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1、Unit 1,International Economic Organizations,Table of Contents,1. Unit Introduction,2. Comprehensive Reading,3. Practical Reading,4. Words and Expressions,Unit Introduction,International economic organizations are established for the achievement of common economic goals. Their members can be governme

2、ntal or non-governmental, regional or global. Each organization has its own unique missions to fulfill and serves needs in particular economic fields. This unit gives a general introduction to World Bank and World Tourism Organization, both of which are famous international economic organizations. A

3、lso you will learn about the organizational structure of International Monetary Fund (IMF) through reading the given organizational chart.,Since the topic of this unit is International Economic Organizations, it will come as no surprise if you find a lot of names of organizations, institutions and i

4、mportant documents in it. The following is a list of such names and other relevant terms that you will encounter in this unit. If you are not sure what they mean, try Task 1 before referring to the dictionary.,Professional Words & Expressions,IMF Institute business volume tourist destination economi

5、c well-being Global Code of Ethics for Tourism National Tourism Administration Millennium Development Goal international tourist arrival,International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) International Monetary and Financial Committee Joint IMF-World Bank Development Committee Internationa

6、l Development Association (IDA) World Tourism Organization (UNWTO),Task 1,In this task, you are expected to match the above expressions with their Chinese equivalents. Actually you dont have to understand every word in an expression to find the correct translation, an understanding of the key words

7、will suffice.,答案:,1-E 2-A 3-M 4-B 5-H 6-C 7-L 8-F 9-D 10-G 11-I 12-J 13-K,Comprehensive Reading,Text A,Pre-reading This text gives a brief introduction to the World Banks mission and the way it fulfills that mission through IBRD and IDA. When you read, you are required to note the differences betwee

8、n IBRD and IDA in their missions based on a good understanding of their responsibilities. Now read the instructions of Task 2 and start your first reading.,Task 2,In your first reading, you are not expected to grasp every detail mentioned in the passage. Instead, you should focus more on the overall

9、 development of the passage. Jotting down some notes can be very helpful in your grasp of the passages outline. In view of this consideration, the following exercise is designed for you to complete, so that you can have a better understanding of the World Bank Organization.,poorest,headquarters,staf

10、f,IBRD,185,IBRD,IDA,mission,Millennium Development Goal,The aim of the World Banks work is to achieve the Its is to help developing countries eliminate poverty. It is made up of and with member countries. mainly serves middle-income countries and poorer creditworthy countries. IDA shares the same an

11、d with IBRD. It provides countries with its services. receives the largest share of credits and grants from IDA.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Africa,_,The World Bank,The World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. Its work focuses on achievement

12、of the Millennium Development Goals that call for the of poverty and sustained development. The goals provide it with targets and for measuring results.,翻译:,世 界 银 行 世界银行是全世界发展中国家获得资金和技术援助的一个重要来源,重在实现致力于消除贫困及可持续发展的千年发展目标,这些目标指引着世界银行的工作方向,也为世界银行的工作成果提供了评价尺度。,elimination,elimination 消除,消灭,yardsticks,ya

13、rdstick 标准,准绳,Its mission is to help developing countries and their people reach the goals by working with its partners to poverty. To do that, it concentrates on building the climate for investment, jobs and sustainable growth by investing in and empowering poor people to participate in development

14、, so that economies will grow.,翻译:,世界银行以减少贫困为己任,志在通过与合作伙伴的共同努力,帮助发展中国家及其人民实现千年发展目标。为此,该机构致力于通过投资并赋权于贫困人口使之参与发展,来营造有利于投资、就业与可持续增长的环境,从而促进经济增长。,alleviate,alleviate 减轻,缓解,The World Bank is made up of two development institutions owned by 185 member countriesthe International Bank for Reconstruction and

15、 Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA). Each institution plays a different but collaborative role to advance the vision of an inclusive and sustainable globalization.,翻译:,世界银行由两个独特的发展机构 国际复兴开发银行(IBRD)和国际开发协会(IDA)组成,共有185个成员国。二者分工各有不同,但又相互合作,共同致力于推动全球化的广泛、可持续发展。,uniqu

16、e,unique 独特的,Established in 1944 as the original institution of the World Bank Group, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) is structured like a cooperative that is owned and operated for the benefit of its 185 member countries. IBRD aims to reduce poverty in middle-income

17、 and poorer countries by promoting sustainable development through loans, guarantees, risk management products, and analytical and advisory services.,翻译:,国际复兴开发银行于1944年建立,是世界银行的前身,组织结构与公司接近,归其185个成员国所有和运营。该组织旨在通过提供贷款、担保、风险管理产品以及分析咨询服务等方式促进中等收入国家及资信良好的低收入国家的持续发展,从而减少这些国家的贫困。,creditworthy,creditworthy

18、 有信誉的,Nearly seventy percent of the worlds poor, defined as people who earn less than $2 per day, live in middle-income countries. These countries borrow from IBRD and have a large unfinished social agenda that includes meeting and surpassing the Millennium Development Goals.,翻译:,几乎世界上70%的穷人(日收入低于2美

19、元的人群)都生活在中等收入国家。这些国家需向国际复兴开发银行借款,因为它们有大量的社会事宜要完成,其中也包括实现并超越千年发展目标。,IBRD raises most of its funds on the worlds financial markets and has become one of the most established borrowers since issuing its first bond in 1947. The income that IBRD has generated over the years has allowed it to fund develop

20、ment activities and to ensure its financial strength, which enables it to borrow at low cost and offer clients good borrowing terms.,翻译:,国际复兴开发银行1947年发行第一份债券,是历史最为悠久的债券发行银行之一,其大部分资金都是在世界金融市场上筹集而来,。这些年来,IBRD用自身收入来资助开发项目、巩固财力,从而降低了借款成本,并可为客户提供优惠的借款条件。,At its Annual Meeting in September 2006, the World

21、 Bank with the encouragement of its shareholder governments making further improvements to the services it provides for its members. To meet the increasingly sophisticated demands of middle-income countries, IBRD is financial and risk management products, broadening the provision of knowledge servic

22、es and making it easier for clients to deal with the Bank.,翻译:,在2006年9月的年会上,世界银行在其各政府股东的鼓励之下,决心进一步改善其为各成员国提供的服务。为满足中等收入国家日益复杂的需求,国际复兴开发银行正在改革其金融和风险管理产品,拓宽知识服务的覆盖范围,为客户与银行沟通提供更多便利。,committed to,commit to 致力于,overhauling,overhaul 检修,整顿,IDA the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, whi

23、ch serves poorest countries in the world. IBRD and IDA share the same staff and headquarters and evaluate projects with the same standards.,翻译:,国际开发协会为低收入国家服务,是国际复兴开发银行的补充。该协会与国际复兴开发银行共用一套人马,共享一个总部,审核项目时的标准都同样严格。,complements,complement 补充,搭配,rigorous,rigorous 严厉的,严格的,IDA is one of the largest source

24、s of assistance for the worlds 78 poorest countries, 39 of which are in Africa. It is the single largest source of donor funds for basic social services in the poorest countries.,翻译:,世界上共有78个低收入国家,其中39个在非洲,国际开发协会是为这些国家提供最多援助的机构之一。它为低收入国家的基本社会服务提供的捐款是最多的。,IDA lends money (known as credits) on terms.

25、This means that IDA credits have no interest charge and repayments are over 35 to 40 years, including a 10-year grace period. IDA also provides grants to countries at risk of debt distress.,翻译:,国际开发协会的贷款条件很优惠。它所发放的贷款均不收取利息,还款时间可长达35至40年,其中包括10年的宽限期。另外,该协会还为发生债务危机的国家提供拨款。,concessional,concessional 让步

26、的,优惠的,stretched,stretch 伸展,延伸,Since its , IDA credits and grants have totaled US$193 billion, averaging US $10 billion a year in recent years and directing the largest share, about 50 percent, to Africa.,翻译:,自成立以来,国际开发协会共发放贷款、拨款总计1930亿美元,近几年来的平均水平达100亿美元,其中约有50%用来帮助非洲,所占比例最大。,inception,Inception 开端,

27、开始,1 Its work focuses on achievement of the Millennium Development Goals that call for the elimination of poverty and sustained development. 它所开展的工作集中在消除贫困及保持可持续发 展的千年发展目标。,2 To do that, it concentrates on building the climate for investment, jobs and sustainable growth by investing in and empowerin

28、g poor people to participate in development, so that economies will grow. 为此,该机构致力于通过投资并赋权于贫困人口 使之参与发展,来营造有利于投资、就业与可持 续增长的环境,从而促进经济增长。,3 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) aims to reduce poverty in middle-income and creditworthy poorer countries by promoting sustainable

29、 development through loans, guarantees, risk management products, and analytical and advisory services. 国际复兴开发银行旨在通过提供贷款、担保、风 险管理产品以及分析咨询服务等方式促进中等收 入国家及资信良好的低收入国家的可持续发展, 从而减轻这些国家的贫困。,4 The income that IBRD has generated over the years has allowed it to fund development activities and to ensure its f

30、inancial strength, which enables it to borrow at low cost and offer clients good borrowing terms. 这些年来,IBRD 用自身收入来资助开发项目、 巩固财力,从而降低了借款成本,并可为客户提 供优惠的借款条件。,5 To meet the increasingly sophisticated demands of middle-income countries, IBRD is overhauling financial and risk management products, broadenin

31、g the provision of knowledge services and making it easier for clients to deal with the Bank. 为满足中等收入国家日趋复杂的要求,国际复兴 开发银行正在改革其金融和风险管理产品,拓宽 知识服务的提供范围,为成员国与其沟通提供更 多便利。,6 IDA lends money (known as credits) on concessional terms. This means that IDA credits have no interest charge and repayments are stre

32、tched over 35 to 40 years, including a 10-year grace period. 国际开发协会的贷款条件很优惠。它所发放的贷 款均不收取利息,还款时间可长达35至40年,其 中包括10年的宽限期。,Task 3,At the very beginning of this unit, youve learned the techniques of guessing the meaning of unfamiliar words from context clues. Choose the best answer for each of the follow

33、ing statements according to Text A.,The World Bank provides _ with help in money and technology. A. poorest countries B. middle-income countries C. developing countries D. least developing countries,答案,C,2. The underlined“it”at the end of Paragraph 1 refers to _. A. Millennium Development Goals B. t

34、he World Bank C. elimination of poverty D. sustained development,答案,B,3 The mission of the World Bank is to_ . A. help developing countries reach the Millennium Development Goals B. invest in developing countries C. help developing countries with their climate improving D. concentrate on sustainable

35、 growth of its own,答案,A,4Which of the following statements is NOT true about the relationship between IBRD and IDA? A. They make up the World Bank. B. If one works for IBRD, he is also a member of IDA. C. Their headquarters are not far from each other. D. IDA serves poorest countries in the world.,答

36、案,C,5 According to the passage, IBRD has been set up for _ years by 2008. A. 60 B. 61 C. 65 D. 64,答案,D,6 IBRD helps middle-income countries in the following ways EXCEPT _. A. providing knowledge service B. giving grants C. extending loans D. managing financial products,答案,B,7 IDA helps the poorest c

37、ountries in the following ways EXCEPT _. A. providing low-interest loans B. extending free-interest credits C. donating money D. allowing slow payback of loans,答案,A,8 It can be inferred from the passage that _. A. repayment of IDAs loans can last as long as 50 years B. Africa has received about US$

38、86 billion of credits and grants from IDA in recent years C. IDAs standards are easier to meet than those of IBRD D. IDA is under the leadership of IBRD,答案,B,Task 4,After finishing Task 2 and Task 3, you must have learned what should be included when introducing an organization. Also you must have c

39、ollected some useful expressions for giving introductions. Think of an organization you are interested in and prepare a 2-minute speech to introduce it in front of the class.,Text B,Pre-reading WTO is usually interpreted as World Trade Organization. But in this text, it means another important inter

40、national economic organization: World Tourism Organization. It is a specialized agency under the leadership of the United Nations, and serves the particular needs of tourism industry. Before you start reading, read the instruction in Task 5 first.,Task 5,There are altogether nine paragraphs in Text

41、B, which not only introduce the World Tourism Organization itself, but also review the development of tourism in the past decades. Given the complexity of issues discussed, youd better keep the following questions in mind in your first reading. They will help you identify major issues covered in thi

42、s text, and improve your reading efficiency.,1. What is the function of UNWTO?,It serves as a global forum for tourism policy issues and a practical source of tourism know-how.,2. Why does UNWTO stress the importance of Global Code of Ethics for Tourism?,Because the implementation of this code can e

43、nsure its members to fully enjoy the positive economic, social and cultural effects of tourism.,答案:,答案:,3. How many members does UNWTO have and where is it headquartered?,Its membership includes 160 countries and territories and more than 350 affiliate members, and it is headquartered in Madrid.,4.

44、What trend can be observed in the development of tourism over the past decades?,A trend of continued growth and deepening diversification.,答案:,答案:,5. What is the current status of tourism in the world economy?,It has become one of the major players in international commerce, and represents one of th

45、e main income sources for many developing countries.,6. In what ways does UNWTO help the tourist destinations?,UNWTO assists destinations in their sustainable positioning in ever more complex national and international markets.,答案:,答案:,World Tourism Organization,The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO

46、) is a specialized agency of the United Nations and the leading international organization in the field of tourism. It serves as a global forum for tourism policy issues and a practical source of tourism . UNWTO plays a central and decisive role in promoting the development of sustainable and univer

47、sally accessible tourism, paying particular attention to the interests of developing countries.,翻译:,世 界 旅 游 组 织 世界旅游组织是联合国的一个专门机构,是最大的国际性旅游行业组织。该组织既是商讨旅游政策的一个全球论坛平台,也提供实用的旅游业发展知识,在促进旅游业持续和全面发展方面发挥着中心的、决定性作用,它尤其关注发展中国家的利益。,know-how,know-how 技术 诀窍,The organization encourages the implementation of the

48、Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, with a view to ensuring that member countries, tourist destinations and businesses maximize the positive economic, social and cultural effects of tourism and fully its benefits, while minimizing its negative social and environmental impacts.,翻译:,世界旅游组织倡导实施全球旅游伦理规范,

49、以确保各成员国、旅游地及相关商业机构最大程度地享受旅游业对经济、社会、文化的积极影响,充分利用其带来的收益,同时将旅游业对社会和环境的负面影响降到最低。,reap,reap 收获、获得,Its membership includes 160 countries, 7 territories and more than 350 members representing the private sector, educational institutions, tourism associations and local tourism authorities.,翻译:,世界旅游组织的成员包括16

50、0个国家和地区,350多个来自私有经济部门、教育机构、旅游协会、地方旅游管理机构等各行各业的附属成员 。,affiliate,affiliate 附属机构,分公司,Direct actions that strengthen and support the efforts of National Tourism Administrations are carried out by UNWTOs regional representatives (Africa, the Americas, East Asia and the Pacific, Europe, the Middle East an

51、d South Asia) based at the Headquarters in Madrid.,翻译:,总部设在马德里,通过常驻在总部的地区代表(分别负责非洲、美洲、东亚和太平洋地区、欧洲、中东、南亚等地区)为各国旅游管理局的工作提供帮助和支持。,Over the decades, tourism has experienced continued growth and deepening to become one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world. Modern tourism a growing number

52、of new destinations. These dynamics have turned tourism into a key driver for socio-economic progress.,翻译:,过去的几十年,旅游业呈现持续、多元化的发展趋势,已成为世界上发展最快的经济部门之一,新的旅游地不断涌现。旅游业发展势头强劲,已成为社会经济进步的重要推动力。,diversification,diversification 多样化,encompasses,encompass 包括,拥有,Today, the business volume of tourism equals or ev

53、en surpasses that of oil exports, food products or automobiles. Tourism has become one of the major players in international commerce, and represents at the same time one of the main income sources for many developing countries. This growth goes hand in hand with an increasing diversification and co

54、mpetition among destinations.,翻译:,今天,旅游业的营业额已赶上甚至超过石油出口、食品、汽车等行业。旅游业已成为国际商务活动中的主角之一,并已成为很多发展中国家的主要收入来源之一。这一发展与各旅游地之间日趋明显的多元化趋势和日益激烈的相互竞争是分不开的。,This global spread of tourism in industrialized and developed states has produced economic and employment benefits in many related sectorsfrom construction t

55、o agriculture or telecommunications.,翻译:,旅游业的发展也使各工业国或发达国家的众多相关产业受益,如建筑、农业、电信等,从而促进了这些国家的经济发展和就业。,The contribution of tourism to economic well-being depends on the quality and the revenues of the tourism offer. UNWTO assists destinations in their sustainable positioning in ever more complex national

56、 and international markets. As the UN agency dedicated to tourism, UNWTO points out that particularly developing countries stand to benefit from sustainable tourism and acts to help make this a reality.,翻译:,旅游业能在多大程度上提升经济福利,取决与旅游业自身的发展水平和收入水平。世界旅游组织会帮助各国在日益复杂的国内和国际市场上寻求一个可持续发展的定位。作为联合国为旅游业服务的专门机构,世界

57、旅游组织指出若能实现旅游业的可持续发展,发展中国家将尤为受益,因此,它将会以实际行动帮助发展中国家实现旅游业的可持续发展。,Key numbers: From 1950 to 2005, international tourist arrivals expanded at an annual rate of 6.5%, growing from 25 million to 806 million travelers. The income generated by these arrivals grew at an even stronger rate reaching 11.2% durin

58、g the same period, outgrowing the world economy, reaching around US$ 680 billion in 2005.,翻译:,关键数字: 1950至2005年间,国际旅游人数从2500万增长至8亿600万,年增长率达6.5%, 同期旅游收入增长更为强劲,平均年增长率为11.2%,超过世界经济平均水平。2005年旅游业总收入达6800亿美元。,While in 1950 the top 15 destinations absorbed 88% of international arrivals, in 1970 the proportio


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