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1、Brown bear. Brown bear. What do you see?,Zhuangyuan Primary School Wang Shasha,blue bird,Assessment for you:,首先,注意倾听。 你们是森林的卫士,保护动物是你的工作。今天有两项艰巨的任务需要勇士们完成,如果您干得漂亮,你可以为你们组获取一枚“金叶子”,反之,动物们将消失在森林里。,red bird,yellow duck,purple cat,white dog,Writer(作者): Bill Martin, Jr,Painter (绘者): Eric Carle,Picture Bo

2、ok 绘本,gold fish,blue horse,green frog,black sheep,You must be a good listener. ( 你一定是一名优秀的听众。),I see (a) .,looking at me.,Task1(任务1): Practice in four.,拿出信封,小组内集体询问“Children, children, what do you see?”,每人依次从信封中抽出一张卡片并回答“I see a xx looking at me.”。(组内同伴互助,完成任务),Take control of your own life. (命运掌握在自

3、己手中),自评:说一句得一颗 ,以此类推,将星星贴在绘本左上角。,You must be a good reader. ( 你一定是一名优秀的朗读者。),Rhyming words: (押韵词),e e - me e e - he e e - she ee - see ee - tree ee - three,_、_, What do you see? I see a _ looking at me. _、_, What do you see? I see a _ looking at me. _、_, What do you see? I see a _ looking at me. I s

4、ee a _ looking at me. I see a .,Running man,Deng Chao is jumping.,Lu Han is singing.,Li Chen is eating.,Baby is dancing.,Chen He is running.,1.Cooperative learning 合作学习(2分),2.Pronunciation and intonation 语音语调(2分),3.outstanding performance 出色表演(1分),Task2(任务2):Make a picture book,1、根据文字,图片贴在相应位置。 2、组内齐读绘本,分角色读绘本。 3、音乐停止立即坐端正。,同桌互评:将分数写在绘本右上角。,The shortest answer is doing! 最简洁的回答就是干!,Good books for you! (好书推荐),Homework(三选一) 1、Read the picture book .(朗读绘本) 2、Rearrange the picture bo


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