brunel believed that transatlantic navigation is 33. impossible. But Isambard found that the 34. engine can be relatively small to a large ship. Maudslay Sons & Field Company build contracted with

8、the Great Western Steamship Company to build the ship, because it is a 35. engine specialist company. After the construction, the ship was 36. reinforced by wood and steel.,V30080 S4,选择 Q37-40 37. How did the ship made from Bristol to London? B A. by sailing B. drawn by a tug boat C. powered by its

9、engine 38. When the fire broke out, what did the crew members do? A A. jumped into the water B. ran into the engine room C. drowned 39. Why the damage caused by the fire was so little? B A. the ship ran aground B. the ship captain had a hand-pump C. * 40. Why another company also set sail across the

10、 ocean? C A. too many passengers B. to test their small ship C. to beat and win a new record,V07103 S3,Q1-4 Blank Filling Occupation: Bank Cashier How much spent (per trip): 50 Where often go: Big department stores What is most difficult to buy: Jeans,5. 50% percent people spend: 45 6. 15% percent p

11、eople spend: 75 7. 35% percent people spend: 20,Multiple Choice Questions Which THREE of the following are difficult to buy? CDE A.sweater C.sports wear E.trousers F.stationery,V07103 S3,主要讲述自然有机纤维 (natural fiber,主要由cotton, wool and linen) 和合成纤维 (synthetic fiber) 的区别,主要从对环境的危害方面进行比较。

12、3137)选择题: 31.比较人造纤维和天然纤维哪个对环境影响大? 选C (原文:人们通常认为人造合成纤维比有机自然纤维对环境影响更大,实际研究证明刚好相反:天然纤维对环境破坏更大) 32.用农药的棉花种植面积的比例(3个饼状图)选C使用chemical pesticide最少的那个 (原文:一定要注意,并没有任何百分比数据!千万准备听数据,否则会错过下面的题目。文中只是简单得讲:the use of chemical pesticide is strictly restricted. 所以选择的是C。),33.哪个国家的农药使用对环境的影响大?选:B.发展中国家 (原.文:农药的使用量在第三

13、世界国家正在上升,并且对环境产生很多负面影响。用第三世界国家替换发展中国家。) 34.某大公司正在研究什么? 选:C.漂白的新方法 bleaching method 35.一种物质对于亚麻的作用? 选:减少皱纹 (reduce creasing) 36.羊毛什么时候开始污染环境?选:不确定 A或者B A. when the sheep was born B. when the fleece is cut from the sheep C. when the raw wool is processed,3840)搭配题 判断发言人的观点,A:非常好 B:不太好 C:非常反对 38.越白的材料就越

14、自然 C 39.穿有机材料做的衣服C 40.classical clothes A,Q21-26 Fill in the Blanks 实习前的注意事项 21. For information about your placement, please contact the department head. 22. Prepare the interview questions 23. Please bring identity card 24. Ask if you need to bring any materials 25. If you have any troubles during

15、 the placement, please contact college coordinator 26. Follow the dress code of the company,V07109 S3,V07109 S3,Q31-32 31. How is engineering design compared to scientific research? C. A. * B. * C. engineering design has more of a social dimension 32. What does the speaker want to say by using the e

16、xample of Toad and Vacuum Cleaner? A. A. engineers are not recognized by their accidental discovery B. * C. *,V30088 S4,Q33-40 Fill in the Blanks The Development of Engineering Design Before 1800s: craftsman (eg. Farmcart) The designer has to be responsible for both the design and 33. manufacture. It is a process of 34. evolutionvery slow. By mid-1800s (eg. Ship building): Need a lot of 35. men Engineers used 36. model of ship cross-section to aid their construction,V30088 S4,By early 1900s: Mass production 3


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