1、The significance of learners errorsS. P. Corder,Error analysis in language teaching In language teaching, error analysis studies the types and causes of language errors. Errors are classified3 according to: 1.modality (i.e., level of proficiency in speaking, writing, reading, listening) linguistic l
2、evels (i.e., pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, style) form (e.g., omission, insertion, substitution) type (systematic errors/errors in competence vs. occasional errors/errors in performance) cause (e.g., interference, interlanguage) norm vs. system,Error Analysis,Errors in SLA,Standard works on th
3、e teaching of modern languages dismissed learners errors as a matter of no particular importance, as possible annoying, distracting, but inevitable by-products of the process of learning a language about which the teacher should make as little fuss as possible,Errors in SLA /2,The application of lin
4、guistic and psychological theory to the study of language learning added a new dimension to the discussion of errors: principled means for accounting for the errors interference (from the habits of the L1),Errors in SLA /3,The major contribution of the linguist to language teaching? intensive CA an
5、inventory of the areas of difficulty which the learner would encounter: to direct the teachers attention to these areas Teachers have not always been impressed by this contribution from the linguist their practical experience has usually already shown them where these difficulties lie,Errors in SLA
6、/4,noted e.g. that many of the errors with which they were familiar were not predicted by the linguist anyway have been more concerned with how to deal with these areas of difficulty,Two Schools,School 1 errors: merely a sign of the present inadequacy of our teaching techniques if we were to achieve
7、 a perfect teaching method the errors would never be committed School 2 errors will always occur in spite of our best efforts we should concentrate on techniques for dealing with errors after they have occurred,Two Schools /2,Both schools are compatible with the same theoretical standpoint about lan
8、guage and language learning psychologically behaviorist & linguistically taxonomic audiolingual or fundamental skills method of language teaching,A new line of thinking,To shift the emphasis away from a preoccupation with teaching towards a study of learning the question of whether there are any par
9、allels between the processes of acquiring the mother tongue and the learning of SL the latter may benefit from a study of the former,L1A vs. L2A,L1A inevitable a part of the whole maturational process of the child starts with no overt language behavior motivation?,L1A vs. L2A /2,L2A no inevitability
10、 normally begins after the maturational process is largely complete starts with overt language behavior motivation,L1A vs. L2A /3,The obvious differences (between L1A and L2A) imply nothing about the processes the take place in learning of L1 and L2 the most widespread hypothesis about how languages
11、 are learned (=behaviorist) is assumed to apply in both circumstances new hypotheses are being set up to account for the process of L1A how far might they apply to SLA?,L1A vs. L2A /4,The new research context A human infant is born with an innate predisposition to acquire language construct a gramma
12、r of a particular language from the limited data: How? largely unknown the field of intensive study at the present time by linguists and psychologists the first steps: a longitudinal description of a childs language throughout the course of its developments a picture of the L1A procedure,L1A vs. L2A
13、 /5,The application of the new hypothesis to L2A not new: the adult was seen as capable as the child of acquiring a foreign language recent work: suggests critical period for LA It still remains to be shown that the process of learning a L2 is of a fundamentally different nature from the process of
14、L1A,L1A vs. L2A /5,A working hypothesis L1A strategies = L2A strategies (given motivation, it is inevitable that a human being will learn a L2) the above hypothesis does not imply that the course or sequence of learning is the same in both cases,Errors reconsidered,Childrens incorrect utterances imp
15、ortant evidence concerning L1A processes L2 learners errors evidence of the built-in syllabus (a definite system of language at every point in the course development) of the L2 learners input offered by teachers (classroom syllabus) vs. intake by L2 learners,Errors reconsidered /2,Systematic vs. non
16、-systematic errors systematic errors = errors contribute to reconstruct the learners transitional competence non-systematic errors = mistakes: memory lapses, physical states (tiredness), psychological conditions (strong emotion) : performance limitations How to distinguish between the two error type
17、s? not so easy,A demonstration,A: Did Billy have his egg cut up for him at breakfast? B: Yes, I showeds him. A: You what? B: I showed him. A: You showed him? B: I seed him A: Ah, you saw him. B: Yes, I saw him,Conclusion,In the light of the new hypotheses errors are best not regarded as the persistence of old habits, but rather as signs that the learner is investigating the systems of the new language.,Errors reconsidered /3,Errors are significant in 3 different ways To the teacher: show how far towards the goal the learner has prog
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