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1、8B Unit 2 Travelling,Reading I,1,学习交流课件,2,学习交流课件,What cartoon characters can you see in the video?,people in films, books etc,3,学习交流课件,Disney cartoon characters,4,学习交流课件,Snow White in the cartoons,Snow White in real life,5,学习交流课件,Main Street USA,Tomorrowland,Fantasyland,Adventureland,Hong Kong Disne

2、yland,6,学习交流课件,fantastic indoor speed ride cartoon character roller coaster parade magic couple a couple of castle,New words,adj. 极好的, 美妙的 adj.(在)室内的 n. 速度 n. 乘坐(游乐设施) n. 卡通片,动画片 n. 人物 n.(游乐场的)过山车,环滑车 n.(庆祝)游行 n. 魔法 n. 两人,两件事物;几个人,几件事物 一对;几个,几件 n. 城堡,7,学习交流课件,What we can do in Hong Kong Disneyland?,

3、8,学习交流课件,Its . It is an . It moves . People often scream and laugh through the whole . We can have a time here.,Space Mountain,indoor roller coaster,at high speed,ride,fantastic,9,学习交流课件,We can in the restaurant and meet some Disney on the way.,have a quick meal,cartoon characters,10,学习交流课件,People w

4、ill get excited when a of Disney characters begins. People (情不自禁)photos.,some groups of people give some performance along the street,cant stop taking,parade,11,学习交流课件,We can watch a . It is like . We can even the apple pie and the wind.,4-D film,magic,smell,feel,12,学习交流课件,We can do some shopping in

5、 souvenir shops. We can also buy some dolls or .,key rings,a couple of,some; several,13,学习交流课件,We can watch in front of the Sleeping Beauty . It looks bright and beautiful under the fireworks.,castle,the fireworks,14,学习交流课件,Kitty is visiting Hong Kong during the winter holiday. She has written a let

6、ter to Millie.,Fast reading,15,学习交流课件,How many paragraphs are there in the article?,where, when, who,three parts,Part 1,Part 2,Part 3,different activities at Disneyland,Para 1,Paras 2-6,Para 7,How many parts can you divide it into?,wish/hope,seven,-scanning-,16,学习交流课件,Part 1: background information,

7、*Kitty went to _during this winter holiday.,Where did Kitty go during her stay in Hong Kong?,*Kitty went there with_.,Who did Kitty go there with?,*We got there by_.,How did they get there?,*We stayed there for_.,How long did they stay in the park?,Hong Kong Disneyland,her parents,underground,the wh

8、ole day,17,学习交流课件,Part 2: a day at Disneyland,Which order?,First, Next, Later in the afternoon, After the parade, Then, At the end of the day,we had fun on Space Mountain.,we hurried to have a quick meal and met some Disney cartoon characters on the way.,we watched a parade of Disney characters.,we

9、watched a 4-D film.,we did some shopping.,we watched the fireworks in front of the Sleeping Beauty Castle.,18,学习交流课件,What does Kitty think of this trip?,We are having a fantastic time here.,Find other sentences that show her happiness?,19,学习交流课件,Space Mountain Snow White/ Mickey Mouse A parade of Di

10、sney characters A 4-D film Sleeping Beauty Castle,Had fun,really exciting,We were screaming & laughing,cute,The best part of the day,Couldnt stop taking photos,It was like magic,Looked bright and beautiful under the fireworks,20,学习交流课件,What we can get from travelling?,Traveling can relax ourselves!,

11、Traveling can open our mind!,Traveling can enrich our life!,Traveling will bring us a new world !,Read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles.,21,学习交流课件,Reading II,Memory Test,22,学习交流课件,went to Space Mountain , an indoor roller coaster , had fun on Space Mountain,moved at high speed , were

12、 screaming and laughing through the whole ride.,First,Details recalling:,23,学习交流课件,Fantasyland,had a quick lunch at a restaurant met some Disney characters : 1. Sleeping Beauty 2. Snow White 3. Mickey Mouse,Next,look nice and cute,24,学习交流课件,Later in the afternoon :,Watched a parade of Disney charact

13、ers, ran after /take photos with.,after the parade watched a 4-D film be like magic: smell the apple pie , feel the wind.,25,学习交流课件,did some shopping: bought a couple of key rings,26,学习交流课件,at the end of the day watched fireworks in front of the Sleeping Beauty Castle looked bright and beautiful,27,

14、学习交流课件,Language points,1. miss vt.,思念,想念,错过,没做到,+ n./v-ing,我不想错过今晚在电视上看那部影片的机会。,I dont want to miss seeing that film on television tonight.,n.,小姐,女士,A very popular writer, Miss Smith, will come to todays party,Mr. Mrs. Ms?,28,学习交流课件,2. Were having a fantastic time here,have a fantastic time =enjoy o

15、neself =have a good time =have fun,+doing sth.,3. Today we spent the whole day at Disneyland.,for the whole day/all the day,29,学习交流课件,4. It moved at high speed and was really exciting!,( ), at a speed of . “以的速度”,火车正以每小时六十英里的速度行驶。,The train is travelling at a speed of sixty miles an hour.,5. We were

16、 screaming and laughing through the ride.,“从通过,穿过” “从(某事)的开始到结束, 从头到尾”,Eg. The nurse looked after the old man through his long illness.,n.,30,学习交流课件,6. such as Snow White and Mickey Mouse., such as常用来列举同类人或事物中的多个例子。, for example一般只以同类人或事物中的“一个”为例。,e.g. I like animals, such as dogs, bears and pandas.

17、,He has ever been to many countries, for example, Australia,1. John likes many sports, _, basketball. 2. She can say many languages, _ Chinese, Italian and Russian.,for example,such as,31,学习交流课件,7. I ran after them and couldnt stop taking photos.,我们在看猫和老鼠时忍不住一直大笑。,We could not stop laughing when we watched Tom and Jerry.,8. I bought a couple of king rings for classmates. 表示不确定的 “几个” eg. a couple of minutes 也可以表示“两个” eg. I saw a couple of men get out.,32,学习交流课件,过得愉快 已经在某地 迪士尼人物的游行 那天晚些时候 一天中最棒的部分


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