



1、初中文章成分说明,特蕾西,简单句的五个茄子基本文章模式,主语谓语动词(尾物动词)She came/My head aches。主语谓语动词(和物动词)宾语She likes English。主语动词表语She is happy主语谓语间接宾语,直接宾语(双宾语)She gave John a book She bought a book for me。主语谓语宾语从句she makes her mother angry the teacher asked me to read the passage。主语:the sun rises in the east。(名词)He likes danci

2、ng。(代名词)twenty years is a short time in history.谓词(动词)描述主语的行为、状态和特征。We study English。有些动词经常用否定式作为宾语,不能用动名词。want、wish、hope、promise、decide、agree、choose、care等。例如:I hope to see you again .有些动词一般只用作名词,不作否定式。例如:enjoy、finish、mind、practise、miss、suggest、keep(on)等。例如:Do you mind my opening the window?一些动词后面否定

3、式和名词的意思不同。Forget to do表示“未发生的操作”,forget doing表示“已完成的操作”。示例:dont forget to come here earlier tomorrow。(还没来)I forgot returning the book to him。(书回到他身边)stop to do(不定式副词),例如:I stopped to talk with him。(我停下来和他说话。the students stopped talking when the teacher came in。(老师进来的时候,学生们停止了对话。),一般动词为:be,感觉动词:sound

4、,look,smell,taste,feel反系统动词:remain,keep,stay,getit sounds like a good idea . the sound sounds strange . the food smells delicious . the door remains open . now I feel tired .感觉动词aa It sounds like a good idea . the sound sounds strange . the food smells delicious . the door remains open . now I feel

5、tired .感觉动词aa表语:He is a teacher。(名词)I have a cake,can you taste it。(代名词)Five and five is ten。(苏,His father is in(副词)The picture is on the wall。(介词短语)My watch is gone/missing/lost。(形容词化分词)my job is to We need two .(数字)We should help the old and the poor。(形容词)I enjoy working with you。(同名词)I hope to se

6、e you again。(形容词) (宾语从句)、动作的后继者(动词后接)、介词后接的名词、代词、动名词Under the snow、there are many rocks.3)双宾语-甘宾(手指)和直宾(宾)例如:He bought me a book .直接宾语一般放在间接宾语之后,但直接宾语前置,则应在间接宾语之前加上适当的介词(如to或for等)。示例:Han Chen lent some money to Li hai . Xiao Liu bought a dictionary for Tom。来宾:We all think it a pity teach she did nt

7、come help。(名词)We will make them happy。(形容词)Please make yourself at home。连接介词短语复合宾语的动词有:空报一般由不正当族、分词、名词、形容词等充当。动词:对make、let、have等宾语的补充都称为宾语补足语。,make havelet SBS th adj make havelet sb do sth(被动使用to do)eg : I want to make you happy . the boss made the workers work under water。=the workers were made to

8、 work under water。属性:Mr. Li is a chemistry teacher。(名词)He is our friend。(代名词)he was advised to teach the lazy boy a lesson。(形容词)the man on You should do everything that I do。(定语从句),修饰或限制名词或代词的词、短语或文章,副词:I will go there tomorrow the meeting will be held in the meeting room。地点the meat went bad because

9、 of the hot weather。原因He studies hard to learn English well。动词,形容词,he didnt study hard so that he failed in the exam .结果I like some of you very much。约度If you study hard,You will pass the exam。条件He goes to school by bike。方法Though he is young,he can do it well。让步,简单句的类型,陈述句:肯定句,否定句疑问句否定祈使句感叹句,否定句的变化:句

10、子中有be动词,情态动词,助动词,be动词,情态动词,助动词后有not . EG : its not cold in summer . I,疑问句的变化:一般疑问句:句子中be动词,情态动词,助动词,be动词,情态动词,助动词,助动词提到句子的开头。eg : is it cold in summer . can you do it your self . have they been to Shang hai。句子的动词是实际动词,在句子开头加上相应的助动词(do,doei),Eg : does he like tigers . did she go shopping .特别疑问句:特别疑问句

11、一般疑问句eg : why does he like tigers . when did she go shopping。祷文Eg : use your head,then you will find a way。语句的傅晶,动词原形前面的dont。Eg: Dont smoke in school。感叹句:what引导感叹句结构有三种,2 What形容词可以数名词复数!3 What形容词不可计数的名词主张!how领导的感叹句结构是(形容词姜潮)1。How形容词aan可数名词单数说!2.肖副词主张!Eg: How quickly he runs!Eg (1)多么美丽的一朵玫瑰花!How beautiful


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