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1、,Welcome to this Brand-new Semester,A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智,1. Everything has its beginning 凡事都有开端。 2. Dont forget to keep in touch 别忘了保持联系。 3. Truth is the daughter of time 时间见真理。 4. Example is better than precept。 身教胜于言传。 5. . It is not so easy as you think 这事没有你想象的那么简单。,6

2、. Keep your temper under control 不要发脾气。 7. Its a secret between you and me. 这是你我之间的秘密。 8. Time is more valuable than money. 时间比金钱宝贵。 9. Once you begin,you must continue 一旦开始,你就得继续。 10. This joke has gone a little too far 这个玩笑开得有点-过分了 。,Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.今日事,今日做,军训:mi

3、litary training 教官:military officer 军装:uniform 拉练:camp and field training 检阅:review troops 联:company,稍息:At ease! 立正:Attention! 正步走:Parade step,march! 紧急集合:Emergency muster! 跑步走: Double March! 俯卧撑:push up 仰卧起坐:sit up,They are worth to remember!,1. Attendance,2. Participation and homework,3. Quiz and

4、midterm exam,4. Final exam,English Riddles,1.Whatpersontriedtomakeyousmilemostofthetime? 2.What is white when it is dirty and clean when it is black? 3.Whathasbeginning and no ending? 4. What is the longest word in the world?,A photographer,A blackboard,A circle,smiles,Lead-in:,Listen to the followi

5、ng passage about global warming and try to fill the missing words in the blanks.,Dialogue Samples:,Caring for Our Mother Earth,Passage A,deforestation,soil erosion,desert,El Nino,desertification,ozone hole,Power: to supply energy to a vehicle or machine 给 提供动力 The motor is powered by a solar battery

6、.,这个汽车是由太阳能电池驱动的。,This one is for you:,一个由劳斯莱斯引擎驱动的新型飞机,a new aircraft powered by a Rolls Royce engine,Disruption: n. prevent sth. going on because of difficulties or problems 中断,扰乱,This one is for you :,罢工使铁路服务陷入混乱。,The strike caused _.,widespread disruption to the train service,convincing: adj. co

7、nvince: v. make you believe sth. is true convince sb. of sth convince sb. that sth convince sb. to do sth,Do it !,我们终于使他们相信我们是无辜的。,We finally convinced them of our innocence. We finally convinced them that we are innocent.,w,Make a difference: have an important effect on sb./sth.有很大影响,使 达不相同 e.g. Ha

8、ving a good teacher has make all the difference for Alex.,Translation ,Alex 有个好老师后情况完全不一样了。,Make no difference: have no effect on sb./sth. 即使你设法帮忙,结果也不会有丝毫不同。,Although you have tried to help, it wouldn t have the slighted difference.,rain,sunshine,birds,other trees,other plants,minerals,heat,heat,he

9、at,heat,Carbon dioxide and some greenhouse gas,heat,heat,heat,heat,heat,What happened to our earth?,Sandstorm,drought,Mud-rock flow,Aman:,The biggest threat to our environment today is man s ignorance of the relationship between human and environment.,Walter:,Deforesting and global warming are the most pressing issues of the environment.,isolate: 1. be separate from others e.g. His arrogance isolated him from his friends. 2. To prevent a country getting support from other countries e.g. The US has sought to isolate


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