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1、Universities In American,for speech Class 083 of Financial Management,There are more than thousands schools in United States,and series of universities are famous in the world ,which obvious its the strong education and study area in America . Every states have their own colleges and institutes , ea

2、ch of them want to develop their level of aggregation(综合水平) quickly, to become a world university .,Such as :(Top 10 In 2007) NO.1 Harvard University(哈佛大学) / NO.2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (麻省理工学院) / NO.3 Columbia University (哥伦比亚大学) http:/www.columb

3、/ NO.4 Princeton University (普林斯顿大学) / NO.5 Yale University (耶鲁大学) http:/ /,NO.6 University of Pennsylvania (宾夕法尼亚大学) / NO.7 West point西点军校 NO.8 Stanford University(斯坦福大学) / NO.9 University of California , Los Angeles

4、(加州大学洛杉矶分校) / NO.10 University of California , Berkeley (加州大学伯克利分校) /,Harvard University(哈佛大学)-1636.09.08大学的最高殿堂,Its located in Massa states were(马萨诸州) in the northeast of America . Add : Byerly Hall, 8 Garden Street, Cambridge Harvard business school are one

5、of the most famous business school in the world.,Four parts,校园风景school scenery,Historically, a total of eight graduates of Harvard University was elected as U.S. president. They are John Adams (second president), John Quincy Adams, Rutherford Hayes, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt (his fourth

6、 consecutive term), John Kennedy, George W. Bush and elect Barack Obama. Harvard professors had a total of 34 Nobel Prize winners. 历史上,哈佛大学的毕业生中共有八位曾当选为美国总统。他们是约翰亚当斯(美国第二任总统)、约翰昆西亚当斯、拉瑟福德海斯、西奥多罗斯福、富兰克林罗斯福(连任四届)、约翰肯尼迪、乔治沃克布什和巴拉克候赛因奥巴马。哈佛大学的教授团中总共产生了34名诺贝尔奖得主。 Characteristics (特色): 1, case teaching 2,

7、 close to reality 3, independent community 4, unparalleled resources 5, Harvard University Library,哈佛中国校友Harvard university alumni in china,戈鲲化(Ge kunhua):(1838-1882)清代宁波诗人、学者,第一个到哈佛大学任教的中国人。,竺可桢(Kezhen):(18901974)我国著名的科学家和爱国教育家,当代闻名的科学家、地理学家和气象学家,中国近代地理学和气象学的奠基人。,林语堂(Lin Yutang): (18951010-1976326)

8、中国现当代著名学者,文学家,语言学家 。,校友:胡刚复、竺可桢、杨杏佛、赵元任、陈寅恪、林语堂、梁实秋、梁思成、江泽涵、李禾禾等,就连温暖天后范玮琪也是在哈佛毕业的 。,Massachusetts Institute of Technology(麻省理工学院)- 1861年,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,缩写:MIT Located in Boston, Massachusetts, Charles River (Charles River) and Boston after its Bay Area (Back Bay) separated Ad

9、d : Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.,世界一流的理工学院-世界理工大学之最 (The top college of science and technology),Occupying 153.8 acres alongside the Charles, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) provides an intellectual counterweight to the otherwise working-class character of East Cambridge. Originally

10、 established in Allston in 1865, MIT moved to this more auspicious campus across the river in 1916 and has since risen to international prominence as a major center for theoretical and practical research in the sciences. Both NASA and the Department of Defense pour funds into MIT in exchange for res

11、earch and development assistance from the universitys best minds.,沿着查尔斯占地153.8亩,麻省理工学院(MIT)提供了智力抗衡东剑桥否则工人阶级的性质。最初成立于1865年在奥尔斯顿,麻省理工学院搬到这个过河更吉祥校园于1916年,至今上升,作为理论和实践研究的科学中心,国际主要突出。 NASA和国防部倒入麻省理工学院的研究和发展援助从大学交流的最优秀的人才基金。,MIT alumni in china 麻省理工学院中国校友,Samuel Chao Chung Ting)(1936 年 1 27 -), born 1936,

12、 American experimental physicist. Han, native of Rizhao City, Shandong Province, Tao Luo, a Chinese American, native of Rizhao City, Shandong Province, is currently professor of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was awarded the 1976 Nobel Prize in Physics. He has found a new elementary particle

13、s, and to and her Chinese surname Ding similar to the letter J will be the kind of new particle named the J particle.“,其他校友: 贝聿铭 - 世界级建筑师;1940年获得麻省理工学院建筑学学士学位 张忠谋 - 台湾集成电路制造公司董事长 ;1952年获省理工学院机械工程学士学位; 1953年获省理工学院机械工程硕士学位。 叶乃裳 -加州理工学院物理系迄今惟一女教授 。 郝慰民 - 获得2007年诺贝尔和平奖;1983年获得麻省理工学院生物硕士学位 崔琦 - 获得1998年诺贝

14、尔物理学奖; 前麻省理工学院研究人员(1968-1982年),丁肇中(Samuel Chao Chung Ting )(1936年1月27日),1936年出生,美国实验物理学家。汉族,祖籍山东省日照市涛雒,华裔美国人,祖籍山东省日照市,现任美国麻省理工学院教授,曾获得1976年诺贝尔物理学奖。他曾发现一种新的基本粒子,并以和自己中文姓氏“丁”类似的英文字母“J”将那种新粒子命名为“J粒子”。,科菲安南(Kofi Annan) U.N Secretary-General(联合国秘书长1997-2006); who won the 2001 Nobel peace prize ; and earn

15、 the master of Management at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1972.,前联合国秘书长,校园风景school scenery,常春藤联盟 The Ivy League Be similar to China, nine school Union,In the United States, The Ivy League universities and the general metaphor, but only some schools were recognized as the Ivy League. Ivy

16、League from the northeastern United States, composed of eight schools: Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, and Yale University. In addition to Cornell University, all of these schools

17、are in North America before the creation of the War of Independence, each institutions admission standards are very strict. Between these schools, academic and sports competition records began in the late nineteenth century.,More (更多),Tulane University (杜兰大学)-1834年 属于世界的大学 The university serve for the world Princeton university (普林斯顿大学)-1764年 世界教学之都 Teaching all the world Stanford university (斯坦福大学)-1885年 21世纪科技的象征 A symbol of 21st century technology University of southern California (南加州大学)-


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