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1、unit 6 enjoying cycling topic 1 sectiona were going on a three-day visit To mount tai page 27,1,学习交流课件,2,学习交流课件,3,学习交流课件To telleg:我无话可说。I have nothing to say。4,学习交流课件,2 .for our spring field trip Go on a visit本周日将前往西湖进行eg:旅行。they will go on a visit to the west lake this Sunday。5,学习交流课件,2。for our spr

2、ing field trip,were going on A three-day A three-day visit一次3天的旅行three-day复合形容词,多次连词单数名词eg : 1)7天的假期A senven-day hay)8岁儿童an eight-yean 3。lets find out some information about the cost。让我们确认一下费用的关系。Find out(查询、读取、读取等)确认,确认(情况)find 1。) (意外或偶然)发现发生,eg:wefound a new restaurant near our office . 2 3。) (研究

3、,通过事故)发现,eg : I tried my best to find a solution to the problem。7,学习交流课件,4.well decide Decide v .决定,选择decide to do sth。决定做某事。爱德华斯诺登:她决定住在法国。She decided to live in France。decide on sth。决定,选择eg:我们工作We are trying to decide on a job。选择8,学习交流课件。topic 1 were going on a three-day visit to mount tai section

4、 b page 29,9,学习通信课件,1.id like to Book some tickets to mount Book v .(酒店、酒店、剧场等的预订,eg : he booked a table for two at 8 oclock tonight .10,学习交流课件,2 .we have tickets as At“是的”一般用于表示价钱、比率、年龄、速度等的EG: 1)这种衬衫作为100韩元的价钱销售。This king of shirt sells at 100。2.)她15岁的时候进了大学。She went to college at the age of 15 .1

5、1,学习交流课件,2 .we have tickets at 145 for the hard sleeper and 224 for the soft sleeper。我们的票价是硬卧。Hard adj辛苦又困难的eg:我很难完成牙齿任务。its hard for me to finish the task . hard adv . eg : work hard and your dream will come ture 3 .the tickets before 5336030 p . m . please pay for the tickets before 5336030 p . m

6、.请在下午5:30之前结算票。Pay v .支付,支付pay for.为了支付for,商品,代表商品的名词eg:那本书要付多少钱?How much did you pay for the book?13,学习交流课件,fay的一般句型是“in paydon for商品货运eg:”。我想500韩元买那辆自行车。I will pay 500 for the bike.pay n .薪金,赔偿take pay薪金high pay高薪,14,学习交流课件,topic 1 were going on a three-day visit to mount tai SSI 1。it is very comm

7、on to raise money in Canadian and American schools。在加拿大和美国学校募捐很常见。Raise v .筹集Eg: 1)我们在为慈善募捐。We are raising money for charity。她抬起头看着我。she raised her head and looked at me . 3)我叔叔在他的农场饲养羊。My uncle raises sheep on his farm。16,学习交流课件,1 .it is very common to raise money in Canadian and American schools。加

8、拿大和美国学校的真正主语:to raise money It是形式主语It is adj. to do sth。注:动词用不定式给出时,谓语动词用单数eg: 1。)to make a mistake is human。人不是完美的2。)To work hard brings success。成功是努力,17,学习交流课件,1。来自it is very comman,To do真主语it形式主语的句型有两种茄子形式。Its adj. for sb .to do sth。形容词是否定式表达的动作内容Its adj. of sb .to do sth。形容词强调人的性格特征,第18,学习交流课件。I

9、t形式主语的句型有两种茄子形式。Its adj. for sb .to do sth。形容词强调否定式表达的动作内容。Its adj. of sb .to do sth。形容词强调人的性格特征。EG: 1。)对我们来说,学好英语很重要。its important for us to learn English . 2 .)你愿意帮助我。你真的很亲切。Its so kind of you to help me。19,学习交流课件,topic 1 were going on a three-day visit to mount tai section d page 33,20,学习交流课件,接收1

10、 Receive v收到Receive sth。收到了from sb。有人收到了eg:他收到父亲的来信。He received a letter from his father。扩展:accept v . eg : I received his invitation,but did int accept it。2.while you were enjoying your trip to mount tai,I was busy preparing for my exams。享受泰山旅行的时候,正忙着准备考试。While当时,同时引导的从句是连续动词,同时进行主句和从句动作的eg:一些学生在看书

11、,其他学生又在唱歌。some students are reading while others are singing。22,学习交流课件,1 .Glad to receive your postcard。很高兴收到明信片。Receive v .接收;收到Receive sth。收到了from sb。有人收到了eg:他收到父亲的来信。He received a letter from his father。扩展:accept v . eg : I received his invitation,but did int accept it。和When /as“当时”和while一样,When可

12、以在连续性动词when=at that time“就在那一刻”后面加上短动词。周口动作和前后有差异。eg:他到家的时候开始下雨了。It began to rain when he got home。他一边做动作,一边听音乐声。he was listening to music when(while)he was doing his homework。24,学习交流课件,as强调说,当时不是指at the same time牙齿动作前后,而是同时发生。特别是暂时的动作或事件同时发生,说明两个茄子发展或变化的情况EG : she came along as she sang . its getti

13、ng colder and colder as winter comes。25,学习交流课件,3 .But now Im on vacation。但是我现在在休假。on holiday休假on sale中,on business正在出差。on line在线,26,正在学习交流教材。4.id like you to meet him with me when he arrives。我希望他到达时和我一起去见他,Ill call you when he comes tomorrow。他下午来之前,我们最好打扫一下。wed better do some cleaning before he arri

14、ves this afternoon。27,学习交流课件,28,学习交流课件,29,学习交流课件,30,学习交流课件,31;学习交流课件,36,学习交流课件,37,学习交流课件,38,学习交流课件,39,学习交流课件,40,学习交流课件,41,学习交流课件,42,学习交流课件,43,学习交流课件its 880 meters long from north to south and 500 meters wide from east to west。南北长800米,东西宽500米。基数长度单位长度/宽度/高度eg: 3米长three meters long 5米宽five meters wide

15、 4米高four meters high,51,交流课件学习,2。Wow,I cant wait to see it Cant wait牙齿想多少,表达迫切的心情后,等不及收到一般动词不定式eg:我想立刻坐飞机广州市走。I cant wait to fly to Guangzhou at once。52,学习交流课件,3.-by the way,how far is it from here to Tiananmen square?How far询问距离,距离it表示距离eg : how far is it from Beijing to Shanghai?=how far is Beijing from Shanghai,53,学习交流课件-its a


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