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1、Page 1,Transportation Management College, DMU,Liu Jinping Transportation Management College Dalian Maritime University Email: Office: 文科楼581,An Introduction to Contemporary Logistics - Logistics System (Lec.1.5),Page 2,Transportation Management College, DMU,Outline,Terms Logistics and Systems Analys

2、is Approaches to Analyzing Logistics Systems Main reference: Chapter 2 p59-p72,Page 3,Transportation Management College, DMU,Terms,A set of interacting elements, variables, parts, or objects that are functionally related to each other and form,系统是由一组相互关联,功能相关的要素、变量、部件, 物体组成的统一整体.,What is a system?,a

3、 coherent group.,Page 4,Transportation Management College, DMU,Terms,A decision-making strategy,that emphasizes overall system efficiency,rather than the efficiency of the individual part of the system.,What is Systems Concept?,系统概念是强调整体有效性而非强调系统的个体的有效性的一种决策方法.,Page 5,Transportation Management Colle

4、ge, DMU,Terms,物流系统是指在一定的空间和时间里,物流活动所需的机械、设备、工具、节点、线路等物质资料要素相互联系、相互制约的有机整体。 它是由物流各要素所组成的,要素之间存在有机联系并具有使物流总体合理化功能的综合体;是社会经济大系统的一个子系统或组成部分。,What is Logistics System?,Page 6,Management actions,Planning,Implementation,Control,Raw materials,Finished goods,Natural resources,Human resources,Financial resour

5、ces,Information resources,Time and place utility,Efficient movement to customer,Proprietary asset,Competitive advantage,Logistics management,Suppliers,Customers,Inputs of logistics system,Outputs of Logistics system,Customer service Demand forecasting Inventory management Logistics communications Ma

6、terial handling Order processing Parts and service support,Plant/ warehouse site selection Procurement Packaging Reverse logistics Traffic and transportation Warehousing and storage,Logistics activities,Work in -process,Source: Strategic Logistics management JAMES R. STOCK DOUGLAS M. LAMBERT,Element

7、s of Logistics System (framework of logistics management),Page 7,Transportation Management College, DMU,Elements of Logistics System,Page 8,Transportation Management College, DMU,流动要素:7要素(流体、载体、流向、流量、流程、流速、流效) 资源要素:载体(运输、储存、装卸搬运、流通加工、信息处理) 网络要素:点、线 功能要素:储存(仓储管理、库存控制)、运输(干线运输、短途配送)、包装(分装、集并)、装卸搬运、流通加

8、工、信息处理、增值服务 管理要素:人、财、物;技术、信息、管理,来源:何明珂物流系统论,Elements of Logistics System,Page 9,Transportation Management College, DMU,Outline,Terms Logistics and Systems Analysis Approaches to Analyzing Logistics Systems,Page 10,Transportation Management College, DMU,Logistics and Systems Analysis,Example Choose t

9、he transportation mode from Suzhou( a cosmetics factory) to Dalian( regional distribution center) for the company.,By water,By air,The transportation decisions should be coordinated with related areas such as inventory, warehousing, packaging or marketing, production,finance ect., to optimzie the ov

10、erall system.,Cost Perspective Level of Optimality,Page 11,Transportation Management College, DMU,Logistics and Systems Analysis,Cost Perspective(成本观念) Level of Optimality(最优化等级),System concept in business system,Page 12,Transportation Management College, DMU,Logistics and Systems Analysis,Cost Pers

11、pective,the most efficient systems are not always comprised of each system component operating at its lowest possible cost.,The critical concern is to have the entire system operating at its lowest total cost.,Page 13,Transportation Management College, DMU,Logistics and Systems Analysis,What is Opti

12、mization?(优化),Maximization or minimization (最大化或最小化),The process of making something as good or as effective as possible with given resources and constraints(限制).,e.g. delivery times, minimum production capacity, financial limits,Page 14,Transportation Management College, DMU,Logistics and Systems A

13、nalysis,Level of Optimality 4 levels of optimality,Within logistics components Between logistics components Between company functions Between the company and external organization,Page 15,Transportation Management College, DMU,Systems Analysis -Levels of Optimality,Level 1 Organization optimization,

14、Level 2 Supply chain optimization,Level 3 Environment,Economy,Page 16,Transportation Management College, DMU,Outline,Terms Logistics and Systems Analysis Approaches to Analyzing Logistics Systems,Page 17,Transportation Management College, DMU,You are employed by a beer manufacturer who has a nationa

15、l distribution system. Your boss tells you to analyze their current logistics system. What do you plan to do? What data are you planning to collect?,Page 18,Transportation Management College, DMU,Approaches to Analyzing Logistics Systems,Nodes versus Links,Cost Centers,Materials Management v. Physic

16、al Distribution,Logistics Channel,Page 19,Transportation Management College, DMU,Approaches to Analyzing Logistics Systems,The process related to the movement and storage of products from the end of the production line to the end user.,Materials Management v. Physical Distribution,Materials Manageme

17、nt v. Physical Distribution,Material management (inbound logistics),The movement and storage of materials from suppliers and vendors into production processes.,Physical distribution ( outbound logistics),Finished products,Raw Materials, Subassembles, Parts,Page 20,Transportation Management College,

18、DMU,Approaches to Analyzing Logistics Systems,Balanced system (平衡系统)- e.g., consumer products Heavy inbound(偏进货型) - e.g., aircraft, construction Heavy outbound(偏出货型) - e.g., chemicals Reverse systems(逆向系统) - e.g., returnable products,Materials Management v. Physical Distribution,4 different classifi

19、cations of logistics systems,Page 21,Transportation Management College, DMU,Approaches to Analyzing Logistics Systems,Cost Centers,Total Logistics cost (物流总成本),Cost trade-offs (成本背反原理),Page 22,Transportation Management College, DMU,Approaches to Analyzing Logistics Systems,Cost Centers,Total Logisti

20、cs cost (物流总成本),Trunking cost( primary delivery,初级配送) Local delivery costs( secondary delivery,二级配送) Order processing costs( information system cost) Inventory holding costs Warehousing/storage costs,Page 23,Transportation Management College, DMU,Approaches to Analyzing Logistics Systems,The interre

21、lationship among system variables indicates that a change in one variable has cost impact upon other variables.,Cost Centers,Cost trade-off (成本悖反原理),e.g.,.,Page 24,Transportation Management College, DMU,Total Costs of A Distribution Network,Order processing costs,Local delivery costs,Storage costs,I

22、nventory costs,Trunking costs,Total distribution cost,Costs,Number of depots,Optimal Number of Warehouses,1,2,3,4,5,Page 25,Transportation Management College, DMU,Total Costs of A Distribution Network,A Change to the Number of Warehouses,Page 26,Transportation Management College, DMU,Total Costs of

23、A Distribution Network,A Change to Mode of Transport,Page 27,Transportation Management College, DMU,Approaches to Analyzing Logistics Systems,Nodes versus Links,Nodes are spatial points,节或节点: warehouses, plants, etc.,Links are the transportation network,连线或链:rail, motor, air, pipe and water,(n.空间的 )

24、,Page 28,Transportation Management College, DMU,Logistics nodes and links,manufacturing centers assembling centers(安装中心) warehouses distribution centers (配送中心) Cross-docking points (直接换装或越库储存) transportation terminals retail outlets(零售销售点) mail sorting centers(信件拣选中心) garbage incinerators(垃圾焚烧点) ,tr

25、ucks cars trains Airplanes ship pipe ,Nodes(物流节点),linked by transportation services (links,物流连线),Page 29,Transportation Management College, DMU,Approaches to Analyzing Logistics Systems,Where are those nodes? Distance between nodes? Mode of links Product flow( in cubic or weight, unit load) in one p

26、eriod( Week or month),Nodes versus Links,mostly used when long-run logistics system designs,Transportation Management College, DMU,Retailer,Plant,Warehouse,Retailer,Warehouse,Node,Node,Node,Node,Node,Link,Link,Link,Link,Link,Nodes and Links in a Logistics System,Approaches to Analyzing Logistics Systems,Page 31,


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